The green doomsday cult.

Is their commodity backed currency a secret?

When you make shit up, I'm supposed to look for your proof? LOL!

Here's a clue for you, Russia does not have a commodity backed currency.

If you have rubles, you cannot convert them into gold at a fixed rate.

Feel free to post any proof you have. You won't.

I shall say nothing, and just gaze at the sea.
You seem to want to continue this, in a provocative manner.

We’re talking at cross purposes, and l’m not talking about converting to roubles.

But when you resort to angry personal insults, there’s no discussion.

You claimed Russia had a commodity backed currency.
They don't. How is that a personal insult?

and l’m not talking about converting to roubles.

If you can't convert it, it isn't backed.
Yeah ... sorry ... gosh ... that's just the way it is in the Environment forum ...

"He who smelt it, dealt it" ... T'Patriot asked a question in good faith ... he deserved a good faith answer ... or at least a link ... the burden of proof is on the claimant, we don't have to disprove your claim ...

You're using the "nah, nah, nah, I can't hear you" defense ... but your Englishing is pretty good ... I'll grant you that ...

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