The GOP is going to force the Democrats to stop spending

The GOP is going to force the Democrats to stop spending
Yeah....THAT'S gonna be quite the lil' trick!!


"As we have seen in other recent polling, a major part of Republicans’ overall approval problem — in this case on federal spending — comes from divisions within their own party."


WASHINGTON — Believe it or not, there is some bipartisan agreement in Washington, D.C. The problem is Republicans and Democrats agree those automatic spending cuts known as the “sequester” will probably start on Friday, the deadline for a budget agreement.
From Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill of Missouri: “Unless the Republicans are willing to compromise and do a balanced approach, I think it will kick in.”
And from Republican Sen. Coburn of Oklahoma: “It will kick in…but you’re not going to see $85 billion all of a sudden shrink from the federal government.”
The two senators appeared on “FOX News Sunday.”
Meanwhile, the administration continues to warn of dire consequences. The Transportation Secretary and the Education Secretary made the rounds today offering examples of what will happen if the sequester is triggered on Friday.
“The sequester doesn’t allow us to move money around. That’s the difference here. If we could shift money around, certainly we would do that. These are very tough decisions,” Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”
The roadblock is a budget agreement. President Obama wants what he calls a balanced approach — spending cuts with additional tax revenue. The Republicans refused to increase revenues, saying they already raised taxes on the rich earlier this year.
The cuts set to be triggered on Friday will range from 5 percent to 7 percent for most government departments. They will be phased in over the next six months. Workers, who may be furloughed for up to three weeks, will get 30 days warning before they must stay home.
These are across-the-board cuts that trouble supporters of the Pentagon.
“I can find lots of waste and mismanagement, but, by God, across the board cuts are the worst and most cowardly way to approach this situation,” said Sen. John McCain on CNN’s “State of the Union.”
There is a promise from Democrats that something will be passed in the Senate this week to stop sequestration.
“We will vote on something this week. And it will be a balanced approach. It will do both spending cuts, and it will close some loopholes — some really important loopholes that need to be closed just from the sense of fairness in our tax code,” McCaskill said.
But such a bill is unlikely to get through the Republican House.

Since Obama and the democrats won't listen to reason it is up to the Republicans in the House to stop the over spending by the government. If sequester is the only way to stop the liberals and the welfare leeches so be it.

Those civilian employees working at military bases probably do not appreciate you calling them welfare leeches, mate.

I suspect of all Americans that particular segment of the population are going to be hardest hit of all Americans.

Of course the other hard hit segment of the population will be those working for the military industrial complex, too.

In their case, they won't take a 20% decrease in hours and pay, many of them will just be laid off, perhaps permanently.

Those two groups proabably aren't really welfare leeches, agreed?
so we should just ignore increasing taxes if they don't exist either.....:eusa_whistle:

Taxes are not "going up" because the tax breaks have been lifted. You should have been paying the full amount the whole time. If we didn't have cuts, we wouldn't be in as bad of a situation.

Regardless of what you think people "should" have been paying, if somebody is paying more in taxes than they were previously then their taxes have objectively gone up.

"should"? They had tax cuts because republicans thought it would be great. Turns out it hurt us.

Now people are paying the full amount of what they were obligated to pay in the first place.
Holy shit! How many of you fine people is this CaGoPatriot going to ensnare in his smarmy troll trap.

Dude is a fucking role player. Take a step back and reread his posts. He's auditioning for a parody show.

Taxes are not "going up" because the tax breaks have been lifted. You should have been paying the full amount the whole time. If we didn't have cuts, we wouldn't be in as bad of a situation.

Regardless of what you think people "should" have been paying, if somebody is paying more in taxes than they were previously then their taxes have objectively gone up.

"should"? They had tax cuts because republicans thought it would be great. Turns out it hurt us.

Now people are paying the full amount of what they were obligated to pay in the first place.

You're welcome to believe that, but it doesn't change the fact that people's taxes have gone up from what they were.
Regardless of what you think people "should" have been paying, if somebody is paying more in taxes than they were previously then their taxes have objectively gone up.

"should"? They had tax cuts because republicans thought it would be great. Turns out it hurt us.

Now people are paying the full amount of what they were obligated to pay in the first place.

You're welcome to believe that, but it doesn't change the fact that people's taxes have gone up from what they were.

To what they should have been paying all along.

The biggest point is that revenues are still at their lowest levels in over 60 years. Cons keep telling us the problem is spending but ignore the fact that revenues are completely out of whack with historical levels.

Revenues are low because liberal regulations and taxes have forced businesses to leave the US. Deregulation and tax cuts and stopping the union thugs are the only things that will bring them back. India and China and other foreign countries don't have the business strangling regulations, taxes and unions we have here. Now do you see why businesses left the country? Its called free enterprise for a reason. Freedom.

Revenues as a % of the overall economy.

Yes, there was not enough protection for American jobs because Congress sold out with the Free Trade Agreements. Pay dirt cheap wages and not have to worry about environmental standards. Then sell the product back in the good old use for the same price it used to be sold for. Profit. It's called ripping off the American Middle Class.
We know Republicans spent trillions on tax cuts with 66% going to the top 10%.

We know Republicans spent no money on two wars, the cost of which they handed to Obama.

We know Republicans spending in Iraq cost more than 30,000 young Americans their health for the next 50 years that we now have to pay for costing unknown trillions.

We know Republicans passed a "drugs for votes" bill costing trillions.

So what did Democrats spend money on? A stimulus that was nearly half tax cuts (the only way to get it passed)?

