The GOP's Charles Manson Defense


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Back in the 90's convicted felon Charles Manson was interviewed by Newsweek magazine from his jail cell. The bulk of his talk to the reporter was his contention that "Corporations were polluting the environment, and so, were responsible for the deaths of many thousands of people." Because of this, his crimes were relatively minor in comparison, so he shouldn't have to spend the rest of his life in prison - - That didn't work. Charles Manson died in prison on November 19, 2017.

The same type of defense is being presented by Trump supporters everyday. "Joe and Hunter Biden are guilty of crimes, therefore Donald Trump's misdeeds should be ignored - - That won't work either. The Bidens may indeed be guilty, but this does not automatically make Donald J Trump innocent!

Trump supporters: Do yourselves a favor and stop using the Charles Manson defense of Donald Trump. Guilty people have been using it for centuries and it doesn't work.

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts! :dunno:
"B-b-b-b-b-b-but Biden!"

There is literally ZERO evidence Biden has committed a crime.

All the tards have are innuendos, smears, lies, and hoaxes.

It's all a giant pile of red herrings to distract them from Dear Leader's ACTUAL crimes.
Back in the 90's convicted felon Charles Manson was interviewed by Newsweek magazine from his jail cell. The bulk of his talk to the reporter was his contention that "Corporations were polluting the environment, and so, were responsible for the deaths of many thousands of people." Because of this, his crimes were relatively minor in comparison, so he shouldn't have to spend the rest of his life in prison - - That didn't work. Charles Manson died in prison on November 19, 2017.

The same type of defense is being presented by Trump supporters everyday. "Joe and Hunter Biden are guilty of crimes, therefore Donald Trump's misdeeds should be ignored - - That won't work either. The Bidens may indeed be guilty, but this does not automatically make Donald J Trump innocent!

Trump supporters: Do yourselves a favor and stop using the Charles Manson defense of Donald Trump. Guilty people have been using it for centuries and it doesn't work.

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts! :dunno:
Cults have consistent characteristics.
Back in the 90's convicted felon Charles Manson was interviewed by Newsweek magazine from his jail cell. The bulk of his talk to the reporter was his contention that "Corporations were polluting the environment, and so, were responsible for the deaths of many thousands of people." Because of this, his crimes were relatively minor in comparison, so he shouldn't have to spend the rest of his life in prison - - That didn't work. Charles Manson died in prison on November 19, 2017.

The same type of defense is being presented by Trump supporters everyday. "Joe and Hunter Biden are guilty of crimes, therefore Donald Trump's misdeeds should be ignored - - That won't work either. The Bidens may indeed be guilty, but this does not automatically make Donald J Trump innocent!

Trump supporters: Do yourselves a favor and stop using the Charles Manson defense of Donald Trump. Guilty people have been using it for centuries and it doesn't work.

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts! :dunno:
Except that Biden cultists think the same way, just opposite. They think Trump guilty and Joe not. It’s the way of the uniparty.
Back in the 90's convicted felon Charles Manson was interviewed by Newsweek magazine from his jail cell. The bulk of his talk to the reporter was his contention that "Corporations were polluting the environment, and so, were responsible for the deaths of many thousands of people." Because of this, his crimes were relatively minor in comparison, so he shouldn't have to spend the rest of his life in prison - - That didn't work. Charles Manson died in prison on November 19, 2017.

The same type of defense is being presented by Trump supporters everyday. "Joe and Hunter Biden are guilty of crimes, therefore Donald Trump's misdeeds should be ignored - - That won't work either. The Bidens may indeed be guilty, but this does not automatically make Donald J Trump innocent!

Trump supporters: Do yourselves a favor and stop using the Charles Manson defense of Donald Trump. Guilty people have been using it for centuries and it doesn't work.

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts! :dunno:
Theyre just super Fortifying democracy by outlawing the first amendment rights of the opposition leader .......Who could probably win the election for a THIRD time IN a ROW.

