The GOP has placed its future in the hands of a Senator with 9 months experience

It also looks like we're completely broke.

Wonder why

Why don't you tell us?

tell us about 2 unfounded wars
Tell us about passing tax cuts while we go to war
Tell us about standing by and doing nothing while our economy crashes

Have you looked under your bed lately? I bet Bush is under there


You made the claim

Explain how much of the debt is from Obama programs vs Republican initiatives

Our debt didn't end when Bush left office
It also looks like we're completely broke.

Wonder why

Why don't you tell us?

tell us about 2 unfounded wars
Tell us about passing tax cuts while we go to war

OK, then , next time the fuckers decide to invade Timbuktu, get your democratic friends to unfund it. I will join you then.

But let me remind you that your messiah was gung-ho to invade Syria.




And invading Syria was the big deal less than a month ago.
It also looks like we're completely broke.

Wonder why

Why don't you tell us?

tell us about 2 unfounded wars
Tell us about passing tax cuts while we go to war

OK, then , next time the fuckers decide to invade Timbuktu, get your democratic friends to unfund it. I will join you then.

But let me remind you that your messiah was gung-ho to invade Syria.




:confused: First I have heard of any plans to "invade Syria". Could you supply a link for that? Thank you.
Why don't you tell us?

tell us about 2 unfounded wars
Tell us about passing tax cuts while we go to war
Tell us about standing by and doing nothing while our economy crashes

Have you looked under your bed lately? I bet Bush is under there


You made the claim

Explain how much of the debt is from Obama programs vs Republican initiatives

Our debt didn't end when Bush left office
100% obama. He signs the bills does he not?
Shutting down the government, which is costing taxpayers billions of dollars, until their demands are met equates to economic terrorism, Yurt. Corporations are losing money over imports stranded in dockside warehouses because there are no customs inspectors. The tourism industry is being hammered financially because of the shutdown of the national parks. Restaurants and other food services that cater to workers who have been furloughed are losing money. Everywhere you look there are signs of economic terrorism.

Little wonder that 72% of the American people are opposed to what the Republicans are doing to the nation's economy by shutting down the government.

Please support the highlighted areas

No problem.

Shutdown Will Cost U.S. Economy $300 Million a Day, IHS Says - Bloomberg

A partial shutdown of the federal government will cost the U.S. at least $300 million a day in lost economic output at the start, according to IHS Inc.

While that is a small fraction of the country’s $15.7 trillion economy, the daily impact of a shutdown is likely to accelerate if it continues as it depresses confidence and spending by businesses and consumers.
Lexington, Massachusetts-based IHS, a global market research firm, estimates that its forecast for 2.2 percent annualized growth in the fourth quarter will be reduced 0.2 percentage point in a weeklong shutdown. A 21-day closing like the one in 1995-96 could cut growth by 0.9 to 1.4 percentage point, according to Guy LeBas, chief fixed income strategist at Janney Montgomery Scott LLC in Philadelphia.
“Government spending touches every aspect of the economy, and disruption of spending, more than the direct loss of income, threatens to damage investor and business confidence in ways that can seriously harm economic growth,” LeBas said yesterday in an interview.

If a shutdown drags on, it would start to shake consumer and business confidence more broadly, economists said. Household spending accounts for 70 percent of the economy.
Bank of America Merrill Corp. projects that a two-week closing would curb fourth-quarter growth by 0.5 percentage point, while closing for all of October would shave 2 percentage points from GDP, Ethan Harris, co-head of global economics research, wrote in a note to clients.
A shutdown will probably add to the budget deficit because it “is costly to stop and start programs,” Harris wrote.
Congress and the White House also will face off over raising the nation’s $16.7 trillion debt ceiling. The Treasury has said its ability to borrow will end on about Oct. 17 unless the limit is increased. Treasury Secretary Jacob J. Lew has said that failing to raise the limit would risk putting the U.S. into default and could be “catastrophic.”
“The longer the shutdown, the more damage will accrue to business and consumer confidence,” Eric Green, New York-based global head of foreign exchange, rates and commodities at TD Securities USA LLC, wrote in a note. “A longer shutdown stretching into mid-October, when the Treasury estimated that the debt ceiling will need to be raised, would likely magnify the hit to economic activity by raising the risk of a bad outcome on the debt ceiling.”
Government shutdown: What's the cost? - CBS News

