The GOP is hopelessly broken

Republicans just can’t figure out how to handle winning. They always seem to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
This could be very entertaining… :cool:
No kidding? After watching Hannity this evening, it was anything but entertaining to this conservative. o_O Oh, well life goes on. Those who voted against McCarthy will be giving over to their Democrat buddies, but they will lose when their term is up with outraged Republican voters in their districts. They apparently wanted personal favors in return for a McCarthy vote. That's just the opposite of President JFK who said, "ask what you can do for your country, not what your country can do for you."
Jim Jordan asked everyone to support McCarthy or conservatives will lose the speaker's chair. I tend to agree with Mr. Jordan once I saw the totals of the 3 votes. I still like him, but maybe McCarthy will change his modus operandi if he wins. Jim Jordan is a team player who is willing to forego personal gain. His positive sacrifice may well make him POTUS some time in the future. If anyone could go to bat for the American people, it's Jim Jordan and his esteemed partner in bringing a good outcome for American families, President Trump. And that's what I think. So I'm with Jim Jordan, I agree that McCarthy deserves the House Speaker's Chair. He will make things fair again, I'm pretty sure.

No matter who is to be the next speaker, I hope the speaker will work toward lower grocery and gas prices for people who can't afford an $60 to $80 thousand dollars for an electric car and the nuisance it is to have to plug in twice a day if their company has them travelling a lot, and the kids piano lessons are a couple of towns away coupled with after school hours' traffic. :dunno:

Because they don't want to government. They want to obstruct and investigate....revenge for trump.

Amen! They don't even want to govern! They just want chaos! It's hard to imagine that we even have QAnon crazies in our federal government.

Because they don't want to government. They want to obstruct and investigate....revenge for trump.

That is true about the current 'Leaders'.

McConnell has always been a cuck, trained to be so by his Democrat wife. He has openly stated in the past that he would rather be tbe Minority leader - a follower - than the Majority leader.

When you are the leader you are expected to produce / actually lead. When you are the leader you are out front for all to see, especially your mistakes / failures.

And if you agree with everything the Democrats are doing it is easier to sabotage any opposition from your own party, allow Democrats to continue their destruction, and tell voters, "If we only had the majority..."

McConnell was busted red handed during the midterms f*ing over / unsercutting / betraying Republican candidates by witholding much needed funds...from Trump-endorsed candidates. He proved he would rather.betray his party, screw Republican candidates, betray Conservatives / Republicans, and help Democrats stay in power in the Senate so he could remain the minority leader where he coumd run interference for them / help them.

McCarthy is so power-hungry he refuses to step down for the good of the party / country that he would rather hand control of the House they just won back over to the Democrats...if that was not his plan from the beginning.

McCarthy reportedly yelled out during the GOP meeting the other day about this, "I EARNED THE SPEAKER POSITION."
-- WTF? How does he figure that? How did he EARN everyone's vote / loyalty?

And, 'believing there was going to be a red wave' (if they seriously thought that), the GOP should have already talked about this and had an agreement hammered out already instead of this last second bullshit.

The Republicans are demonstrating they are too fractured, too divided, too selfish, too power-hungry, too disorganized to be able to do anything through this failed shit show.

Democrats may be treasonous, evil bastards, but they stick together, have a solid focus on their united goal (to destroy the US), and work together to carry it out.
Seems to me that it is you — old-style Republicans, Trump cultists, QAnon types and regular MAGAnuts — that have to … “Make up your mind.”

Some of you already openly talk about “civil war,” or mimic Trump suggesting you may have to “terminate” the Constitution to put him back in power. If you are one of those who want “revenge” that badly, who want a “civil war” … Go for it! But know that most decent Americans (and elites now too) will fight equally ruthlessly to stop you.

You want to fight to really “win leadership” of the GOP? You want to legally split off into a new Trump Party? By all means give it a go. That is your right.

As an “Independent” & now “a Never Trumper” who wouldn’t vote for Hillary in 2016, as somebody also really unhappy with today’s Democratic Party leadership, I hope and pray the GOP’s QAnon nutters & Trump conmen … crash and burn.

I’m just waiting (and keeping my fingers crossed) … to see what you all decide to do.
Unfortunately, it seems unavoidable that when a group wants to make big changes, that they go to ridiculous extremes.

Hopefully things will cool off in the GOP an sane people will assume positions of leadership, and the crackpots will be thrown out like the waste of space they are.

Imo, the GOP will continue to struggle for as long as they run conspiracy nutjobs as candidates.

As an AZ Indie, I had hoped to vote mostly for republican candidates in the midterms, but they filled their candidate choices with conspiracy clowns. The dems offered the most rational choices, imo.

Hopefully the pendulem will soon begin to swing back toward the center. Otherwise the GOPers will continue to see their candidates lose.

We need a healthy GOP --- NOT a GOP filled with irrational crackpots.
The whole of politics in the US is broken. And it's broken because there's an electoral system that doesn't care what the voters think. It gives you two parties, forces people to vote for two parties, has massively negative voting all the way.

It's not sustainable, and it's destroying the US.

Either we fix this system or we continue to bend over for it.
"Unfortunately, it's the American people who will pay the price for House Republicans' inability to govern."

Or more on point, Republicans’ unwillingness to govern.

And what Republicans consider to be ‘governing,’ isn’t – such as reckless, irresponsible tax cuts and deregulation.

Either we fix this system or we continue to bend over for it.

