The GOP has placed its future in the hands of a Senator with 9 months experience

Wow Ted Cruz was able to shut down the government basically all by himself with less than a year of experience in the Senate impressive. If he was able to steamroll both the House Republicans and Senate Democrats on this who knows he might make a good President.

We may actually have a Presidential "leader" who can stop and make wise decisions with the full intention to back up what they say, rather than butt into a situation (insert foot) and simply blurting out your own position on it - like Syria. Only to be lost in a series of discussions, polls, pleading your case, do a little tweaking to try to tone it down a bit... before your original course of action is eventually diffused under the strength and resolve of the Russians.

If you want Ted Cruz to be your leader, then you deserve what you get

No doubt Ted believes himself to be intelligent. So much so that he dismisses any advice he receives from those he looks down on....You know, people with actual political experience who understand how Washington works

In terms of political acumen, Ted is a moron. He does not get along with other people. I don't think he even likes other people. His political skill is a big stick. The problem with being a schoolyard bully is you eventually have to back it up

Ted tried to bully the Democrats and was rebuffed. What do you do now Ted? What is your grand plan? You have led your party into a hole and have no clue as to how to get out

I don't think Ted Cruz would jump into the middle of controversial situation he knew very little about, then have to make up for his short sightedness through a beer summit. Obama doesn't get along with Israel's Netanyahu, and the Russian's don't care for him either as Vladimir Putin is doing a pretty good job of throwing his political weight around. Also, how much respect is Obama getting from North Korea and Iran after his empty threats with Syria? Any signs they are backing down with their nuclear ambitions over what THIS president has to say? President Obama has shown himself to back down in the sight of adversity, perhaps he'd be better off keeping his "opinions" to himself..... apparently he's been around good 'ol Joe Biden too long :lol:
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The GOP has placed its future in the hands of a Senator with 9 months experience

Says you?

Are they freaking crazy?

They allow him to dictate that we should shut down the government?

One man and only ONE man can shut down the government.
Before he became a Senator:
Cruz was a partner at the law firm Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, where he led the firm’s U.S. Supreme Court and national appellate litigation practice.

He was Solicitor General of Texas from 2003 to May 2008.

Between 1999 and 2003, Cruz served as the director of the Office of Policy Planning at the Federal Trade Commission, an Associate Deputy Attorney General at the United States Department of Justice, and as Domestic Policy Advisor to U.S. President George W. Bush on the 2000 Bush-Cheney campaign.
In addition, Cruz was an Adjunct Professor of Law at the University of Texas School of Law in Austin, where he taught U.S. Supreme Court litigation, from 2004 to 2009.

But but but, community organizing!
Oh yeah. Cruz the nobody.


Cruz was a partner at the law firm Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, where he led the firm’s U.S. Supreme Court and national appellate litigation practice.[5]

Between 1999 and 2003, Cruz served as the director of the Office of Policy Planning at the Federal Trade Commission, an Associate Deputy Attorney General at the United States Department of Justice, and as Domestic Policy Advisor to U.S. President George W. Bush on the 2000 Bush-Cheney campaign.

In addition, Cruz was an Adjunct Professor of Law at the University of Texas School of Law in Austin, where he taught U.S. Supreme Court litigation, from 2004 to 2009.

Oh yeah, to libs this guy's a lightweight. A nobody.

Texas Solicitor General

Appointed to the office of Solicitor General of Texas by Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott,Cruz served in that position from 2003 to 2008.

Cruz has authored more than 80 United States Supreme Court briefs and presented 43 oral arguments, including nine before the United States Supreme Court. Cruz's record of having argued before the Supreme Court nine times is more than any practicing lawyer in Texas or any current member of Congress.

Cruz has commented on his nine cases in front of the U.S. Supreme Court: "We ended up year after year arguing some of the biggest cases in the country. There was a degree of serendipity in that, but there was also a concerted effort to seek out and lead conservative fights."

In the landmark case of District of Columbia v. Heller, Cruz drafted the amicus brief signed by attorneys general of 31 states, which said that the D.C. handgun ban should be struck down as infringing upon the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.

