The Gun Control Laws The United States Needs

I'm the enemy because I expressed my opinion for tighter gun control laws in attempt to bring down the huge numbers of deaths and injuries caused by firearms in the United States every year?

I don't think you understand what democracy, liberty and freedom are about if you attack another citizen for simply expressing their opinion on an issue.
No you're the enemy because your ideology is ignorant we already have gun control laws we also have motor vehicle laws that make it illegal to drive under the influence how does that work out?
Also we have laws making it illegal to sell drugs on the street.

Unfortunately, the current gun control laws are not saving enough lives. What I propose will save thousands of lives a year eventually. Tighter Gun control laws have saved many lives in Europe, Canada, Australia, Japan, and New Zealand. The United States needs to reduce its death rate from firearms down to levels similar to Western Europe, Canada, and Japan. The United States is the wealthiest country in the world and its intolerable to have the firearm death rate we have, when so many other 1st world developed country's have a much lower rate.

I'm more interested in saving lives than protecting the so called "rights" of the minority gun owning nerds.

No, they haven't. The peaceful culture of European countries before World War 2 kept criminals from murdering people...that has will their violent crime rate, just ask the Swedes...

We have the gun murder rate because democrats keep letting repeat gun offenders out of jail, over and over.

You don't want to save want more victims of crime....Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives, stopping rapes, robberies and murders...that is according to research by the Centers for Disease Control....

I see you are back to using the Klek lie as a quote once more. Do you really want to go through this again? Do the friggin math. 1.1 million times each year. Break it down to each month, then to each day. Then to each hour and finally, to each minute. The streets would be more like a bloody video game each and every time you left your fortress. Turn off the Video Game, shut off the TV, and get outside more often. Enjoy real life.
You don't have to shot a gun to use it in self defense so that kills your math equation

That's the old "If a Tree Falls in the Forrest and no one is around to hear it, did it make a sound?" argument. Doesn't hold water.
Oh, getting pissed at fuckers who try to deny rights can't righteous anger, right?

Fuck you. You are the enemy.


I'm the enemy because I expressed my opinion for tighter gun control laws in attempt to bring down the huge numbers of deaths and injuries caused by firearms in the United States every year?

I don't think you understand what democracy, liberty and freedom are about if you attack another citizen for simply expressing their opinion on an issue.
No you're the enemy because your ideology is ignorant we already have gun control laws we also have motor vehicle laws that make it illegal to drive under the influence how does that work out?
Also we have laws making it illegal to sell drugs on the street.

Unfortunately, the current gun control laws are not saving enough lives. What I propose will save thousands of lives a year eventually. Tighter Gun control laws have saved many lives in Europe, Canada, Australia, Japan, and New Zealand. The United States needs to reduce its death rate from firearms down to levels similar to Western Europe, Canada, and Japan. The United States is the wealthiest country in the world and its intolerable to have the firearm death rate we have, when so many other 1st world developed country's have a much lower rate.

I'm more interested in saving lives than protecting the so called "rights" of the minority gun owning nerds.

No, they haven't. The peaceful culture of European countries before World War 2 kept criminals from murdering people...that has will their violent crime rate, just ask the Swedes...

We have the gun murder rate because democrats keep letting repeat gun offenders out of jail, over and over.

You don't want to save want more victims of crime....Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives, stopping rapes, robberies and murders...that is according to research by the Centers for Disease Control....

I see you are back to using the Klek lie as a quote once more. Do you really want to go through this again? Do the friggin math. 1.1 million times each year. Break it down to each month, then to each day. Then to each hour and finally, to each minute. The streets would be more like a bloody video game each and every time you left your fortress. Turn off the Video Game, shut off the TV, and get outside more often. Enjoy real life.

Provide evidence that Kleck lied.
No you're the enemy because your ideology is ignorant we already have gun control laws we also have motor vehicle laws that make it illegal to drive under the influence how does that work out?
Also we have laws making it illegal to sell drugs on the street.

Unfortunately, the current gun control laws are not saving enough lives. What I propose will save thousands of lives a year eventually. Tighter Gun control laws have saved many lives in Europe, Canada, Australia, Japan, and New Zealand. The United States needs to reduce its death rate from firearms down to levels similar to Western Europe, Canada, and Japan. The United States is the wealthiest country in the world and its intolerable to have the firearm death rate we have, when so many other 1st world developed country's have a much lower rate.

I'm more interested in saving lives than protecting the so called "rights" of the minority gun owning nerds.

