The GOP Plan Is the Biggest Tax Increase in American History, By Far


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
The GOP Plan Is the Biggest Tax Increase in American History, By Far
The tax bill moving its way through Congress is routinely referred to as a $1.5 trillion tax cut. And, in some ways, that’s true: on net, it would reduce the amount of taxes collected by the federal treasury by about $1.5 trillion over 10 years.

But that figure masks the eye-popping scale and audacity of the GOP’s rushed restructuring of the economy. Most immediately, the plan will take a large chunk out of state and local revenue that isn’t factored into that total. But more broadly, the bill cuts taxes by a full $6 trillion over a decade.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said Friday afternoon Senate Republicans have the votes to pass the plan, which gets referred to as only a $1.5 trillion cut because it raises $4.5 trillion in taxes elsewhere. But the key question is who gets a tax hike and who gets a tax cut. Put simply, the bulk of the tax cut is going toward the rich, while the tax increases go to everybody else.

And so the bill, properly described, is two things: the largest tax cut — and also the biggest tax increase — in American history.

The GOP Plan Is the Biggest Tax Increase in American History, By Far

Well, this fucking sucks! This is no tax cut unless you're in the top 5% of our society. This is fucked up.
I hope they spend it all on hookers and meth for the next RNC convention ... should be a blast!
The GOP Plan Is the Biggest Tax Increase in American History, By Far
The tax bill moving its way through Congress is routinely referred to as a $1.5 trillion tax cut. And, in some ways, that’s true: on net, it would reduce the amount of taxes collected by the federal treasury by about $1.5 trillion over 10 years.

But that figure masks the eye-popping scale and audacity of the GOP’s rushed restructuring of the economy. Most immediately, the plan will take a large chunk out of state and local revenue that isn’t factored into that total. But more broadly, the bill cuts taxes by a full $6 trillion over a decade.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said Friday afternoon Senate Republicans have the votes to pass the plan, which gets referred to as only a $1.5 trillion cut because it raises $4.5 trillion in taxes elsewhere. But the key question is who gets a tax hike and who gets a tax cut. Put simply, the bulk of the tax cut is going toward the rich, while the tax increases go to everybody else.

And so the bill, properly described, is two things: the largest tax cut — and also the biggest tax increase — in American history.

The GOP Plan Is the Biggest Tax Increase in American History, By Far

Well, this fucking sucks! This is no tax cut unless you're in the top 5% of our society. This is fucked up.

Trump supporteres would vote to reenact the Jonestown mass suicide, if they thought that it would piss off the democrats.
Then you should be for the plan big time.

Since you aren't I have some doubts.
The GOP Plan Is the Biggest Tax Increase in American History, By Far
The tax bill moving its way through Congress is routinely referred to as a $1.5 trillion tax cut. And, in some ways, that’s true: on net, it would reduce the amount of taxes collected by the federal treasury by about $1.5 trillion over 10 years.

But that figure masks the eye-popping scale and audacity of the GOP’s rushed restructuring of the economy. Most immediately, the plan will take a large chunk out of state and local revenue that isn’t factored into that total. But more broadly, the bill cuts taxes by a full $6 trillion over a decade.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said Friday afternoon Senate Republicans have the votes to pass the plan, which gets referred to as only a $1.5 trillion cut because it raises $4.5 trillion in taxes elsewhere. But the key question is who gets a tax hike and who gets a tax cut. Put simply, the bulk of the tax cut is going toward the rich, while the tax increases go to everybody else.

And so the bill, properly described, is two things: the largest tax cut — and also the biggest tax increase — in American history.

The GOP Plan Is the Biggest Tax Increase in American History, By Far

Well, this fucking sucks! This is no tax cut unless you're in the top 5% of our society. This is fucked up.

Trump supporteres would vote to reenact the Jonestown mass suicide, if they thought that it would piss off the democrats.
The gop are not koolaid drinkers! That would be ewe!
Trump supporteres would vote to reenact the Jonestown mass suicide, if they thought that it would piss off the democrats.

Untrue ... but I wouldn't minds seeing a reenactment of Jonestown WITH Democrats.

The crazy left wing logic is that the Trump tax cuts are actually tax increases because faulty and angry incoherent left wing reasoning indicates that the deficit will increase as the economy prospers. The dirty little secret is that lefties didn't worry about Hussein spending taxpayer money on companies what were on the verge of going bankrupt and lefties didn't worry about the deficit even though Americans were still living in a stagnant economy. In case hypocrite lefties weren't looking their 401k's are solvent and the DOW is in record territory almost every week. When the republican tax overhaul clicks in, the economy is in for a wild ride and the deficit is likely to decrease dramatically.
From the article:

THE TAX BILL moving its way through Congress is routinely referred to as a $1.5 trillion tax cut. And, in some ways, that’s true: on net, it would reduce the amount of taxes collected by the federal treasury by about $1.5 trillion over 10 years.

sciencerocks thinks he has something here. :lol:
The GOP Plan Is the Biggest Tax Increase in American History, By Far
The tax bill moving its way through Congress is routinely referred to as a $1.5 trillion tax cut. And, in some ways, that’s true: on net, it would reduce the amount of taxes collected by the federal treasury by about $1.5 trillion over 10 years.

