The GOP's New Fake Racial History

oh fer crying out loud.

read it AND WEEP..
I bet you didn't even read it and have no intentions to either.


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It's getting to where it's harder and harder to be a racist in this country... What's up with that?
Apparently the GOP feels the need to have its Southern members like Haley Barbour go out and spread the lie that it wasn't race that caused the Democrats in the South to go running full-speed to the Republican party. It was....some other reason.

Can you believe that tripe? Read it and weep.

The GOP's new fake racial history - War Room -


This article is supposed to prove what exactly?

“I’ll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”
- Lyndon B. Johnson

“Jews — that’s J-E-W-S.”
- State Senator Bill McKinney explaining why his daughter Cynthia lost in 2002

“Civil rights laws were not passed to protect the rights of white men and do not apply to them.”
- Mary Frances Berry, Chairwoman, US Commission on Civil Rights

The white man is our mortal enemy, and we cannot accept him. I will fight to see that vicious beast go down into the lake of fire prepared for him from the beginning, that he never rise again to give any innocent black man, woman or child the hell that he has delighted in pouring on us for 400 years.”
- Louis Farrakhan

“White folks was in caves while we was building empires… We taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it.”
- Rev. Al Sharpton

“The white race is the cancer of human history.”
- Susan Sontag

These negros, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they’ve never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness.

“I am not going to use the federal government’s authority deliberately to circumvent the natural inclination of people to live in ethnic homogeneous neighborhoods.”
- Jimmy Carter

I mean, you’ve got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.”
- Joe Biden (referring to Barack Obama)

“Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.”
- Robert Byrd

“I am a former kleagle of the Ku Klux Klan in Raleigh County and the adjoining counties of the state …. The Klan is needed today as never before and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia …. It is necessary that the order be promoted immediately and in every state of the Union. Will you please inform me as to the possibilities of rebuilding the Klan in the Realm of W. Va …. I hope that you will find it convenient to answer my letter in regards to future possibilities.”
- Robert Byrd

“You’d find these potentates from down in Africa, you know, rather than eating each other, they’d just come up and get a good square meal in Geneva.”
- Senator Fritz Hollings
How can we forget FDR and the Dems using federal money to subject blacks to Nazi-like syphilis tests at the Tuskegee Experiments?
1964, though, is what changed everything. In signing the Civil Rights Act, LBJ cemented the Democrats as a civil rights party. And in nominating anti-civil rights Barry Goldwater for president (instead of pro-civil rights Nelson Rockefeller) the GOP cast its future fortunes with the white electorate of the South. LBJ trounced Goldwater nationally that fall, winning more than 60 percent of the popular vote. But in the South, voters flocked to the Republican nominee, with Goldwater carrying five states in the region. Mississippi, the same state that had given FDR 97 percent of its votes 28 years earlier, now gave Goldwater 87 percent. That fall, Thurmond, now a senator, renounced his Democratic affiliation once and for all and signed up for Goldwater's GOP. The realignment was well underway, and it had everything to do with race.

Yeah that about sums up the change in both parties that specific platform.

The excesses of the Democratically controlled federal government didn't stop there though.

The DEMS were arrogant enough to imagine that they could change the social dynamic of this nation in a LOT of areas that were bound to lose them support.

Regardless of what we might personally think about the agenda, Feminism, which challenged long cherished beliefs about society, ALSO alienated a huge segment of the working class population that had formerly been solidly Democratic voters.

Gays right further alienated deeply religous people who'd formerly been Dems.

The Dems stance on guns rights also alienated rural voters who'd previously seen the Republican party for what it is...the party of the rich.

Throw in the continued assault on American industry called FREE TRADE (remember that the Dems organized though unions for decades) and we find that the Dems shot themselves in the foot by losing those blue collar voters, too.

Politically, the Dems did so many things to alienate so many differnt blocks of voters, it would be surprising that Obama won the last election if one didn't know how badly Bush II's administration screwed things up.

Despite all the populist rhetoric we hear from both parties, America basically now has TWO parties working for the rich, now.

Neither of them really has natural consituents (other than the super wealthy) but they still have about half the potential voters (more than enough to insure that one party or the other will win) who are clueless enough to imagine that those parties are working on their behalf.

The Dems lost their way, folks
It's getting to where it's harder and harder to be a racist in this country... What's up with that?

The GOP is doing all it can to make it easier. They even minted some Frank Luntz code words to disguise the verboten "N" word. In the Orwellian right wing world, it's now racist to be anti-racist.
The DEMS were arrogant enough to imagine that they could change the social dynamic of this nation in a LOT of areas that were bound to lose them support.

You're right. Lots of right wingers miss those days of racial/ethnic/religious aparthied. Lucky for them it's not quite as impolitic to slam Muslims and Mexicans, or their heads might explode.
Actually, many powerful NORTHERN Democrats opposed the abolition of slavery. Fact.

I keep hearing the south went Republican, and yet the numbers don't reflect that. Another lame excuse and propaganda from the racist left who have no voice in government. They have as much say in this government as McCain voters, none.

Got anything else but the race card left for an excuse, or is your racism the only thing you have left to offer America?
Actually, many powerful NORTHERN Democrats opposed the abolition of slavery. Fact.

And a very powerful Republican supported abolition. But now is now, and things change.

I keep hearing the south went Republican, and yet the numbers don't reflect that. Another lame excuse and propaganda from the racist left who have no voice in government. They have as much say in this government as McCain voters, none.

