The GOP/Tea Party is like a cornered animal right now

I think left wingers are OK with it so long as no one starts a war who has a "R" by their name. The funny thing is, "W" was the only Republican since Lincoln to over see a war.
Iran-Contra. Tell the Iranians and the Nicaraguans that that wasn't a war.

What about Bush Sr. and Gulf War Episode I?

It's also really convenient that Congress just votes to give the Executive the authority to do as he pleases with the military instead of actually declaring war.

First of all, I could care less about Bush and his war that the democrats in Congress voted to engage in.

Secondly, I don't support all of these "conflicts". However, Obama did not even consult Congress for going to war in Libya. He even violated the War Powers Act by not consulting with them in a 60 day period. His response that all the fighting was not really a war.
Seriously, what is so wrong with investing and reforming our country to keep it top dog on this planet. Oh'yesss, I see you tea partiers want America to be weak!

If weakness comes from decentralizing power and increasing personal freedom then I will take it in a heart beat.

I think it was Ben Franklin who said that those who opt to surrender freedom for safety and security deserve neither.
A simple truth has been learned over time and that is that society will always progress. Each generation goes through the same thing. Progressives work to propel society to new heights while Conservatives work to hold society back. Those are the goals by the very definition of the two ideologies.

But progress always wins. Society progresses right along with time. Conservatives who are yearning for the good ol' days are always going to be disappointed because the good ol' days weren't all that good to begin with and they aren't coming back anyway.

What is progress? Is it progress ignoring Obama snooping on every person on the planet while Nixon was impeached for it?

Is it progress every time the US takes over a country like Libya or Syria?

Is it progress that the US was ranked 20th in terms of freedom of the press when Obama took office, but is now ranked 46th in the world?

Is it progress that the ranking for freedom of the press in the US equals their scholastic ranking for its public school system, which is also 46th?

Is it progress that Obama shoves Obamacare down our throats and then makes edicts for people to be exempt from it?

Is a $17 trillion dollar debt progress or how about the deficit increasing by a trillion dollars every year?

Abortion has killed over 50 million unborn children. Is this progress? Does it save us a wad of money or something?

Is a Congressional approval rating of only 10% progress? How about the fact that the turnover in Congress is less frequent than Congress not raising the debt ceiling?

I'm sorry, you can take your progress and shove it up your ass.

You forgot the near 100 trillion in unfunded liabilities. Why is it no one wants to talk about that?
A simple truth has been learned over time and that is that society will always progress. Each generation goes through the same thing. Progressives work to propel society to new heights while Conservatives work to hold society back. Those are the goals by the very definition of the two ideologies.

But progress always wins. Society progresses right along with time. Conservatives who are yearning for the good ol' days are always going to be disappointed because the good ol' days weren't all that good to begin with and they aren't coming back anyway.

What is progress? Is it progress ignoring Obama snooping on every person on the planet while Nixon was impeached for it?

Is it progress every time the US takes over a country like Libya or Syria?

Is it progress that the US was ranked 20th in terms of freedom of the press when Obama took office, but is now ranked 46th in the world?

Is it progress that the ranking for freedom of the press in the US equals their scholastic ranking for its public school system, which is also 46th?

Is it progress that Obama shoves Obamacare down our throats and then makes edicts for people to be exempt from it?

Is a $17 trillion dollar debt progress or how about the deficit increasing by a trillion dollars every year?

Abortion has killed over 50 million unborn children. Is this progress? Does it save us a wad of money or something?

Is a Congressional approval rating of only 10% progress? How about the fact that the turnover in Congress is less frequent than Congress not raising the debt ceiling?

I'm sorry, you can take your progress and shove it up your ass.

You forgot the near 100 trillion in unfunded liabilities. Why is it no one wants to talk about that?

I could have gone on all night with thousands of posts, but America simply does not care.
Maybe we wouldn't have those liabilities if we didn't nation build and give out welfare to half of the country. Of course infrastructure, science and being respectable in education again is the same thing to idiots like you.

Want to see a collapses? Just gut our ability to produce the best scientist and techs on earth = bye bye!
Kind of like the TALIBAN. They hate the greatness that innovation has brought to America!
Not if the right wing keeps churning out psychos like (R-SC) Lee Bright.

And Hillary is winning in 2016. Go ahead and accept that fact.

The country may or may not get better as the years go. But one thing is certain: We The People, mostly, aren't buying what the GOP/Tea Party are selling.

You, and your people, are not the majority, and some of us don't give a damn what you do, or do not buy.

You can only push a con act so far before it falls apart, and I think the Democrat con game has about run its course. Obamacare has brought the pain of socialism right into the living rooms of the average American, and they get to see the future in stark living terms.