Cruz also presented oral argument for the amici states in the companion case to Heller before the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.

In addition to his victory in Heller, Cruz has successfully defended the constitutionality of Ten Commandments monument on the Texas State Capitol grounds before the Fifth Circuit and the U.S. Supreme Court, winning 5-4 in Van Orden v. Perry.

Cruz authored a U.S. Supreme Court brief for all 50 states successfully defending the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance in public schools, winning 9-0 in Elk Grove Unified School District v. Newdow.

Cruz served as lead counsel for the state and successfully defended the multiple litigation challenges to the 2003 Texas congressional redistricting plan in state and federal district courts and before the U.S. Supreme Court, winning 5-4 in League of United Latin American Citizens v. Perry.

Cruz also successfully defended, in Medellin v. Texas, the State of Texas against an attempt by the International Court of Justice to re-open the criminal convictions of 51 murderers on death row throughout the United States.

Cruz has been named by American Lawyer magazine as one of the 50 Best Litigators under 45 in America, by The National Law Journal as one of the 50 Most Influential Minority Lawyers in America, and by Texas Lawyer as one of the 25 Greatest Texas Lawyers of the Past Quarter Century

Ted Cruz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wow...I for one am impressed

Cruz is a LAWYER.....was even head lawyer in Texas. And I thought Republicans hate lawyers....especially Harvard educated ones

Which accounts for ZERO political experience. The ability to tell what fights need fighting and which fights you pass up. Cruz, THE LAWYER, is dictating to a political party based on his 9 Months experience that shutting down the US Government is sound political strategy

Are the Republicans fucking nuts!

Wait, who exactly was touted as being this 'Constitutional LAW professor'? Don't try comparing credentials with your "community organizer" :lol:

Once again Republicans fail with their false equivalence card

It goes something like this...
But, but ...Obummer was a community organizer with NO experience

Well, Democrats hooked their future to a young, dynamic black man with little experience. What they got for it is a two term President, a healthcare plan they were waiting decades for, an economic stimulus plan, repeal of DADT, financial reform....and Osama bin Laden

As an "equivalence", Republicans have hooked their future to a brash young Texas Tea Partier. What they got was a government shutdown, a nation outraged at their party, a GOP civil war and untold damage to the future of the party....oh yea......And they haven't done a thing about Obamacare
The OP may have a point. The country placed its future on a senator with 35 months of experience, most of which was spent campaigning for president. You can see where we've gotten.
Wow...I for one am impressed

Cruz is a LAWYER.....was even head lawyer in Texas. And I thought Republicans hate lawyers....especially Harvard educated ones

Which accounts for ZERO political experience. The ability to tell what fights need fighting and which fights you pass up. Cruz, THE LAWYER, is dictating to a political party based on his 9 Months experience that shutting down the US Government is sound political strategy

Are the Republicans fucking nuts!

Wait, who exactly was touted as being this 'Constitutional LAW professor'? Don't try comparing credentials with your "community organizer" :lol:

Once again Republicans fail with their false equivalence card

It goes something like this...
But, but ...Obummer was a community organizer with NO experience

Well, Democrats hooked their future to a young, dynamic black man with little experience. What they got for it is a two term President, a healthcare plan they were waiting decades for, an economic stimulus plan, repeal of DADT, financial reform....and Osama bin Laden

As an "equivalence", Republicans have hooked their future to a brash young Texas Tea Partier. What they got was a government shutdown, a nation outraged at their party, a GOP civil war and untold damage to the future of the party....oh yea......And they haven't done a thing about Obamacare

Odd that you're so concerned about the future of the GOP
The GOP has placed its future in the hands of a Senator with 9 months experience

Says you?

Are they freaking crazy?

They allow him to dictate that we should shut down the government?

One man and only ONE man can shut down the government.
Before he became a Senator:
Cruz was a partner at the law firm Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, where he led the firm’s U.S. Supreme Court and national appellate litigation practice.

He was Solicitor General of Texas from 2003 to May 2008.

