The GOP/Tea Party is like a cornered animal right now

A perfect analogy I think of the current GOP/Tea Party: A cornered, outnumbered animal.

The time has finally come that the GOP and Tea Party realize their cause is lost. Not all at once. It'll be a slow, gradual extinction.

But, for one, demographics are against them. Their long held bias against immigrants, minorities and gays is catching up as those demographics grow.

People in all countries are tired of war, and the GOP's bread and butter is the promise of their zeal for war. We're over that.

People are slowly growing more and more tired of the corporate abuses, and are welcoming government intervention. People don't worship CEO's anymore. We're quite tired of Wall Street too. Again, it's gradual. But, people are more welcoming of government intervention.

The GOP is a cornered animal. The predators are gathering. And they see no way out. Its partly to explain why that party and the right in general is becoming so bizarre and crazy. They're starting to slowly grow into a panic mode. An anxiety that is taking them over as they realize their old abusive ways are over. Like watching their long-time abused wive packing her bags.

Its over GOP. Not today. Not tomorrow. But soon, your ideology will only exist in history books.

you wish....

the Tea Party Super PACS are out-fundraising the GOP rinos.....and growing...

It's impossible to out ****** china, sorry. I choose investing in America with high tech, infrastructure, some educational reform.

So you people build schools for the middle eastern children but won't invest in our children. This is what pisses me off...America use to be proud to be one in science, r@d and the best infrastructure on earth. Rome, Britain and every great power had these things.

The tea party is our downfall.
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yawn; people are running away from obama like he has the plague; and Dems are trying to sound like they are in the Tea Party or something

FACT: Repubs will keep the House and pick up seats in the Senate this fall

You are right on!

Dems tend to change their tune at election time to try and sound more conservative. Amazingly, the same idiots fall for it every time.

Dems are the ones in a panic. They don't have anything to run on, but plenty to run from.

Some are even willing to repeal Obamacare if it will get them re-elected. Funny how this guy helped make it happen and now says he'll vote to repeal. Either he finally understands how harmful it is (doubtful) or he's just the typical sleazebag who will do anything for the sake of his career and doesn't really care about the country.

Democrat Senator In Full Retreat: 'I Will Vote Tomorrow To Repeal' ObamaCare
Democrat Senator In Full Retreat: 'I Will Vote Tomorrow To Repeal' ObamaCare (If It Will Save My Job) | Independent Journal Review
Nothing more dangerous than a cornered animal. Better watch out, a cornered animal will tear you to pieces and leave nothing but a liberal footnote in histroy. Better call someone to protect you, we know how you libs all depend on someone else to protect you and yours.

how long can pandering be the Party platform of the Jackazz Party?

Black and Hispanic Americans had it better when Republicans ran things

true story
If you are right, then the future is a divided America much like islamic nations are divided between Sunni and Shia. Or any other country that has permanent cultural divisions. Each side will develop independently of the other until neither side can hold up the whole nation and it collapses.
To try and imply that the GOP and the TEA PARTY are one in the same shows the absolute infantile argument set forth.

A thread suitable for MSNBC only.

AH...but you fail to realize this: Most voters think they are the same. The Tea Party was so fanatical, that they literally took over the Big Red "R" Party, and now, when many people think Republican, they think bat shit crazy people like SC Senator Lee Bright.

The only people who care about the difference are, well, right wingers.

But you are both under the same tent of animals soon to be irrelevant.
Those liberal paid trolls keep posting this crap in their never-ending faith that one day they will actually be paid.

Truth told, one day they WILL get what's coming to them.

So maybe their faith isn't failed, just misplaced ever so slightly.
what are liberals selling left-wing dope?




Well, 2 thing to start:

Less war

Easier access to healthcare

Those are 2 pretty clear, bold offerings.

And despite Obama being quite a disaster in leadership.......the right can only muster up a SPLIT in votes, and couldn't beat him in 2012???


1. we left Iraq on the original BUSH timetable set forth in the Status of Forces Agreement

2. obamacare is a TRAINWRECK
To try and imply that the GOP and the TEA PARTY are one in the same shows the absolute infantile argument set forth.

A thread suitable for MSNBC only.

AH...but you fail to realize this: Most voters think they are the same. The Tea Party was so fanatical, that they literally took over the Big Red "R" Party, and now, when many people think Republican, they think bat shit crazy people like SC Senator Lee Bright.

The only people who care about the difference are, well, right wingers.

But you are both under the same tent of animals soon to be irrelevant.

lmao!! you're a clown spewing talking points.. what is so "fanatical" about the Tea Party?

y ou dont know what you're talking about
liberals are hilarious clowns.

one minute libs are saying the Tea Party is tearing the Repub Party apart

the next minute they are saying the Tea and Repubs are one in the same and there are no differences there

idiots and hypocrites
I'll vote for keeping America number one on this planet ;)

We have a lot of work to do to be number one in education, infrastructure and to hold onto our number one record in science!

Haven't read international academic listings much lately?

Or just have trouble comprehending the meaning of "hold onto".
A perfect analogy I think of the current GOP/Tea Party: A cornered, outnumbered animal.

The time has finally come that the GOP and Tea Party realize their cause is lost. Not all at once. It'll be a slow, gradual extinction.

But, for one, demographics are against them. Their long held bias against immigrants, minorities and gays is catching up as those demographics grow.

People in all countries are tired of war, and the GOP's bread and butter is the promise of their zeal for war. We're over that.

