The GOP "Threat" to American Democracy and what it means for you!

It's so strange the way these right wingers whine and cry but can't prove anything different. I tell the truth, they call me names. Round and round.
First off, we establish there is a threat through "FACTS".

The Republican leadership has admitted voter suppression works, it's in place and it will give Romney a win. Check! (Isn't that what he said? "Check"!)

The conservative Supreme Court appointed Bush president so he could appoint more conservatives to the Supreme Court. This creates a self perputuating Republican government. Pack the Supreme Court, let them decide close elections.

Now this is where it gets interesting. Teavangelicals want their social agenda spread across America. This is why the "War on Education" (see Texas Party Platform). It's why they push anti gay, anti women's rights, anti minority, and so on. The Teavangelicals only really care about their "Social Agenda" which is why they works so well with corporations.

The Corporate goal is to squeeze as much money out of America that it can. It doesn't care about putting it back. Doesn't care about clean air, or clean water. Those things are expensive. It's why we have a party that protects BP, apologizing and blocks any investigation so BP can't be sued. The Supreme Court freed up the corporations, overturning a century of law, so they can finance the Republican's grab for power. At the same time, the Supreme Court makes it harder for unions to contribute.

And we know the ultra rich don't care about "laws" or "rules" because they don't apply, not to them. It's why we have a presidential nominee who shows such disregard for the law that he illegally plays "cop dress-up", commits assault against those he feels he has the right to assault, mistreats animals and so on. Rules don't apply to him. So people like him don't care what the Teavangelicals do with their "social agenda". They can buy what ever they want.

So corporations fund the Republican Party and funds getting Republicans elected.

Teavangelicals are able to push their social agenda.

Votes are suppressed.

Elections are bought.

Corporations can spend unlimited funds.

The Supreme Court makes it more difficult for Unions to contribute.

The lame duck Republican congress goes after the Post Office because in some Blue State, Democrats vote through the Post Office.

And America spends it's time watching Kim Kardashian, which of course, is far, far more interesting than politics.

I bet you think if you close your eyes and keep repeating the same old lies it will all go away.:cuckoo:
Not just Florida. Recently one Republican in Pennsylvania said that due to their plan, Romney will take Pennsylvania, "Check". He was talking about "voter suppression". It's been linked a ton of times. Why not just run on "good policy"? Unless you know that if you tell America what your policy is, they will never vote for you.
Is "less Police, less firefighter and less teachers really good policy?"
And then Republican will once again lie and say, but their salaries are paid by the state. Yea sure. Like the Catholic Charities the Republicans say is a "private institution", only they get 70% of their money from the Federal Government. And Republicans pride themselves on how much they know. But they don't seem to know anything.

I heard that some weeks ago too. Why they need gov't $?
First off, we establish there is a threat through "FACTS".

The Republican leadership has admitted voter suppression works, it's in place and it will give Romney a win. Check! (Isn't that what he said? "Check"!)

The conservative Supreme Court appointed Bush president so he could appoint more conservatives to the Supreme Court. This creates a self perputuating Republican government. Pack the Supreme Court, let them decide close elections.

Now this is where it gets interesting. Teavangelicals want their social agenda spread across America. This is why the "War on Education" (see Texas Party Platform). It's why they push anti gay, anti women's rights, anti minority, and so on. The Teavangelicals only really care about their "Social Agenda" which is why they works so well with corporations.

The Corporate goal is to squeeze as much money out of America that it can. It doesn't care about putting it back. Doesn't care about clean air, or clean water. Those things are expensive. It's why we have a party that protects BP, apologizing and blocks any investigation so BP can't be sued. The Supreme Court freed up the corporations, overturning a century of law, so they can finance the Republican's grab for power. At the same time, the Supreme Court makes it harder for unions to contribute.

And we know the ultra rich don't care about "laws" or "rules" because they don't apply, not to them. It's why we have a presidential nominee who shows such disregard for the law that he illegally plays "cop dress-up", commits assault against those he feels he has the right to assault, mistreats animals and so on. Rules don't apply to him. So people like him don't care what the Teavangelicals do with their "social agenda". They can buy what ever they want.

So corporations fund the Republican Party and funds getting Republicans elected.

Teavangelicals are able to push their social agenda.

Votes are suppressed.

Elections are bought.

Corporations can spend unlimited funds.

The Supreme Court makes it more difficult for Unions to contribute.

The lame duck Republican congress goes after the Post Office because in some Blue State, Democrats vote through the Post Office.

And America spends it's time watching Kim Kardashian, which of course, is far, far more interesting than politics.
You actually believe your lies don't you? What an idiot.
First off, we establish there is a threat through "FACTS".

The Republican leadership has admitted voter suppression works, it's in place and it will give Romney a win. Check! (Isn't that what he said? "Check"!)

The conservative Supreme Court appointed Bush president so he could appoint more conservatives to the Supreme Court. This creates a self perputuating Republican government. Pack the Supreme Court, let them decide close elections.

Now this is where it gets interesting. Teavangelicals want their social agenda spread across America. This is why the "War on Education" (see Texas Party Platform). It's why they push anti gay, anti women's rights, anti minority, and so on. The Teavangelicals only really care about their "Social Agenda" which is why they works so well with corporations.

The Corporate goal is to squeeze as much money out of America that it can. It doesn't care about putting it back. Doesn't care about clean air, or clean water. Those things are expensive. It's why we have a party that protects BP, apologizing and blocks any investigation so BP can't be sued. The Supreme Court freed up the corporations, overturning a century of law, so they can finance the Republican's grab for power. At the same time, the Supreme Court makes it harder for unions to contribute.

