The Grift


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
grift (definition): "engage in petty or small-time swindling"



I am one of three brothers, twins, born in Algeria, and raised in America. We're Ivy League educated US citizens...and we're grifters. A grifter lives by the code of the streets and makes his way in the world by finding methods and resources to make life both pleasurable and possible. We rob banks. We're small-time crooks. We live by the measure of the pleasure in nonviolent anti-capitalism terrorism. Of course, we're not terrorists, since we've never killed anyone during our armed bank robberies. We're skilled grifters, so we know how to handle ourselves and the guns we use to make our grifts elegant and memorable and even media-worthy, but never reckless. We're smart libertines.


My name is Ajay, and my brothers are Amlan and Alan. We studied on the East Coast (USA) and then moved to California, where the sun is warm, the beaches inviting, the surfing safe, the water blue, the women amazing, and the drive-in movie theaters outstanding. This is where you want to arrive if you're a real grifter. We're not vampires. We don't waste time preying on others. We want to expose the American capitalist system for what it really is --- a chance to express oneself regarding the labyrinths of liberty. We refrain from terrorist acts or gestures, because we're honestly in love with America.


When my brothers and I observe a bank and enter one, we notice its impressive structure, its institutional sophistication, its computerized security-systems, its efficient operators and employees, and the density of traffic caused by customers on a given day of the working-week. We notice the bank's location in the place it's situated in, and we take stock of what kinds of traffic on what given day generate a supervisory cop-car to drive by and at what time. Without these perceptions of minutiae of details, you can't be a thoughtful grifter. After all, you want to walk into an amazing bank and feel prepared to present yourself as a confident thief who subtly understands the dioramic nuances of the bank and its surrounding environment.


We always wear masks during our heists. We've robbed over 12 banks successfully in the last 3 years, and we did it all over the West Coast (USA). We choose masks that reflect our appreciation of what would make the crowds and tellers at the bank impressed and overwhelmed by our commanding presence as well as socially intrigued by our aesthetic respect for what generally makes grifting an art. We don't want to look like weirdos or psychopaths. Our intention is to present ourselves as stewards of the bank energy. That's what makes grifting a creative --- imagination and psychology.


Of course, we're pleased with the aesthetics and quality of what we actually steal. Why be a grifter if you don't appreciate or understand the philosophical appeal of what you're grifting? We consider our treasure more precious than the bravado we boast while we're robbing banks. We've taken booty worth over $24 million from the 12 banks we've robbed. Grifting can feel like exercise, but the rewards are both spiritual and artistic. You have to have a basic appreciation of fortune if you're a grifter and not a bully.


We do it for the energy and the Christian thrill. Yes, we're devout Christians. We were born in Algeria to Muslim parents but converted to Christianity after moving to America. We grift for the energy and the Christian thrill. Part of that energy and thrill is the magic of love and romance --- of beautiful women. When you grift successfully and have the fortunes acquired to court a beautiful young woman in sunny California, you feel confident to take her to a fancy restaurant or dazzling casino-resort. You get the feeling that grifting has afforded you the special right to celebrate classic fantasies. That's hygienic truth.


Our enemy is fat-cat American Sam. He boasts about his wealth and obesity. He laughs at the Third World. He mocks the daydreams of the poor. He is proud of his incredible banks and the big money it moves around through the hands of other big-time money merchants and people-of-power. American Sam is not evil, but he's certainly not good. We're not terrorists, but we're certainly protesters. A grifter avoids American Sam. That's dirty truth.


When you watch a movie or read a story glorifying a bank robbery or expert or daring thieves, you feel chills and romance towards basic rebelliousness and a need to escape from the realities of everyday civil life. A bank can seem like a monument to capitalist ambition and bureaucratic regularity. You notice an incredible or daring robbery and you start wondering if grifting is about anticipation and excitement. Actually, it's about planning, confidence, art, bravado, respect, and fear. A grifter never boasts about decisions.


We never steal art. That's not our thing. We don't want to make waves in the art-world. We're not here to convince anyone that taking or moving art is connected to the entire consciousness of grifting. Heck, we might be moved to steal a valuable painting if the reward is linked to some kind of social priority, but we always prefer banks to items placed in museums for exhibition. After all, our enemy is American Sam and not Picasso. We avoid vandalizing art. There're all kinds of grifters out there, you know, but my brothers and I respect the basic privacy of art. We don't steal artworks.


How will historians measure the quality and symbolism of our work? We committed one bank robbery just with water-guns and briefcases, no arms or volume. Will my brothers and I be considered low-brow bandits or substantive radicals? Will we be considered poets? Will Americans romanticize us the way they romanticized iconic old-era bank robbers such as Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow? Will they consider us grifters of substantive American design? Will the empire of America simply forget our contributions to capitalism dogma? What do you think?


"If you want to be a grifter, ask your parents what they think first about capitalism critique, and don't allow yourselves to be simply swept up by the smart-talk of the 'Triple-A Brothers' (Ajay/Amlan/Alan). Grifting is a gamble, not an assurance. You've been advised." (PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT)



"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven"
(Matthew 5).




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