People are slowly growing more and more tired of the corporate abuses, and are welcoming government intervention. People don't worship CEO's anymore. We're quite tired of Wall Street too. Again, it's gradual. But, people are more welcoming of government intervention.

The GOP is a cornered animal. The predators are gathering. And they see no way out. Its partly to explain why that party and the right in general is becoming so bizarre and crazy. They're starting to slowly grow into a panic mode. An anxiety that is taking them over as they realize their old abusive ways are over. Like watching their long-time abused wive packing her bags.

Its over GOP. Not today. Not tomorrow. But soon, your ideology will only exist in history books.

your are one delusional lost soul so drunk on the Obama Koolaid you cant see reality even if it slapped you in the face

Its is democrats that are scared shitless thinks to Obama care. Every one of them is running away from that law and Obama like chickens with the head cut off. Only ones left defending it are the ones in the deep blue states that only requirement to get elected is having a D in front of your name

Republicans only need 6 seats to take over the senate. There are 7 seats up for reelection held by democrats in states carried by Romney, and this was before the effects of Obama care train wreck hit the public

And lets not lets talk about 2016. Thanks to Obama unconstitutionally delaying all the bad in Obama care till right before that Election. don't think the Dems will have a chance to win then either

Obama care is the gift that will continue to give to republicans. The train wreck of a law proves that big government liberalism is a disaster
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The left should become a little more realistic. They cannot govern the country without the cooperation of the right. So far, the left has been lucky because the right is still fighting. When the right stops fighting, it means they gave up. It's sort of like a husband and wife that constantly fight over everything. They fight because they still care. When they stop fighting, the marriage is over.

If the right gives up and withdraws, it will mean a vastly reduced military, separate schools, it's moving to separate gated housing now. It's moving to separate movies, radio shows, even music is dividing. It means the right will no longer support anything, financially or morally.
Vote moderate for sensible economic pro-American policies
Vote moderate for educational reform that can help us regain a respectable footing in education.
Vote moderate for us to catch to south Korea in infrastructure!
Vote moderate to keep us number one in science! Every child have a shot at curing cancer and seeing America leading the godforsaken world back into space!!!
Vote Moderate to get rid of 24 hour/day wall to wall racist and sexist leftist bull shit!
Votes moderate for we will value corporations that stay AMERICAN!

JUST VOTE MODERATE so the 21st century can be America's!!! The tea party is the best friend of china it could have!
I'll vote for keeping America number one on this planet ;)

We have a lot of work to do to be number one in education, infrastructure and to hold onto our number one record in science!

Haven't read international academic listings much lately?

Or just have trouble comprehending the meaning of "hold onto".

We're now down to 17th.
A perfect analogy I think of the current GOP/Tea Party: A cornered, outnumbered animal.

The time has finally come that the GOP and Tea Party realize their cause is lost. Not all at once. It'll be a slow, gradual extinction.

But, for one, demographics are against them. Their long held bias against immigrants, minorities and gays is catching up as those demographics grow.

People in all countries are tired of war, and the GOP's bread and butter is the promise of their zeal for war. We're over that.

People are slowly growing more and more tired of the corporate abuses, and are welcoming government intervention. People don't worship CEO's anymore. We're quite tired of Wall Street too. Again, it's gradual. But, people are more welcoming of government intervention.

The GOP is a cornered animal. The predators are gathering. And they see no way out. Its partly to explain why that party and the right in general is becoming so bizarre and crazy. They're starting to slowly grow into a panic mode. An anxiety that is taking them over as they realize their old abusive ways are over. Like watching their long-time abused wive packing her bags.

Its over GOP. Not today. Not tomorrow. But soon, your ideology will only exist in history books.

Spot on, Bucs. I've been thinkin' and saying the same thing for .....well, longer than I've had this avatar or USMB account.
A perfect analogy I think of the current GOP/Tea Party: A cornered, outnumbered animal.

The time has finally come that the GOP and Tea Party realize their cause is lost. Not all at once. It'll be a slow, gradual extinction.

But, for one, demographics are against them. Their long held bias against immigrants, minorities and gays is catching up as those demographics grow.

People in all countries are tired of war, and the GOP's bread and butter is the promise of their zeal for war. We're over that.

People are slowly growing more and more tired of the corporate abuses, and are welcoming government intervention. People don't worship CEO's anymore. We're quite tired of Wall Street too. Again, it's gradual. But, people are more welcoming of government intervention.

The GOP is a cornered animal. The predators are gathering. And they see no way out. Its partly to explain why that party and the right in general is becoming so bizarre and crazy. They're starting to slowly grow into a panic mode. An anxiety that is taking them over as they realize their old abusive ways are over. Like watching their long-time abused wive packing her bags.

Its over GOP. Not today. Not tomorrow. But soon, your ideology will only exist in history books.

it's comical. Left-wing nutjobs are nervous; whistling past the graveyard. they think merely saying something will make it so.

obama and the Dem Party have been abject failures. the tiny Tea Party in Congress; less than 70 members; had nothing to do with obama and Dems FAILING.

the Left's obsession with the Tea Party is proof of the power of the Tea Party;
you dont bother worrying about somebody like the Left is doing with the Tea: unless you see them as a threat to you.

Take your blinders off, honey. It's about $$$$$ and where they are putting it. Tea Party is heavily funded by names you will find easily by Googling the Forbes 400.

As far as the Tea Party's descent into the bowels of American disgust.....It's happening.


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