The Tea party is alive and well in American politics. The battle between the base and the political leadership may hinder the GOP, but democrats will be fighting for their political lives in the midterm elections. Democrats, and their talking points will be starring in a whole multitude of political ads.
Kind of like the TALIBAN. They hate the greatness that innovation has brought to America!

I take consolation in the fact that I know positively you don't have the balls to talk that kind of shit to someone's face. Fuck of commie.
A perfect analogy I think of the current GOP/Tea Party: A cornered, outnumbered animal.

The time has finally come that the GOP and Tea Party realize their cause is lost. Not all at once. It'll be a slow, gradual extinction.

But, for one, demographics are against them. Their long held bias against immigrants, minorities and gays is catching up as those demographics grow.

People in all countries are tired of war, and the GOP's bread and butter is the promise of their zeal for war. We're over that.

People are slowly growing more and more tired of the corporate abuses, and are welcoming government intervention. People don't worship CEO's anymore. We're quite tired of Wall Street too. Again, it's gradual. But, people are more welcoming of government intervention.

The GOP is a cornered animal. The predators are gathering. And they see no way out. Its partly to explain why that party and the right in general is becoming so bizarre and crazy. They're starting to slowly grow into a panic mode. An anxiety that is taking them over as they realize their old abusive ways are over. Like watching their long-time abused wive packing her bags.

Its over GOP. Not today. Not tomorrow. But soon, your ideology will only exist in history books.

First off you are under the mistaken idea that the Tea Party is for the GOP when they are at war with them for less Government.
Tea Party wants the incumbents out.
There is no bias against immigrants, they are against people coming here illegally, big difference.
They are also not bias with minority's or gays.
Tea party is not going away and our young College students are turning more towards libertarianism rather than big government.
It is the Socialist Liberals that is going into extinction.

Nah, once those who have embraced the New Right grow up, have mortgages, kids and full time jobs they will go the way the hippies did. The early 20's are a time of extremes and experimentation, with maturity comes common sense.
A perfect analogy I think of the current GOP/Tea Party: A cornered, outnumbered animal.

The time has finally come that the GOP and Tea Party realize their cause is lost. Not all at once. It'll be a slow, gradual extinction.

But, for one, demographics are against them. Their long held bias against immigrants, minorities and gays is catching up as those demographics grow.

People in all countries are tired of war, and the GOP's bread and butter is the promise of their zeal for war. We're over that.

People are slowly growing more and more tired of the corporate abuses, and are welcoming government intervention. People don't worship CEO's anymore. We're quite tired of Wall Street too. Again, it's gradual. But, people are more welcoming of government intervention.

The GOP is a cornered animal. The predators are gathering. And they see no way out. Its partly to explain why that party and the right in general is becoming so bizarre and crazy. They're starting to slowly grow into a panic mode. An anxiety that is taking them over as they realize their old abusive ways are over. Like watching their long-time abused wive packing her bags.

Its over GOP. Not today. Not tomorrow. But soon, your ideology will only exist in history books.

But, for one, demographics are against them. Their long held bias against immigrants,

I'm biased against criminals, like illegal aliens.

and gays is catching up as those demographics grow.

How is the "gay demographic" growing?

People are slowly growing more and more tired of the corporate abuses,

Like Bernie Madoff, Franklin Raines, Jamie Gorelick, and James Johnson, liberals all.

People don't worship CEO's anymore.

Or inexperienced, failed Presidents.

I appreciate your reply about immigrants. I get really sick of liberal pricks who will always make the claim that conservatives are anti-immigrant. I think the vast majority of us simply want those that want to come here, to come here utilizing the legal system of becoming a citizen.
The ones that have no respect for our laws, and come here illegally should be sent home.

But what of those who employ those who are no legally able to work in our country? Should they not be held accountable?
But, for one, demographics are against them. Their long held bias against immigrants,

I'm biased against criminals, like illegal aliens.

and gays is catching up as those demographics grow.

How is the "gay demographic" growing?

People are slowly growing more and more tired of the corporate abuses,

Like Bernie Madoff, Franklin Raines, Jamie Gorelick, and James Johnson, liberals all.

People don't worship CEO's anymore.

Or inexperienced, failed Presidents.

I appreciate your reply about immigrants. I get really sick of liberal pricks who will always make the claim that conservatives are anti-immigrant. I think the vast majority of us simply want those that want to come here, to come here utilizing the legal system of becoming a citizen.
The ones that have no respect for our laws, and come here illegally should be sent home.

But what of those who employ those who are no legally able to work in our country? Should they not be held accountable?
[ame=]Romney: I'm Running For Office, For Pete's Sake, I Can't Have Illegals. - YouTube[/ame]
yawn; people are running away from obama like he has the plague; and Dems are trying to sound like they are in the Tea Party or something

FACT: Repubs will keep the House and pick up seats in the Senate this fall

The OP works for Obama so try not to spend too much time and effort on him. In any event, you're 100% accurate. Democrats are running from Obama and the Demarxist Platform
A perfect analogy I think of the current GOP/Tea Party: A cornered, outnumbered animal.

