The GOP is desperate for a failing economy......sic

so you think people with prior conditions are leeches and that leaving your health care up to private insurance companies is better? do tell...and remember to justify the death panels that exist when for profit companies make health decisions
My brothers wife has lupas and he has no prob getting insurance.....yes he pays more....but still less than anOcare policy........
According to you, your brothers wife is under your brothers policy from his work. Correct? Before and after ACA his wife will get coverage. If his wife with Lupus will apply health insurance by herself she will not get coverage. Under ACA regardless of your health conditions you will get health insurance.
Case ya didn't know zero percent interest is signpost your economy ain't right


None of what you posted addresses my post......its just shit flinging on your part
(sigh)....sometimes as american's we have to shake our heads in complete and total disbelief of a party, ie the GOP-igs who refuse to work with the president to get shit done for this country, simply because??????. Is it because they're against his policies, is it because they have a better direction or is it because anything that brings success to this black president with unilateral cooperation is a death sentence to these nuts back home with their supporters????

I'm am absolutely amazed when I hear these neo nuts whine about our economy, which started off in the double digits and now lingers at almost 4%. I am amazed at how these morons don't mind spending yet more trillions overseas to fight a war, WE WILL NEVER WIN, but will speak on the poor getting a couple a hundred to eat.

Now these morons are desperate to find the perfect fool, ie House Leader, who not only won't work with Obama, who not only will sanction their already lame dismal congressional record of 0% effectiveness thus far this year, but who will try his or her best to derail the successes of the OBama administration, because....PUTTING THE AMERICAN PEOPLE FIRST IS A FOREIGN ENTITY TO NUTS WHO DON'T KNOW ANY BETTER.

God please help save this country from the GOP Trash heap, and their ignorant supporters, please!!
Why would anyone go along with something that is clearly not in their best interest be it for Demoncrats or Republicons?
so you think people with prior conditions are leeches and that leaving your health care up to private insurance companies is better? do tell...and remember to justify the death panels that exist when for profit companies make health decisions
My brothers wife has lupas and he has no prob getting insurance.....yes he pays more....but still less than anOcare policy........
According to you, your brothers wife is under your brothers policy from his work. Correct? Before and after ACA his wife will get coverage. If his wife with Lupus will apply health insurance by herself she will not get coverage. Under ACA regardless of your health conditions you will get health insurance.
No....He buys a separate policy for her.....and another for the rest of his family.......try not to twist simple statement because it doesn't fit your propaganda
$8 trillion of Obama's unpatriotic debt

it's sickening how they care more about a man politician (thug Obama) then they do their own fellow countrymen and women. it's the sickest thing I've ever seen and hope I never see it again

They worship Obama like a God, that's why I've been calling them Obama Fluffers for the past 7 years

It's damn scary. reminds of Jim Jones and Hitler is another one. my gawd if they can fall for so much BS from someone like him. we should be all be worried these people vote for OUR LIVES
(sigh)....sometimes as american's we have to shake our heads in complete and total disbelief of a party, ie the GOP-igs who refuse to work with the president to get shit done for this country, simply because??????. Is it because they're against his policies, is it because they have a better direction or is it because anything that brings success to this black president with unilateral cooperation is a death sentence to these nuts back home with their supporters????

I'm am absolutely amazed when I hear these neo nuts whine about our economy, which started off in the double digits and now lingers at almost 4%. I am amazed at how these morons don't mind spending yet more trillions overseas to fight a war, WE WILL NEVER WIN, but will speak on the poor getting a couple a hundred to eat.

Now these morons are desperate to find the perfect fool, ie House Leader, who not only won't work with Obama, who not only will sanction their already lame dismal congressional record of 0% effectiveness thus far this year, but who will try his or her best to derail the successes of the OBama administration, because....PUTTING THE AMERICAN PEOPLE FIRST IS A FOREIGN ENTITY TO NUTS WHO DON'T KNOW ANY BETTER.

God please help save this country from the GOP Trash heap, and their ignorant supporters, please!!
Why would anyone go along with something that is clearly not in their best interest be it for Demoncrats or Republicons?

Listen, we don't vote mf's in, to serve their best interest....we vote in a congress and a senator to serve the best interest of this nation collectively. Do you think for a hot damn minute white politicians back in the day, didn't worry about their job, their lives, when voting for the civil rights act or voting rights for blacks? You bet they did, but they PUT THE GOTDAMNED COUNTRY FIRST!!!

