The GOP is going to force the Democrats to stop spending

The Republicans stood their ground and stopped another tax increase by Obama. Despite the liberal media the American people know it is best to put an end to this free spending by Obama and the democrats. The Republicans have done this and will keep doing this for the American people.

Sequestration 2013: With Cuts In Place, Obama And GOP Brace For Next Fight

Stopping a tax increase on the wealthy elites does nothing to help the budget or bring down the deficit

but the GOP did raise taxes on the wealthy elite earlier and that helps Obama and the Dems tackle teh deficit and budget
The Republicans stood their ground and stopped another tax increase by Obama. Despite the liberal media the American people know it is best to put an end to this free spending by Obama and the democrats. The Republicans have done this and will keep doing this for the American people.

Sequestration 2013: With Cuts In Place, Obama And GOP Brace For Next Fight

The polls show the American people want higher taxes on the wealthy and cuts in defense spending with no cuts to Social Security and Medicare, and after a long campaign in which the Repubs argued the opposite we re-elected President Obama because the American people don't agree with the Repubs, so I guess the evidence says you're wrong.

Voter fraud elected Obama both times. America is a conservative country and when all of Obama's lies are exposed the voters will return to the Republicans and the country will be great again.

and when you get your secret decoder ring out of your next box of Crackerjax you will save the world :cuckoo:
I see the liberals can't disagree with my post. Obama's socialism is losing popularity.

Are you a paid troll, or just a moron that parrots the latest BS from fox and Beck?

All the GOP idiots did was shoot themselves in the foot once again. Say bye-bye to the house in 2014 :clap2:

Can't you see what is happening? Republicans are standing up to the dictator Obama and stopping his tax increases and his socialism. The cuts to programs by the sequester are only the beginning of the good work that will be done by the Republicans in the House and the Senate going to the elections. In 2014 the voters will give Congress back to the Republicans after they see the tax cuts and spending cuts that will be pushed through by Boehner and McConnell. In 2016 the voters will have no choice but to elect the Republican candidate if they want this country to remain a free Republic.
The Republicans stood their ground and stopped another tax increase by Obama. Despite the liberal media the American people know it is best to put an end to this free spending by Obama and the democrats. The Republicans have done this and will keep doing this for the American people.

Sequestration 2013: With Cuts In Place, Obama And GOP Brace For Next Fight

The polls show the American people want higher taxes on the wealthy and cuts in defense spending with no cuts to Social Security and Medicare, and after a long campaign in which the Repubs argued the opposite we re-elected President Obama because the American people don't agree with the Repubs, so I guess the evidence says you're wrong.

Most people have absolutely no idea what tax rates even are.

Go ask around. Like this guy:

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We know Republicans spent trillions on tax cuts with 66% going to the top 10%.

We know Republicans spent no money on two wars, the cost of which they handed to Obama.

We know Republicans spending in Iraq cost more than 30,000 young Americans their health for the next 50 years that we now have to pay for costing unknown trillions.

We know Republicans passed a "drugs for votes" bill costing trillions.

So what did Democrats spend money on? A stimulus that was nearly half tax cuts (the only way to get it passed)?

And yet, according to the GOP, it's the Democrats who have a spending problem?????? Really?????

All spending done by Republicans benefits the American people. It protects them from foreign attackers and creates jobs. Spending done by the liberals is just for the welfare and social security leeches liberals created with Roosevelt's New Deal and LBJ's great society. If we do what the Republicans want and take all of these programs away along with the unions, epa, osha, the FTC and their regulations that do nothing but cause frivolous lawsuits and destroy business we could get the USA back working again.
All the spending we did on the military which the Repubs have always been in favor of did nothing to protect us on 911. All the spending after 911 was wasted, we didn't invest in anything for the future, no infrastructure, no education nothing but wasted dollars on chasing "terrorists".

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