The GOP is hopelessly broken

Jim Jordan of the 9 fruitless Benghazi investigations? 😆
This time around no more soft steps with the globalist-controlled politicians. The American people have to many idiots voting for the Chairman Mao ways now. Watching the Jan 6 crap on TV was Orwellian. Only a spoiled people could do this. All of the suffering in this world and here at home and we choose sides because those who represent us look like us to vote for is more important than character. The Federal Internal Security Force that rules us and you love will kill you in the ghettos if needed and in the millions if needed.
Back up?

You dumb fucktard, your words are already public. They're here for everyone to see. I don't gotta do any more work on your behalf, silly leftard
Mac is a coward, he can’t back up his own BS and when you stand up to the bully he does the cowardly thing and puts you on ignore. He is just obsessed by Trump and is jealous because he is a nothing that wants to be a something, he is dishonest and pretends to be insightful. The more he posts, the dumber he sounds.
You are confused Moon Bat.

The 20 or so Patriotic Republicans are doing their best to preventing the RINOs from joining the Democrats to continue the destruction of our country. They are fighting for the heart and soul of this nation. That is a good thing.

Don't you worry your little Libtard head about getting payback to the Democrat for all their TDS shit. Jim Jordan as Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee will make life a living Hell for the Democrats no matter which Republican is the Speaker. He will expose the corruption of the Biden family and other Democrats that have been getting away with massive corruption.

Those so called RINO’s are 200 Republicans in Congress
“You're supposed to throw the grenade after you pull the pin. They pulled the pin and passed the grenade around!"James Carville

Historians should note that the party that lost control of the House brought popcorn to the ceremony. The party that “won,” blew itself up. And then did it again. And again. And then left for a night of pizza, bitterness, and recriminations. Meanwhile, the MAGA crackup accelerated as crackpots fought with nihilists, wingnuts pointed fingers at extremists, and grifters started slap-fights with one another.​

The whole of politics in the US is broken. And it's broken because there's an electoral system that doesn't care what the voters think. It gives you two parties, forces people to vote for two parties, has massively negative voting all the way.

It's not sustainable, and it's destroying the US.
Everything changed in 2015, when a Mafia Boss decided to run for office. One of the first things he did was pour doubt on our electoral system. He has tried to destroy every guard rail the country has and may be successful in the future if he is not held accountable to his many crimes.
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Or more on point, Republicans’ unwillingness to govern.

And what Republicans consider to be ‘governing,’ isn’t – such as reckless, irresponsible tax cuts and deregulation.
They have labeled any policies that helps the poor and economically challenged as Socialism or they barrel down their path to Fascism. Now they want to investigate the laptop of the son of the sitting President who is not not has even been a government employee, while turning a blind eye to the daughter and son-in-law of the former president who, for an unknown reason, received Billions of dollars from the Saudis immediately after they served in the WH for four years.


Because they don't want to government. They want to obstruct and investigate....revenge for trump.
Obstructing and investigating America hating betcha jimbolair!
Everything changed in 2015, when a Mafia Boss decided to run for office. One of the first things he did was pour doubt on our electoral system. He has tried to destroy every guard rail the country has and may be successful in the future if he is not held accountable to his many crimes.
Waah waah
They have labeled any policies that helps the poor and economically challenged as Socialism or they barrel down their path to Fascism. Now they want to investigate the laptop of the son of the sitting President who is not not has even been a government employee, while turning a blind eye to the daughter and son-in-law of the former president who, for an unknown reason, received Billions of dollars from the Saudis immediately after they served in the WH for four years.

If dems continue to flood the country with 2 million illegal aliens a year our poor are going to need more help than even the bleeding heart dems can give them
All dems have done for 6 years is investigate Trump. As for obstruction of justice, do i really need to remind you of Hunter Biden? How about Joe Biden getting the Virgin Islands AG fired in order to get her to stop her investigation into JP Morgan for helping Epstein hide his illegal transactions?
When did Hunter serve as an adviser in the WH? And when did he receive, without explanation, Billions of dollars from the Saudis?
They have labeled any policies that helps the poor and economically challenged as Socialism or they barrel down their path to Fascism. Now they want to investigate the laptop of the son of the sitting President who is not not has even been a government employee, while turning a blind eye to the daughter and son-in-law of the former president who, for an unknown reason, received Billions of dollars from the Saudis immediately after they served in the WH for four years.

What is wrong? One idiot posting garbage to another idiot?
When did Hunter serve as an adviser in the WH? And when did he receive, without explanation, Billions of dollars from the Saudis?
Are you a fucking retard or something? That silly democrat "gotcha" question was smashed on day 1 with ease. It seems rather obvious that his father is the god damn POTUS. :cuckoo:

Because they don't want to government. They want to obstruct and investigate....revenge for trump.

No, they just don't want to Government (sic) as you want them to.
Have you checked to see how many are still going? The man who tried to "reinstate" himself will be indicted. Not sure who will be first.
Are you a fucking retard or something? That silly democrat "gotcha" question was smashed on day 1 with ease. It seems rather obvious that his father is the god damn POTUS. :cuckoo:
The four years in the WH were very profitable for the Prince, huh. And you are worried about some nudies on Hunter's laptop?

Actually I think this chaos may finally be what the party has needed for many years; namely the moment that the Centrist/Moderate branch of the party and the Conservative wing of the party finally irreconcilably split from each other.

In the short term it would be incredibly bad for the Conservatives, as the Centrist/Moderates will end up forming a coalition with the Democrats (where they truly ideologically belong).

In the long term we would have to see where things settle out. It might truly mean a single party super-majority for the Democrats, which could bring about the bloodshed and firey death and rebirth of this nation.

That wouldn't be the worst thing.

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