The GOP has placed its future in the hands of a Senator with 9 months experience

WOW Ted Cruz did that all by himself??

Seems to me the Dems, Barry and Reid, by refusing to negotiate, kinda sorta helped the situation on its way.
Oh yeah. Cruz the nobody.


Cruz was a partner at the law firm Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, where he led the firm’s U.S. Supreme Court and national appellate litigation practice.[5]

Between 1999 and 2003, Cruz served as the director of the Office of Policy Planning at the Federal Trade Commission, an Associate Deputy Attorney General at the United States Department of Justice, and as Domestic Policy Advisor to U.S. President George W. Bush on the 2000 Bush-Cheney campaign.

In addition, Cruz was an Adjunct Professor of Law at the University of Texas School of Law in Austin, where he taught U.S. Supreme Court litigation, from 2004 to 2009.

Oh yeah, to libs this guy's a lightweight. A nobody.

Texas Solicitor General

Appointed to the office of Solicitor General of Texas by Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott,Cruz served in that position from 2003 to 2008.

Cruz has authored more than 80 United States Supreme Court briefs and presented 43 oral arguments, including nine before the United States Supreme Court. Cruz's record of having argued before the Supreme Court nine times is more than any practicing lawyer in Texas or any current member of Congress.

Cruz has commented on his nine cases in front of the U.S. Supreme Court: "We ended up year after year arguing some of the biggest cases in the country. There was a degree of serendipity in that, but there was also a concerted effort to seek out and lead conservative fights."

In the landmark case of District of Columbia v. Heller, Cruz drafted the amicus brief signed by attorneys general of 31 states, which said that the D.C. handgun ban should be struck down as infringing upon the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.

Cruz also presented oral argument for the amici states in the companion case to Heller before the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.

In addition to his victory in Heller, Cruz has successfully defended the constitutionality of Ten Commandments monument on the Texas State Capitol grounds before the Fifth Circuit and the U.S. Supreme Court, winning 5-4 in Van Orden v. Perry.

Cruz authored a U.S. Supreme Court brief for all 50 states successfully defending the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance in public schools, winning 9-0 in Elk Grove Unified School District v. Newdow.

Cruz served as lead counsel for the state and successfully defended the multiple litigation challenges to the 2003 Texas congressional redistricting plan in state and federal district courts and before the U.S. Supreme Court, winning 5-4 in League of United Latin American Citizens v. Perry.

Cruz also successfully defended, in Medellin v. Texas, the State of Texas against an attempt by the International Court of Justice to re-open the criminal convictions of 51 murderers on death row throughout the United States.

Cruz has been named by American Lawyer magazine as one of the 50 Best Litigators under 45 in America, by The National Law Journal as one of the 50 Most Influential Minority Lawyers in America, and by Texas Lawyer as one of the 25 Greatest Texas Lawyers of the Past Quarter Century

Ted Cruz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wow...I for one am impressed

Cruz is a LAWYER.....was even head lawyer in Texas. And I thought Republicans hate lawyers....especially Harvard educated ones

Which accounts for ZERO political experience. The ability to tell what fights need fighting and which fights you pass up. Cruz, THE LAWYER, is dictating to a political party based on his 9 Months experience that shutting down the US Government is sound political strategy

Are the Republicans fucking nuts!

Cruz's resume is stellar. Well frankly it just kicks ass all over the place. No wonder so many in DC are envious and or intimidated by him.

Re: political experience.

Senator Ted Cruz is an example of a breed of man or woman not seen in Washington for many a decade.

The breed was almost extinct having almost been eradicated by those with extreme political experience; old men and women who refuse to give up power. Old men and women who live in a political place called "inside the beltway" and who behave as if they were Senators in almighty Rome.

I realize that liberals like yourself don't remember that breed and for that many neither do many RINOs.

That breed is called a public servant.

Quite a resume......NOT

Ted Cruz is an excellent example of what happens when you look for someone "outside the beltway" No question that he talks the talk and is ready with a sound bite and a guest appearance on the Sunday talk shows. But real politics takes place behind closed doors. In private, Teds Tea Party lines do not carry any weight. You have to see the big picture, have an end game, plan your next move...Its called politics

In that regard....Ted is a retard
Are they freaking crazy?

They allow him to dictate that we should shut down the government?

Idiots that voted for Obama put him in the WH with less experience.

Good point

The Democrats backed Obama with four years experience and ended up with a two term President

I don't know about "experience". With all of Obama's campaign pep rallies that takes him away from the business back at Washington, along with his insatiable need for talk show appearances, can this country really afford any more on-the-job training?
Idiots that voted for Obama put him in the WH with less experience.