The time has finally come that the GOP and Tea Party realize their cause is lost. Not all at once. It'll be a slow, gradual extinction.

But, for one, demographics are against them. Their long held bias against immigrants, minorities and gays is catching up as those demographics grow.

People in all countries are tired of war, and the GOP's bread and butter is the promise of their zeal for war. We're over that.

People are slowly growing more and more tired of the corporate abuses, and are welcoming government intervention. People don't worship CEO's anymore. We're quite tired of Wall Street too. Again, it's gradual. But, people are more welcoming of government intervention.

The GOP is a cornered animal. The predators are gathering. And they see no way out. Its partly to explain why that party and the right in general is becoming so bizarre and crazy. They're starting to slowly grow into a panic mode. An anxiety that is taking them over as they realize their old abusive ways are over. Like watching their long-time abused wive packing her bags.

Its over GOP. Not today. Not tomorrow. But soon, your ideology will only exist in history books.

You know, not a bad read indeed

A perfect analogy I think of the current GOP/Tea Party: A cornered, outnumbered animal.

The time has finally come that the GOP and Tea Party realize their cause is lost. Not all at once. It'll be a slow, gradual extinction.

But, for one, demographics are against them. Their long held bias against immigrants, minorities and gays is catching up as those demographics grow.

People in all countries are tired of war, and the GOP's bread and butter is the promise of their zeal for war. We're over that.

People are slowly growing more and more tired of the corporate abuses, and are welcoming government intervention. People don't worship CEO's anymore. We're quite tired of Wall Street too. Again, it's gradual. But, people are more welcoming of government intervention.

The GOP is a cornered animal. The predators are gathering. And they see no way out. Its partly to explain why that party and the right in general is becoming so bizarre and crazy. They're starting to slowly grow into a panic mode. An anxiety that is taking them over as they realize their old abusive ways are over. Like watching their long-time abused wive packing her bags.

Its over GOP. Not today. Not tomorrow. But soon, your ideology will only exist in history books.

Gee... I don't know who's worse: You or Ted Nugent.

Referring to us as "outnumbered animals" is only grandstanding on your part. Please, keep your puerile predictions to yourself, Nostradamus. Frankly, you'd be surprised to find how many people disagree with this assumption of yours. And to be honest, making grandiose predictions like these suggest you and your ideologies are the ones backed into a corner.

Lastly, since when is anyone "welcoming government intervention?" Do you understand how preposterous that sounds? Should you rejoin us in reality, you'll know that your government is one giant corporation itself. The parallels between it and an other corporations are striking. It abuses us the same way and if not more ways than other corporations do.

Man, you really don't know how dumb you just sounded just now.
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But, for one, demographics are against them. Their long held bias against immigrants,

I'm biased against criminals, like illegal aliens.

and gays is catching up as those demographics grow.

How is the "gay demographic" growing?

People are slowly growing more and more tired of the corporate abuses,

Like Bernie Madoff, Franklin Raines, Jamie Gorelick, and James Johnson, liberals all.

People don't worship CEO's anymore.

Or inexperienced, failed Presidents.

I appreciate your reply about immigrants. I get really sick of liberal pricks who will always make the claim that conservatives are anti-immigrant. I think the vast majority of us simply want those that want to come here, to come here utilizing the legal system of becoming a citizen.
The ones that have no respect for our laws, and come here illegally should be sent home.

But what of those who employ those who are no legally able to work in our country? Should they not be held accountable?

You mean like Obama's Aunt and Uncle?

How did Obama's Illegal Aunt leapfrog over the 30,000 legitimate Boston resident who applied for Public Housing?
Seriously, what is so wrong with investing and reforming our country to keep it top dog on this planet. Oh'yesss, I see you tea partiers want America to be weak!

I don't want to see America weak. And i see nothing wrong with investging money in science, technology and long as the money actually goes to those things. The problem is, it almost always never makes it. It ends up in the hands of someone's cronies.
I appreciate your reply about immigrants. I get really sick of liberal pricks who will always make the claim that conservatives are anti-immigrant. I think the vast majority of us simply want those that want to come here, to come here utilizing the legal system of becoming a citizen.
The ones that have no respect for our laws, and come here illegally should be sent home.

But what of those who employ those who are no legally able to work in our country? Should they not be held accountable?

You mean like Obama's Aunt and Uncle?

How did Obama's Illegal Aunt leapfrog over the 30,000 legitimate Boston resident who applied for Public Housing?

i know I was a king a leap frog growing up. Maybe they were good at it as well growing up.

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