Zone1 The GOP’s ‘southern strategy’ mastermind just died. Here’s his legacy.


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Feb 28, 2023
The Washington Post, October 12, 2023

“The whole secret of politics is knowing who hates who.”

That insight was the brainchild of Kevin Phillips, the longtime political analyst who passed away this week at 82 years old. Phillips’s 1969 book, “The Emerging Republican Majority,” provided the blueprint for the “southern strategy” that the Republican Party adopted for decades to win over White voters who were alienated by the Democratic Party’s embrace of civil rights in the 1960s.

Though Phillips later reconsidered his fealty to the GOP, updated versions of the “southern strategy” live on in today’s Republican Party, shaping the political world we inhabit today.


If the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the War on Poverty declared the same year had been followed by most American Negroes beginning to behave and perform as well as most whites, the Southern Strategy would not have been successful.

Instead, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the declaration of the War on Poverty were followed by five years of black ghetto riots and more enduring increases in black social pathology.

White racial moderates had thought that by supporting the civil rights movement they were buying racial peace. When the opposite happened they felt betrayed., and began to vote Republican.

Kevin Philips saw an opportunity that black criminals, and their white apologists created for the Republican Party. He did not create that opportunity. During the 1960's the Democrat Party went out on a limb to help Negroes. Many Negroes cut off the limb.
Ah, Hector, the Southern Strategy was a disgrace. Lee Atwater apologized for it before he died because he knew he would meet his maker.

Did it give a short-term boost to Republicans? Um. Yeah. Just like that first hit of Cocaine makes you feel fabulous! But then you can't stop, and eventually, it kills you.

The problem with appealing to the racists instead of educating them is that, eventually, you run out of racists. Whites are 64% of the population (down from 74% in 2010!) Of that 64%, about 40% vote democratic because they aren't jerks.

George W. Bush realized that this was a losing game, which is why he tried to reach out to non-whites. But this backfired in the face of the GOP when the nativists went for Trump and his openly racist rhetoric.
The Washington Post, October 12, 2023

“The whole secret of politics is knowing who hates who.”

That insight was the brainchild of Kevin Phillips, the longtime political analyst who passed away this week at 82 years old. Phillips’s 1969 book, “The Emerging Republican Majority,” provided the blueprint for the “southern strategy” that the Republican Party adopted for decades to win over White voters who were alienated by the Democratic Party’s embrace of civil rights in the 1960s.

Though Phillips later reconsidered his fealty to the GOP, updated versions of the “southern strategy” live on in today’s Republican Party, shaping the political world we inhabit today.


If the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the War on Poverty declared the same year had been followed by most American Negroes beginning to behave and perform as well as most whites, the Southern Strategy would not have been successful.

Instead, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the declaration of the War on Poverty were followed by five years of black ghetto riots and more enduring increases in black social pathology.

White racial moderates had thought that by supporting the civil rights movement they were buying racial peace. When the opposite happened they felt betrayed., and began to vote Republican.

Kevin Philips saw an opportunity that black criminals, and their white apologists created for the Republican Party. He did not create that opportunity. During the 1960's the Democrat Party went out on a limb to help Negroes. Many Negroes cut off the limb.

For Republicans who want to deny they are now the party of the KKK, allow me to remind them of what they were saying to black police officers on Jan 6

“I do my best to keep politics out of my job, but in this circumstance, I responded: ‘Well I voted for Joe Biden. Does my vote not count? Am I nobody?’”

“You hear that guys? This n----- voted for Joe Biden”

other officers shared similar stories of their confrontations with the pro-Trump mob.

Officer Daniel Hodges, who also testified at Tuesday’s hearing, said that the mob was overwhelmingly white and male. Hodges, who is white, testified that he did not encounter any racial abuse that day; instead several rioters tried to recruit him to their violent cause.

“One came and said, ‘are you my brother?’” Hodges said.
The problem with appealing to the racists instead of educating them is that, eventually, you run out of racists. Whites are 64% of the population (down from 74% in 2010!) Of that 64%, about 40% vote democratic because they aren't jerks.
The problem with educating racists is that you have to teach them what is not true.

I vote Democrat myself.
The problem with educating racists is that you have to teach them what is not true.

I vote Democrat myself.
As a white American I have the benefit of knowing racist white Americans. Blacks know them too but they don't know how racist they are. They are the complete opposite of WOKE. Ron DeSantis and Trump speak for the racists and homophobes when they speak about WOKE. They are against BLM. Ignorant to the reason it exists. Same way the did to Occupy Wallstreet in the 2000's when we looked like we were waking up to who's really fucking us over. The corporate media flipped that quick. It went from fingers pointing at Wallstreet to fingers pointing to the protesters. Remember they were raping each other out in those tents? That was corporate media bullshit. Turned our eyes off Wallstreet and onto Occupy Wallstreet. Demonizing BLM is taking our eyes off the cops.

