The Gun Control Laws The United States Needs

The Japanese are much more of one culture. They have their ways like most people of the world
Given the realities of Japanese history and culture, it is impossible to demonstrate a necessary relationship between the gun laws they have the their low-level of gun-related crime.

If Japan is not a good enough demonstration, then Canada will do. Sensible gun control, reducing the number of guns available to civilians, does reduce firearm violence.
You bed wetters should just move to North Korea. There's no guns allowed in private possession at all.

You might get killed by an anti-aircraft cannon, but what the hell... Is that too big a price to pay for utopia?
You status quo people should really wake up. One day a majority of Americans will be so fed up with gun violence that they will do something like is proposed here. So you should do something now while you still have a say. what we say or we will take even more.......

Did you get that line from Darth Vader in The Empire Strikes Back, you moron.....

And then one day their children or grandchildren will experience real gun violence, at the hands of criminals, or standing on the edge of pit, waiting for government guns to murder them.....
They'd steal them. Or make them.
You can't steal what isn't there.
Law enforcement won't have guns? The military wont have guns?
People can't make guns?
Hillbillies can make 'shine, but it's still illegal.

That is sort of the point, in that making moonshine illegal only increased the problem.
It increased the price, made it more profitable, and resulted in higher stakes that caused more deaths.
That is why we ended Prohibition, because it caused a huge spike in murders,. as well as an increased rate of alcohol consumption.
Government is foolish when it destroys its own credibility like that.
People will deliberately do out of their way to violate laws they feel are wrong.

No, total alcohol consumption did decline during prohibition. What increased was the violence associated with such laws and people decided to the added violence was not worth it.

Laws restricting gun ownership in this case will reduce gun violence. It will over time reduce the number of guns in circulation.

Gun ownership is on the decline. In 1977, 50% of households in the United States owned a gun. In 2014, only 31% of households owned a gun. Hopefully, by the start of the next century, less than 1% of U.S. households will own guns, and this case only Shotguns or Air Rifles.

Give it time, but sensible Gun Control will be introduced! Those without guns have the numbers behind them!

Nothing in that post is true.....violent crime went down during the depression, not up......

Gun ownership is not in decline, in fact, Blacks and women are the biggest growth areas of gun ownership.....

What has gone down? Gun owners telling anomymous callers how many guns they own...

NBC Poll: Does Gun Ownership Increase Or Decrease Safety? Anti-Gun Activists Won't Like The Results.

nearly 6 in 10 Americans believe that getting guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens increases safety.

"In the poll, 58 percent agree with the statement that gun ownership does more to increase safety by allowing law-abiding citizens to protect themselves," NBC News reports. "By contrast, 38 percent say that gun ownership reduces safety by giving too many people access to firearms, increasing the chances for accidental misuse."


NBC notes that the overall result is a "reversal" of the findings of a 1999 survey that found that 52 percent of respondents believed gun ownership reduced safety. The more positive perspective on gun ownership is partly reflected in gun ownership trends: "47 percent of American adults say they have a firearm in the household, which is up from 44 percent in 1999."
The Japanese are much more of one culture. They have their ways like most people of the world
Given the realities of Japanese history and culture, it is impossible to demonstrate a necessary relationship between the gun laws they have the their low-level of gun-related crime.
If Japan is not a good enough demonstration, then Canada will do. Sensible gun control, reducing the number of guns available to civilians, does reduce firearm violence.
You also cannot demonstrate the necessary relationship between Canada's gun laws and its relatively low rate of gun violence.
Again, the fate of world freedom is on the brink, and American gun ownership is the only thing holding back the oppressors.


Japan is a democracy, a free country. But when it comes to firearms, they have the same laws that are proposed here. Freedom is not about gun ownership.
The Japanese are much more of one culture. They have their ways like most people of the world. But they are much more respectful and clean up behind themselves just to start. There is more garbage in the streets of a few blocks of Baltimore then in the whole city of Tokyo. I always love the comparisons when it is in the favor of Progs. Progs hate the whites and then compare the socialism that seems to work in nations affected. Tell that to the nations of Central America, the Islands, Mexico, South America, Africa, parts of Europe and many parts of Asia where it does not.
On top of that, Japan relies on our military for protection.