But that figure masks the eye-popping scale and audacity of the GOP’s rushed restructuring of the economy. Most immediately, the plan will take a large chunk out of state and local revenue that isn’t factored into that total. But more broadly, the bill cuts taxes by a full $6 trillion over a decade.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said Friday afternoon Senate Republicans have the votes to pass the plan, which gets referred to as only a $1.5 trillion cut because it raises $4.5 trillion in taxes elsewhere. But the key question is who gets a tax hike and who gets a tax cut. Put simply, the bulk of the tax cut is going toward the rich, while the tax increases go to everybody else.

And so the bill, properly described, is two things: the largest tax cut — and also the biggest tax increase — in American history.

The GOP Plan Is the Biggest Tax Increase in American History, By Far

Well, this fucking sucks! This is no tax cut unless you're in the top 5% of our society. This is fucked up.

Ryan Grim is an author, former Washington bureau chief for HuffPost and The Intercept, and a liberal / progressive political commentator for The Young Turks:

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nice source there, MATTHEW!!!!
The GOP Plan Is the Biggest Tax Increase in American History, By Far
The tax bill moving its way through Congress is routinely referred to as a $1.5 trillion tax cut. And, in some ways, that’s true: on net, it would reduce the amount of taxes collected by the federal treasury by about $1.5 trillion over 10 years.

But that figure masks the eye-popping scale and audacity of the GOP’s rushed restructuring of the economy. Most immediately, the plan will take a large chunk out of state and local revenue that isn’t factored into that total. But more broadly, the bill cuts taxes by a full $6 trillion over a decade.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said Friday afternoon Senate Republicans have the votes to pass the plan, which gets referred to as only a $1.5 trillion cut because it raises $4.5 trillion in taxes elsewhere. But the key question is who gets a tax hike and who gets a tax cut. Put simply, the bulk of the tax cut is going toward the rich, while the tax increases go to everybody else.

And so the bill, properly described, is two things: the largest tax cut — and also the biggest tax increase — in American history.

The GOP Plan Is the Biggest Tax Increase in American History, By Far

Well, this fucking sucks! This is no tax cut unless you're in the top 5% of our society. This is fucked up.

Trump supporteres would vote to reenact the Jonestown mass suicide, if they thought that it would piss off the democrats.

Dems are already in jonestown mode. It won't be long before the full re-enactment occurs.
The crazy left wing logic is that the Trump tax cuts are actually tax increases because faulty and angry incoherent left wing reasoning indicates that the deficit will increase as the economy prospers. The dirty little secret is that lefties didn't worry about Hussein spending taxpayer money on companies what were on the verge of going bankrupt and lefties didn't worry about the deficit even though Americans were still living in a stagnant economy. In case hypocrite lefties weren't looking their 401k's are solvent and the DOW is in record territory almost every week. When the republican tax overhaul clicks in, the economy is in for a wild ride and the deficit is likely to decrease dramatically.

Come on, WH, tell me that you are not so clueless as to complain about the democratic deficit, on a thread about the GOP tax cut that is going to add $1 trillion or more to that deficit, and the corporate tax rate is going to be dramatically decreased. Are you saying that the Internal Revenue Service is going to make a killing in the stock market? Please, tell me that you are being sarcastic, or making some sort of joke....
The GOP Plan Is the Biggest Tax Increase in American History, By Far
The tax bill moving its way through Congress is routinely referred to as a $1.5 trillion tax cut. And, in some ways, that’s true: on net, it would reduce the amount of taxes collected by the federal treasury by about $1.5 trillion over 10 years.

But that figure masks the eye-popping scale and audacity of the GOP’s rushed restructuring of the economy. Most immediately, the plan will take a large chunk out of state and local revenue that isn’t factored into that total. But more broadly, the bill cuts taxes by a full $6 trillion over a decade.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said Friday afternoon Senate Republicans have the votes to pass the plan, which gets referred to as only a $1.5 trillion cut because it raises $4.5 trillion in taxes elsewhere. But the key question is who gets a tax hike and who gets a tax cut. Put simply, the bulk of the tax cut is going toward the rich, while the tax increases go to everybody else.

And so the bill, properly described, is two things: the largest tax cut — and also the biggest tax increase — in American history.

