The GOP is exposing the nation to Hispanic caused degradation.

Make no mistake about it...thats what's got Democrats and Liberals paranoid...the Hussein administration and Liberal media has sold Hispanics as amazing, positive contributing human beings..."real pillars in their communities".....which is completely misleading to the American citizens who don't know any better.
REAL Americans in Loon York, Mexifornia, Texas and Arizona are aware of the truth but Middle America has no clue...they only know what Liberal media and Hollyweird tells them.
I can remember when only 20% of our population here in Mexifornia was Hispanic...they blended in and well and we thought they were awesome....traffic wasn't horrible, jobs were easy to come by, emergency rooms weren't packed full, streets in poor neighborhoods weren't littered with trash and stray animals, public schools were still teaching academics, American kids were able to get college grants and courses they needed...No one really felt like Hispanics we're invading and taking from REAL Americans.....HOLY SHIT HAS THAT ALL CHANGED. Good luck Middle America....the infestation is headed your way.
I am actually in the Midwest now and I can assure that many here are already aware that there is a major problem. Anyone that hangs with working class people generally know that. The problem is we have a lot of corruption throughout the country and the people themselves throughout ignore the whole beast until now.

I'm also in the midwest, and I'm fully aware that 90% of the midwest population consists of complete morons. So their opinions aren't worth jack shit, really.

Typical whack-job...."I'm on welfare, a drug addict, a convicted felon, have four kids with three baby momma's but I'm super smart and everybody around me are idiots" haha...fucking Loons!
Aww...poor you. You know nothing about American history. This is your lucky day...I love to enlighten the confused and ignorant. The British conquered this land, those were the times...that's what badass armies did...consequently a little document called the US Constitution was written
which banned third world filth from entering the US illegally. TA-DA!
What else can I teach you?

America now owns land that was once taken from Mexico, and that's the main reason why that land has so many Mexicans still living in it. I hope your completely unnecessary posturing afforded your ego the boost it apparently needed.

p.s.- You should be thankful that white men conquered and built this country...imagine if Mexicans would have...would you want to live here? Have you been to that filthy shithole Mexico lately?

Yeah, the combination of us now owning their most valuable land and our drug war devastating their country really took a toll.

You certainly wouldn't be getting all that free shit you get now...right?

I probably make a lot more money than you do.
Make no mistake about it...thats what's got Democrats and Liberals paranoid...the Hussein administration and Liberal media has sold Hispanics as amazing, positive contributing human beings..."real pillars in their communities".....which is completely misleading to the American citizens who don't know any better.
REAL Americans in Loon York, Mexifornia, Texas and Arizona are aware of the truth but Middle America has no clue...they only know what Liberal media and Hollyweird tells them.
I can remember when only 20% of our population here in Mexifornia was Hispanic...they blended in and well and we thought they were awesome....traffic wasn't horrible, jobs were easy to come by, emergency rooms weren't packed full, streets in poor neighborhoods weren't littered with trash and stray animals, public schools were still teaching academics, American kids were able to get college grants and courses they needed...No one really felt like Hispanics we're invading and taking from REAL Americans.....HOLY SHIT HAS THAT ALL CHANGED. Good luck Middle America....the infestation is headed your way.
I am actually in the Midwest now and I can assure that many here are already aware that there is a major problem. Anyone that hangs with working class people generally know that. The problem is we have a lot of corruption throughout the country and the people themselves throughout ignore the whole beast until now.

I'm also in the midwest, and I'm fully aware that 90% of the midwest population consists of complete morons. So their opinions aren't worth jack shit, really.

Typical whack-job...."I'm on welfare, a drug addict, a convicted felon, have four kids with three baby momma's but I'm super smart and everybody around me are idiots" haha...fucking Loons!

Uh, what?

First of all, my personal life isn't really relevant, but I assure you, I'm doing just fine.

Second of all, what?
Congress has a good start on cleaning up and thankfully on this portion of the issues with illegals the obstructionist Dems couldn't get in the way. Now on to the senate and hopefully they expedite it on to the president.

House Overrules Dems And Passes MASSIVE Bill To Deport…
From the article:
"The House of Representatives voted to change U.S. immigration laws to make being an identified gang member grounds for deportation. Naturally, Democrats opposed it because they are apparently pro-gang banger."

The measure doesn't go far enough but it is a start. All illegals need to be deported ASAP.
Maybe we should just deport the under-educated rednecks instead. Illegals will do their jobs for a third of the price, and we won't have to listen to their bitching and moaning anymore. Economics.
Nobody wants to hear you spew your bullshit about Hispanics. If you don't like where you live, move. All there is to it.

