The GOP is desperate for a failing economy......sic

They made it by providing a service or a product to those who bought it.

Without a single thing that society provided right? Like I said, in a closet!

Using things they, as members of society, helped provide. Now, those who don't provide anything to society expect more to be given to them. They aren't owed a damn thing. If they got something when they paid, that's all they get.

Sure Bubs sure

Without false premises, distortions and LIES what would the right EVER have?

That someone isn't owed something earned by another person is very true.

ONLY in right wing world could someone "think" they "earned" it on their own, without society and past history AND GOV'T POLICY!

You always get that speech, that sound bite, that american staple from privleged whites and a few negro's that made it. Yet the minute, the very second the floor falls from underneath, its Obama's fault, the gov. fault....gotta love the flag waving nuts on the right.
Without a single thing that society provided right? Like I said, in a closet!

Using things they, as members of society, helped provide. Now, those who don't provide anything to society expect more to be given to them. They aren't owed a damn thing. If they got something when they paid, that's all they get.

Sure Bubs sure

Without false premises, distortions and LIES what would the right EVER have?

That someone isn't owed something earned by another person is very true.

ONLY in right wing world could someone "think" they "earned" it on their own, without society and past history AND GOV'T POLICY!

ONLY in left wing world could something think that what someone else earned belong to another person.

As someone in business, if you buy from me and get a product/service, you got what you paid for. Because you purchased from me and I do well financially doesn't mean I owe you food, clothing, shelter, healthcare, etc.

Dude, what about paying taxes in this country makes you nuts think, its going to mf's on welfare, as if every fuckin buck you pay in taxes goes to some fuckin welfare person??? Its time you nuts get off the 80's sound bite and find a new gotdamned target for your stupidity. Every dollar you pay in taxes you moronic simp goes to the feds and 99.99% of it is going to pay for shit you need to focus on, like fucked up wars and fucked congress mf's that don't do a damned thing and corporations that don't need your money...get a life fool and grow the fuck up and stop the bs of FOX
Sure Bubs sure

Without false premises, distortions and LIES what would the right EVER have?

That someone isn't owed something earned by another person is very true.

ONLY in right wing world could someone "think" they "earned" it on their own, without society and past history AND GOV'T POLICY!

ONLY in left wing world could something think that what someone else earned belong to another person.

As someone in business, if you buy from me and get a product/service, you got what you paid for. Because you purchased from me and I do well financially doesn't mean I owe you food, clothing, shelter, healthcare, etc.

Weird how your vision of AmeriKKKa is SOOO different than the Founders America right Bubs? They though Gov't policy against aristocracy was good. You oppose it!


Are you claiming that the founders would have supported the entitlement, gimme society you believe should exist. Their own words say otherwise.

The irony of your stupidity is that the founders, by sanctioning slavery, helped create the inequalities of blacks today. By not allowing blacks access to their dreams, they did infact create the second class citizens, you nut dispise to this day...interesting, eh/
YOUR inability to recognize stimulus DID help the economy...

How the hell did the Stimulus help the economy?

Liberals sold the criminally fiscal spending fiasco much like they sold the ACA, through LIES and B$! They claimed this nearly $1 TRILLION nightmare was a 'JOBs' bill, but when the smoke cleared it was revealed that it cost tax payers OVER $742,000 PER JOB Obama CLAIMED to have created / saved. It actually cost MORE than that, as it was PROVEN that the Obama administration INTENTIONALLY over-inflated the 'jobs created / saved' numbers - one company demonstrated how Obama had claimed to have 'saved' more jobs than actual people who worked there!

Having just secured a NEAR-Super Majority control of Congress, Liberals decided to REWARD themselves by passing the biggest 'DNC Wish List' seen in tax payer expense. The bill contained OVER 7,000 pieces of self/party-serving PORK that included everything from personal 'LOANS' - that have never been paid back to the American people - to Boxer's husbands to help bail out his bankrupting businesses to money to people/orgs that helped them get (re-)elected! The GOP did not have 1 single earmark in this Liberal 'wet dream'...and to top it off it violated Obama's PROMISE he made that he would veto / prevent any earmarks from being passed.