Shutting down the government could cost the federal government well over $2 billion dollars if it resembles the last shutdowns in 1995-1996, though the economy would be harmed in additional ways that are nearly impossible to measure.

The Office of Management and Budget estimated that two government shutdowns in 1995 and 1996, totaling 27 days, cost the federal government $1.4 billion. That's over $2 billion in today's dollars on costs like back pay to furloughed federal workers and uncollected fines and taxes. That number doesn't begin to account for intangible losses in worker morale and productivity, and confidence in the federal government.

While I can see the possibility of lost sales and also lost revenue to the Monster, I thought we were seeing record hauls in tax revenue. SO what's a little off the top?

But I was really more interested in seeing your proof of this statement:
there are no customs inspectors

While I can see the possibility of lost sales and also lost revenue to the Monster, I thought we were seeing record hauls in tax revenue. SO what's a little off the top?

But I was really more interested in seeing your proof of this statement:
there are no customs inspectors

Sorry, I missed that highlighted text. (Going color blind in my old age. :D)

Can a Shutdown Ruin Christmas? Watch for Trouble at the Ports - Corporate Intelligence - WSJ

For logistics wizards who must ensure that parts and products arrive on time, the timing of this government shutdown is tricky. They’re headed straight into the holiday season in a fog of uncertainty.

“Our concern here is U.S. Customs and the FDA,” says Pat Moffett, vice president international logistics for Voxx InternationalVOXX -0.58%, a consumer electronics company.

Any furloughs or cuts in those areas “could conceivably slow down our imports,” he says. Those are headsets, car alarms, speakers and DVD players that come from Asia. So he says he’s eagerly awaiting “the scuttlebutt” from his brokers on the West Coast. He says customs agents are already overloaded.

For Voxx, the first week of the month is typically slow, so “we wouldn’t feel (the effects of a shutdown) for another week or so, if at all,” he says.

Furloughs causing longer delays would cause real problems for logistics guys like him, responsible for filling holiday supply chains – and ultimately store shelves – of the major retailers.

“Technically the holiday season has already started,” — at least from a shipper’s point of view — Mr. Moffett says. “October 1, that’s where we’re standing. By Halloween, they (customers) have to have it (stock) in their warehouses.”

It takes three months for retailers to get their goods through the entire supply chain and onto the store shelves, he says. “We don’t want any delays here because that would hurt the holiday.”

The website of U.S. Customs and Border Protection says the agency’s port of entry operations, including cargo security and revenue collections “will remain operational” during the shutdown. The American Association of Port Authorities said it had determined that 88% of U.S. Customs and Border Protection employees would remain on the job. A spokesman for the Port of Los Angeles said he didn’t know if that meant across the board at all the ports, but so far there had been no problems in LA.

However, the Food and Drug Administration has said it would furlough 45% of its employees affecting, among many other things, the monitoring of imports. Voxx relies on the FDA to clear some of its products, including headphones, because they can affect hearing.

The primary problem concerns food imports. If there are delays then there is spoilage. The FDA inspects food processing facilities and that is where it is going to cause the biggest impact.

FDA Food Safety Inspections Suspended During Government Shutdown

But the FDA actually oversees the safety of the vast majority of the country's food industry. And according to a memo released by the Department of Health and Human Services, the bulk of FDA food inspectors have been deemed non-essential, so will inspect few if any food facilities until Congress and the president agree on a bill to fund the federal government.