And yet, according to the GOP, it's the Democrats who have a spending problem?????? Really?????

All spending done by Republicans benefits the American people. It protects them from foreign attackers and creates jobs. Spending done by the liberals is just for the welfare and social security leeches liberals created with Roosevelt's New Deal and LBJ's great society. If we do what the Republicans want and take all of these programs away along with the unions, epa, osha, the FTC and their regulations that do nothing but cause frivolous lawsuits and destroy business we could get the USA back working again.

I've posted the figures on welfare. We spent $21.9 billion on welfare in 2010 during the end of the Great Depression and nearly twice that amount of foreign aid. I showed there was nearly as much going to farm subsidies and that included money to millionaires for not growing anything on their land. What you have in America is corporate welfare and not welfare for people. You have companies like WalMart showing their employees how to get government benefits, because they don't pay them enough.
Taxes are not "going up" because the tax breaks have been lifted. You should have been paying the full amount the whole time. If we didn't have cuts, we wouldn't be in as bad of a situation.

Regardless of what you think people "should" have been paying, if somebody is paying more in taxes than they were previously then their taxes have objectively gone up.

"should"? They had tax cuts because republicans thought it would be great. Turns out it hurt us.

Now people are paying the full amount of what they were obligated to pay in the first place.


"Not only was the entire national deficit eliminated after raising taxes on the wealthy in 1993, but the economy grew so fast for the remainder of the decade that many conservative economists thought that the Fed should raise the prime interest rate in order to slow it down."

:udaman: . :udaman: . :udaman: . :udaman:

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Regardless of what you think people "should" have been paying, if somebody is paying more in taxes than they were previously then their taxes have objectively gone up.

"should"? They had tax cuts because republicans thought it would be great. Turns out it hurt us.

Now people are paying the full amount of what they were obligated to pay in the first place.

You're welcome to believe that, but it doesn't change the fact that people's taxes have gone up from what they were.

After having gone down after the temporary Bush Tax cuts. They really should have been recended after 9-11 when President Bush decided to invade Iraq after paying lip service to capture or kill OBL. Frankly they should have recended all of them. War is hell.
The Republicans stood their ground and stopped another tax increase by Obama. Despite the liberal media the American people know it is best to put an end to this free spending by Obama and the democrats. The Republicans have done this and will keep doing this for the American people.

Sequestration 2013: With Cuts In Place, Obama And GOP Brace For Next Fight

The polls show the American people want higher taxes on the wealthy and cuts in defense spending with no cuts to Social Security and Medicare, and after a long campaign in which the Repubs argued the opposite we re-elected President Obama because the American people don't agree with the Repubs, so I guess the evidence says you're wrong.
The Republicans stood their ground and stopped another tax increase by Obama. Despite the liberal media the American people know it is best to put an end to this free spending by Obama and the democrats. The Republicans have done this and will keep doing this for the American people.

Sequestration 2013: With Cuts In Place, Obama And GOP Brace For Next Fight

The polls show the American people want higher taxes on the wealthy and cuts in defense spending with no cuts to Social Security and Medicare, and after a long campaign in which the Repubs argued the opposite we re-elected President Obama because the American people don't agree with the Repubs, so I guess the evidence says you're wrong.

The polls will always show that the American people want higher taxes on the wealthy, and cuts that don't affect them directly. Thats why Rush Limbaugh calls them "low information" voters. However, the American people also know that overall spending is out of control, and want it brought into line. A conflict in the will of the people. Low life politicians will cater to the demands of the people, even though they know that the unreasonable will of the people is bad fiscal policy.
The next crisis and tax increase will be along in just a few days. The debt ceiling has to be raised again.
So no cuts to a military budget that has doubled in the last decade but cut off grandma, who is low on information?
The Republicans stood their ground and stopped another tax increase by Obama. Despite the liberal media the American people know it is best to put an end to this free spending by Obama and the democrats. The Republicans have done this and will keep doing this for the American people.

Sequestration 2013: With Cuts In Place, Obama And GOP Brace For Next Fight

The polls show the American people want higher taxes on the wealthy and cuts in defense spending with no cuts to Social Security and Medicare, and after a long campaign in which the Repubs argued the opposite we re-elected President Obama because the American people don't agree with the Repubs, so I guess the evidence says you're wrong.

Voter fraud elected Obama both times. America is a conservative country and when all of Obama's lies are exposed the voters will return to the Republicans and the country will be great again.
The Republicans stood their ground and stopped another tax increase by Obama. Despite the liberal media the American people know it is best to put an end to this free spending by Obama and the democrats. The Republicans have done this and will keep doing this for the American people.

Sequestration 2013: With Cuts In Place, Obama And GOP Brace For Next Fight

The polls show the American people want higher taxes on the wealthy and cuts in defense spending with no cuts to Social Security and Medicare, and after a long campaign in which the Repubs argued the opposite we re-elected President Obama because the American people don't agree with the Repubs, so I guess the evidence says you're wrong.

Voter fraud elected Obama both times. America is a conservative country and when all of Obama's lies are exposed the voters will return to the Republicans and the country will be great again.

If you believe that then you are not low on info but full of mis information. Polls show that people who watch Foxs News are less well informed than those who watch NO news.
I see the liberals can't disagree with my post. Obama's socialism is losing popularity.

Are you a paid troll, or just a moron that parrots the latest BS from fox and Beck?

All the GOP idiots did was shoot themselves in the foot once again. Say bye-bye to the house in 2014 :clap2:

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