Despite the 'Community Organizer's promise to create 'shovel-ready' job ,he was forced to admit to the nation that there was no such thing, that he did not know they did not exist!

The 'Cash for Clunkers' program turned into a bust as having to destroy all the used cars turned in caused a shortage of used cars and ended up jacking up the prices for used cars, which in turn hurt the Middle Class.

Obama's Socialist move of 'Nationalizing' GM violated Federal Bankruptcy laws, gave half ownership of the company to UNIONS (who were a major part of why GM was doing so badly), caused the partial sell-off of the US Car Manufacturing company to a foreign owned company that was in worse shape than GM was in, and years later the US sold MOST of their shares of GM stock (bought with tax payer dollars) for a LOSS.

But enough of ME stating the Facts...From US News AND The Wall Street Journal, here are the 5 Biggest Failures of Obama's Stimulus:

1. Obama's economic advisers promised the stimulus would keep the unemployment rate below 8 percent. In 2012, the unemployment rate was supposed to fall below 6 percent.
- TRUTH / FACT: Unemployment soared above 10% (10.1%) after passage of the Stimulus. in 2012 12.8 million Americans were unemployed, 8.2 million cannot find enough work, and 1.1 million have given up looking for work altogether. Today an estimated 94,610,000 Americans are out of work and under-employed, and un-employment is still well above 8%, the supposed maximum rate promised, and certainly above 6 percent promised. The Obama administration does not use this number, however, to report the accurate unemployment rate, falsely claiming instead that unemployment is around 5.2%

2. Obama promised the stimulus would not only have a large impact but also an immediate impact. Said the president-elect, "I'm confident ... our 21st century investments will create jobs immediately," adding, "We've got shovel-ready projects all across the country."
- TRUTH / FACT: Obama was forced to admit there was no such thing as a 'shovel-ready' project, laughing as he made the statement on TV. Instead of using a large portion of the nearly $1 trillion Stimulus funds to help repair infrastructure in much need of repair, Democrats applied much of the money to their own pork projects. Obama FAILED to deliver on the promised 'immediate jobs'—and at great cost to taxpayers - Over $742,000 per job 'created' / 'saved'

3. President Obama said in February 2009 that the stimulus would lift "2 million Americans from poverty."
- TRUTH / FACT: Since Obama took office and as of 2012, 6.3 million Americans have fallen into poverty. There are more today, and the Middle Class has shrunk, threatening to reach a level where it is unable to continue to sustain paying for the bulk of the administration's / government's social programs and spending.

4. The "green economy," Obama vowed, would create millions of jobs.
The Energy Department handed out OVER $35.2 billion in stimulus money to jumpstart the clean energy industry, but it created more red ink than green jobs. Nationally, green technology accounts for just 2 percent of employment nationwide and there has been no marked boom in the industry.

Also, those 'loans', however, have created quite the scandal. Nearly half a billion in taxpayer dollars was 'lost' to the now-bankrupt solar energy company Solyndra ALONE (and there were 12 other such companies that were handed tax payer dollars just so big Obama donors would not lose their investments in these companies). The company - Solyndra, which has since laid off over 1,000 workers, was Obama's self-described 'poster-child' for "American ingenuity and dynamism" in 2010. Today, it's the poster-child for the hazards of reckless spending.

5. Obama's 5th Promise was that there would be one million electric cars. Obama promised the stimulus would put one million electric vehicles on the road by 2015.
- TRUTH / FACT: In 2012 the Washington Examiner reported that "evidence is mounting that President Obama was overly optimistic" to make that pledge. Today - FAIL!


Baltimore Received $1.8 Billion from Obama’s Stimulus Law

City burned despite ‘massive investment’ implemented by president

President Obama claimed that if the Republican-controlled Congress would implement his policies to make “massive investments in urban communities,” they could “make a difference right now” in the city, currently in upheaval following the death of Freddie Gray. Baltimore was his 'poster child' - his shining example of this declaration. To prove that he was right he gave Baltimore $1,831,768,487 to make that 'massive difference'. Unfortunately that 'massive difference' resulted in rioting, burning, and looting....and even MORE tax payer dollars called for to help Baltimore recover and rebuild from it's own internal melt-down. FAIL!

