The GOP/Tea Party is like a cornered animal right now

A perfect analogy I think of the current GOP/Tea Party: A cornered, outnumbered animal.

The time has finally come that the GOP and Tea Party realize their cause is lost. Not all at once. It'll be a slow, gradual extinction.

But, for one, demographics are against them. Their long held bias against immigrants, minorities and gays is catching up as those demographics grow.

People in all countries are tired of war, and the GOP's bread and butter is the promise of their zeal for war. We're over that.

People are slowly growing more and more tired of the corporate abuses, and are welcoming government intervention. People don't worship CEO's anymore. We're quite tired of Wall Street too. Again, it's gradual. But, people are more welcoming of government intervention.

The GOP is a cornered animal. The predators are gathering. And they see no way out. Its partly to explain why that party and the right in general is becoming so bizarre and crazy. They're starting to slowly grow into a panic mode. An anxiety that is taking them over as they realize their old abusive ways are over. Like watching their long-time abused wive packing her bags.

Its over GOP. Not today. Not tomorrow. But soon, your ideology will only exist in history books.

it's comical. Left-wing nutjobs are nervous; whistling past the graveyard. they think merely saying something will make it so.

obama and the Dem Party have been abject failures. the tiny Tea Party in Congress; less than 70 members; had nothing to do with obama and Dems FAILING.

the Left's obsession with the Tea Party is proof of the power of the Tea Party; you dont bother worrying about somebody like the Left is doing with the Tea: unless you see them as a threat to you.
Yup the left is Shitting their tights
A perfect analogy I think of the current GOP/Tea Party: A cornered, outnumbered animal.

The time has finally come that the GOP and Tea Party realize their cause is lost. Not all at once. It'll be a slow, gradual extinction.

But, for one, demographics are against them. Their long held bias against immigrants, minorities and gays is catching up as those demographics grow.

People in all countries are tired of war, and the GOP's bread and butter is the promise of their zeal for war. We're over that.

People are slowly growing more and more tired of the corporate abuses, and are welcoming government intervention. People don't worship CEO's anymore. We're quite tired of Wall Street too. Again, it's gradual. But, people are more welcoming of government intervention.

The GOP is a cornered animal. The predators are gathering. And they see no way out. Its partly to explain why that party and the right in general is becoming so bizarre and crazy. They're starting to slowly grow into a panic mode. An anxiety that is taking them over as they realize their old abusive ways are over. Like watching their long-time abused wive packing her bags.

Its over GOP. Not today. Not tomorrow. But soon, your ideology will only exist in history books.

it's comical. Left-wing nutjobs are nervous; whistling past the graveyard. they think merely saying something will make it so.

obama and the Dem Party have been abject failures. the tiny Tea Party in Congress; less than 70 members; had nothing to do with obama and Dems FAILING.

the Left's obsession with the Tea Party is proof of the power of the Tea Party;
you dont bother worrying about somebody like the Left is doing with the Tea: unless you see them as a threat to you.

Take your blinders off, honey. It's about $$$$$ and where they are putting it. Tea Party is heavily funded by names you will find easily by Googling the Forbes 400.

As far as the Tea Party's descent into the bowels of American disgust.....It's happening.



The tea party is owned by the mega rich that wants to out ****** CHINA. They want a huge poor class to be the slaves(*******) like in the robber boron days. The honest truth is we can't out compete with them in this area.:eusa_hand: Better to have high standards with good paying jobs...

The tea party is owned by the mega rich that wants to out ****** CHINA. They want a huge poor class to be the slaves(*******) like in the robber boron days. The honest truth is we can't out compete with them in this area.:eusa_hand: Better to have high standards with good paying jobs...

Racist much?
"Moderates" are Marxist wannabes.

No more; certainly no less.

Anyone that believes in regulating corporations = Marxist to you. :eusa_eh: Moderates are sensible and want to see America lead on this planet ;)

Moderates are weak and unprincipled. They just find it easier to step out of the path of Obama's nation bulldozing policies and chant slogans.


So having sane policies = weak. Improving our schools, fairly regulating and investing isn't weak....

Name a country that follows your model of doing things?

The tea party is owned by the mega rich that wants to out ****** CHINA. They want a huge poor class to be the slaves(*******) like in the robber boron days. The honest truth is we can't out compete with them in this area.:eusa_hand: Better to have high standards with good paying jobs...