No, they haven't. The peaceful culture of European countries before World War 2 kept criminals from murdering people...that has will their violent crime rate, just ask the Swedes...

We have the gun murder rate because democrats keep letting repeat gun offenders out of jail, over and over.

You don't want to save want more victims of crime....Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives, stopping rapes, robberies and murders...that is according to research by the Centers for Disease Control....

I see you are back to using the Klek lie as a quote once more. Do you really want to go through this again? Do the friggin math. 1.1 million times each year. Break it down to each month, then to each day. Then to each hour and finally, to each minute. The streets would be more like a bloody video game each and every time you left your fortress. Turn off the Video Game, shut off the TV, and get outside more often. Enjoy real life.
You don't have to shot a gun to use it in self defense so that kills your math equation

That's the old "If a Tree Falls in the Forrest and no one is around to hear it, did it make a sound?" argument. Doesn't hold water.
No it's not it happens and it's never reported to the police
You suck at this.
I'm the enemy because I expressed my opinion for tighter gun control laws in attempt to bring down the huge numbers of deaths and injuries caused by firearms in the United States every year?

I don't think you understand what democracy, liberty and freedom are about if you attack another citizen for simply expressing their opinion on an issue.
No you're the enemy because your ideology is ignorant we already have gun control laws we also have motor vehicle laws that make it illegal to drive under the influence how does that work out?
Also we have laws making it illegal to sell drugs on the street.

Unfortunately, the current gun control laws are not saving enough lives. What I propose will save thousands of lives a year eventually. Tighter Gun control laws have saved many lives in Europe, Canada, Australia, Japan, and New Zealand. The United States needs to reduce its death rate from firearms down to levels similar to Western Europe, Canada, and Japan. The United States is the wealthiest country in the world and its intolerable to have the firearm death rate we have, when so many other 1st world developed country's have a much lower rate.

I'm more interested in saving lives than protecting the so called "rights" of the minority gun owning nerds.

No, they haven't. The peaceful culture of European countries before World War 2 kept criminals from murdering people...that has will their violent crime rate, just ask the Swedes...

We have the gun murder rate because democrats keep letting repeat gun offenders out of jail, over and over.

You don't want to save want more victims of crime....Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives, stopping rapes, robberies and murders...that is according to research by the Centers for Disease Control....

I see you are back to using the Klek lie as a quote once more. Do you really want to go through this again? Do the friggin math. 1.1 million times each year. Break it down to each month, then to each day. Then to each hour and finally, to each minute. The streets would be more like a bloody video game each and every time you left your fortress. Turn off the Video Game, shut off the TV, and get outside more often. Enjoy real life.

Provide evidence that Kleck lied.

Here we go again. You guncrazies grasp anything you can to try and justify a lie.

I notice that 2boy is claiming 1.1 mil a year and Kleck is the source. Kleck actually claimed 2.5 million DGUs or Defense Gun uses per year. Well start out breaking it down. And each one MUST be verifiable and not from someone imagination. Kleck claimed to have gotten his figures from a CDC report. That CDC report was never released as it was deemed inappropriate under Bush, Jr. to side with gun regulators. So until 2017, CDC didn't release any information. I finally saw the original CDC report and it didn't say what Kleck claimed it did. Kleck didn't just misinterpret the data, he outright lied about it.

So, let's use the "Corrected" figure that 2boy quoted which is less than half of what Kleck actually claimed.

1.1 million per year
91 thousand a month (rounded down)
3,555 per day
127 per hour
2.12 per minute

Simple math alone says that 2guy is a liar. And when you use Klecks original figures before it's been deflated to make the lie sound better, Kleck is still a liar and a fake. He made the report during a panic and banked on that no one would question him. 2boy makes his claims hoping that everyone would forget to check the math. You come back and.....I have no idea why you are doing this since the whole thing is based on the original lie that Kleck began. Almost all of these types of claims can be traced directly back to the Kleck studies.

Here is the rebuttals of his "Studies". You should read this. It's damned informative. But beware, it does come with a disclosure. "Reading this may make your head explode".

Unfortunately, the current gun control laws are not saving enough lives. What I propose will save thousands of lives a year eventually. Tighter Gun control laws have saved many lives in Europe, Canada, Australia, Japan, and New Zealand. The United States needs to reduce its death rate from firearms down to levels similar to Western Europe, Canada, and Japan. The United States is the wealthiest country in the world and its intolerable to have the firearm death rate we have, when so many other 1st world developed country's have a much lower rate.

I'm more interested in saving lives than protecting the so called "rights" of the minority gun owning nerds.