Baltimore Received $1.8 Billion from Obama’s Stimulus Law

It helped get states out of the red....dude, educate yourself before posting here, please!!
ONLY in right wing world could someone "think" they "earned" it on their own, without society and past history AND GOV'T POLICY!

ONLY in left wing world could something think that what someone else earned belong to another person.

As someone in business, if you buy from me and get a product/service, you got what you paid for. Because you purchased from me and I do well financially doesn't mean I owe you food, clothing, shelter, healthcare, etc.

Weird how your vision of AmeriKKKa is SOOO different than the Founders America right Bubs? They though Gov't policy against aristocracy was good. You oppose it!


Are you claiming that the founders would have supported the entitlement, gimme society you believe should exist. Their own words say otherwise.

Again, without false premises, distortions and LIES what else you got Bubs?


All Property, indeed, except the Savage's temporary Cabin, his Bow, his Matchcoat, and other little Acquisitions, absolutely necessary for his Subsistence, seems to me to be the Creature of public Convention. Hence the Public has the Right of Regulating Descents, and all other Conveyances of Property, and even of limiting the Quantity and the Uses of it. All the Property that is necessary to a Man, for the Conservation of the Individual and the Propagation of the Species, is his natural Right, which none can justly deprive him of: But all Property superfluous to such purposes is the Property of the Publick, who, by their Laws, have created it, and who may therefore by other Laws dispose of it, whenever the Welfare of the Publick shall demand such Disposition. He that does not like civil Society on these Terms, let him retire and live among Savages. He can have no right to the benefits of Society, who will not pay his Club towards the Support of it.

The causes which destroyed the ancient republics were numerous; but in Rome, one principal cause was the vast inequality of fortunes. Noah Webster

Adam Smith, Thomas Jefferson, and other fellow travelers

If there was one thing the Revolutionary generation agreed on — and those guys who dress up like them at Tea Party conventions most definitely do not — it was the incompatibility of democracy and inherited wealth.

Congress Passes Socialized Medicine and Mandates Health Insurance -In 1798

Congress Passes Socialized Medicine and Mandates Health Insurance -In 1798

"I am for doing good for the poor, but I differ in opinion of the means. I think the best way of doing good for the poor is not by making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. In my youth, I traveled much, and I observed in different countries, that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves and became richer" - Ben Franklin

"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those willing to work and give to those who would not" - T. Jefferson

Poor Ben, never heard of outsourcing to China.
Weird how your vision of AmeriKKKa is SOOO different than the Founders America right Bubs? They though Gov't policy against aristocracy was good. You oppose it!


Are you claiming that the founders would have supported the entitlement, gimme society you believe should exist. Their own words say otherwise.

Again, without false premises, distortions and LIES what else you got Bubs?


All Property, indeed, except the Savage's temporary Cabin, his Bow, his Matchcoat, and other little Acquisitions, absolutely necessary for his Subsistence, seems to me to be the Creature of public Convention. Hence the Public has the Right of Regulating Descents, and all other Conveyances of Property, and even of limiting the Quantity and the Uses of it. All the Property that is necessary to a Man, for the Conservation of the Individual and the Propagation of the Species, is his natural Right, which none can justly deprive him of: But all Property superfluous to such purposes is the Property of the Publick, who, by their Laws, have created it, and who may therefore by other Laws dispose of it, whenever the Welfare of the Publick shall demand such Disposition. He that does not like civil Society on these Terms, let him retire and live among Savages. He can have no right to the benefits of Society, who will not pay his Club towards the Support of it.

The causes which destroyed the ancient republics were numerous; but in Rome, one principal cause was the vast inequality of fortunes. Noah Webster

Adam Smith, Thomas Jefferson, and other fellow travelers

If there was one thing the Revolutionary generation agreed on — and those guys who dress up like them at Tea Party conventions most definitely do not — it was the incompatibility of democracy and inherited wealth.