Shut up bigots
Theyre just super Fortifying democracy by outlawing the first amendment rights of the opposition leader .......Who could probably win the election for a THIRD time IN a ROW.

Shut up bigots

You are free to say that it isn’t fair. It is illegal for you to tell someone that they can and must violate the constitution to get what you want.

Mob bosses tell their minions to murder people. Are they exercising their first amendment rights?

The leader of a group of thieves tells his people what to do. Is he exercising his first amendment rights?

Trump lost the election. Investigations have proven it.
The same type of defense is being presented by Trump supporters everyday. "Joe and Hunter Biden are guilty of crimes, therefore Donald Trump's misdeeds should be ignored - - That won't work either. The Bidens may indeed be guilty, but this does not automatically make Donald J Trump innocent!

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts! :dunno:
Your OP simply is a cherry picking exercise to get you to a conclusion which you were always going to make , regardless of facts .Then, to bolster yourself, you have projected behaviour and thinking onto others, which is a fairy tale .So that you present in your conclusion a position supposedly held by many but in reality only proposed by a few cranky and unbalanced individuals like yourself . Ergo , Fake News.
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Both the left and right have spent six decades arguing the points on which they are opposed. So involved in these arguments are the rank-and-file right and left that during this half-century+ period, they completely ignored the buying of our politicians by Big Business and the billionaire class.

Each side has willingly elected federal, state, and local representation that is beholden to major political contributors. The politicians' empty promises are much preferred by both sides over the truth told them by honest candidates. Honest candidates at all levels are made to look like crackpots by the corporate-owned press. And being honest and possessing integrity puts them well behind the pack in campaign funding.

The 2016 election was decided by the millions of disgruntled Bernie supporters. These voters either refused to vote for the Democrats' nominee or voted for trump out of spite. In 2020, the former Bernie supporters came out to give the Democrats' 2020 nominee (Biden) his overwhelming victory over the loser trump,

The fanatical trump Nazis will never face the truth about their beloved leader, in the same way moderate voting Democrats will never face the truth that their choices for government representation are slaves to Big Business and the billionaire class to the same degree as every Republican in government.

Looking back at history, it was the voters' (of both parties) infatuation with Reagan that put this country on the road to trump. Reagan's many lies fooled voters, both Republicans and Democrats, and do so to this day. It wasn't until recently that the damage caused by Reagan was openly discussed in the press. The lies by trump, while overshadowing those by Reagan, have been called out, and called out by many top-placed members (enablers) in the trump administration.

But, regardless of trump's eventual future, the vast majority of U.S. voters will remain suckers. They will choose the liar that offers the most comforting lies. Truth is largely unwelcome in U.S. politics, especially by the voters. So, a fascist dictatorship is definitely in our future.

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Both the left and right have spent the six decades arguing the points on which they are opposed. So involved in these arguments are the rank-and-file right and left that during this half-century+ period, they completely ignored the buying of our politicians by Big Business and the billionaire class.

Each side has willingly elected federal, state, and local representation that is beholden to major political contributors. The politicians' empty promises are much preferred by both sides over the truth told them by honest candidates. Honest candidates at all levels are made to look like crackpots by the corporate-owned press. And being honest and possessing integrity puts them well behind the pack in campaign funding.

The 2016 election was decided by the millions of disgruntled Bernie supporters. These voters either refused to vote for the Democrats' nominee or voted for trump out of spite. In 2020, the former Bernie supporters came out to give the Democrats' 2020 nominee (Biden) his overwhelming victory over the loser trump,

The fanatical trump Nazis will never face the truth about their beloved leader, in the same way moderate voting Democrats will never face the truth that their choices for government representation are slaves to Big Business and the billionaire class to the same degree as every Republican in government.