No, they haven't. The peaceful culture of European countries before World War 2 kept criminals from murdering people...that has will their violent crime rate, just ask the Swedes...

We have the gun murder rate because democrats keep letting repeat gun offenders out of jail, over and over.

You don't want to save want more victims of crime....Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives, stopping rapes, robberies and murders...that is according to research by the Centers for Disease Control....

I see you are back to using the Klek lie as a quote once more. Do you really want to go through this again? Do the friggin math. 1.1 million times each year. Break it down to each month, then to each day. Then to each hour and finally, to each minute. The streets would be more like a bloody video game each and every time you left your fortress. Turn off the Video Game, shut off the TV, and get outside more often. Enjoy real life.
You don't have to shot a gun to use it in self defense so that kills your math equation

That's the old "If a Tree Falls in the Forrest and no one is around to hear it, did it make a sound?" argument. Doesn't hold water.
No it's not it happens and it's never reported to the police
You suck at this.

And how many times have you been abducted by aliens and taken into space by space aliens? That has been reported as well just not verified.
The Gun Control Laws The United States Needs

In order to purchase a firearm, an individual must do the following:

01. Attend three month class on firearms

02. Pass a written test when the class has been completed

03. Achieve at least 95% accuracy during a shooting-range test

04. Pass a Mental Health evaluation at a hospital

05. Pass a background check in which the government digs into their criminal record

06. Pass a background check involving interviews with friends and family

07. Only shotguns and Air Rifles may be purchased, no handguns

08. New magazines can only be purchased by trading in empty ones

09. When a gun owner dies, their relatives must surrender the deceased members firearms

10. Every three years, the individual must pass the above tests and investigations

Good luck with that
The Gun Control Laws The United States Needs

In order to purchase a firearm, an individual must do the following:

01. Attend three month class on firearms

02. Pass a written test when the class has been completed

03. Achieve at least 95% accuracy during a shooting-range test

04. Pass a Mental Health evaluation at a hospital

05. Pass a background check in which the government digs into their criminal record

06. Pass a background check involving interviews with friends and family

07. Only shotguns and Air Rifles may be purchased, no handguns

08. New magazines can only be purchased by trading in empty ones

09. When a gun owner dies, their relatives must surrender the deceased members firearms

10. Every three years, the individual must pass the above tests and investigations
Well, let's see now.
1. You don't need three months firearms safety class if all you can own is a shotgun or air-rifle (good luck hunting deer for food with those).
2. A written test for a shotgun or...air-rifle?
3. I can assure you, you don't need 95% accuracy when it comes to a shotgun. You just need the intruder...generally in front of you. As for an air-rifle, you'd have to be 100% accurate to hit a vital part and hope he/she isn't wearing a thick coat. Also, air-rifles aren't considered actual firearms and you not only don't have to fill out background check paperwork for them.....and....your kid can go down and buy one without you.
4. Worthless in the air-rifle situation.
5. No background checks needed for air-rifles and as shotguns have a limited range, they don't pose much more of a threat than someone carrying a few knives and the ability to throw them accurately.
6. Again, pointless under the so-called weapons allowed.
7. See 1 thru 6.
8. Shotguns and air-rifles don't have magazines.
9. When someone dies, the next-of-kin need only quality to keep the ownership.
10. All this is pointless if all they can own are shotguns and air-rifles.
Now, let's take on the other killing weapons: 2012, 23 injured in knife attack in China. 2014, 29 killed in knife attack in China. 2018, 7 killed 26 injured in knife attack, China.
Number of killed or injured in knife or other cutting instrument attacks in the US in 2017....drum roll.....127,897....DAMN!
We have to do the following for knife ownership:
1. A three month safety class.
2. Pass a written test.
3. Show how well you can cut steaks.
4. Pass a mental health evaluation to ensure that you can be trusted around others while carving.
5. Pass a background check.
6. Pass a background check with friends and family to ensure that you handle your knife safely and never waved one at them.
7. Only knives with three inch blades may be purchased.
8. Not be allowed to own more than one knife per household.
9. When knife owner dies, the knife must be turned over to authorities.
10. Once a year, the knife must be examined on it's appointed serial number to ensure that it is the knife you originally owned.
OR, we can just have a mandatory Knife Buyback Program and should anyone be seen carving meat, they are given a mandatory 10 year sentence.
OR, there be no knives allowed by private citizens and should they need their steaks cut, they must to go to a government approved cutting station.
No you're the enemy because your ideology is ignorant we already have gun control laws we also have motor vehicle laws that make it illegal to drive under the influence how does that work out?
Also we have laws making it illegal to sell drugs on the street.