(sigh)....sometimes as american's we have to shake our heads in complete and total disbelief of a party, ie the GOP-igs who refuse to work with the president to get shit done for this country, simply because??????. Is it because they're against his policies, is it because they have a better direction or is it because anything that brings success to this black president with unilateral cooperation is a death sentence to these nuts back home with their supporters????

I'm am absolutely amazed when I hear these neo nuts whine about our economy, which started off in the double digits and now lingers at almost 4%. I am amazed at how these morons don't mind spending yet more trillions overseas to fight a war, WE WILL NEVER WIN, but will speak on the poor getting a couple a hundred to eat.

Now these morons are desperate to find the perfect fool, ie House Leader, who not only won't work with Obama, who not only will sanction their already lame dismal congressional record of 0% effectiveness thus far this year, but who will try his or her best to derail the successes of the OBama administration, because....PUTTING THE AMERICAN PEOPLE FIRST IS A FOREIGN ENTITY TO NUTS WHO DON'T KNOW ANY BETTER.

God please help save this country from the GOP Trash heap, and their ignorant supporters, please!!
Why did Bath House Barry double the national debt and put 94,000,000 people out of work?
(sigh)....sometimes as american's we have to shake our heads in complete and total disbelief of a party, ie the GOP-igs who refuse to work with the president to get shit done for this country, simply because??????. Is it because they're against his policies, is it because they have a better direction or is it because anything that brings success to this black president with unilateral cooperation is a death sentence to these nuts back home with their supporters????

I'm am absolutely amazed when I hear these neo nuts whine about our economy, which started off in the double digits and now lingers at almost 4%. I am amazed at how these morons don't mind spending yet more trillions overseas to fight a war, WE WILL NEVER WIN, but will speak on the poor getting a couple a hundred to eat.

Now these morons are desperate to find the perfect fool, ie House Leader, who not only won't work with Obama, who not only will sanction their already lame dismal congressional record of 0% effectiveness thus far this year, but who will try his or her best to derail the successes of the OBama administration, because....PUTTING THE AMERICAN PEOPLE FIRST IS A FOREIGN ENTITY TO NUTS WHO DON'T KNOW ANY BETTER.

God please help save this country from the GOP Trash heap, and their ignorant supporters, please!!
Why would anyone go along with something that is clearly not in their best interest be it for Demoncrats or Republicons?

Listen, we don't vote mf's in, to serve their best interest....we vote in a congress and a senator to serve the best interest of this nation collectively. Do you think for a hot damn minute white politicians back in the day, didn't worry about their job, their lives, when voting for the civil rights act or voting rights for blacks? You bet they did, but they PUT THE GOTDAMNED COUNTRY FIRST!!!
Spout much to ur self?

so you think people with prior conditions are leeches and that leaving your health care up to private insurance companies is better? do tell...and remember to justify the death panels that exist when for profit companies make health decisions
The whole system has gotten kind of out of whack Bones. The Affordable Car Act was more of a gift to insurance companies and took a lot of people off of affordable insurance policies. Son is a prime example of that when his insurance cost more than doubled by the insurance companies. Two thousand a month is too much for even a higher scale paid worker.
(sigh)....sometimes as american's we have to shake our heads in complete and total disbelief of a party, ie the GOP-igs who refuse to work with the president to get shit done for this country, simply because??????. Is it because they're against his policies, is it because they have a better direction or is it because anything that brings success to this black president with unilateral cooperation is a death sentence to these nuts back home with their supporters????

I'm am absolutely amazed when I hear these neo nuts whine about our economy, which started off in the double digits and now lingers at almost 4%. I am amazed at how these morons don't mind spending yet more trillions overseas to fight a war, WE WILL NEVER WIN, but will speak on the poor getting a couple a hundred to eat.

Now these morons are desperate to find the perfect fool, ie House Leader, who not only won't work with Obama, who not only will sanction their already lame dismal congressional record of 0% effectiveness thus far this year, but who will try his or her best to derail the successes of the OBama administration, because....PUTTING THE AMERICAN PEOPLE FIRST IS A FOREIGN ENTITY TO NUTS WHO DON'T KNOW ANY BETTER.

God please help save this country from the GOP Trash heap, and their ignorant supporters, please!!
Well...we all know BO loves to compromise with Rs. LOL.

Why is it the Left thinks Rs must compromise 24/7, but its okay if Ds never do? My guess is they KNOW they are right and all who oppose them are wrong...the mindset of a dictator.