Half the world relies on our military for protection.

Our military is under the control of our government, and WE THE PEOPLE keep it in check because we are armed.

I am SICK of this FACT being ignored and dismissed.


Only 31% of households in the United States have guns. They don't keep anything in check, let alone the U.S. military that would easily slaughter them in a shoot out.
And we won the Vietnam War, and we're NOT still in Afghanistan.

You're sounding pretty uninformed right now.


The United States military was on the way to helping South Vietnam win the Vietnam war when Congress passed the Case Church Amendment in June 1973 cutting off all U.S. military involvement in the war. That congress then cut funding for South Vietnam and the South Vietnamese military in the fall of 1973 as well. The result, South Vietnam was overrun two years later by a well supplied North Vietnamese military. Had the United States Congress and people not abandoned the war, the U.S. Military and South Vietnamese military would have won it.

In Afghanistan, the United States has helped to rebuild the country, government, and military to the point that it was able to withdraw over 85% of its troops from the country. There are only 14,000 U.S. troops in Afghanistan. All 33 of Afghanistans provincial capitals remain under the control of he government in Kabul despite the U.S. draw down. The Afghanistan military is now doing most of the fighting against the Taliban in the countryside.
The Gun Control Laws The United States Needs

In order to purchase a firearm, an individual must do the following:

01. Attend three month class on firearms

02. Pass a written test when the class has been completed

03. Achieve at least 95% accuracy during a shooting-range test

04. Pass a Mental Health evaluation at a hospital

05. Pass a background check in which the government digs into their criminal record

06. Pass a background check involving interviews with friends and family

07. Only shotguns and Air Rifles may be purchased, no handguns

08. New magazines can only be purchased by trading in empty ones

09. When a gun owner dies, their relatives must surrender the deceased members firearms

10. Every three years, the individual must pass the above tests and investigations
What the United States needs are constructive, viable solutions to the problem of gun crime and violence unrelated to the regulation of firearms.
The Japanese are much more of one culture. They have their ways like most people of the world
Given the realities of Japanese history and culture, it is impossible to demonstrate a necessary relationship between the gun laws they have the their low-level of gun-related crime.
If Japan is not a good enough demonstration, then Canada will do. Sensible gun control, reducing the number of guns available to civilians, does reduce firearm violence.
You also cannot demonstrate the necessary relationship between Canada's gun laws and its relatively low rate of gun violence.

You would say that about any gun law for any country, but its not true.

The future is the Japanese version of Gun Control whether you like it or not. 70% of Households in the United States who don't own guns will vote in tougher gun laws eventually. Its just a matter of time. This is a democracy, and the non-gun owning public have the numbers behind them.
The Japanese are much more of one culture. They have their ways like most people of the world
Given the realities of Japanese history and culture, it is impossible to demonstrate a necessary relationship between the gun laws they have the their low-level of gun-related crime.
If Japan is not a good enough demonstration, then Canada will do. Sensible gun control, reducing the number of guns available to civilians, does reduce firearm violence.
You also cannot demonstrate the necessary relationship between Canada's gun laws and its relatively low rate of gun violence.
You would say that about any gun law for any country, but its not true.
OK then:
Demonstrate the necessary relationship between Canada's gun laws and its relatively low rate of gun violence.
The Gun Control Laws The United States Needs

In order to purchase a firearm, an individual must do the following:

01. Attend three month class on firearms

02. Pass a written test when the class has been completed

03. Achieve at least 95% accuracy during a shooting-range test

04. Pass a Mental Health evaluation at a hospital

05. Pass a background check in which the government digs into their criminal record

06. Pass a background check involving interviews with friends and family

07. Only shotguns and Air Rifles may be purchased, no handguns

08. New magazines can only be purchased by trading in empty ones

09. When a gun owner dies, their relatives must surrender the deceased members firearms

10. Every three years, the individual must pass the above tests and investigations

95% accuracy? from what distance? most cases of self defense are within a couple feet ....not 50 yards so please specify.
Not everyone can wield a shotgun so if your some disabled person in a wheelchair it would be much more difficult to protect yourself. An air rifle? what good is that going to do you in a home invasion?
Competency tests and background checks are fine. thats about it, no need to harass people though as you would like.
You can't steal what isn't there.
Law enforcement won't have guns? The military wont have guns?
People can't make guns?
Hillbillies can make 'shine, but it's still illegal.