And there's still some Northern liberal Republicans, yet they vote Democrat on everything above mayor. Just as there are many Southern Democrats, who refuse to actually join the party of Lincoln, but will vote Republican on everything from congressman on up.

Got anything else but the race card left for an excuse, or is your racism the only thing you have left to offer America?

When the GOP decides to spin some lame revisionist history, regarding their positions on race, and utter denial of the Southern Strategy, that even right wingers like Pat Buchannan (who was part of that plan) admit to, and pointing it out; how exactly is that playing the race card? You prove my point. The new right wing Orwellians are trying to convince people that anti-racism is racism, just like old George said in his classic about war being peace.
Apparently the GOP feels the need to have its Southern members like Haley Barbour go out and spread the lie that it wasn't race that caused the Democrats in the South to go running full-speed to the Republican party. It was....some other reason.

Can you believe that tripe? Read it and weep.

The GOP's new fake racial history - War Room -


Haley wants people to deny reality. Like when Lyndon Johnson and Justice Black warned about the reactions of their southern brethren
Deny reality? LBJ is the Senator who lead the Opposition to the Civil Rights bill being passed in the 50s as President Eisenhower wanted.

And if you haven't noticed, most of the so called racists, never left the Democrat party. They just decided to mask themselves as usual.
Deny reality? LBJ is the Senator who lead the Opposition to the Civil Rights bill being passed in the 50s as President Eisenhower wanted.

And if you haven't noticed, most of the so called racists, never left the Democrat party. They just decided to mask themselves as usual.

NO you're an apologist for racism.

LBJ and other Democrats changed their views. It's what people of good faith do. The unrepentant racists left in a block and started the GOP's Southern Strategy. This is all factual and the GOP Chairman actually apologized for the Southern strategy.
Deny reality? LBJ is the Senator who lead the Opposition to the Civil Rights bill being passed in the 50s as President Eisenhower wanted.

And if you haven't noticed, most of the so called racists, never left the Democrat party. They just decided to mask themselves as usual.

NO you're an apologist for racism.

LBJ and other Democrats changed their views. It's what people of good faith do. The unrepentant racists left in a block and started the GOP's Southern Strategy. This is all factual and the GOP Chairman actually apologized for the Southern strategy.

I see. Can't deny reality so you resort to name calling. Typical Dante.

Reality is Democrats just figured out a way to enslave minorities while pretending to be their champion.

But you guys have lost. You can't claim people are racists when they embrace people of all races. Look at the Rally. Whites, Blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans, Asians, all came together based on principles. All cheered speakers of all races and nationalities.

Unity, Truth, Faith, integrity, will always beat your divisive politics.
Deny reality? LBJ is the Senator who lead the Opposition to the Civil Rights bill being passed in the 50s as President Eisenhower wanted.

And if you haven't noticed, most of the so called racists, never left the Democrat party. They just decided to mask themselves as usual.

NO you're an apologist for racism.

LBJ and other Democrats changed their views. It's what people of good faith do. The unrepentant racists left in a block and started the GOP's Southern Strategy. This is all factual and the GOP Chairman actually apologized for the Southern strategy.

I see. Can't deny reality so you resort to name calling. Typical Dante.

Reality is Democrats just figured out a way to enslave minorities while pretending to be their champion.

But you guys have lost. You can't claim people are racists when they embrace people of all races. Look at the Rally. Whites, Blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans, Asians, all came together based on principles. All cheered speakers of all races and nationalities.

Unity, Truth, Faith, integrity, will always beat your divisive politics.

You just substituted white southern racists with Democrats? :lol:

You guys? Im not a Democrat or a southern white racist.

Justices Hugo Black and John Marshall Harlan, and others were Klansmen who became champions of the negro. President Lyndon Johnson and other southerners were champions of the black man.

Other southerners considered them traitors for championing teh cause of equality. It was southerners who used segregation against court orders for equality. Southern Democrats were just plain old good boy Southern racists. Most left for the GOP and never changed their ways. Some stayed with the Democrats and championed equality.

you're an ugly racist apologist. :evil:
Apparently the GOP feels the need to have its Southern members like Haley Barbour go out and spread the lie that it wasn't race that caused the Democrats in the South to go running full-speed to the Republican party. It was....some other reason.

Can you believe that tripe? Read it and weep.

The GOP's new fake racial history - War Room -


Almost 50 years ago, the Republican Party made a decision to embrace the backlash generated by civil rights among white Southerners.

Traditionally, they had been staunch Democrats, but they were also culturally conservative, and as Lyndon Johnson and the Democratic Party embraced civil rights once and for all, they were up for grabs. The Republican Party offered them a home, a steady, decades-long realignment ensued, and today conservative Southern whites comprise the heart of the GOP -- just as culturally liberal Northerners, who called the GOP home before civil rights, have migrated to the Democratic Party.

There's nothing new about this story. In fact, it's the story LBJ himself predicted when he signed the Civil Rights Act in 1964 and supposedly mused, "There goes the South for a generation."

But it's an inconvenient story for today's Republican Party, which still relies on cultural, racial and ethnic wedge issues to keep its base in line -- but which also needs to win over less conservative suburbanites across the country to compete in national elections. And it's a particularly inconvenient story for Haley Barbour, the 62-year-old Mississippi governor who aspires to run as the Republican nominee against the nation's first black president.

And what follows is the exposition (with all of its fallacies) of the attempted rehabilitation of the present republican party as the ideological "party of Lincoln."
And it IS utter bullshit.

Salon is a good source for what is going on in the world of persuasion. Nice find.

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