Congress Passes Socialized Medicine and Mandates Health Insurance -In 1798

Congress Passes Socialized Medicine and Mandates Health Insurance -In 1798

"I am for doing good for the poor, but I differ in opinion of the means. I think the best way of doing good for the poor is not by making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. In my youth, I traveled much, and I observed in different countries, that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves and became richer" - Ben Franklin

"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those willing to work and give to those who would not" - T. Jefferson

""The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those willing to work and give to those who would not" - T. Jefferson"

The democracy will cease to exist... (Quotation) | Thomas Jefferson's Monticello

You people are the absolute stereotypes of the far right Republican voters. It is a wonder you can sleep at night.
I sleep at night knowing I support myself and am not some leech demanding someone else do it for me.

In other words, there but by the grace of god could go I!!
(sigh)....sometimes as american's we have to shake our heads in complete and total disbelief of a party, ie the GOP-igs who refuse to work with the president to get shit done for this country, simply because??????. Is it because they're against his policies, is it because they have a better direction or is it because anything that brings success to this black president with unilateral cooperation is a death sentence to these nuts back home with their supporters????

I'm am absolutely amazed when I hear these neo nuts whine about our economy, which started off in the double digits and now lingers at almost 4%. I am amazed at how these morons don't mind spending yet more trillions overseas to fight a war, WE WILL NEVER WIN, but will speak on the poor getting a couple a hundred to eat.

Now these morons are desperate to find the perfect fool, ie House Leader, who not only won't work with Obama, who not only will sanction their already lame dismal congressional record of 0% effectiveness thus far this year, but who will try his or her best to derail the successes of the OBama administration, because....PUTTING THE AMERICAN PEOPLE FIRST IS A FOREIGN ENTITY TO NUTS WHO DON'T KNOW ANY BETTER.

God please help save this country from the GOP Trash heap, and their ignorant supporters, please!!

Your claim of refusing to work with the President is translated to say that the GOP won't bend over, grab their ankles, and let the President do whatever the hell he wants.

When you play the race card, you lose.

Don't you mean the millions more poor people now on food stamps than before Obama became President despite your claim that things are better. If unemployment is down and the economy is better, as you claim, why are so many millions more getting handouts than when the President whose ass you kiss took over?



oh look...more cartoons and funny captions...maybe when you grow up you'll learn to think for yourself and put forth some original ideas that you actually came up with yourself.......or if it's easier on you, just continue to post juvenile cartoons with funny captions..

When faced with truth, cop out with ignorance....a GOP staple
(sigh)....sometimes as american's we have to shake our heads in complete and total disbelief of a party, ie the GOP-igs who refuse to work with the president to get shit done for this country, simply because??????. Is it because they're against his policies, is it because they have a better direction or is it because anything that brings success to this black president with unilateral cooperation is a death sentence to these nuts back home with their supporters????

I'm am absolutely amazed when I hear these neo nuts whine about our economy, which started off in the double digits and now lingers at almost 4%. I am amazed at how these morons don't mind spending yet more trillions overseas to fight a war, WE WILL NEVER WIN, but will speak on the poor getting a couple a hundred to eat.

Now these morons are desperate to find the perfect fool, ie House Leader, who not only won't work with Obama, who not only will sanction their already lame dismal congressional record of 0% effectiveness thus far this year, but who will try his or her best to derail the successes of the OBama administration, because....PUTTING THE AMERICAN PEOPLE FIRST IS A FOREIGN ENTITY TO NUTS WHO DON'T KNOW ANY BETTER.

God please help save this country from the GOP Trash heap, and their ignorant supporters, please!!

Your claim of refusing to work with the President is translated to say that the GOP won't bend over, grab their ankles, and let the President do whatever the hell he wants.

When you play the race card, you lose.

Don't you mean the millions more poor people now on food stamps than before Obama became President despite your claim that things are better. If unemployment is down and the economy is better, as you claim, why are so many millions more getting handouts than when the President whose ass you kiss took over?



oh look...more cartoons and funny captions...maybe when you grow up you'll learn to think for yourself and put forth some original ideas that you actually came up with yourself.......or if it's easier on you, just continue to post juvenile cartoons with funny captions..

When faced with truth, cop out with ignorance....a GOP staple

You left out the record number of people on food stamps, a 70% increase since 2009

When faced with that fact, you run like a welfare recipient offered a job.
Are you claiming that the founders would have supported the entitlement, gimme society you believe should exist. Their own words say otherwise.