The GOP Plan Is the Biggest Tax Increase in American History, By Far

Well, this fucking sucks! This is no tax cut unless you're in the top 5% of our society. This is fucked up.

Trump supporteres would vote to reenact the Jonestown mass suicide, if they thought that it would piss off the democrats.

It's not required, Democrats, at least on the USMB are generally in a constant state of pissed off and desperate..

They need to cut back on the fake news but they're just too addicted and weak.
The truth regarding the finished, passed tax reform will be somewhere between the Snowflake / Democrat doomsday fear-mongering and the Gop Euphoric vow of economic middle class Nirvana.

Each side is spewing their best spin...
Well it took a couple of days but Trump shoving a tax bill up the Dem's ass has finally sunk in and liberals are freaking out lol.
The GOP Plan Is the Biggest Tax Increase in American History, By Far
The tax bill moving its way through Congress is routinely referred to as a $1.5 trillion tax cut. And, in some ways, that’s true: on net, it would reduce the amount of taxes collected by the federal treasury by about $1.5 trillion over 10 years.

But that figure masks the eye-popping scale and audacity of the GOP’s rushed restructuring of the economy. Most immediately, the plan will take a large chunk out of state and local revenue that isn’t factored into that total. But more broadly, the bill cuts taxes by a full $6 trillion over a decade.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said Friday afternoon Senate Republicans have the votes to pass the plan, which gets referred to as only a $1.5 trillion cut because it raises $4.5 trillion in taxes elsewhere. But the key question is who gets a tax hike and who gets a tax cut. Put simply, the bulk of the tax cut is going toward the rich, while the tax increases go to everybody else.

And so the bill, properly described, is two things: the largest tax cut — and also the biggest tax increase — in American history.

The GOP Plan Is the Biggest Tax Increase in American History, By Far

Well, this fucking sucks! This is no tax cut unless you're in the top 5% of our society. This is fucked up.

Trump supporteres would vote to reenact the Jonestown mass suicide, if they thought that it would piss off the democrats.

Dems are already in jonestown mode. It won't be long before the full re-enactment occurs.

That's some funny shit right there :laugh:
The GOP Plan Is the Biggest Tax Increase in American History, By Far
The tax bill moving its way through Congress is routinely referred to as a $1.5 trillion tax cut. And, in some ways, that’s true: on net, it would reduce the amount of taxes collected by the federal treasury by about $1.5 trillion over 10 years.

But that figure masks the eye-popping scale and audacity of the GOP’s rushed restructuring of the economy. Most immediately, the plan will take a large chunk out of state and local revenue that isn’t factored into that total. But more broadly, the bill cuts taxes by a full $6 trillion over a decade.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said Friday afternoon Senate Republicans have the votes to pass the plan, which gets referred to as only a $1.5 trillion cut because it raises $4.5 trillion in taxes elsewhere. But the key question is who gets a tax hike and who gets a tax cut. Put simply, the bulk of the tax cut is going toward the rich, while the tax increases go to everybody else.

And so the bill, properly described, is two things: the largest tax cut — and also the biggest tax increase — in American history.

The GOP Plan Is the Biggest Tax Increase in American History, By Far

Well, this fucking sucks! This is no tax cut unless you're in the top 5% of our society. This is fucked up.
I thought you Progressive Moonbats LOVED tax increases??? Are you schizophrenic
The GOP Plan Is the Biggest Tax Increase in American History, By Far
The tax bill moving its way through Congress is routinely referred to as a $1.5 trillion tax cut. And, in some ways, that’s true: on net, it would reduce the amount of taxes collected by the federal treasury by about $1.5 trillion over 10 years.

But that figure masks the eye-popping scale and audacity of the GOP’s rushed restructuring of the economy. Most immediately, the plan will take a large chunk out of state and local revenue that isn’t factored into that total. But more broadly, the bill cuts taxes by a full $6 trillion over a decade.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said Friday afternoon Senate Republicans have the votes to pass the plan, which gets referred to as only a $1.5 trillion cut because it raises $4.5 trillion in taxes elsewhere. But the key question is who gets a tax hike and who gets a tax cut. Put simply, the bulk of the tax cut is going toward the rich, while the tax increases go to everybody else.

And so the bill, properly described, is two things: the largest tax cut — and also the biggest tax increase — in American history.

The GOP Plan Is the Biggest Tax Increase in American History, By Far

Well, this fucking sucks! This is no tax cut unless you're in the top 5% of our society. This is fucked up.
I thought you Progressive Moonbats LOVED tax increases??? Are you schizophrenic

They have been schizophrenic since Nov 2016. I had predicted that if Trump won the left would freak out worse than when Bush whooped their ass twice, clearly I underestimated their meltdown. :laugh:

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