BINGO.... that's my point.
Liberals and Democrats don't want the truth about Hispanics openly discussed. It's so fuckin scary...right?
Imagine if the whole country knew "the truth".
You know a lot of the Mexicans in the southwest live there because their ancestors lived there before the United States took that land from Mexico, right? They're not just a bunch of border hoppers. They just live in the same area they always have.

Which means they are United States citizens, and are as welcome as we are. By the way, my daughter has dealt these very people, and the ones she dealt with anyway, were as against the Mexican Invasion which Obama encouraged and abetted, as most non-Bolshevik Americans.
Maybe we should just deport the under-educated rednecks instead. Illegals will do their jobs for a third of the price, and we won't have to listen to their bitching and moaning anymore. Economics.
Under-educated? It is more descriptive of your voter base. At least try to be factual to appear more credible. Slinging shit will not get you far, only displays that you lack the ability to participate in an intelligent conversation.
Maybe we should just deport the under-educated rednecks instead. Illegals will do their jobs for a third of the price, and we won't have to listen to their bitching and moaning anymore. Economics.

You types are a blight on this nation and all of western civilization. Money and your own personal aggrandizement is all that matters to you.
Maybe we should just deport the under-educated rednecks instead. Illegals will do their jobs for a third of the price, and we won't have to listen to their bitching and moaning anymore. Economics.

Do you have a link to the percentages of "undereducated rednecks" per capita?
I have one for "UNEDUCATED" filthy beaners per capita....need me to post it?
Fuck it...let's go pluck the Zulu's from the jungles of Africa...they'll work their asses off for a couple packs of Top Ramen...You like slave labor...right?
Go big or go home pussy!
You know a lot of the Mexicans in the southwest live there because their ancestors lived there before the United States took that land from Mexico, right? They're not just a bunch of border hoppers. They just live in the same area they always have.

Aww...poor you. You know nothing about American history. This is your lucky day...I love to enlighten the confused and ignorant. The British conquered this land, those were the times...that's what badass armies did...consequently a little document called the US Constitution was written
which banned third world filth from entering the US illegally. TA-DA!
What else can I teach you?

p.s.- You should be thankful that white men conquered and built this country...imagine if Mexicans would have...would you want to live here? Have you been to that filthy shithole Mexico lately? You certainly wouldn't be getting all that free shit you get now...right?
. You speak as if there is a trait that is evident in Mexicans that causes them to be incapable of assimilating into American society. Now is it the Mexican that is the problem or is it the conditions in which they live under that causes them to have a less than give a crap attitude in life ?? What is the real root of the problem where foriegners who come here can't seem to assimilate, learn the language, and become great citizens of these United States ? I think the platforms and the ideologies of the Demon-crats is the problem in this country when it comes to mis-leading, indoctrinating, and causing the problems amongst these vulnerable populations. Keep the Demon-crats out of power, and get rid of the repugnacrats from power like a John McCain, and all will get along just fine here.
Republicans spoke many truths about there frustration with what has been going wrong with America. The problem seems to be that they have gone to extremes that don't help most of us.
The problems with Democrats is even being right about many things there frustrated about, they go to extremes that don't help most of us.
Congress has a good start on cleaning up and thankfully on this portion of the issues with illegals the obstructionist Dems couldn't get in the way. Now on to the senate and hopefully they expedite it on to the president.

House Overrules Dems And Passes MASSIVE Bill To Deport…
Gutierrez of course is having a big ole hissy fit about it......he thinks it's 'hate' legislation.....

You BET it is.....we hate crime and violence in our country.....
Maybe we should just deport the under-educated rednecks instead. Illegals will do their jobs for a third of the price, and we won't have to listen to their bitching and moaning anymore. Economics.

Do you have a link to the percentages of "undereducated rednecks" per capita?
I have one for "UNEDUCATED" filthy beaners per capita....need me to post it?
Fuck it...let's go pluck the Zulu's from the jungles of Africa...they'll work their asses off for a couple packs of Top Ramen...You like slave labor...right?
Go big or go home pussy!

Woah, mad as fuck.

I was joking. But seriously, y'all act like you're somehow more deserving than the Mexicans because ... what? You're white? You were born here?

I'm all about border security. I only want the best in this country, for the most part. But you guys aren't talking about making the country better. Otherwise you'd be interested in an immigration system that rewards merit. And from what I understand, a lot of the dreamers do have merit. More than you or I. And they're illegal, technically. And they're American, in so much that they are steeped in the culture and see themselves as such. So why are you any more deserving of being here than they are?