Racist much?

A ****** is just a slave. Exactly what the super rich wishes for most of the people of this country.
A perfect analogy I think of the current GOP/Tea Party: A cornered, outnumbered animal.

The time has finally come that the GOP and Tea Party realize their cause is lost. Not all at once. It'll be a slow, gradual extinction.

But, for one, demographics are against them. Their long held bias against immigrants, minorities and gays is catching up as those demographics grow.

People in all countries are tired of war, and the GOP's bread and butter is the promise of their zeal for war. We're over that.

People are slowly growing more and more tired of the corporate abuses, and are welcoming government intervention. People don't worship CEO's anymore. We're quite tired of Wall Street too. Again, it's gradual. But, people are more welcoming of government intervention.

The GOP is a cornered animal. The predators are gathering. And they see no way out. Its partly to explain why that party and the right in general is becoming so bizarre and crazy. They're starting to slowly grow into a panic mode. An anxiety that is taking them over as they realize their old abusive ways are over. Like watching their long-time abused wive packing her bags.

Its over GOP. Not today. Not tomorrow. But soon, your ideology will only exist in history books.

it's comical. Left-wing nutjobs are nervous; whistling past the graveyard. they think merely saying something will make it so.

obama and the Dem Party have been abject failures. the tiny Tea Party in Congress; less than 70 members; had nothing to do with obama and Dems FAILING.

the Left's obsession with the Tea Party is proof of the power of the Tea Party;
you dont bother worrying about somebody like the Left is doing with the Tea: unless you see them as a threat to you.

Take your blinders off, honey. It's about $$$$$ and where they are putting it. Tea Party is heavily funded by names you will find easily by Googling the Forbes 400.

As far as the Tea Party's descent into the bowels of American disgust.....It's happening.


the title of Tea Party yes has been given a bad name thinks to the constant unfair hammering of the scared chicken shit MSM

But if you question the public about the Tea Parties platform and agenda of smaller government, less taxes, balanced budget, and reducing the out of control government spending with out mentioning Tea Party every one of those issues score above 60% in polls
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So having sane policies = weak. Improving our schools, fairly regulating and investing isn't weak....

Name a country that follows your model of doing things?

Calling the insane sane does not make it so.

Moderates allowed Chavez to take over Venezuela. It was easier for them and they loved him.

For a while.

Like liberals (who haven't completed the transition to socialist or communist) loved Obama. For a while.
How about cutting the military a few hundred billion first? Maybe we can talk about giving up our ability to compete in science and r@d to china once that is done. Idiotic policies!
So having sane policies = weak. Improving our schools, fairly regulating and investing isn't weak....

Name a country that follows your model of doing things?

Calling the insane sane does not make it so.

Moderates allowed Chavez to take over Venezuela. It was easier for them and they loved him.

For a while.

Like liberals (who haven't completed the transition to socialist or communist) loved Obama. For a while.

Venezuela happens when the left keeps moving further left.
How about cutting the military a few hundred billion first? Maybe we can talk about giving up our ability to compete in science and r@d to china once that is done. Idiotic policies!

Why does America need any military now?

Remember? Your New Messiah's Grand Apology (aks kiss-ass) Tour made everybody in the world love America.

Or was that another failure too?
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The left has succeeded in turning this lady into a racist, bigoted, homophobic terrorist.

Yet they want us to be friends with this guy........

A racist, bigoted, homophobic terrorist.

Something is a bit wrong here.

Not if the right wing keeps churning out psychos like (R-SC) Lee Bright.

And Hillary is winning in 2016. Go ahead and accept that fact.

The country may or may not get better as the years go. But one thing is certain: We The People, mostly, aren't buying what the GOP/Tea Party are selling.

Here's an important fact.

You are a victim of bad timing.

Your own and Hillary's.

She's too old and Benghazi ridden and too close to furthering the Clinton family's reputation for blatant sleaziness and or evil or corruption or Progressive-ism.*

And your timing is bad because you committed to her when she was most popular, when she was a fad that even a few Conservatives could reluctantly imagine being POTUS.

But it's a fad which will begin to recede the moment she declares.

You bought high and now you realize you are going to take a loss. Better to do it now than wait until you have more invested. Jeez, how much loyalty do you owe your Sisterhood when you know all of the things that are ready to be exposed about her and how she lied to those boy's parents.