That is sort of the point, in that making moonshine illegal only increased the problem.
It increased the price, made it more profitable, and resulted in higher stakes that caused more deaths.
That is why we ended Prohibition, because it caused a huge spike in murders,. as well as an increased rate of alcohol consumption.
Government is foolish when it destroys its own credibility like that.
People will deliberately do out of their way to violate laws they feel are wrong.

No, total alcohol consumption did decline during prohibition. What increased was the violence associated with such laws and people decided to the added violence was not worth it.

Laws restricting gun ownership in this case will reduce gun violence. It will over time reduce the number of guns in circulation.

Gun ownership is on the decline. In 1977, 50% of households in the United States owned a gun. In 2014, only 31% of households owned a gun. Hopefully, by the start of the next century, less than 1% of U.S. households will own guns, and this case only Shotguns or Air Rifles.

Give it time, but sensible Gun Control will be introduced! Those without guns have the numbers behind them!

Nothing in that post is true.....violent crime went down during the depression, not up......

Gun ownership is not in decline, in fact, Blacks and women are the biggest growth areas of gun ownership.....

What has gone down? Gun owners telling anomymous callers how many guns they own...

NBC Poll: Does Gun Ownership Increase Or Decrease Safety? Anti-Gun Activists Won't Like The Results.

nearly 6 in 10 Americans believe that getting guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens increases safety.

"In the poll, 58 percent agree with the statement that gun ownership does more to increase safety by allowing law-abiding citizens to protect themselves," NBC News reports. "By contrast, 38 percent say that gun ownership reduces safety by giving too many people access to firearms, increasing the chances for accidental misuse."


NBC notes that the overall result is a "reversal" of the findings of a 1999 survey that found that 52 percent of respondents believed gun ownership reduced safety. The more positive perspective on gun ownership is partly reflected in gun ownership trends: "47 percent of American adults say they have a firearm in the household, which is up from 44 percent in 1999."

Here is the link on gun ownership in the United States:

Despite mass shootings, number of households owning guns is on the decline
The Gun Control Laws The United States Needs

In order to purchase a firearm, an individual must do the following:

01. Attend three month class on firearms

02. Pass a written test when the class has been completed

03. Achieve at least 95% accuracy during a shooting-range test

04. Pass a Mental Health evaluation at a hospital

05. Pass a background check in which the government digs into their criminal record

06. Pass a background check involving interviews with friends and family

07. Only shotguns and Air Rifles may be purchased, no handguns

08. New magazines can only be purchased by trading in empty ones

09. When a gun owner dies, their relatives must surrender the deceased members firearms

10. Every three years, the individual must pass the above tests and investigations
95% accuracy? from what distance? most cases of self defense are within a couple feet ..
His suggestions are nonsense, and he knows it.
Again, the fate of world freedom is on the brink, and American gun ownership is the only thing holding back the oppressors.


Japan is a democracy, a free country. But when it comes to firearms, they have the same laws that are proposed here. Freedom is not about gun ownership.
The Japanese are much more of one culture. They have their ways like most people of the world. But they are much more respectful and clean up behind themselves just to start. There is more garbage in the streets of a few blocks of Baltimore then in the whole city of Tokyo. I always love the comparisons when it is in the favor of Progs. Progs hate the whites and then compare the socialism that seems to work in nations affected. Tell that to the nations of Central America, the Islands, Mexico, South America, Africa, parts of Europe and many parts of Asia where it does not.
On top of that, Japan relies on our military for protection.

Half the world relies on our military for protection.

Our military is under the control of our government, and WE THE PEOPLE keep it in check because we are armed.

I am SICK of this FACT being ignored and dismissed.


Only 31% of households in the United States have guns. They don't keep anything in check, let alone the U.S. military that would easily slaughter them in a shoot out.

Good luck with that. There were an estimated 357 million firearms in this country in 2013, with a population of 317 million. That rounds out to about 113 guns per 100 people, or 1.13 guns per person. And since gun sales have been increasing faster than the population, the divide has likely only massively widened since then.