Unfortunately, the current gun control laws are not saving enough lives. What I propose will save thousands of lives a year eventually. Tighter Gun control laws have saved many lives in Europe, Canada, Australia, Japan, and New Zealand. The United States needs to reduce its death rate from firearms down to levels similar to Western Europe, Canada, and Japan. The United States is the wealthiest country in the world and its intolerable to have the firearm death rate we have, when so many other 1st world developed country's have a much lower rate.

I'm more interested in saving lives than protecting the so called "rights" of the minority gun owning nerds.

No, they haven't. The peaceful culture of European countries before World War 2 kept criminals from murdering people...that has will their violent crime rate, just ask the Swedes...

We have the gun murder rate because democrats keep letting repeat gun offenders out of jail, over and over.

You don't want to save want more victims of crime....Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives, stopping rapes, robberies and murders...that is according to research by the Centers for Disease Control....

I see you are back to using the Klek lie as a quote once more. Do you really want to go through this again? Do the friggin math. 1.1 million times each year. Break it down to each month, then to each day. Then to each hour and finally, to each minute. The streets would be more like a bloody video game each and every time you left your fortress. Turn off the Video Game, shut off the TV, and get outside more often. Enjoy real life.

Provide evidence that Kleck lied.

Here we go again. You guncrazies grasp anything you can to try and justify a lie.

I notice that 2boy is claiming 1.1 mil a year and Kleck is the source. Kleck actually claimed 2.5 million DGUs or Defense Gun uses per year. Well start out breaking it down. And each one MUST be verifiable and not from someone imagination. Kleck claimed to have gotten his figures from a CDC report. That CDC report was never released as it was deemed inappropriate under Bush, Jr. to side with gun regulators. So until 2017, CDC didn't release any information. I finally saw the original CDC report and it didn't say what Kleck claimed it did. Kleck didn't just misinterpret the data, he outright lied about it.

So, let's use the "Corrected" figure that 2boy quoted which is less than half of what Kleck actually claimed.

1.1 million per year
91 thousand a month (rounded down)
3,555 per day
127 per hour
2.12 per minute

Simple math alone says that 2guy is a liar. And when you use Klecks original figures before it's been deflated to make the lie sound better, Kleck is still a liar and a fake. He made the report during a panic and banked on that no one would question him. 2boy makes his claims hoping that everyone would forget to check the math. You come back and.....I have no idea why you are doing this since the whole thing is based on the original lie that Kleck began. Almost all of these types of claims can be traced directly back to the Kleck studies.

Here is the rebuttals of his "Studies". You should read this. It's damned informative. But beware, it does come with a disclosure. "Reading this may make your head explode".

over 500 million firearms in America
No, they haven't. The peaceful culture of European countries before World War 2 kept criminals from murdering people...that has will their violent crime rate, just ask the Swedes...

We have the gun murder rate because democrats keep letting repeat gun offenders out of jail, over and over.

You don't want to save want more victims of crime....Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives, stopping rapes, robberies and murders...that is according to research by the Centers for Disease Control....

I see you are back to using the Klek lie as a quote once more. Do you really want to go through this again? Do the friggin math. 1.1 million times each year. Break it down to each month, then to each day. Then to each hour and finally, to each minute. The streets would be more like a bloody video game each and every time you left your fortress. Turn off the Video Game, shut off the TV, and get outside more often. Enjoy real life.
You don't have to shot a gun to use it in self defense so that kills your math equation

That's the old "If a Tree Falls in the Forrest and no one is around to hear it, did it make a sound?" argument. Doesn't hold water.
No it's not it happens and it's never reported to the police
You suck at this.

And how many times have you been abducted by aliens and taken into space by space aliens? That has been reported as well just not verified.
I was abducted by some aliens from the planet of Athena a couple of weeks ago a planet that doesn't have any males and they were looking for a donor Here is what one of them looked like
The Gun Control Laws The United States Needs

In order to purchase a firearm, an individual must do the following:

01. Attend three month class on firearms

02. Pass a written test when the class has been completed

03. Achieve at least 95% accuracy during a shooting-range test

04. Pass a Mental Health evaluation at a hospital

05. Pass a background check in which the government digs into their criminal record

06. Pass a background check involving interviews with friends and family

07. Only shotguns and Air Rifles may be purchased, no handguns

08. New magazines can only be purchased by trading in empty ones

09. When a gun owner dies, their relatives must surrender the deceased members firearms

10. Every three years, the individual must pass the above tests and investigations

Good luck with that

I have been called a Gun Grabber. But I do find his 10 points more than a bit much. Not exactly what I would call common sense gun regulations.
No you're the enemy because your ideology is ignorant we already have gun control laws we also have motor vehicle laws that make it illegal to drive under the influence how does that work out?
Also we have laws making it illegal to sell drugs on the street.