Dichotomy on steroids. From day one since Obama step in to Oval Office till today the republicans are doing nothing but try their best efforts to discredit, tarnished and damage Obama with the help of Fox or Limbag. GOP control both senate and congress... so far what have they done? First thing they pushed was the Keystone pipeline to satisfy their puppet master Koch. Aside from that what have they done? And their next project is shutdown the government.
Case ya didn't know zero percent interest is signpost your economy ain't right


None of what you posted addresses my post......its just shit flinging on your part

You mean after a8 years of Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies where the US lost over 1+ million PRIVATE sector jobs (of course the GOP grew Gov't by almost 2 million), they left UIS in the biggest economic hole since the first GOP great depression? Yep

(sigh)....sometimes as american's we have to shake our heads in complete and total disbelief of a party, ie the GOP-igs who refuse to work with the president to get shit done for this country, simply because??????. Is it because they're against his policies, is it because they have a better direction or is it because anything that brings success to this black president with unilateral cooperation is a death sentence to these nuts back home with their supporters????

I'm am absolutely amazed when I hear these neo nuts whine about our economy, which started off in the double digits and now lingers at almost 4%. I am amazed at how these morons don't mind spending yet more trillions overseas to fight a war, WE WILL NEVER WIN, but will speak on the poor getting a couple a hundred to eat.

Now these morons are desperate to find the perfect fool, ie House Leader, who not only won't work with Obama, who not only will sanction their already lame dismal congressional record of 0% effectiveness thus far this year, but who will try his or her best to derail the successes of the OBama administration, because....PUTTING THE AMERICAN PEOPLE FIRST IS A FOREIGN ENTITY TO NUTS WHO DON'T KNOW ANY BETTER.

God please help save this country from the GOP Trash heap, and their ignorant supporters, please!!
Why would anyone go along with something that is clearly not in their best interest be it for Demoncrats or Republicons?

Listen, we don't vote mf's in, to serve their best interest....we vote in a congress and a senator to serve the best interest of this nation collectively. Do you think for a hot damn minute white politicians back in the day, didn't worry about their job, their lives, when voting for the civil rights act or voting rights for blacks? You bet they did, but they PUT THE GOTDAMNED COUNTRY FIRST!!!
Spout much to ur self?

so you think people with prior conditions are leeches and that leaving your health care up to private insurance companies is better? do tell...and remember to justify the death panels that exist when for profit companies make health decisions
The whole system has gotten kind of out of whack Bones. The Affordable Car Act was more of a gift to insurance companies and took a lot of people off of affordable insurance policies. Son is a prime example of that when his insurance cost more than doubled by the insurance companies. Two thousand a month is too much for even a higher scale paid worker.

ACA didn't kick anyone out of their insurance....what happened was the greedy fuckin insurance companies found an out.....instead of having co-pays, like we all use to have, they came up with this splended fuck you in the ass deductible scheme...., high deductibles which lessoned thier out of pocket costs..they passed all on to us and pocketed our premiums to boot.
(sigh)....sometimes as american's we have to shake our heads in complete and total disbelief of a party, ie the GOP-igs who refuse to work with the president to get shit done for this country, simply because??????. Is it because they're against his policies, is it because they have a better direction or is it because anything that brings success to this black president with unilateral cooperation is a death sentence to these nuts back home with their supporters????

I'm am absolutely amazed when I hear these neo nuts whine about our economy, which started off in the double digits and now lingers at almost 4%. I am amazed at how these morons don't mind spending yet more trillions overseas to fight a war, WE WILL NEVER WIN, but will speak on the poor getting a couple a hundred to eat.

Now these morons are desperate to find the perfect fool, ie House Leader, who not only won't work with Obama, who not only will sanction their already lame dismal congressional record of 0% effectiveness thus far this year, but who will try his or her best to derail the successes of the OBama administration, because....PUTTING THE AMERICAN PEOPLE FIRST IS A FOREIGN ENTITY TO NUTS WHO DON'T KNOW ANY BETTER.

God please help save this country from the GOP Trash heap, and their ignorant supporters, please!!
Why would anyone go along with something that is clearly not in their best interest be it for Demoncrats or Republicons?

Listen, we don't vote mf's in, to serve their best interest....we vote in a congress and a senator to serve the best interest of this nation collectively. Do you think for a hot damn minute white politicians back in the day, didn't worry about their job, their lives, when voting for the civil rights act or voting rights for blacks? You bet they did, but they PUT THE GOTDAMNED COUNTRY FIRST!!!
Spout much to ur self?

so you think people with prior conditions are leeches and that leaving your health care up to private insurance companies is better? do tell...and remember to justify the death panels that exist when for profit companies make health decisions
The whole system has gotten kind of out of whack Bones. The Affordable Car Act was more of a gift to insurance companies and took a lot of people off of affordable insurance policies. Son is a prime example of that when his insurance cost more than doubled by the insurance companies. Two thousand a month is too much for even a higher scale paid worker.