Good point

The Democrats backed Obama with four years experience and ended up with a two term President

I don't know about "experience". With all of Obama's campaign pep rallies that takes him away from the business back at Washington, along with his insatiable need for talk show appearances, can this country really afford any more on-the-job training?

You know

You guys keep harping that GOP talking point that somehow Obama had "less" experience because he was campaigning for President. Obama served FOUR years as Senator
Being the frontrunning Presidential candidate does not give you less experience. It turned Obama into a Super Senator. Overnight, he became the most powerful Democrat in the country. Everything the Dems did in the Senate was run past Obama. It was Obama who was calling the shots

But Sean Hannity tells you to say Obama only had two years good luck with that
Barry spent most of his time as a Senator running for POTUS. Hell both he and McCain came back when the economic crisis hit.

He had very little experience when he was elected. Community Organizer/Law Professor/Part time Senator sure isn't a shinning resume.

Oh and you can shove Hannity up your ass.
Barry spent most of his time as a Senator running for POTUS. Hell both he and McCain came back when the economic crisis hit.

He had very little experience when he was elected. Community Organizer/Law Professor/Part time Senator sure isn't a shinning resume.

Oh and you can shove Hannity up your ass.

When challenged....return to the talking point

Hannity will be proud
The guy quoted Duck Dynasty several times, and Sara Pain loves him, he must be able to run the Country.

but of course to snobs that is awful...He has to speak like Obama, I will stop the seas rising and heal the planet...They have to speak nonsense GIBBERISH for you uppity people to vote for someone to run OUR COUNTRY
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Barry spent most of his time as a Senator running for POTUS. Hell both he and McCain came back when the economic crisis hit.

He had very little experience when he was elected. Community Organizer/Law Professor/Part time Senator sure isn't a shinning resume.

Oh and you can shove Hannity up your ass.

When challenged....return to the talking point

Hannity will be proud

Since I don't watch Hannity mayby you could fill me in.
Wow...I for one am impressed

Cruz is a LAWYER.....was even head lawyer in Texas. And I thought Republicans hate lawyers....especially Harvard educated ones

Which accounts for ZERO political experience. The ability to tell what fights need fighting and which fights you pass up. Cruz, THE LAWYER, is dictating to a political party based on his 9 Months experience that shutting down the US Government is sound political strategy

Are the Republicans fucking nuts!

Cruz's resume is stellar. Well frankly it just kicks ass all over the place. No wonder so many in DC are envious and or intimidated by him.

Re: political experience.

Senator Ted Cruz is an example of a breed of man or woman not seen in Washington for many a decade.

The breed was almost extinct having almost been eradicated by those with extreme political experience; old men and women who refuse to give up power. Old men and women who live in a political place called "inside the beltway" and who behave as if they were Senators in almighty Rome.

I realize that liberals like yourself don't remember that breed and for that many neither do many RINOs.

That breed is called a public servant.

Quite a resume......NOT

Ted Cruz is an excellent example of what happens when you look for someone "outside the beltway" No question that he talks the talk and is ready with a sound bite and a guest appearance on the Sunday talk shows. But real politics takes place behind closed doors. In private, Teds Tea Party lines do not carry any weight. You have to see the big picture, have an end game, plan your next move...Its called politics

In that regard....Ted is a retard

Who wants closed door politics. We need action benefiting the country. Not politics that benefit a party or politician.

So a retard is leading the GOP?
Cruz's resume is stellar. Well frankly it just kicks ass all over the place. No wonder so many in DC are envious and or intimidated by him.

Re: political experience.

Senator Ted Cruz is an example of a breed of man or woman not seen in Washington for many a decade.

The breed was almost extinct having almost been eradicated by those with extreme political experience; old men and women who refuse to give up power. Old men and women who live in a political place called "inside the beltway" and who behave as if they were Senators in almighty Rome.

I realize that liberals like yourself don't remember that breed and for that many neither do many RINOs.

That breed is called a public servant.

Quite a resume......NOT

Ted Cruz is an excellent example of what happens when you look for someone "outside the beltway" No question that he talks the talk and is ready with a sound bite and a guest appearance on the Sunday talk shows. But real politics takes place behind closed doors. In private, Teds Tea Party lines do not carry any weight. You have to see the big picture, have an end game, plan your next move...Its called politics

In that regard....Ted is a retard

Who wants closed door politics. We need action benefiting the country. Not politics that benefit a party or politician.

So a retard is leading the GOP?

