The GOP/Tea Party is like a cornered animal right now

A perfect analogy I think of the current GOP/Tea Party: A cornered, outnumbered animal.

The time has finally come that the GOP and Tea Party realize their cause is lost. Not all at once. It'll be a slow, gradual extinction.

But, for one, demographics are against them. Their long held bias against immigrants, minorities and gays is catching up as those demographics grow.

People in all countries are tired of war, and the GOP's bread and butter is the promise of their zeal for war. We're over that.

People are slowly growing more and more tired of the corporate abuses, and are welcoming government intervention. People don't worship CEO's anymore. We're quite tired of Wall Street too. Again, it's gradual. But, people are more welcoming of government intervention.

The GOP is a cornered animal. The predators are gathering. And they see no way out. Its partly to explain why that party and the right in general is becoming so bizarre and crazy. They're starting to slowly grow into a panic mode. An anxiety that is taking them over as they realize their old abusive ways are over. Like watching their long-time abused wive packing her bags.

Its over GOP. Not today. Not tomorrow. But soon, your ideology will only exist in history books.

The GOP strayed WAY too far from the roots of what it used to actually STAND for. Now-a-days it is just a weak-willed kind of tepid version of the functionally socialist new Democrat Parody. Republicans are so disenchanted with saps like Speaker Boehner, there may yet be a Party coup to TAKE BACK the GOP.

The GOP establishment senses the danger and is acting to protect its own interests which do not correspond with the interests they are elected to represent. This is why they are attacking conservatives and any and all associated with the Tea Party movement.

Well, I am now convinced. So I am going to quite fully associate myself WITH the Tea Party movement. The efforts to marginalize it or to misrepresent it which is a sordid thing undertaken by the liberals, Democraps, self-serving establishment (non-conservative) Republicans and the liberal major media is going to be fought and exposed at every turn.

The original purpose of the Tea Party movement was and remains entirely solid and worthy of respect. It has to be encouraged.

The scum who attack the Tea Party movement are crowing victory a bit prematurely. The Tea Party movement is not dead and it is not dying. The fight is about to START.
A perfect analogy I think of the current GOP/Tea Party: A cornered, outnumbered animal.

The time has finally come that the GOP and Tea Party realize their cause is lost. Not all at once. It'll be a slow, gradual extinction.

But, for one, demographics are against them. Their long held bias against immigrants, minorities and gays is catching up as those demographics grow.

People in all countries are tired of war, and the GOP's bread and butter is the promise of their zeal for war. We're over that.

People are slowly growing more and more tired of the corporate abuses, and are welcoming government intervention. People don't worship CEO's anymore. We're quite tired of Wall Street too. Again, it's gradual. But, people are more welcoming of government intervention.

The GOP is a cornered animal. The predators are gathering. And they see no way out. Its partly to explain why that party and the right in general is becoming so bizarre and crazy. They're starting to slowly grow into a panic mode. An anxiety that is taking them over as they realize their old abusive ways are over. Like watching their long-time abused wive packing her bags.

Its over GOP. Not today. Not tomorrow. But soon, your ideology will only exist in history books.

LOL, we are watching you idiots slowly hang yourself.

You have over reached with this stupid HC Law, we aren't cornered in the see this is what happens when you only pay attention to those you agree with, you reach strained, illogical conclusions.
A perfect analogy I think of the current GOP/Tea Party: A cornered, outnumbered animal.

The time has finally come that the GOP and Tea Party realize their cause is lost. Not all at once. It'll be a slow, gradual extinction.

But, for one, demographics are against them. Their long held bias against immigrants, minorities and gays is catching up as those demographics grow.

People in all countries are tired of war, and the GOP's bread and butter is the promise of their zeal for war. We're over that.

People are slowly growing more and more tired of the corporate abuses, and are welcoming government intervention. People don't worship CEO's anymore. We're quite tired of Wall Street too. Again, it's gradual. But, people are more welcoming of government intervention.

The GOP is a cornered animal. The predators are gathering. And they see no way out. Its partly to explain why that party and the right in general is becoming so bizarre and crazy. They're starting to slowly grow into a panic mode. An anxiety that is taking them over as they realize their old abusive ways are over. Like watching their long-time abused wive packing her bags.

Its over GOP. Not today. Not tomorrow. But soon, your ideology will only exist in history books.

Well, yes you are right. There are fewer and fewer white men with balls.

They are being quickly out-numbered by women, minorities, and their doormats, the new Uncle Tom white males.

Just glad there will be fewer hillbiliies in pickup trucks with rebel flags and Ron Paul bumper stickers in the future. Oh, and the mandatory NRA/Yellow rattlesnake flag stickers.

Yep. Those breeds are dwindling.
The Liberal male for the most part is an emasculated, effeminate man afraid of his own shadow.

He hides behind the façade of the law and ALWAYS needs others to do his dirty work.
yawn; people are running away from obama like he has the plague; and Dems are trying to sound like they are in the Tea Party or something

FACT: Repubs will keep the House and pick up seats in the Senate this fall

Intelligent people, curious people, caring people and forward looking people are rejecting the GOP and especially the Tea Party; the singular reason being neither group is pragmatic nor have a proven record of problem solving.