Unfortunately, the current gun control laws are not saving enough lives. What I propose will save thousands of lives a year eventually. Tighter Gun control laws have saved many lives in Europe, Canada, Australia, Japan, and New Zealand. The United States needs to reduce its death rate from firearms down to levels similar to Western Europe, Canada, and Japan. The United States is the wealthiest country in the world and its intolerable to have the firearm death rate we have, when so many other 1st world developed country's have a much lower rate.

I'm more interested in saving lives than protecting the so called "rights" of the minority gun owning nerds.

No, they haven't. The peaceful culture of European countries before World War 2 kept criminals from murdering people...that has will their violent crime rate, just ask the Swedes...

We have the gun murder rate because democrats keep letting repeat gun offenders out of jail, over and over.

You don't want to save want more victims of crime....Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives, stopping rapes, robberies and murders...that is according to research by the Centers for Disease Control....

I see you are back to using the Klek lie as a quote once more. Do you really want to go through this again? Do the friggin math. 1.1 million times each year. Break it down to each month, then to each day. Then to each hour and finally, to each minute. The streets would be more like a bloody video game each and every time you left your fortress. Turn off the Video Game, shut off the TV, and get outside more often. Enjoy real life.

Provide evidence that Kleck lied.

Here we go again. You guncrazies grasp anything you can to try and justify a lie.

I notice that 2boy is claiming 1.1 mil a year and Kleck is the source. Kleck actually claimed 2.5 million DGUs or Defense Gun uses per year. Well start out breaking it down. And each one MUST be verifiable and not from someone imagination. Kleck claimed to have gotten his figures from a CDC report. That CDC report was never released as it was deemed inappropriate under Bush, Jr. to side with gun regulators. So until 2017, CDC didn't release any information. I finally saw the original CDC report and it didn't say what Kleck claimed it did. Kleck didn't just misinterpret the data, he outright lied about it.

So, let's use the "Corrected" figure that 2boy quoted which is less than half of what Kleck actually claimed.

1.1 million per year
91 thousand a month (rounded down)
3,555 per day
127 per hour
2.12 per minute

Simple math alone says that 2guy is a liar. And when you use Klecks original figures before it's been deflated to make the lie sound better, Kleck is still a liar and a fake. He made the report during a panic and banked on that no one would question him. 2boy makes his claims hoping that everyone would forget to check the math. You come back and.....I have no idea why you are doing this since the whole thing is based on the original lie that Kleck began. Almost all of these types of claims can be traced directly back to the Kleck studies.

Here is the rebuttals of his "Studies". You should read this. It's damned informative. But beware, it does come with a disclosure. "Reading this may make your head explode".

No you're the enemy because your ideology is ignorant we already have gun control laws we also have motor vehicle laws that make it illegal to drive under the influence how does that work out?
Also we have laws making it illegal to sell drugs on the street.

Unfortunately, the current gun control laws are not saving enough lives. What I propose will save thousands of lives a year eventually. Tighter Gun control laws have saved many lives in Europe, Canada, Australia, Japan, and New Zealand. The United States needs to reduce its death rate from firearms down to levels similar to Western Europe, Canada, and Japan. The United States is the wealthiest country in the world and its intolerable to have the firearm death rate we have, when so many other 1st world developed country's have a much lower rate.

I'm more interested in saving lives than protecting the so called "rights" of the minority gun owning nerds.

No, they haven't. The peaceful culture of European countries before World War 2 kept criminals from murdering people...that has will their violent crime rate, just ask the Swedes...

We have the gun murder rate because democrats keep letting repeat gun offenders out of jail, over and over.

You don't want to save want more victims of crime....Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives, stopping rapes, robberies and murders...that is according to research by the Centers for Disease Control....

I see you are back to using the Klek lie as a quote once more. Do you really want to go through this again? Do the friggin math. 1.1 million times each year. Break it down to each month, then to each day. Then to each hour and finally, to each minute. The streets would be more like a bloody video game each and every time you left your fortress. Turn off the Video Game, shut off the TV, and get outside more often. Enjoy real life.

Provide evidence that Kleck lied.