Quite a resume......NOT

Ted Cruz is an excellent example of what happens when you look for someone "outside the beltway" No question that he talks the talk and is ready with a sound bite and a guest appearance on the Sunday talk shows. But real politics takes place behind closed doors. In private, Teds Tea Party lines do not carry any weight. You have to see the big picture, have an end game, plan your next move...Its called politics

In that regard....Ted is a retard

Who wants closed door politics. We need action benefiting the country. Not politics that benefit a party or politician.

So a retard is leading the GOP?


if so it wouldn't be any different than the less than one term Senator in congress you all put in as PRESIDENT...
So just who are the RETARDS..
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Wow Ted Cruz was able to shut down the government basically all by himself with less than a year of experience in the Senate impressive. If he was able to steamroll both the House Republicans and Senate Democrats on this who knows he might make a good President.

We may actually have a Presidential "leader" who can stop and make wise decisions with the full intention to back up what they say, rather than butt into a situation (insert foot) and simply blurting out your own position on it - like Syria. Only to be lost in a series of discussions, polls, pleading your case, do a little tweaking to try to tone it down a bit... before your original course of action is eventually diffused under the strength and resolve of the Russians.
Quite a resume......NOT

Ted Cruz is an excellent example of what happens when you look for someone "outside the beltway" No question that he talks the talk and is ready with a sound bite and a guest appearance on the Sunday talk shows. But real politics takes place behind closed doors. In private, Teds Tea Party lines do not carry any weight. You have to see the big picture, have an end game, plan your next move...Its called politics

In that regard....Ted is a retard

Who wants closed door politics. We need action benefiting the country. Not politics that benefit a party or politician.

So a retard is leading the GOP?


Well then it would appear the Ass keeps the White House the next two terms as well, at least.
Wow...I for one am impressed

Cruz is a LAWYER.....was even head lawyer in Texas. And I thought Republicans hate lawyers....especially Harvard educated ones

Which accounts for ZERO political experience. The ability to tell what fights need fighting and which fights you pass up. Cruz, THE LAWYER, is dictating to a political party based on his 9 Months experience that shutting down the US Government is sound political strategy

Are the Republicans fucking nuts!

Cruz's resume is stellar. Well frankly it just kicks ass all over the place. No wonder so many in DC are envious and or intimidated by him.

Re: political experience.

Senator Ted Cruz is an example of a breed of man or woman not seen in Washington for many a decade.

The breed was almost extinct having almost been eradicated by those with extreme political experience; old men and women who refuse to give up power. Old men and women who live in a political place called "inside the beltway" and who behave as if they were Senators in almighty Rome.

I realize that liberals like yourself don't remember that breed and for that many neither do many RINOs.

That breed is called a public servant.

Quite a resume......NOT

Ted Cruz is an excellent example of what happens when you look for someone "outside the beltway" No question that he talks the talk and is ready with a sound bite and a guest appearance on the Sunday talk shows. But real politics takes place behind closed doors. In private, Teds Tea Party lines do not carry any weight. You have to see the big picture, have an end game, plan your next move...Its called politics

In that regard....Ted is a retard

Fuck the people behind closed doors, the liberal way....Lying bitch and stupid as hell to boot

[ame=]Nancy Pelosi's failed promise - YouTube[/ame]
Who wants closed door politics. We need action benefiting the country. Not politics that benefit a party or politician.

So a retard is leading the GOP?


if so it wouldn't be any different than the less than one term Senator in congress you all put in as PRESIDENT...
So just who is the RETARDS..

So both parties have been hijacked by inexperienced retards? Maybe that explains why our country is broken and Sandra Day O'Conner and Jimmy Carter are shaking their heads.
Wow Ted Cruz was able to shut down the government basically all by himself with less than a year of experience in the Senate impressive. If he was able to steamroll both the House Republicans and Senate Democrats on this who knows he might make a good President.

We may actually have a Presidential "leader" who can stop and make wise decisions with the full intention to back up what they say, rather than butt into a situation (insert foot) and simply blurting out your own position on it - like Syria. Only to be lost in a series of discussions, polls, pleading your case, do a little tweaking to try to tone it down a bit... before your original course of action is eventually diffused under the strength and resolve of the Russians.

If you want Ted Cruz to be your leader, then you deserve what you get

No doubt Ted believes himself to be intelligent. So much so that he dismisses any advice he receives from those he looks down on....You know, people with actual political experience who understand how Washington works

In terms of political acumen, Ted is a moron. He does not get along with other people. I don't think he even likes other people. His political skill is a big stick. The problem with being a schoolyard bully is you eventually have to back it up

Ted tried to bully the Democrats and was rebuffed. What do you do now Ted? What is your grand plan? You have led your party into a hole and have no clue as to how to get out
Oh yeah. Cruz the nobody.