Now your statistics give a 31% number, which would mean that those 31% own an average of 3 firearms. That's BS. I don't know anyone who owns a measly 3 firearms. Most people in my neck of the woods own anywhere between 10-50.

Someone's math isn't adding up.
They'd steal them. Or make them.
You can't steal what isn't there.
Law enforcement won't have guns? The military wont have guns?
People can't make guns?
Hillbillies can make 'shine, but it's still illegal.

That is sort of the point, in that making moonshine illegal only increased the problem.
It increased the price, made it more profitable, and resulted in higher stakes that caused more deaths.
That is why we ended Prohibition, because it caused a huge spike in murders,. as well as an increased rate of alcohol consumption.
Government is foolish when it destroys its own credibility like that.
People will deliberately do out of their way to violate laws they feel are wrong.

No, total alcohol consumption did decline during prohibition. What increased was the violence associated with such laws and people decided to the added violence was not worth it.

Laws restricting gun ownership in this case will reduce gun violence. It will over time reduce the number of guns in circulation.

Gun ownership is on the decline. In 1977, 50% of households in the United States owned a gun. In 2014, only 31% of households owned a gun. Hopefully, by the start of the next century, less than 1% of U.S. households will own guns, and this case only Shotguns or Air Rifles.

Give it time, but sensible Gun Control will be introduced! Those without guns have the numbers behind them!

This may be helpful.,204,203,200_.jpg
The Gun Control Laws The United States Needs

In order to purchase a firearm, an individual must do the following:

01. Attend three month class on firearms

02. Pass a written test when the class has been completed

03. Achieve at least 95% accuracy during a shooting-range test

04. Pass a Mental Health evaluation at a hospital

05. Pass a background check in which the government digs into their criminal record

06. Pass a background check involving interviews with friends and family

07. Only shotguns and Air Rifles may be purchased, no handguns

08. New magazines can only be purchased by trading in empty ones

09. When a gun owner dies, their relatives must surrender the deceased members firearms

10. Every three years, the individual must pass the above tests and investigations
“09. When a gun owner dies, their relatives must surrender the deceased members firearms”

To whom?

The government?

“Must surrender” means through force of law – and absent due process and just compensation such a law would be in violation of the 5th Amendment’s Takings Clause.

To make the Takings Clause moot, the possession of all guns must be made illegal, rendering firearms contraband – which would violate the Second Amendment.

Moreover, how would government know where the guns of a deceased family member are, how would government enforce the “must surrender” law? In order to enforce the law a search warrant would be needed predicated upon probable cause as to the location of the now illegal guns.

Are you proposing to amend the Constitution to repeal the 4th and 5th Amendments along with the Second?
The Gun Control Laws The United States Needs

In order to purchase a firearm, an individual must do the following:

01. Attend three month class on firearms

02. Pass a written test when the class has been completed

03. Achieve at least 95% accuracy during a shooting-range test

04. Pass a Mental Health evaluation at a hospital

05. Pass a background check in which the government digs into their criminal record

06. Pass a background check involving interviews with friends and family

07. Only shotguns and Air Rifles may be purchased, no handguns

08. New magazines can only be purchased by trading in empty ones

09. When a gun owner dies, their relatives must surrender the deceased members firearms

10. Every three years, the individual must pass the above tests and investigations

95% accuracy? from what distance? most cases of self defense are within a couple feet ....not 50 yards so please specify.
Not everyone can wield a shotgun so if your some disabled person in a wheelchair it would be much more difficult to protect yourself. An air rifle? what good is that going to do you in a home invasion?
Competency tests and background checks are fine. thats about it, no need to harass people though as you would like.

I would say at 100 meters. Again, were trying to reduce the number of civilians that own firearms. What will save and defend people is the reduction of the number of weapons in circulation. You can still kill someone with an Air Rifle. But hopefully you'll be using other methods because the home invader will not be armed with a firearm.