Simply because you were born here. But you don't really care about America, otherwise you'd be looking for ways to legalize the ones who are worth a damn.
You speak as if there is a trait that is evident in Mexicans that causes them to be incapable of assimilating into American society. Now is it the Mexican that is the problem or is it the conditions in which they live under that causes them to have a less than give a crap attitude in life ?? What is the real root of the problem where foriegners who come here can't seem to assimilate, learn the language, and become great citizens of these United States ? I think the platforms and the ideologies of the Demon-crats is the problem in this country when it comes to mis-leading, indoctrinating, and causing the problems amongst these vulnerable populations. Keep the Demon-crats out of power, and get rid of the repugnacrats, and all will get along just fine here.

You're stupid and in complete denial of reality if you think Swedes and Arabs are exactly the same. Descendants of human sacrificing worshippers of a serpent-god to the descendants of cathedral-building protestants and catholics, identical.
Maybe we should just deport the under-educated rednecks instead. Illegals will do their jobs for a third of the price, and we won't have to listen to their bitching and moaning anymore. Economics.

Do you have a link to the percentages of "undereducated rednecks" per capita?
I have one for "UNEDUCATED" filthy beaners per capita....need me to post it?
Fuck it...let's go pluck the Zulu's from the jungles of Africa...they'll work their asses off for a couple packs of Top Ramen...You like slave labor...right?
Go big or go home pussy!

Woah, mad as fuck.

I was joking. But seriously, y'all act like you're somehow more deserving than the Mexicans because ... what? You're white? You were born here?

I'm all about border security. I only want the best in this country, for the most part. But you guys aren't talking about making the country better. Otherwise you'd be interested in an immigration system that rewards merit. And from what I understand, a lot of the dreamers do have merit. More than you or I. And they're illegal, technically. And they're American, in so much that they are steeped in the culture and see themselves as such. So why are you any more deserving of being here than they are?

Simply because you were born here. But you don't really care about America, otherwise you'd be looking for ways to legalize the ones who are worth a damn.

Maybe we should just deport the under-educated rednecks instead. Illegals will do their jobs for a third of the price, and we won't have to listen to their bitching and moaning anymore. Economics.

Do you have a link to the percentages of "undereducated rednecks" per capita?
I have one for "UNEDUCATED" filthy beaners per capita....need me to post it?
Fuck it...let's go pluck the Zulu's from the jungles of Africa...they'll work their asses off for a couple packs of Top Ramen...You like slave labor...right?
Go big or go home pussy!

Woah, mad as fuck.

I was joking. But seriously, y'all act like you're somehow more deserving than the Mexicans because ... what? You're white? You were born here?

I'm all about border security. I only want the best in this country, for the most part. But you guys aren't talking about making the country better. Otherwise you'd be interested in an immigration system that rewards merit. And from what I understand, a lot of the dreamers do have merit. More than you or I. And they're illegal, technically. And they're American, in so much that they are steeped in the culture and see themselves as such. So why are you any more deserving of being here than they are?

Simply because you were born here. But you don't really care about America, otherwise you'd be looking for ways to legalize the ones who are worth a damn.

View attachment 149506

You're a self-described racist, so I don't really care what you have to say.
You know a lot of the Mexicans in the southwest live there because their ancestors lived there before the United States took that land from Mexico, right? They're not just a bunch of border hoppers. They just live in the same area they always have.

Aww...poor you. You know nothing about American history. This is your lucky day...I love to enlighten the confused and ignorant. The British conquered this land, those were the times...that's what badass armies did...consequently a little document called the US Constitution was written
which banned third world filth from entering the US illegally. TA-DA!
What else can I teach you?

p.s.- You should be thankful that white men conquered and built this country...imagine if Mexicans would have...would you want to live here? Have you been to that filthy shithole Mexico lately? You certainly wouldn't be getting all that free shit you get now...right?
. You speak as if there is a trait that is evident in Mexicans that causes them to be incapable of assimilating into American society. Now is it the Mexican that is the problem or is it the conditions in which they live under that causes them to have a less than give a crap attitude in life ?? What is the real root of the problem where foriegners who come here can't seem to assimilate, learn the language, and become great citizens of these United States ? I think the platforms and the ideologies of the Demon-crats is the problem in this country when it comes to mis-leading, indoctrinating, and causing the problems amongst these vulnerable populations. Keep the Demon-crats out of power, and get rid of the repugnacrats, and all will get along just fine here. really shouldn't matter. The way I see it; why is it or should it ever be the responsibility of the American taxpayer to fund the expenses associated with "molding" illegal foreigners into American society?
You come here LEGALLY through proper protocol and ready to hit the ground running or you don't come at all. This nation does not need anymore human projects to spoon feed...we have plenty of those now.

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