Knowingly lied.

And then wanted to sweep the facts under the rug.


To cover her own ass, maybe?

Well, it most certainly DOES matter, Senator Clinton.

You have shit in the punch bowl. Even if the MSM aids and abets you and your efforts to make Benghazi fade away out of the public's sense of urgency or relevance...

The floating logs may have been removed from the bowl but who wants to drink it?

Do you all know that Chelsea married into a family known for government corruption.

Well, that's Chelsea's business. But why is it these Democrats can't find some decent, honest people of character to hang with??? And just how close is too close for corruption to get to the Oval Office???

And her accomplishments as Sec'y of State were unremarkable. I'm sure it wasn't an easy job and I do recall there being a great to do about her tireless schedule and how her health suffered because of the rigors of the job. That is a commendable level of effort for America. And we thank her. But what did she actually accomplish of significance???

And what was going on in Benghazi for Amb. Stevens to be there doing whatever he was doing? Arms transfer to Syrian rebels? Hillary knows but of course WE, her bosses, don't have a right to know.


Screw her and as for the narrative about the First Female POTUS?

WE all see what that kind of POTUS we get when we vote using THAT kind of childish ass thinking.

Hillary knows she better hang em up.

And you had better look around you and use some better advisers. Ones who aren't EMOTIONALLY hardwired.


“It is hard to fix a specific starting date for the progressive race to the Great Society,” writes Jonah Goldberg, “but a good guess might be 1888, the year [when socialist] Edward Bellamy's novel Looking Backward burst on the American scene.” Set in the year 2000, this futuristic book depicts a utopian society run with the hierarchical efficiency of a military battalion. All workers in this idealized world belong to a unified “industrial army” that labors within the confines of an economy controlled by a coterie of central planners who are deemed to be more capable of fostering prosperity and productivity than is a free marketplace. A preacher in the story lauds the earthly paradise, while the population at large looks back upon the “age of individualism” with a blend of amusement and derision.

Bellamy's book became immensely influential, selling hundreds of thousands of copies. It was particularly effective at setting afire the hearts of idealistic young people who were moved by the author's vision of a socialist utopia. All across America, “Nationalist Clubs” were formed to advocate for “the nationalization of industry and the promotion of the brotherhood of humanity.” Bellamy presented his utopia as a forum for the genuine expression of Jesus Christ's teachings. The author's cousin Francis Bellamy, a Baptist minister who penned the “Pledge of Allegiance,” shared this perspective, as he stated forthrightly in a sermon titled “Jesus, the Socialist.”

Progressivism - Discover the Networks

This explains what Progressiveism is and why it is not good for America or anywhere.
The Rs are dead, the Ds are dead.....we hear this all the time yet, unfortunately, they never go away.
Point is simple:

Despite Obama and his admin being what I can safely say is a relative disaster.....the polls are still just split even. Astounding. For so much trouble and disaster.....the people STILL are split evenly.

Meaning....the majority of people are wanting moderate-to-left leaning government. The Obama Admin hasn't produced really what they want....hence the split....but despite this poor administration, the people still want things more closely resembling Democrat policy than GOP.

The GOP is full of whackjobs who worship corporate CEO's and 1800's social stigmas.

The left has succeeded in turning this lady into a racist, bigoted, homophobic terrorist.

Yet they want us to be friends with this guy........

A racist, bigoted, homophobic terrorist.

Something is a bit wrong here.


Nailed it.
Point is simple:

Despite Obama and his admin being what I can safely say is a relative disaster.....the polls are still just split even. Astounding. For so much trouble and disaster.....the people STILL are split evenly.

Meaning....the majority of people are wanting moderate-to-left leaning government. The Obama Admin hasn't produced really what they want....hence the split....but despite this poor administration, the people still want things more closely resembling Democrat policy than GOP.

The GOP is full of whackjobs who worship corporate CEO's and 1800's social stigmas.

It doesn't mean that.
It does mean that the people are pretty much pissed at both parties.
The GOP mainstream has been beating on the TeaPs since Nov 2012 and now hammering them since late last fall.

The GOP will keep the House and may take the Senate, while the influence of the Lees, Cruzes, Gohmerts, etc., fall into the gutter.

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