Again, without false premises, distortions and LIES what else you got Bubs?


All Property, indeed, except the Savage's temporary Cabin, his Bow, his Matchcoat, and other little Acquisitions, absolutely necessary for his Subsistence, seems to me to be the Creature of public Convention. Hence the Public has the Right of Regulating Descents, and all other Conveyances of Property, and even of limiting the Quantity and the Uses of it. All the Property that is necessary to a Man, for the Conservation of the Individual and the Propagation of the Species, is his natural Right, which none can justly deprive him of: But all Property superfluous to such purposes is the Property of the Publick, who, by their Laws, have created it, and who may therefore by other Laws dispose of it, whenever the Welfare of the Publick shall demand such Disposition. He that does not like civil Society on these Terms, let him retire and live among Savages. He can have no right to the benefits of Society, who will not pay his Club towards the Support of it.

The causes which destroyed the ancient republics were numerous; but in Rome, one principal cause was the vast inequality of fortunes. Noah Webster

Adam Smith, Thomas Jefferson, and other fellow travelers

If there was one thing the Revolutionary generation agreed on — and those guys who dress up like them at Tea Party conventions most definitely do not — it was the incompatibility of democracy and inherited wealth.

Congress Passes Socialized Medicine and Mandates Health Insurance -In 1798

Congress Passes Socialized Medicine and Mandates Health Insurance -In 1798

"I am for doing good for the poor, but I differ in opinion of the means. I think the best way of doing good for the poor is not by making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. In my youth, I traveled much, and I observed in different countries, that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves and became richer" - Ben Franklin

"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those willing to work and give to those who would not" - T. Jefferson

""The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those willing to work and give to those who would not" - T. Jefferson"

The democracy will cease to exist... (Quotation) | Thomas Jefferson's Monticello

You people are the absolute stereotypes of the far right Republican voters. It is a wonder you can sleep at night.
I sleep at night knowing I support myself and am not some leech demanding someone else do it for me.

In other words, there but by the grace of god could go I!!
View attachment 52559

In the same words, just like I said. I bet you're one of those that believes if I was in the same situation I would take handouts.
That someone isn't owed something earned by another person is very true.

ONLY in right wing world could someone "think" they "earned" it on their own, without society and past history AND GOV'T POLICY!

ONLY in left wing world could something think that what someone else earned belong to another person.

As someone in business, if you buy from me and get a product/service, you got what you paid for. Because you purchased from me and I do well financially doesn't mean I owe you food, clothing, shelter, healthcare, etc.

Weird how your vision of AmeriKKKa is SOOO different than the Founders America right Bubs? They though Gov't policy against aristocracy was good. You oppose it!


Are you claiming that the founders would have supported the entitlement, gimme society you believe should exist. Their own words say otherwise.

The irony of your stupidity is that the founders, by sanctioning slavery, helped create the inequalities of blacks today. By not allowing blacks access to their dreams, they did infact create the second class citizens, you nut dispise to this day...interesting, eh/

There hasn't been a slave in this country in 150 years.

From the time I entered school, I went to school with blacks. We had the same books, same teachers, same lessons, same opportunities to learn, etc. What you want to believe is that it was unequal.

If you go by the bastard birth rate today, seems the dream of black women is to see how many bastards they can have. You do realize that it's over 70%.

I don't despise anyone that is willing to earn what they get. I do despise those who think taxpayers owe them something, regardless of color, and use excuses like you.
Without a single thing that society provided right? Like I said, in a closet!

Using things they, as members of society, helped provide. Now, those who don't provide anything to society expect more to be given to them. They aren't owed a damn thing. If they got something when they paid, that's all they get.

Sure Bubs sure

Without false premises, distortions and LIES what would the right EVER have?

That someone isn't owed something earned by another person is very true.

ONLY in right wing world could someone "think" they "earned" it on their own, without society and past history AND GOV'T POLICY!

You always get that speech, that sound bite, that american staple from privleged whites and a few negro's that made it. Yet the minute, the very second the floor falls from underneath, its Obama's fault, the gov. fault....gotta love the flag waving nuts on the right.