And we know the ultra rich don't care about "laws" or "rules" because they don't apply, not to them. It's why we have a presidential nominee who shows such disregard for the law that he illegally plays "cop dress-up", commits assault against those he feels he has the right to assault, mistreats animals and so on. Rules don't apply to him. So people like him don't care what the Teavangelicals do with their "social agenda". They can buy what ever they want.

So corporations fund the Republican Party and funds getting Republicans elected.

Teavangelicals are able to push their social agenda.

Votes are suppressed.

Elections are bought.

Corporations can spend unlimited funds.

The Supreme Court makes it more difficult for Unions to contribute.

The lame duck Republican congress goes after the Post Office because in some Blue State, Democrats vote through the Post Office.

And America spends it's time watching Kim Kardashian, which of course, is far, far more interesting than politics.

Do you know what fact means?

Of course. It's something you can't deny. Which you don't. Because we both know you can't. Denial only works so long.
You wouldn't know a fact if it bit you on the butt. Here is one, you are a retarded idiot, there.
What is a threat to American democracy is the tendency to identify the other side of the polical aisle as inherently evil. This is utterly false and prevents compromise. It keeps things from getting done.

True, I see no threat to this nation or our system of government from Romney, nor the President. Steve King is a nutcase, but isn't an actual danger either.

I see it from the Republicans and I listed it clearly point by point. Especially these two:

Votes are suppressed.

Corporations can spend unlimited funds.

These are what's known as "red flags". Neither can be denied.
Of course on the left you have dead people and illegal immigrants voting and you support that, oh that is right, those are the suppressed votes you idiots talk about. FOOL!!!
True, I see no threat to this nation or our system of government from Romney, nor the President. Steve King is a nutcase, but isn't an actual danger either.

I see it from the Republicans and I listed it clearly point by point. Especially these two:

Votes are suppressed.

Corporations can spend unlimited funds.

These are what's known as "red flags". Neither can be denied.
Of course on the left you have dead people and illegal immigrants voting and you support that, oh that is right, those are the suppressed votes you idiots talk about. FOOL!!!

If you say it 3 more time it might come true...but so far your post rings false.
America is clearly under attack by greedy, selfish, warmongering Ayn Rand fundamentalist wingnuts.

You can't be a warmonger and an "Ayn Rand fundamentalist". I'm not telling you that you have to like the woman's writings, but at least figure out wtf she said before assigning her a philosophy.
rdean is busy hiding from imagined shadows under his bed. Make the bad voices in your head go away RD, you can do it. Just Wistle this song anytime you are afraid. ;)

[ame=]Wilson Pickett - Land Of 1000 Dances - YouTube[/ame]
Wilson Pickett - Land Of 1000 Dances
[ame=]Stage - YouTube[/ame]
America is clearly under attack by greedy, selfish, warmongering Ayn Rand fundamentalist wingnuts.

Wow you guys are an angry bunch.
Didn't you win a huge victory getting your way on Obama Care...
Did you spend a few minutes gloating at least.
Now you're bitching about what exactly.? :confused:
Not just Florida. Recently one Republican in Pennsylvania said that due to their plan, Romney will take Pennsylvania, "Check". He was talking about "voter suppression". It's been linked a ton of times. Why not just run on "good policy"? Unless you know that if you tell America what your policy is, they will never vote for you.
Is "less Police, less firefighter and less teachers really good policy?"
And then Republican will once again lie and say, but their salaries are paid by the state. Yea sure. Like the Catholic Charities the Republicans say is a "private institution", only they get 70% of their money from the Federal Government. And Republicans pride themselves on how much they know. But they don't seem to know anything.

I heard that some weeks ago too. Why they need gov't $?

Because a lot of people need help and Republicans say "let them die". But the truth is, many of those that need help are poor Republicans. But when they think of "benefits", they think blacks and browns are ripping off the system because they won't work. But Republicans feel it is they who get these benefits, it's because they "deserve" them.

Those corporations who are sitting on trillions don't give a fuck for the poor any more than the Republican leadership. Republicans can't afford to give. The corporations who they want to turn the country over too don't care. That leaves the government to help out. That nasty government that can't do anything except what Republicans won't do, even when it's spelled out in their "Bible".
rdean is busy hiding from imagined shadows under his bed. Make the bad voices in your head go away RD, you can do it. Just Wistle this song anytime you are afraid. ;)

Wilson Pickett - Land Of 1000 Dances - YouTube
Wilson Pickett - Land Of 1000 Dances

Please explain what I'm "imagining" that I have "wrong"?

Voter suppression? CHECK

Social agenda? CHECK

Unlimited political spending by corporations? CHECK

Defund education and less teachers? CHECK

So where am I wrong?
Not just Florida. Recently one Republican in Pennsylvania said that due to their plan, Romney will take Pennsylvania, "Check". He was talking about "voter suppression". It's been linked a ton of times. Why not just run on "good policy"? Unless you know that if you tell America what your policy is, they will never vote for you.
Is "less Police, less firefighter and less teachers really good policy?"
And then Republican will once again lie and say, but their salaries are paid by the state. Yea sure. Like the Catholic Charities the Republicans say is a "private institution", only they get 70% of their money from the Federal Government. And Republicans pride themselves on how much they know. But they don't seem to know anything.

I heard that some weeks ago too. Why they need gov't $?

Because a lot of people need help and Republicans say "let them die". But the truth is, many of those that need help are poor Republicans. But when they think of "benefits", they think blacks and browns are ripping off the system because they won't work. But Republicans feel it is they who get these benefits, it's because they "deserve" them.

Those corporations who are sitting on trillions don't give a fuck for the poor any more than the Republican leadership. Republicans can't afford to give. The corporations who they want to turn the country over too don't care. That leaves the government to help out. That nasty government that can't do anything except what Republicans won't do, even when it's spelled out in their "Bible".

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