We want to make it more difficult for the average civilian to use firearms and own them. Its civilians that cause the most problems with firearms in society. That's why these gun control measures are needed.
The Gun Control Laws The United States Needs

In order to purchase a firearm, an individual must do the following:

01. Attend three month class on firearms

02. Pass a written test when the class has been completed

03. Achieve at least 95% accuracy during a shooting-range test

04. Pass a Mental Health evaluation at a hospital

05. Pass a background check in which the government digs into their criminal record

06. Pass a background check involving interviews with friends and family

07. Only shotguns and Air Rifles may be purchased, no handguns

08. New magazines can only be purchased by trading in empty ones

09. When a gun owner dies, their relatives must surrender the deceased members firearms

10. Every three years, the individual must pass the above tests and investigations
“09. When a gun owner dies, their relatives must surrender the deceased members firearms”

To whom?

The government?

“Must surrender” means through force of law – and absent due process and just compensation such a law would be in violation of the 5th Amendment’s Takings Clause.

To make the Takings Clause moot, the possession of all guns must be made illegal, rendering firearms contraband – which would violate the Second Amendment.

Moreover, how would government know where the guns of a deceased family member are, how would government enforce the “must surrender” law? In order to enforce the law a search warrant would be needed predicated upon probable cause as to the location of the now illegal guns.

Are you proposing to amend the Constitution to repeal the 4th and 5th Amendments along with the Second?

In order to own a shotgun or Air Rifle, the owner must show the local police department where he safely stores his weapon.

The constitution can be amended as needed so society can be safer from firearm owning civilians.
The Japanese are much more of one culture. They have their ways like most people of the world
Given the realities of Japanese history and culture, it is impossible to demonstrate a necessary relationship between the gun laws they have the their low-level of gun-related crime.

If Japan is not a good enough demonstration, then Canada will do. Sensible gun control, reducing the number of guns available to civilians, does reduce firearm violence.
Actually not.

Comparing the United States to Japan or other Western nations is pointless.

America’s is a far more violent society – where violence is a sanctioned means of conflict resolution.

What might work in Japan or Canada won’t work in the United States.

We need to understand that the problem goes far beyond the regulation of firearms.
Good luck with that. There were an estimated 357 million firearms in this country in 2013, with a population of 317 million. That rounds out to about 113 guns per 100 people, or 1.13 guns per person. And since gun sales have been increasing faster than the population, the divide has likely only massively widened since then.
Now your statistics give a 31% number, which would mean that those 31% own an average of 3 firearms. That's BS. I don't know anyone who owns a measly 3 firearms. Most people in my neck of the woods own anywhere between 10-50.
Someone's math isn't adding up.
The US has about 128 million households. 31% of that is about 40 million.
US population is 327 million; @c 1.13 guns per person, that's 369 million guns.
369 / 40 = 9.2 guns per household.
The 'does not add up' part comes in when the people conducting the survey do not, and cannot, account for the people who will not tell someone who called them out of the blue if they have a gun in their house.
The Gun Control Laws The United States Needs

In order to purchase a firearm, an individual must do the following:

01. Attend three month class on firearms

02. Pass a written test when the class has been completed

03. Achieve at least 95% accuracy during a shooting-range test

04. Pass a Mental Health evaluation at a hospital

05. Pass a background check in which the government digs into their criminal record

06. Pass a background check involving interviews with friends and family

07. Only shotguns and Air Rifles may be purchased, no handguns

08. New magazines can only be purchased by trading in empty ones

09. When a gun owner dies, their relatives must surrender the deceased members firearms

10. Every three years, the individual must pass the above tests and investigations
“09. When a gun owner dies, their relatives must surrender the deceased members firearms”

To whom?

The government?

“Must surrender” means through force of law – and absent due process and just compensation such a law would be in violation of the 5th Amendment’s Takings Clause.

To make the Takings Clause moot, the possession of all guns must be made illegal, rendering firearms contraband – which would violate the Second Amendment.

Moreover, how would government know where the guns of a deceased family member are, how would government enforce the “must surrender” law? In order to enforce the law a search warrant would be needed predicated upon probable cause as to the location of the now illegal guns.

Are you proposing to amend the Constitution to repeal the 4th and 5th Amendments along with the Second?

In order to own a shotgun or Air Rifle, the owner must show the local police department where he safely stores his weapon.

The constitution can be amended as needed so society can be safer from firearm owning civilians.
No you don't want me coming in your house stay the fuck out of mine.

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