Privileged whites? I guess my privilege comes from hard work since that's how I have what I have. As long as you make excuses BOY, you'll never amount to anything.
Time for leeches to start paying for their own healthcare instead of demanding the government force someone else to do it. If they can afford iPhones, lottery, tickets, beer, and cigarettes, they can afford their own healthcare.

Like I said, if you want someone without it to have it, buy it for them with your money. We both know you're not man enough to do yourself what YOU claim needs to be done. You're like every other bleeding heart who says you care then goes about showing it by seeing how much you can support the government having someone else pay for it.

You mean asking SOCIETY to get back to where Ike had US at paying taxes Bubs? I'm 100% for it!



When are those in society who contribute nothing going to start doing their part. When are the welfare leeches that don't pay the taxes that fund what they get handed going to start doing something?

You mean the bottom HALF of US who basically make the same amount as the top 1/10 of 1% of US?

Yeah those "lucky duckies"

Maybe that bottom half should get off their ass and earn theirs. If they spent half as much time trying to better themselves as they did demanding someone that did hand them something, none of this would be an issue.

Lets get something straight, Mitt Romney Jr....that bottom half that your shittin on, they're the grease that keeps the wheels and the millionaires and billionaires in the top 1%. And don't you ever ever forget that, Mr. Potter!!

View attachment 52557

How can many of that bottom half grease anything if they don't work? They only thing they're looking to grease is their palm by demanding someone owes them something.
YOUR inability to recognize stimulus DID help the economy, but Obama could only get 3 TOTAL GOP votes even though he gave 40% tax cuts to get GOP support, isn't my problem wingnutter!


That you continue to stick you head up his ass not seeing how things aren't good isn't my problem. Continue licking the dingleberries off his ass. He seems to like that kind of thing.

Right, supporting Dubya's $300 billion stimulus in 2008 by 85% support GOP =Good

100% voting against Obama's $787 billion (40% tax cuts) stimulus in 2009 in the worst recession since first GOP great depression= Good


Obama 2006 - raising debt ceiling is a sign of leadership failure.

Obama 2014 - signs bill raising debt ceiling

By his own words, he's a leadership failure.

YOU MEAN WHEN HE WAS UPSET DUBYA/GOP PUT EVERYTHING (INCLUDING WARS) ON THE CREDIT CARD? REFUSING to get more revenues as they gutted revenues from 20% of GDP they inherited to less than 15%? Shocking Bubs

Get off the bumper sticker thinking and TRY to open that tiny brain a bit!

You just served up another dose of kryptonite....its not going to penetrate their brains....FACTS = kryptonite to these morons!!

Kryponite - a job to a welfare leech. They run from it.
It helped get states out of the red....dude, educate yourself before posting here, please!!

I did educate myself, and your little retort does not change the facts above one bit. So tell us, HOW did it get states out of the red, 'dude'? It did almost NOTHING to repair any of the aging infrastructure in this country, did not create the 'immediate' jobs promised, did not lower the unemployment rate as promised, caused the partial sell-off of an American car manufacturer, lost hundreds of millions In the eventual re-selling of GM stocks the Obama administration had from taking control of GM, did nothing about the Union contracts that got GM into trouble in the 1st place (Bankruptcy would have allowed GM to renegotiate contracts that would have helped the company more, but that was bad for Unions - which is why Barry 'nationalized GM and gave the unions 1/2 ownership), and ended up costing tax payers OVER $742,000 PER JOB 'created'.

The ONLY one whose 'red' was eliminated was Barabara Boxer's husband, who received Stimulus money to use to bail out his bankrupting company, a 'loan' he has made no effort to pay back...and a few other Liberal politicians who also gave spouse's / family tax dollars:

Senate Ethics Committee Begins Formal Investigation of Kay Hagan’s ‘Stimulus’ Payday
The United States Senate Ethics Committee today will begin a formal investigation of the fact that a company co-owned by Senator Kay Hagan’s husband, JDC Manufacturing, received $390,000 in taxpayer grants and tax credits as a result of her vote for President Obama’s ‘stimulus’ law.

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