Here we go again. You guncrazies grasp anything you can to try and justify a lie.

I notice that 2boy is claiming 1.1 mil a year and Kleck is the source. Kleck actually claimed 2.5 million DGUs or Defense Gun uses per year. Well start out breaking it down. And each one MUST be verifiable and not from someone imagination. Kleck claimed to have gotten his figures from a CDC report. That CDC report was never released as it was deemed inappropriate under Bush, Jr. to side with gun regulators. So until 2017, CDC didn't release any information. I finally saw the original CDC report and it didn't say what Kleck claimed it did. Kleck didn't just misinterpret the data, he outright lied about it.

So, let's use the "Corrected" figure that 2boy quoted which is less than half of what Kleck actually claimed.

1.1 million per year
91 thousand a month (rounded down)
3,555 per day
127 per hour
2.12 per minute

Simple math alone says that 2guy is a liar. And when you use Klecks original figures before it's been deflated to make the lie sound better, Kleck is still a liar and a fake. He made the report during a panic and banked on that no one would question him. 2boy makes his claims hoping that everyone would forget to check the math. You come back and.....I have no idea why you are doing this since the whole thing is based on the original lie that Kleck began. Almost all of these types of claims can be traced directly back to the Kleck studies.

Here is the rebuttals of his "Studies". You should read this. It's damned informative. But beware, it does come with a disclosure. "Reading this may make your head explode".

Sorry about that, the URL should have read

Contradictions of Kleck
Oh, getting pissed at fuckers who try to deny rights can't righteous anger, right?

Fuck you. You are the enemy.


I'm the enemy because I expressed my opinion for tighter gun control laws in attempt to bring down the huge numbers of deaths and injuries caused by firearms in the United States every year?

I don't think you understand what democracy, liberty and freedom are about if you attack another citizen for simply expressing their opinion on an issue.
No you're the enemy because your ideology is ignorant we already have gun control laws we also have motor vehicle laws that make it illegal to drive under the influence how does that work out?
Also we have laws making it illegal to sell drugs on the street.

Unfortunately, the current gun control laws are not saving enough lives. What I propose will save thousands of lives a year eventually. Tighter Gun control laws have saved many lives in Europe, Canada, Australia, Japan, and New Zealand. The United States needs to reduce its death rate from firearms down to levels similar to Western Europe, Canada, and Japan. The United States is the wealthiest country in the world and its intolerable to have the firearm death rate we have, when so many other 1st world developed country's have a much lower rate.

I'm more interested in saving lives than protecting the so called "rights" of the minority gun owning nerds.

No, they haven't. The peaceful culture of European countries before World War 2 kept criminals from murdering people...that has will their violent crime rate, just ask the Swedes...

We have the gun murder rate because democrats keep letting repeat gun offenders out of jail, over and over.

You don't want to save want more victims of crime....Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives, stopping rapes, robberies and murders...that is according to research by the Centers for Disease Control....

I see you are back to using the Klek lie as a quote once more. Do you really want to go through this again? Do the friggin math. 1.1 million times each year. Break it down to each month, then to each day. Then to each hour and finally, to each minute. The streets would be more like a bloody video game each and every time you left your fortress. Turn off the Video Game, shut off the TV, and get outside more often. Enjoy real life. was the CDC that said 1.1 million, Kleck's research put it at close to 2.5 are an idiot.....
The Gun Control Laws The United States Needs

In order to purchase a firearm, an individual must do the following:

01. Attend three month class on firearms

02. Pass a written test when the class has been completed

03. Achieve at least 95% accuracy during a shooting-range test

04. Pass a Mental Health evaluation at a hospital

05. Pass a background check in which the government digs into their criminal record

06. Pass a background check involving interviews with friends and family

07. Only shotguns and Air Rifles may be purchased, no handguns

08. New magazines can only be purchased by trading in empty ones

09. When a gun owner dies, their relatives must surrender the deceased members firearms

10. Every three years, the individual must pass the above tests and investigations
1. Fuck you.

2. Fuck you.

3. Fuck you some more.

4. Fuck off.

5. Fuck you.

6. Fuck off and die.

7. Fuck you.

8 Fuck you some more.

9. Fuck you.

10. I've been fully trained. Licensed and have served my Country.

11. Fuck off and die.

Ahhh, anger and hostility, characteristics often found in those that commit crime.
Anger and hostility?

You truly are an idiotic moron.

I don't succumb to anger nor hostility.

And I have never committed a crime.

I have defended this nation and our Constitution against those who feel the need to disarm its citizens.