Did you see today the cop got 10 years for shooting that sweet little black boy? And his partner got off free. Unacceptable.

Here's an idea I just came up with. Don't defund the police. Unarm them. Then they'll act differently. That's how I want them to serve. If a gun is needed call the station for backup.
Here's an idea I just came up with. Don't defund the police. Unarm them. Then they'll act differently. That's how I want them to serve. If a gun is needed call the station for backup.
The police need more weapons, and more power to fight the criminals.

The police should be told, "Your job is to protect decent people from criminals. How you do it is up to you."
The police need more weapons, and more power to fight the criminals.

The police should be told, "Your job is to protect decent people from criminals. How you do it is up to you."
So how is putting a young man in a chokehold who hadn't committed a crime "protecting us".

Jamal stuffing you into that locker was really traumatizing, wasn't it?
The police live stressful lives. Occasionally they make mistakes.
Pumping 16 rounds into a kid isn't a mistake.
Choking a man for nine minutes isn't a mistake.

So if your doctor amputated your leg by mistake, are you going to say, "Gee, Doc, I know you are under a lot of stress...."
It's hard to educate someone who is willfully ignorant. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink.
I do not pretend to know everything, but I make a reasonable effort to inform myself. What don't I know that if I learned would cause me to agree with you?
I do not pretend to know everything, but I make a reasonable effort to inform myself. What don't I know that if I learned would cause me to agree with you?
Nothing. Because some folks prefer to remain ignorant. Especially if their ignorant beliefs bolsters their racism.
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The police need more weapons, and more power to fight the criminals.

The police should be told, "Your job is to protect decent people from criminals. How you do it is up to you."

Show up to a domestic disturbance armed and without de escillation skills? Some yahoo racist jarhead Trump supporter? I think not.

Sorry but this is another reason Trump should't be president. He told cops who have a suspect cuffed and in custody to assault them when putting them in the cop car? What an asshole. He's said so many stupid shit about everything. It's like he was trying to be funny but he was serious. Saying whatever came to his unfiltered mouth.
It is the Democrat Party who practices hate based politics, not the Republicans.
It's very obvious that the Left loathes Southerners.
Guess what, people will not vote for a Party that hates them.
It is the Democrat Party who practices hate based politics, not the Republicans.
It's very obvious that the Left loathes Southerners.
Guess what, people will not vote for a Party that hates them.
This forum provess tthis comment wrong.
The Washington Post, October 12, 2023

“The whole secret of politics is knowing who hates who.”

That insight was the brainchild of Kevin Phillips, the longtime political analyst who passed away this week at 82 years old. Phillips’s 1969 book, “The Emerging Republican Majority,” provided the blueprint for the “southern strategy” that the Republican Party adopted for decades to win over White voters who were alienated by the Democratic Party’s embrace of civil rights in the 1960s.

Though Phillips later reconsidered his fealty to the GOP, updated versions of the “southern strategy” live on in today’s Republican Party, shaping the political world we inhabit today.


If the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the War on Poverty declared the same year had been followed by most American Negroes beginning to behave and perform as well as most whites, the Southern Strategy would not have been successful.

Instead, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the declaration of the War on Poverty were followed by five years of black ghetto riots and more enduring increases in black social pathology.

White racial moderates had thought that by supporting the civil rights movement they were buying racial peace. When the opposite happened they felt betrayed., and began to vote Republican.

Kevin Philips saw an opportunity that black criminals, and their white apologists created for the Republican Party. He did not create that opportunity. During the 1960's the Democrat Party went out on a limb to help Negroes. Many Negroes cut off the limb.
Without Kevin Phillip's fine work, this country would never have spawned the trumpublican Party.

Should trump be returned to the White House, fascism will be the government ruling this country, as the Constitution will be scrapped.

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Without Kevin Phillip's fine work, this country would never have spawned the trumpublican Party.

Should trump be returned to the White House, fascism will be the government ruling this country, as the Constitution will be scrapped.

I hate Trump because he cut taxes for the rich and because of his personality and character. If the Great Society had worked Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and Donald Trump would not have been elected president. Nixon, Reagan, and Trump exploited failures of the Great Society. They did not cause those failures.
“The whole secret of politics is knowing who hates who.”

That insight was the brainchild
of Kevin Phillips,

Nonsense .
Any thinking person knows it .
It applies in every walk of life and the Chinese knew it almost 2000 years ago-- Sun Tzu for starters .

I went to school with a Kevin Phillips and I knew he was a plagiarist from the moment he started to copy my answers to school test questions and pretend that they were his work . Guess he continued scamming and others are gullible . .

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