In fiscal 2011, the FDA coordinated or conducted inspections of about 20,000 food facilities for compliance with safety regulations. (The 2011 Food Safety Modernization Act actually requires U.S. inspectors to check almost 35,000 facilities a year, but funding has not been provided to meet that mandate.) The number of past inspections suggests FDA officials normally inspect about 80 facilities per business day. So, for every day the government doesn't work, approximately 80 food facilities will go without federal inspections. If the shutdown lasts until Oct. 17, 960 facilities may go without U.S. inspections.
Why don't you tell us?

tell us about 2 unfounded wars
Tell us about passing tax cuts while we go to war

OK, then , next time the fuckers decide to invade Timbuktu, get your democratic friends to unfund it. I will join you then.

But let me remind you that your messiah was gung-ho to invade Syria.




And invading Syria was the big deal less than a month ago.

Didn't happen....did it?

Iraq happened
Afghanistan happened

Republicans didn't pay for it
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OK, then , next time the fuckers decide to invade Timbuktu, get your democratic friends to unfund it. I will join you then.

But let me remind you that your messiah was gung-ho to invade Syria.




And invading Syria was the big deal less than a month ago.

Didn't happen....did it?

Iraq happened
Sfghanistan happened

Republicans didn't pay for it

Never knew we were going to "invade" Syria.

But, YES, republicans AND democrats paid for the wars.
What's really funny is that they were paid for in the same way we're talking about funding our government now.
It's called a "continuing resolution"
So tell us Republicans?

You put your faith in a Senator with 9 months experience

How did it work out for you?
Math is not your best subject?

right, so 11 months is some huge benchmark?

oh and-

After graduating from Princeton, Cruz attended Harvard Law School, graduating magna cum laude in 1995 with a Juris Doctor.[1][29] While at Harvard Law, Cruz was a primary editor of the Harvard Law Review, and executive editor of the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, and a founding editor of the Harvard Latino Law Review.[4] Referring to Cruz's time as a student at Harvard Law, Professor Alan Dershowitz said, "Cruz was off-the-charts brilliant."[21][30][31][32][33][34] At Harvard Law, Cruz was a John M. Olin Fellow in Law and Economics.[35]


so I guess if cruz runs for 2016 you'll have no issue with his experience either, right?

What part of that resume makes Cruz an expert in Congressional back room politics, budgets, Congressional rules or bipartisan wheeling and dealing?

Republicans hooked their wagon to a politician with 9 months experience with no idea how to get out of the crisis he created

You mean like that "crossing the red line" situation that Obama found himself in with Syria? I never seen so much back peddling, and toning down of rhetoric, to try and walk his way out of THAT mine field. Then again, after Fast and Furious then Benghazi, this President is also used to dealing with cover ups and lies to try and save his own ass.
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right, so 11 months is some huge benchmark?

oh and-

After graduating from Princeton, Cruz attended Harvard Law School, graduating magna cum laude in 1995 with a Juris Doctor.[1][29] While at Harvard Law, Cruz was a primary editor of the Harvard Law Review, and executive editor of the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, and a founding editor of the Harvard Latino Law Review.[4] Referring to Cruz's time as a student at Harvard Law, Professor Alan Dershowitz said, "Cruz was off-the-charts brilliant."[21][30][31][32][33][34] At Harvard Law, Cruz was a John M. Olin Fellow in Law and Economics.[35]


so I guess if cruz runs for 2016 you'll have no issue with his experience either, right?

What part of that resume makes Cruz an expert in Congressional back room politics, budgets, Congressional rules or bipartisan wheeling and dealing?

Republicans hooked their wagon to a politician with 9 months experience with no idea how to get out of the crisis he created

You mean like that "crossing the red line" situation that Obama found himself in with Syria? I never seen so much back peddling, and toning down of rhetoric, to try and walk his way out of THAT mine field. Then again, after Fast and Furious then Benghazi, this President is also used to dealing with cover ups and lies to try and save his own ass.

Let me see...

Obama threatening Syria .....WORKED
Cruz shutting down Government .....FAIL

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