Your Bullshit doesn't affect me.
No, drugs tend to make people relaxed, happy, and complacent.
It is the War on Drugs that causes murders.

Look at the statistics.

The last time we had a peak like we do now, what Prohibition of Alcohol.
And it caused a massive murder spike for the same reason.
Once you make something illegal that people do not believe should be illegal, its use increases.
There are higher profits, more sellers, etc., but they also can not use banks or call police.
So there are more turf wars, thefts, murders, etc.
The estimates are that 90% of the US murders are due to the War on Drugs.

Then by the same logic, prohibitions on firearms would also cause a spike in the rate of shootings, just as the prohibition on alcohol and drugs caused a spike in bootlegging, gang activity, and drug use and sales.


Yes, most likely.
Any government imposed, arbitrary prohibition is always guaranteed to fail.
It just increases the Black Market, while destroying the credibility of the current government.
Gun control is just evil or incredibly stupid.
It can not possibly ever do any good at all.
Australia gun buyback cut gun deaths nearly in half.

UK's approach resulted in no more than 60 gun deaths per year in a population of 56 million.

Japan has only 10 gun deaths per year across 127 million people.

Norway has a 3rd of the guns per person as the US, but just 1/10th of the gun deaths.

You are wrong....research shows that Australia's gun murder rate was going down before they banned guns...and illegal guns are now flooding the country...

The U.K. had that lower gun murder rate before they banned guns....and it didn't change after they banned gun control wasn't the issue....the fact that the criminal culture in Britain didn't engage in murder was the issue.....

Japan stopped gun crime by imposing a life sentence on any criminal act using a gun....with a 95% conviction rate, and 10 years for mere possession of an illegal gun....

In the judges are releasing repeat gun offenders on bond, and out of prison in less than 3 years...that is our problem...not John and Jane citizen owning and carrying a gun for self defense.....

The anti-gun theory and argument.....

More Guns = More Gun crime regardless of any other factors.

Actual Result:

In the more Americans own and carry guns over the last 26 years, gun murder down 49%, gun crime down 75%, violent crime down 72%

The result: Exact opposite of theory of anti-gunners....

In Science when you have a theory, when that theory is tested....and the exact opposite result happens...that means your theory is wrong. That is science....not left wing wishful thinking.

So your argument wasn't that crime goes up, crime goes down....your theory, your argument is More Guns (regardless of any other factors) = More Gun Crime

Whatever the crime rate more Americans owned more guns the crime rate did not go again...

The exact opposite of your theory science that means your theory is wrong.
More Guns = More Gun Crime
Britain had access to guns before they banned them.....they had low gun crime, low gun murder.
They banned guns, the gun murder rate spiked for 10 years then returned to the same level...
Your Theory again....
More guns = More Gun Crime
Guns Banned creates no change? That means banning guns for law abiding gun owners had no effect on gun crime.
When your theory states one thing, and you implement your theory, and nothing science, that means your theory is wrong...

In 1977, 50% of U.S. households had a gun in the house. In 2014, only 31% of U.S. households had a gun in the house. That's why gun murders have gone down. The percentage of people owning firearms is declining.

Yet one more example of the pussification of the American male. I'd be inclined to believe that by 2014, only 10% of the males in this country knew how to operate a jack or change a flat tire.
No you're the enemy because your ideology is ignorant we already have gun control laws we also have motor vehicle laws that make it illegal to drive under the influence how does that work out?
Also we have laws making it illegal to sell drugs on the street.

Unfortunately, the current gun control laws are not saving enough lives. What I propose will save thousands of lives a year eventually. Tighter Gun control laws have saved many lives in Europe, Canada, Australia, Japan, and New Zealand. The United States needs to reduce its death rate from firearms down to levels similar to Western Europe, Canada, and Japan. The United States is the wealthiest country in the world and its intolerable to have the firearm death rate we have, when so many other 1st world developed country's have a much lower rate.

I'm more interested in saving lives than protecting the so called "rights" of the minority gun owning nerds.

No, they haven't. The peaceful culture of European countries before World War 2 kept criminals from murdering people...that has will their violent crime rate, just ask the Swedes...

We have the gun murder rate because democrats keep letting repeat gun offenders out of jail, over and over.

You don't want to save want more victims of crime....Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives, stopping rapes, robberies and murders...that is according to research by the Centers for Disease Control....