Cruz was a partner at the law firm Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, where he led the firm’s U.S. Supreme Court and national appellate litigation practice.[5]

Between 1999 and 2003, Cruz served as the director of the Office of Policy Planning at the Federal Trade Commission, an Associate Deputy Attorney General at the United States Department of Justice, and as Domestic Policy Advisor to U.S. President George W. Bush on the 2000 Bush-Cheney campaign.

In addition, Cruz was an Adjunct Professor of Law at the University of Texas School of Law in Austin, where he taught U.S. Supreme Court litigation, from 2004 to 2009.

Oh yeah, to libs this guy's a lightweight. A nobody.

Texas Solicitor General

Appointed to the office of Solicitor General of Texas by Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott,Cruz served in that position from 2003 to 2008.

Cruz has authored more than 80 United States Supreme Court briefs and presented 43 oral arguments, including nine before the United States Supreme Court. Cruz's record of having argued before the Supreme Court nine times is more than any practicing lawyer in Texas or any current member of Congress.

Cruz has commented on his nine cases in front of the U.S. Supreme Court: "We ended up year after year arguing some of the biggest cases in the country. There was a degree of serendipity in that, but there was also a concerted effort to seek out and lead conservative fights."

In the landmark case of District of Columbia v. Heller, Cruz drafted the amicus brief signed by attorneys general of 31 states, which said that the D.C. handgun ban should be struck down as infringing upon the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.

Cruz also presented oral argument for the amici states in the companion case to Heller before the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.

In addition to his victory in Heller, Cruz has successfully defended the constitutionality of Ten Commandments monument on the Texas State Capitol grounds before the Fifth Circuit and the U.S. Supreme Court, winning 5-4 in Van Orden v. Perry.

Cruz authored a U.S. Supreme Court brief for all 50 states successfully defending the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance in public schools, winning 9-0 in Elk Grove Unified School District v. Newdow.

Cruz served as lead counsel for the state and successfully defended the multiple litigation challenges to the 2003 Texas congressional redistricting plan in state and federal district courts and before the U.S. Supreme Court, winning 5-4 in League of United Latin American Citizens v. Perry.

Cruz also successfully defended, in Medellin v. Texas, the State of Texas against an attempt by the International Court of Justice to re-open the criminal convictions of 51 murderers on death row throughout the United States.

Cruz has been named by American Lawyer magazine as one of the 50 Best Litigators under 45 in America, by The National Law Journal as one of the 50 Most Influential Minority Lawyers in America, and by Texas Lawyer as one of the 25 Greatest Texas Lawyers of the Past Quarter Century

Ted Cruz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wow...I for one am impressed

Cruz is a LAWYER.....was even head lawyer in Texas. And I thought Republicans hate lawyers....especially Harvard educated ones

Which accounts for ZERO political experience. The ability to tell what fights need fighting and which fights you pass up. Cruz, THE LAWYER, is dictating to a political party based on his 9 Months experience that shutting down the US Government is sound political strategy

Are the Republicans fucking nuts!

Wait, who exactly was touted as being this 'Constitutional LAW professor'? Don't try comparing credentials with your "community organizer" :lol:
Wow Ted Cruz was able to shut down the government basically all by himself with less than a year of experience in the Senate impressive. If he was able to steamroll both the House Republicans and Senate Democrats on this who knows he might make a good President.

We may actually have a Presidential "leader" who can stop and make wise decisions with the full intention to back up what they say, rather than butt into a situation (insert foot) and simply blurting out your own position on it - like Syria. Only to be lost in a series of discussions, polls, pleading your case, do a little tweaking to try to tone it down a bit... before your original course of action is eventually diffused under the strength and resolve of the Russians.

If you want Ted Cruz to be your leader, then you deserve what you get

No doubt Ted believes himself to be intelligent. So much so that he dismisses any advice he receives from those he looks down on....You know, people with actual political experience who understand how Washington works

In terms of political acumen, Ted is a moron. He does not get along with other people. I don't think he even likes other people. His political skill is a big stick. The problem with being a schoolyard bully is you eventually have to back it up

Ted tried to bully the Democrats and was rebuffed. What do you do now Ted? What is your grand plan? You have led your party into a hole and have no clue as to how to get out

oh man, waaaa
ted tried to bully..are you people adults?
you elected A thug community AGITATOR to be our PRESIDENT and you are whining about bullies

so really shut the hell up you're all becoming a bore with this incessant whining over TED Cruz...he is one person in the party, he was democratically elected to lead for the people who elected him...SO AS you all told us with your Dear Leader, DEAL WITH IT, HE WON

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