The great transformation robots will displace 20 million jobs by 2030

My biggest concern is how they implement it.

oh. . . . . speaking of which. . . .


. . . is streaming right now on NETFLIX. . . .

reduce the need for low skilled labor.

It's not going to stop there.

"Somebody needs to fix the robot."

Given enough time AI and robotics will make humans all but entirely irrelevant for work. Eventually they won't need people to build and repair the robots because they will do it themselves. I think humans of the future will transcend the need for currency and be left to pursue hobbies/happiness.
From hundreds down to a handful.

Joe Rogan & Tulsi Gabbard - Discussing Universal Basic Income

Representative Rashida Tlaib Unveils Bold New Policy For America's Poor

We are speeding towards a wall. We can either find a way to turn or crash into it and suffer grievous injuries.

I think universal basic income is inevitable. The government will capitulate to the idea once they are faced with the alternative of societal collapse.
They won't do shit till the white collar jobs start being replaced by AI, or until folks are rioting.

I really think the Deep State wants folks to start rioting. It gives a great excuse for Martial Law.

Part of me thinks a lot of the corporate media has purposely been exaggerating the scope of the "immigrant crisis," so that when these societal displacements inevitably come, they have a tangible target to blame it on. It is an old canard for the ruling class.

I'm not saying there isn't truly a lawless illegal alien problem, but it is probably being purposely engineered. Once everyone has trouble finding work, the aliens will go home.

The Romans used it, and the fascists used it. This strategy of tension started with the election of Obama, they made sure it continued by giving Trump a platform, having the media give him so much airtime. Turning race against race, straight against gay, men against women, young against old, everything but the having to seek real solutions to intractable problems that are overwhelming the policy wonks.

They are looking at history here.

It is far easier to get society to turn on itself and declare martial law, than to have it turn on the elites and have an entire reordering of the system.

These elites like their positions of power. The only thing they want is a system where they get MORE power. They will never engineer a system that gives the people more freedom, fraternity, civil liberties and civil rights, and more economic and social equality. They don't give two shits about a real free market, crony capitalism and socialism for the rich has gotten them this far, why would they voluntarily surrender it now?

The sinister forces that pit us against each other will lose in the end because good outnumbers evil by a lot.

Humanity is good and worthy, and our path forward will reflect that. That is what I believe.

You are very optimistic. I like that.

Once you look down the rabbit hole and see what is really out there, and realize, what they let us know about, is only a fraction of what is disclosed from what is top secret?

I get terrified about how everyone's perception of reality is already being manipulated.

We are speeding towards a wall. We can either find a way to turn or crash into it and suffer grievous injuries.

I think universal basic income is inevitable. The government will capitulate to the idea once they are faced with the alternative of societal collapse.
They won't do shit till the white collar jobs start being replaced by AI, or until folks are rioting.

I really think the Deep State wants folks to start rioting. It gives a great excuse for Martial Law.

Part of me thinks a lot of the corporate media has purposely been exaggerating the scope of the "immigrant crisis," so that when these societal displacements inevitably come, they have a tangible target to blame it on. It is an old canard for the ruling class.

I'm not saying there isn't truly a lawless illegal alien problem, but it is probably being purposely engineered. Once everyone has trouble finding work, the aliens will go home.

The Romans used it, and the fascists used it. This strategy of tension started with the election of Obama, they made sure it continued by giving Trump a platform, having the media give him so much airtime. Turning race against race, straight against gay, men against women, young against old, everything but the having to seek real solutions to intractable problems that are overwhelming the policy wonks.

They are looking at history here.

It is far easier to get society to turn on itself and declare martial law, than to have it turn on the elites and have an entire reordering of the system.

These elites like their positions of power. The only thing they want is a system where they get MORE power. They will never engineer a system that gives the people more freedom, fraternity, civil liberties and civil rights, and more economic and social equality. They don't give two shits about a real free market, crony capitalism and socialism for the rich has gotten them this far, why would they voluntarily surrender it now?

The sinister forces that pit us against each other will lose in the end because good outnumbers evil by a lot.

Humanity is good and worthy, and our path forward will reflect that. That is what I believe.

You are very optimistic. I like that.

Once you look down the rabbit hole and see what is really out there, and realize, what they let us know about, is only a fraction of what is disclosed from what is top secret?

I get terrified about how everyone's perception of reality is already being manipulated.

Humanity has its dips, but if you step back far enough you will see that we have always trended upward.

Oftentimes the harder path is the best/truest one. I know it's difficult sometimes, but optimism is very important in my opinion. Humans have overcome so much. We're not going to stop now.

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