ACA didn't kick anyone out of their insurance....what happened was the greedy fuckin insurance companies found an out.....instead of having co-pays, like we all use to have, they came up with this splended fuck you in the ass deductible scheme...., high deductibles which lessoned thier out of pocket costs..they passed all on to us and pocketed our premiums to boot.
Son's insurance went from $800.00 a month to $1,800.00 in two years. Definitely insurance company greed; Obummer Care initiation and enabled.
(sigh)....sometimes as american's we have to shake our heads in complete and total disbelief of a party, ie the GOP-igs who refuse to work with the president to get shit done for this country, simply because??????. Is it because they're against his policies, is it because they have a better direction or is it because anything that brings success to this black president with unilateral cooperation is a death sentence to these nuts back home with their supporters????

I'm am absolutely amazed when I hear these neo nuts whine about our economy, which started off in the double digits and now lingers at almost 4%. I am amazed at how these morons don't mind spending yet more trillions overseas to fight a war, WE WILL NEVER WIN, but will speak on the poor getting a couple a hundred to eat.

Now these morons are desperate to find the perfect fool, ie House Leader, who not only won't work with Obama, who not only will sanction their already lame dismal congressional record of 0% effectiveness thus far this year, but who will try his or her best to derail the successes of the OBama administration, because....PUTTING THE AMERICAN PEOPLE FIRST IS A FOREIGN ENTITY TO NUTS WHO DON'T KNOW ANY BETTER.

God please help save this country from the GOP Trash heap, and their ignorant supporters, please!!
Why did Bath House Barry double the national debt and put 94,000,000 people out of work?


09/30/2009 $11,909,829,003,511.75 ($11.9 TRILLION)

Government - Historical Debt Outstanding - Annual 2000 - 2014

so you think people with prior conditions are leeches and that leaving your health care up to private insurance companies is better? do tell...and remember to justify the death panels that exist when for profit companies make health decisions
My brothers wife has lupas and he has no prob getting insurance.....yes he pays more....but still less than anOcare policy........
According to you, your brothers wife is under your brothers policy from his work. Correct? Before and after ACA his wife will get coverage. If his wife with Lupus will apply health insurance by herself she will not get coverage. Under ACA regardless of your health conditions you will get health insurance.
No....He buys a separate policy for her.....and another for the rest of his family.......try not to twist simple statement because it doesn't fit your propaganda

Agenda? You brought up health coverage of your sister in law, isn't it? Right now it's against the law to turn down people with existing conditions.
(sigh)....sometimes as american's we have to shake our heads in complete and total disbelief of a party, ie the GOP-igs who refuse to work with the president to get shit done for this country, simply because??????. Is it because they're against his policies, is it because they have a better direction or is it because anything that brings success to this black president with unilateral cooperation is a death sentence to these nuts back home with their supporters????

I'm am absolutely amazed when I hear these neo nuts whine about our economy, which started off in the double digits and now lingers at almost 4%. I am amazed at how these morons don't mind spending yet more trillions overseas to fight a war, WE WILL NEVER WIN, but will speak on the poor getting a couple a hundred to eat.

Now these morons are desperate to find the perfect fool, ie House Leader, who not only won't work with Obama, who not only will sanction their already lame dismal congressional record of 0% effectiveness thus far this year, but who will try his or her best to derail the successes of the OBama administration, because....PUTTING THE AMERICAN PEOPLE FIRST IS A FOREIGN ENTITY TO NUTS WHO DON'T KNOW ANY BETTER.

God please help save this country from the GOP Trash heap, and their ignorant supporters, please!!
Well...we all know BO loves to compromise with Rs. LOL.

Why is it the Left thinks Rs must compromise 24/7, but its okay if Ds never do? My guess is they KNOW they are right and all who oppose them are wrong...the mindset of a dictator.

Dichotomy on steroids. From day one since Obama step in to Oval Office till today the republicans are doing nothing but try their best efforts to discredit, tarnished and damage Obama with the help of Fox or Limbag. GOP control both senate and congress... so far what have they done? First thing they pushed was the Keystone pipeline to satisfy their puppet master Koch. Aside from that what have they done? And their next project is shutdown the government.