Between 1999 and 2003, Cruz served as the director of the Office of Policy Planning at the Federal Trade Commission, an Associate Deputy Attorney General at the United States Department of Justice, and as Domestic Policy Advisor to U.S. President George W. Bush on the 2000 Bush-Cheney campaign.
In addition, Cruz was an Adjunct Professor of Law at the University of Texas School of Law in Austin, where he taught U.S. Supreme Court litigation, from 2004 to 2009.

RightWinger, we get it. You DON'T like Cruz. I think most of us aren't saying we'd go out and vote for him for President right now. Although, I have to tell you I don't think Ted would be as bad as your guy is right now. He sure as heck is ten times MORE QUALIFIED to sit in the Presidential chair as Barry was when he was elected. How many times has Ted voted "PRESENT?"

This is Barry's and the Democrats shut down. The House is doing what their constituents told them to do and to continue to do. Actually, I haven't listened to Cruz at all in this mess. I listen to my congressman, Jim Bridenstine from Oklahoma. The one that stood on the floor of the house and said that Barry was morally bankrupt? I continue to support Bridenstine and thought that speech was right on the money. I really liked it when Pelosi called it "obscene" and said she would have walked out had she been present.

Ted was the dark horse Tea Party favorite and beat the republican 'chosen one' in Texas. The more the left demonizes him, the more I like him and he's not even from my state...
Are they freaking crazy?

They allow him to dictate that we should shut down the government?

There was a fairly obnixous former CNBC anchor (and Wellsley grad) on Morning Joe who did cut to the chase. If Obamacare turns out to be a disater when it's implemented (and she assumed it will be) Ted Cruz will be heading into 14 and 16 saying "I told you so."

If not, he's toast.
Wait, who exactly was touted as being this 'Constitutional LAW professor'? Don't try comparing credentials with your "community organizer" :lol:

Once again Republicans fail with their false equivalence card

It goes something like this...
But, but ...Obummer was a community organizer with NO experience

Well, Democrats hooked their future to a young, dynamic black man with little experience. What they got for it is a two term President, a healthcare plan they were waiting decades for, an economic stimulus plan, repeal of DADT, financial reform....and Osama bin Laden

As an "equivalence", Republicans have hooked their future to a brash young Texas Tea Partier. What they got was a government shutdown, a nation outraged at their party, a GOP civil war and untold damage to the future of the party....oh yea......And they haven't done a thing about Obamacare

Odd that you're so concerned about the future of the GOP

Scroll up to the top of the screen

This is a political message board
Once again Republicans fail with their false equivalence card

It goes something like this...
But, but ...Obummer was a community organizer with NO experience

Well, Democrats hooked their future to a young, dynamic black man with little experience. What they got for it is a two term President, a healthcare plan they were waiting decades for, an economic stimulus plan, repeal of DADT, financial reform....and Osama bin Laden

As an "equivalence", Republicans have hooked their future to a brash young Texas Tea Partier. What they got was a government shutdown, a nation outraged at their party, a GOP civil war and untold damage to the future of the party....oh yea......And they haven't done a thing about Obamacare

Odd that you're so concerned about the future of the GOP

Scroll up to the top of the screen

This is a political message board

That seems to specialize in bogus outrage.
Republicans are whimpering because they have fallen and they can't get up

Ted Cruz spent the summer working up a coalition to shut down government. Republicans took the bait and are asking Ted....What do we do next?

The only option available is surrender
Republicans are whimpering because they have fallen and they can't get up

Ted Cruz spent the summer working up a coalition to shut down government. Republicans took the bait and are asking Ted....What do we do next?

The only option available is surrender

The only option is keep the course. Only liberals surrender
MY GAWD, we need to rename this board the rightWHINER place

all you lefty whiners come on in
Republicans are whimpering because they have fallen and they can't get up

Ted Cruz spent the summer working up a coalition to shut down government. Republicans took the bait and are asking Ted....What do we do next?

The only option available is surrender

The only option is keep the course. Only liberals surrender

We shall see

Right now, President Obama is holding open a door that says "End the shutdown and pass a clean CR"

Republicans are starting to break for that door. How long can Boehner hold them off?

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