The problem is, have you see most of the people on this forum? They don't want the system to be fixed. They're like a virus that breeds in the scum of bad water. They LOVE the entertainment that comes with the bullshit. They think the governance of the country will happen no matter what, so just revel in the bullshit.
The problem is, have you see most of the people on this forum? They don't want the system to be fixed. They're like a virus that breeds in the scum of bad water. They LOVE the entertainment that comes with the bullshit. They think the governance of the country will happen no matter what, so just revel in the bullshit.
Well, that goes to my fascination with the behaviors of politics in general. My question always is: What is the point of the behavior? What is the goal?

I think you're right: For many, it's about the entertainment and drama, and not about governance or innovation or making things better.
Who or what is ‘it.’

It’s not ‘the system’ – two-party or otherwise.

The people are alone responsible for the bad government they get; government is dysfunctional and broken solely because of the people.

"It" is the system.

Take a look at Germany. You can see the system controls things.

2017 the Germans went to vote. They vote twice on the same day. Once for FPTP and once for PR. PR at the end of the day decides, so remember that Germans know this and it kind of distorts things, though how is a little difficult.

The CDU/CSU got 37.27% of the vote under FPTP. They got 77% of the seats.
Who decided this? The voters? No. The system decided this. The system decided that some areas the CDU/CSU would win by small margins, and in other areas the SPD (for all the other parties combined, besides the CDU/CSU gained only 9 seats out of 299) would win by huge margins.

The SPD got 24.64% of the vote, and 19.7% of the seats.
The AfD got 11.46% of the vote and 1% of the seats.
The FDP got 7% of the vote and 0% of the seats.
Die Linke got 8.55% of the vote and 1.67% of the seats.
Alliance 90/Die Gruene got 8.01% of the vote and 0.33% of the seats.

How is this anything but the system deciding? The people go out and vote, the system says "fuck you all, we want the CDU/CSU to get more seats".

Literally the CSU got less votes than all of those parties I've mentioned. And got 15.3% of the seats. More seats than FOUR PARTIES who ALL got more votes than them. Wot Da Fork?

With PR, the Germans have a 5% cut off, I prefer that number lower. Denmark has a 2% cut off and it leads to 10 political parties, German has like 5-6.

The PR results are, the CDU/CSU lost more than 4% of the vote compared to FPTP. Literally SAME PEOPLE, SAME DAY, and yet 4% of the voters decided they didn't want to actually vote CDU/CSU and voted someone else.
The SPD lost 4% of the vote too.
The AfD gained 1.2% of the vote
The FDP gained 3.75% of the vote
Die Linke gained less than 1%
The Alliance 90/Die Gruene gained less than 1%

So, all the smaller parties gained more votes with PR than with FPTP, the two largest parties lost EIGHT PERCENT. In another election they lost TEN PERCENT of the vote. Incredible. Same day, same people.

The CDU/CSU went from 77% of the seats to 34.6% of the seats (because of the 5% cut off they will get a higher percentage of the seats than votes)
The SPD gained 21.5% of the seats
The AfD gained 13% of the seats
The FDP gained 11% (from 0%)
Die Linke gained 9.7%
Alliance 90/Die Gruene gained 9.4%

Now, same day, same people voting. Two different systems. Without PR being the main source, the SPD and CDU/CSU would probably have won MORE votes and MORE SEATS.

The US has a system where only two parties get seats. German would have had that, except 9 seats out of 299 went to other parties because people know it doesn't matter that much, because PR rules.
Instead, Germany saw 55% of the seats going to the two main parties, not 97%.

Actually I think this chaos may finally be what the party has needed for many years; namely the moment that the Centrist/Moderate branch of the party and the Conservative wing of the party finally irreconcilably split from each other.

In the short term it would be incredibly bad for the Conservatives, as the Centrist/Moderates will end up forming a coalition with the Democrats (where they truly ideologically belong).

In the long term we would have to see where things settle out. It might truly mean a single party super-majority for the Democrats, which could bring about the bloodshed and firey death and rebirth of this nation.
you gonna get off the net and hit the streets? i dont think so.....just sitting here hoping for more chaos and confusion
Amen! They don't even want to govern! They just want chaos! It's hard to imagine that we even have QAnon crazies in our federal government.
Democrats want lawless streets run by criminals, that's "chaos".
Republicans want to stop the democrats' craziness, open-borders and streets run by gangs, that's called "gridlock".
In DC gridlock is a good thing.
Well, that goes to my fascination with the behaviors of politics in general. My question always is: What is the point of the behavior? What is the goal?

I think you're right: For many, it's about the entertainment and drama, and not about governance or innovation or making things better.

I think people's lives SUCK. Personally in the last few years I've become less interested in life itself. By the time I was 30 I had lived in four foreign countries, learned two foreign languages (to a certain degree), I'd been to quite a lot of countries, maybe in the high forties.
Now I don't travel, I went to India and couldn't be bothered, it was like "another poor country" and I was ill. I haven't left my region for three years.

How do you improve your life? Fantasy.
Alcohol, drugs, sport, pets, TV, religion, politics, they all create a certain amount of fantasy. Trump, wow, he is like a new modern computer game set in its own fucked up fantasy world.

"You're the good guys, the Libtard, Profuckmuthfuckser etc are the evil, you must pick up your sword and fight to the very end, using magic, and whatever crap fantasy novels use to win the ultimate battle"
Democrats want lawless streets run by criminals, that's "chaos".
Republicans want to stop the democrats' craziness, open-borders and streets run by gangs, that's called "gridlock".
In DC gridlock is a good thing.

Do they? No, they fucking don't. I'm not a Democrat, thing the Democratic Party sucks, but they don't want lawless fucking streets.
Literally, read the post I write to someone else before this. That's YOU I'm talking about.

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