Praise the lord, a brain has entered the room, welcome. How these mindless lumps of GOP dog poop can sit here day after day, praising a party that bring nothing to the table of trying to move this country forward, who sit on their ass month after month, gathering a paycheck and not earning one damned nickel of it, who has spent more time investigating bullshit issues, than governing, who has taken more vacations than a 2 year old that don't have a job, how they can champion this group, is beyond all rational thinking...unbelievable, that they actually believe in this shit.....
(sigh)....sometimes as american's we have to shake our heads in complete and total disbelief of a party, ie the GOP-igs who refuse to work with the president to get shit done for this country, simply because??????. Is it because they're against his policies, is it because they have a better direction or is it because anything that brings success to this black president with unilateral cooperation is a death sentence to these nuts back home with their supporters????

I'm am absolutely amazed when I hear these neo nuts whine about our economy, which started off in the double digits and now lingers at almost 4%. I am amazed at how these morons don't mind spending yet more trillions overseas to fight a war, WE WILL NEVER WIN, but will speak on the poor getting a couple a hundred to eat.

Now these morons are desperate to find the perfect fool, ie House Leader, who not only won't work with Obama, who not only will sanction their already lame dismal congressional record of 0% effectiveness thus far this year, but who will try his or her best to derail the successes of the OBama administration, because....PUTTING THE AMERICAN PEOPLE FIRST IS A FOREIGN ENTITY TO NUTS WHO DON'T KNOW ANY BETTER.

God please help save this country from the GOP Trash heap, and their ignorant supporters, please!!
Why did Bath House Barry double the national debt and put 94,000,000 people out of work?


09/30/2009 $11,909,829,003,511.75 ($11.9 TRILLION)

Government - Historical Debt Outstanding - Annual 2000 - 2014

Bush has been gone for almost SEVEN YEARS... have you been asleep all that time?

The kenyan has DOUBLED THE DEBT since then... wake up and get a life, idiot.
Last edited:
(sigh)....sometimes as american's we have to shake our heads in complete and total disbelief of a party, ie the GOP-igs who refuse to work with the president to get shit done for this country, simply because??????. Is it because they're against his policies, is it because they have a better direction or is it because anything that brings success to this black president with unilateral cooperation is a death sentence to these nuts back home with their supporters????

I'm am absolutely amazed when I hear these neo nuts whine about our economy, which started off in the double digits and now lingers at almost 4%. I am amazed at how these morons don't mind spending yet more trillions overseas to fight a war, WE WILL NEVER WIN, but will speak on the poor getting a couple a hundred to eat.

Now these morons are desperate to find the perfect fool, ie House Leader, who not only won't work with Obama, who not only will sanction their already lame dismal congressional record of 0% effectiveness thus far this year, but who will try his or her best to derail the successes of the OBama administration, because....PUTTING THE AMERICAN PEOPLE FIRST IS A FOREIGN ENTITY TO NUTS WHO DON'T KNOW ANY BETTER.

God please help save this country from the GOP Trash heap, and their ignorant supporters, please!!
Why would anyone go along with something that is clearly not in their best interest be it for Demoncrats or Republicons?

Listen, we don't vote mf's in, to serve their best interest....we vote in a congress and a senator to serve the best interest of this nation collectively. Do you think for a hot damn minute white politicians back in the day, didn't worry about their job, their lives, when voting for the civil rights act or voting rights for blacks? You bet they did, but they PUT THE GOTDAMNED COUNTRY FIRST!!!
Spout much to ur self?

so you think people with prior conditions are leeches and that leaving your health care up to private insurance companies is better? do tell...and remember to justify the death panels that exist when for profit companies make health decisions
The whole system has gotten kind of out of whack Bones. The Affordable Car Act was more of a gift to insurance companies and took a lot of people off of affordable insurance policies. Son is a prime example of that when his insurance cost more than doubled by the insurance companies. Two thousand a month is too much for even a higher scale paid worker.

ACA didn't kick anyone out of their insurance....what happened was the greedy fuckin insurance companies found an out.....instead of having co-pays, like we all use to have, they came up with this splended fuck you in the ass deductible scheme...., high deductibles which lessoned thier out of pocket costs..they passed all on to us and pocketed our premiums to boot.
Son's insurance went from $800.00 a month to $1,800.00 in two years. Definitely insurance company greed; Obummer Care initiation and enabled.

My god, will you nuts ever ever ever ever ever ever place blame where blame belongs???? Gotdamit, every gotdamned issue you nuts have has to be Obama's fault...its called corporate greed....adjust, acknowledge and move the fuck on, gezzzus you nuts make me sick!!

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