Looking back at history, it was the voters' (of both parties) infatuation with Reagan that put this country on the road to trump. Reagan's many lies fooled voters, both Republicans and Democrats, and do so to this day. It wasn't until recently that the damage caused by Reagan was openly discussed in the press. The lies by trump, while overshadowing those by Reagan, have been called out, and called out by many top-placed members (enablers) in the trump administration.

But, regardless of trump's eventual future, the vast majority of U.S. voters will remain suckers. They will choose the liar that offers the most comforting lies. Truth is largely unwelcome in U.S. politics, especially by the voters. So, a fascist dictatorship is definitely in our future.

Did you know that the Nazi's of the 1930's hung the Communists of the 1930s? Watch who you are calling Nazis you stupid fuck, your wish just might come true.
The fanatical trump Nazis will never face the truth about their beloved leader, in the same way moderate voting Democrats will never face the truth that their choices for government representation are slaves to Big Business and the billionaire class to the same degree as every Republican in government.

But, regardless of trump's eventual future, the vast majority of U.S. voters will remain suckers. They will choose the liar that offers the most comforting lies. Truth is largely unwelcome in U.S. politics, especially by the voters. So, a fascist dictatorship is definitely in our future.

This is the type of hate rant which has become the mandated Dumbocrat agenda and is attempted rabble rousing Fake nonsense . People are stupid but this also means that their limited abilities are simplified and concentrated into areas that direct affect them , their family and close friends .OP does not realise that his stance is a Fascist one and it will quickly be perceived as such . It will lead to Dumbocrat electoral suicide .
Back in the 90's convicted felon Charles Manson was interviewed by Newsweek magazine from his jail cell. The bulk of his talk to the reporter was his contention that "Corporations were polluting the environment, and so, were responsible for the deaths of many thousands of people." Because of this, his crimes were relatively minor in comparison, so he shouldn't have to spend the rest of his life in prison - - That didn't work. Charles Manson died in prison on November 19, 2017.

The same type of defense is being presented by Trump supporters everyday. "Joe and Hunter Biden are guilty of crimes, therefore Donald Trump's misdeeds should be ignored - - That won't work either. The Bidens may indeed be guilty, but this does not automatically make Donald J Trump innocent!

Trump supporters: Do yourselves a favor and stop using the Charles Manson defense of Donald Trump. Guilty people have been using it for centuries and it doesn't work.

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts! :dunno:
The problem with your OP is that Charles Manson committed several murders.
Donald Trump didn't.
The Charles Manson defense would fit Obama, Hillary, and Biden more than Donald Trump.

But, regardless of trump's eventual future, the vast majority of U.S. voters will remain suckers. They will choose the liar that offers the most comforting lies. Truth is largely unwelcome in U.S. politics, especially by the voters.
Yep. I've been saying all along, this has never been about Trump. Nothing that happens in any upcoming trial matters in the bigger picture.

We have to fix our political/electoral system. And we sure as hell need to examine ourselves and our society. Before it's too fuckin' late.
That certainly describes the GOP.
Joe is the worst liar in human political history. In other nations which are more life intensive in totalitarian ways he would have been killed early on if he tried to be a corrupted moron. And others like Nancy would be laughed at it. One in four dollars passes through D.C. of our GDP. The Founding Fathers warned against this. To no avail.
Yep. I've been saying all along, this has never been about Trump. Nothing that happens in any upcoming trial matters in the bigger picture.

We have to fix our political/electoral system. And we sure as hell need to examine ourselves and our society. Before it's too fuckin' late.
It was too late when the USSC appointed Dubya POTUS in 2000.

It was too late when the USSC appointed Dubya POTUS in 2000.

I just cannot figure out how Gore lost his home state of Tennessee in a close election. Win his home state and he is President. W. didn't screw you over. He screwed us all over with Homeland Security, TSA and Patriot Act. We see how Garland and the central state security are pushing totalitarian ways of accusing people of terrorism. And it will turn on your party beliefs. Notice the TSA fun at airports and flying on passenger jets. W. is a RINO/NEO CON.

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