The GOP/Tea Party is like a cornered animal right now

Thank god.

We need moderates that care about investing in science, infrastructure, r@D and educational reform to come to power. Big time!

So why didn't Obama do that instead of pushing the shittiest domestic law in American history when the Dums had full control of Congress?

He should of focused on science, infrastructure and educational reform. Obama fucked up....

To admit that Obama fucked up is a good first step. I'm really proud of you.
I put the OP in the same category as Obama: everything he says is the opposite of the truth.
Kennedy, Johnson, Carter, Clinton and Obama....ALL Dem Presidents in my lifetime and yet Nixon, Reagan, Bush, and Bush are the ONLY ones you numb nuts accuse of ignoring "infrastructure.

This is how we know you are idiots.
Just the facts please ma'am

Everything the repubs said would happen if obamacare passed has happened.

What that terrible tea parties Sarah Palin predicted about Putin has come to pass and at the very least Obama was naive if not pure incompetent. Ditto for romneys assessment of Russia during the election which Obama poo pooed as out of touch.

For mr. Mathew who brays like a donkey about education, recognize what the problem really is. Education in 1900 was better than today's education. Today thanks to progressives it is more important to indoctrinate than to educate. There is no path to excellence, there is only the slow drone of social issues, bad America, and the equality of the lowest common denominator. We spend more money on Ed than any country in the world with no commensurate improvement. So Mathew attack the real problem

Infrastructure, and I am not picking on you M, but how is America gonna increase infrastructure projects when only unionized workers are allowed to work on them and independents and the middle class are excluded as in obamas stimulus. And infrastructure would take off if regulations and red tape was cut in half. I am so totally with you on the space stuff but remind yourself that it was Obama, mr progressive, who canned the space program.

A 17 trillion dollar deficit does matter. And whose getting hosed, all those young starry eyed Obama supporters who will be living a much diminished and more unhealthy lifestyle in twenty years because of the spending of today's dem politicians

Nancy Pelosi is a dingbat, ask Amelia about Harry Reid, Obama is a serial liar, a con artist, and a demagogue. So I guess progressives can point to all these as role models who valued power more than their country.

Back to the serial liar part. There is no question that the pres and democrats knew they were lying about obamacare. There is no question that had the truth been known obamacare would never has passed and one sixth of the economy would not have been taken over by the govt and our medical system sabotaged by an uncaring administration. There is no limit to the pain Obama and co will visit on this country in order to achieve their objectives of a socialist state.

Oh the poor tea party. I agree with the one talking about lack of gonads. When an organization that believes in the constitution, a balanced budget, and the rule of law is somehow portrayed as radical and extreme, and that perception sticks, it is only because good men and women have not stood up forcefully to defend America. The tp has plenty of ideas but the progressive opposition has no interest in debating these, because character assassination is its stock and trade and the press is complicit in promoting this. The tea,party is not racist, homophobic, or ignorant. Take Barbara boxer, nancy Pelosi, the black lady in the house from Texas, or the looney tune from central Florida who claims that the republicans just want people to die, and they give any tea party wing nuts a run for their money. The tea party is dangerous to liberals because they believe in putting the country first instead of putting interest groups( women, blacks, gays, etc,) and class warfare in the forefront.

Obamas role on the international stage is an embarrassment to this great country.

Those on this thread who predict the doom of any political side can have no understanding of history. The fortunes of any politics ebb and flow, wax and wane, in unpredictable and unforeseen ways. One of my old teachers used to constantly talk about the law of the pendulum, self explanatory. What does not change is our responsibility to keep the torch burning and alive for the generations to follow.

Finally, just a personal note. I would very much like to participate in more threads and discussions but find so many posts to be pissing contests with no substance. Usually have to sit through the same characters posting the same drivel to the same opposition buddies who respond with the same sewage that is floating on most posts. I don't care what your point of view is, I don't care if you want to post up a blue streak, but try to inject some reason , humor, and debate that moves the ball forward. Posters who see USMB as a mirror used to admire their vitriol and cleverness with a total disregard for the rest of the population do a disservice to public debate.
Our "Count the Vote" initiative here in Utah just forced the legislature to allow primaries along with caucuses.

That means the back of the TPM in Utah has been broken.

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