The reason they fail to recognize and solve problems is they are handcuffed by ideology, if any member of the Republican Party offers a solution incongruent with the ideology held dogmatically by the party, they are immediately tossed under the bus and called a RINO.

In fact problems are seen by the GOP and their fellow travelers as something to be embraced and exploited for political/partisan advantage. Never do they offer real world suggestions (Just say NO!); their ideas become cliché's and hackneyed phrases are their bread and butter (Democrats Tax and Spend); abortions are to be outlawed or made more difficult, but sex education with free contraceptive advice and products are never considered.
yawn; people are running away from obama like he has the plague; and Dems are trying to sound like they are in the Tea Party or something

FACT: Repubs will keep the House and pick up seats in the Senate this fall

Intelligent people, curious people, caring people and forward looking people are rejecting the GOP and especially the Tea Party * * * *

^ nonsense.

Actually, the caring and intelligent people reject the sophistry offered by such arrogant self-serving lolberals and are very much interested in exploring rational alternatives to the CLEARLY FAILED MUTTERINGS of the vapid liberal Democratics and its leading knucklehead morons such as Obumbler. The reason is clear. Obumbler pushed lolberal insanity like the already failed ObumblerCare; and it got backed by the idiot lolberal Democratics, led in Congress by Pelousy and Reid.

The American voters are not brain dead nor are they blind. They SEE what the liberal policies of the ranting Democratics has produced and its nothing rational people want.

The search for rational alternatives, of course, very much INCLUDES the philosophy offered by the Tea Party Movement.
obama has lost ground ni virtually every demographic; even black Americans are feeling more and more comfortable criticizing him.

Obama is the leader of the Democrat Party; with him go the chances of Dems in future elections.

Well then don't vote for him cone 2016...
Narratives change weekly now in politics. Fall is a lifetime. So predicting who will win what is foolish.the right isn't anymore loved than the left.
yawn; people are running away from obama like he has the plague; and Dems are trying to sound like they are in the Tea Party or something

FACT: Repubs will keep the House and pick up seats in the Senate this fall

Oh? Not seeing much of that. Do you think he will be like leprosy to the 2016 Democrat nominees like Bush was in 2008 for the GOP?
A perfect analogy I think of the current GOP/Tea Party: A cornered, outnumbered animal.

The time has finally come that the GOP and Tea Party realize their cause is lost. Not all at once. It'll be a slow, gradual extinction.

But, for one, demographics are against them. Their long held bias against immigrants, minorities and gays is catching up as those demographics grow.

People in all countries are tired of war, and the GOP's bread and butter is the promise of their zeal for war. We're over that.

People are slowly growing more and more tired of the corporate abuses, and are welcoming government intervention. People don't worship CEO's anymore. We're quite tired of Wall Street too. Again, it's gradual. But, people are more welcoming of government intervention.

The GOP is a cornered animal. The predators are gathering. And they see no way out. Its partly to explain why that party and the right in general is becoming so bizarre and crazy. They're starting to slowly grow into a panic mode. An anxiety that is taking them over as they realize their old abusive ways are over. Like watching their long-time abused wive packing her bags.

Its over GOP. Not today. Not tomorrow. But soon, your ideology will only exist in history books.


And like a cornered animal it can be very dangerous.
The Liberal male for the most part is an emasculated, effeminate man afraid of his own shadow.

He hides behind the façade of the law and ALWAYS needs others to do his dirty work.

You are describing Pajama Boy!

The ideal liberal man. His mommy brings him hot chocolate.
The Liberal male for the most part is an emasculated, effeminate man afraid of his own shadow.

He hides behind the façade of the law and ALWAYS needs others to do his dirty work.

And especially the white ones are indeed the new Uncle Toms. They step and fetch for any feminist agenda, and will quickly bend over and grab their ankles for any cause that weakens them further.
yawn; people are running away from obama like he has the plague; and Dems are trying to sound like they are in the Tea Party or something

FACT: Repubs will keep the House and pick up seats in the Senate this fall

Intelligent people, curious people, caring people and forward looking people are rejecting the GOP and especially the Tea Party; the singular reason being neither group is pragmatic nor have a proven record of problem solving.

The reason they fail to recognize and solve problems is they are handcuffed by ideology, if any member of the Republican Party offers a solution incongruent with the ideology held dogmatically by the party, they are immediately tossed under the bus and called a RINO.

In fact problems are seen by the GOP and their fellow travelers as something to be embraced and exploited for political/partisan advantage. Never do they offer real world suggestions (Just say NO!); their ideas become cliché's and hackneyed phrases are their bread and butter (Democrats Tax and Spend); abortions are to be outlawed or made more difficult, but sex education with free contraceptive advice and products are never considered.

The TP lays shame to dems and repubs.
He's 27. Had Obama structured His Commu-Care plan just slightly differently this kid would still be covered by his family's policy and his song would be more sweet.

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