The GOP is hopelessly broken

you gonna get off the net and hit the streets? i dont think so.....just sitting here hoping for more chaos and confusion
You located at the chicken farm, or the "chicken ranch"? <g>

Anyway, since you're one of the senior posters here, you should know that what happens inside the DC beltway isn't as important as what happens outside the DC beltway. DC has always been a mess. Trump tried to drain the swamp, but failed, (he never got the "acting presidential" part), the high-tech oligarchs and biased MSM swayed the 2020 election.

So in DC, the more things change - the more they stay the same, as always. Tempus Fugit

Because they don't want to government. They want to obstruct and investigate....revenge for trump.
All dems have done for 6 years is investigate Trump. As for obstruction of justice, do i really need to remind you of Hunter Biden? How about Joe Biden getting the Virgin Islands AG fired in order to get her to stop her investigation into JP Morgan for helping Epstein hide his illegal transactions?
Do they? No, they fucking don't. I'm not a Democrat, thing the Democratic Party sucks, but they don't want lawless fucking streets.
Literally, read the post I write to someone else before this. That's YOU I'm talking about.
Ok, they dont WANT it in the streets, but they wont do a fucking thing about it. In fact, they will hamper the police at every turn, defend criminals and make their lawless activities legal, like in San Francisco where theft is no longer a crime.
I think people's lives SUCK. Personally in the last few years I've become less interested in life itself. By the time I was 30 I had lived in four foreign countries, learned two foreign languages (to a certain degree), I'd been to quite a lot of countries, maybe in the high forties.
Now I don't travel, I went to India and couldn't be bothered, it was like "another poor country" and I was ill. I haven't left my region for three years.

How do you improve your life? Fantasy.
Alcohol, drugs, sport, pets, TV, religion, politics, they all create a certain amount of fantasy. Trump, wow, he is like a new modern computer game set in its own fucked up fantasy world.

"You're the good guys, the Libtard, Profuckmuthfuckser etc are the evil, you must pick up your sword and fight to the very end, using magic, and whatever crap fantasy novels use to win the ultimate battle"
Yeah, it's why I think of this stuff as professional wrestling for political geeks. Exciting fantasy.

Combine that with the comfort that draws to many to tribalism, and you're ripe for the picking.
Yeah, it's why I think of this stuff as professional wrestling for political geeks. Exciting fantasy.

Combine that with the comfort that draws to many to tribalism, and you're ripe for the picking.

Except they're not even political geeks, they're just people with a computer.

Because they don't want to government. They want to obstruct and investigate....revenge for trump.
ummm wasn't it the votes for Jeffries the Dems obstructing democracy since the voters let it be known they want Republican leadership in the house as a checks and balance on Dem blunders and spending? What I saw is Jeffries voting for himself against the will of the people self serving instead of serving the voters, hence Dems unilaterally were self serving in voting for Jeffries down thr line obstructing thr House speaker vote.
If Dem run media and Dem politicians and analyst calls the McCarthy opposition obstructionist then the Dems opposition vote is also obstructing the vote-oops!
All dems have done for 6 years is investigate Trump. As for obstruction of justice, do i really need to remind you of Hunter Biden? How about Joe Biden getting the Virgin Islands AG fired in order to get her to stop her investigation into JP Morgan for helping Epstein hide his illegal transactions?

Hunter Biden!
The Republicans have no job to do for the Great Reset since the Global elite control all of the money. The challenge is for Social Engineering and social chaos which is where the Democrats come in.
The Qanon Caucus is now big enough to have real influence, even some control. I don't know what makes McCarthy think he can control this.
Mac, you're a leftard asswipe.

You're also a total fucking liar.

No one but a dedicated leftard asswipe flings around the Q word.

I really despise the gutless cowards who can't come right out and admit they're leftwipes.

And then reveal themselves with a brainless choice of words on the internet.

At least I told you from day one I hate leftards and I'm going to do everything I can to hurt them.

You, you pretend to be a high and mighty independent, but when it comes right down to it every word out of your mouth is leftard propaganda.

Q, indeed. No rightie has even mentioned that word in three years. Only the dumbass mudslinging shit for brains leftards gotta pull that crap out of their butts when they have nothing else.

Because they don't want to government. They want to obstruct and investigate....revenge for trump.

Because they don't want to government. They want to obstruct and investigate....revenge for trump.
You are confused Moon Bat.

The 20 or so Patriotic Republicans are doing their best to preventing the RINOs from joining the Democrats to continue the destruction of our country. They are fighting for the heart and soul of this nation. That is a good thing.

Don't you worry your little Libtard head about getting payback to the Democrat for all their TDS shit. Jim Jordan as Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee will make life a living Hell for the Democrats no matter which Republican is the Speaker. He will expose the corruption of the Biden family and other Democrats that have been getting away with massive corruption.
Mac, you're a leftard asswipe.

You're also a total fucking liar.

No one but a dedicated leftard asswipe flings around the Q word.

I really despise the gutless cowards who can't come right out and admit they're leftwipes.

And then reveal themselves with a brainless choice of words on the internet.

At least I told you from day one I hate leftards and I'm going to do everything I can to hurt them.

You, you pretend to be a high and mighty independent, but when it comes right down to it every word out of your mouth is leftard propaganda.

Q, indeed. No rightie has even mentioned that word in three years. Only the dumbass mudslinging shit for brains leftards gotta pull that crap out of their butts when they have nothing else.
And yet, you can't prove it by demonstrating my hardcore left wing positions on the actual issues.

All you do is BITCH.

You people are so weak.

Because they don't want to government. They want to obstruct and investigate....revenge for trump.
Yup. Teal sad.
You are confused Moon Bat.

The 20 or so Patriotic Republicans are doing their best to preventing the RINOs from joining the Democrats to continue the destruction of our country. They are fighting for the heart and soul of this nation. That is a good thing.

Don't you worry your little Libtard head about getting payback to the Democrat for all their TDS shit. Jim Jordan as Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee will make life a living Hell for the Democrats no matter which Republican is the Speaker. He will expose the corruption of the Biden family and other Democrats that have been getting away with massive corruption.
Jim Jordan of the 9 fruitless Benghazi investigations? 😆
Talk about the Democrats also being hopelessly broken just look at the shithead they nominated to be Speaker of the House. A dumbass low IQ hate filled Leftest Negro.

Who in the hell would ever be so stupid as to give a job to anybody with a name like "Hakeem"? That speaks volumes of being a dumbass Negro,

It looks like he is just as much of a worthless dumbass lawyer as that Barack Obama clown.



Because they don't want to government. They want to obstruct and investigate....revenge for trump.
Man you bitch when they are united and bitch when they are divided, are you ever happy or are you just a miserable person?

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