I see you are back to using the Klek lie as a quote once more. Do you really want to go through this again? Do the friggin math. 1.1 million times each year. Break it down to each month, then to each day. Then to each hour and finally, to each minute. The streets would be more like a bloody video game each and every time you left your fortress. Turn off the Video Game, shut off the TV, and get outside more often. Enjoy real life.

Provide evidence that Kleck lied.

Here we go again. You guncrazies grasp anything you can to try and justify a lie.

I notice that 2boy is claiming 1.1 mil a year and Kleck is the source. Kleck actually claimed 2.5 million DGUs or Defense Gun uses per year. Well start out breaking it down. And each one MUST be verifiable and not from someone imagination. Kleck claimed to have gotten his figures from a CDC report. That CDC report was never released as it was deemed inappropriate under Bush, Jr. to side with gun regulators. So until 2017, CDC didn't release any information. I finally saw the original CDC report and it didn't say what Kleck claimed it did. Kleck didn't just misinterpret the data, he outright lied about it.

So, let's use the "Corrected" figure that 2boy quoted which is less than half of what Kleck actually claimed.

1.1 million per year
91 thousand a month (rounded down)
3,555 per day
127 per hour
2.12 per minute

Simple math alone says that 2guy is a liar. And when you use Klecks original figures before it's been deflated to make the lie sound better, Kleck is still a liar and a fake. He made the report during a panic and banked on that no one would question him. 2boy makes his claims hoping that everyone would forget to check the math. You come back and.....I have no idea why you are doing this since the whole thing is based on the original lie that Kleck began. Almost all of these types of claims can be traced directly back to the Kleck studies.

Here is the rebuttals of his "Studies". You should read this. It's damned informative. But beware, it does come with a disclosure. "Reading this may make your head explode".

Simple math says no, he is not. You claim that Kleck is a liar. Provide evidence for your claim. Showing a picture of some poor person is an appeal to emotion which is a typical prog logic fail when you've got nothin'.
The Gun Control Laws The United States Needs

In order to purchase a firearm, an individual must do the following:

01. Attend three month class on firearms

02. Pass a written test when the class has been completed

03. Achieve at least 95% accuracy during a shooting-range test

04. Pass a Mental Health evaluation at a hospital

05. Pass a background check in which the government digs into their criminal record

06. Pass a background check involving interviews with friends and family

07. Only shotguns and Air Rifles may be purchased, no handguns

08. New magazines can only be purchased by trading in empty ones

09. When a gun owner dies, their relatives must surrender the deceased members firearms

10. Every three years, the individual must pass the above tests and investigations

Go fuck yourself with a cactus.

Gun laws the US needs:

All able-bodied people not convicted of a felony need to open carry and put put down any vermin that try to attack other people or the heritage of the US.

Run, Sparky! (U2Edge ) This means you> :1peleas:

My ancestors didn't build this country for bullshit like you.

You need sent out into the woods for a week or two.

Would you want a gun, or not? I'll tell you right now, you're a tard if you don't.

Under the gun control laws I suggest, civilians can still own Shotguns or Air Rifles if they pass the tests and background checks.

Under the gun control laws you suggest.. you die, and we move on, do you still like them?
I'm the enemy because I expressed my opinion for tighter gun control laws in attempt to bring down the huge numbers of deaths and injuries caused by firearms in the United States every year?

I don't think you understand what democracy, liberty and freedom are about if you attack another citizen for simply expressing their opinion on an issue.
No you're the enemy because your ideology is ignorant we already have gun control laws we also have motor vehicle laws that make it illegal to drive under the influence how does that work out?
Also we have laws making it illegal to sell drugs on the street.

Unfortunately, the current gun control laws are not saving enough lives. What I propose will save thousands of lives a year eventually. Tighter Gun control laws have saved many lives in Europe, Canada, Australia, Japan, and New Zealand. The United States needs to reduce its death rate from firearms down to levels similar to Western Europe, Canada, and Japan. The United States is the wealthiest country in the world and its intolerable to have the firearm death rate we have, when so many other 1st world developed country's have a much lower rate.

I'm more interested in saving lives than protecting the so called "rights" of the minority gun owning nerds.

No, they haven't. The peaceful culture of European countries before World War 2 kept criminals from murdering people...that has will their violent crime rate, just ask the Swedes...

We have the gun murder rate because democrats keep letting repeat gun offenders out of jail, over and over.

You don't want to save want more victims of crime....Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives, stopping rapes, robberies and murders...that is according to research by the Centers for Disease Control....

I see you are back to using the Klek lie as a quote once more. Do you really want to go through this again? Do the friggin math. 1.1 million times each year. Break it down to each month, then to each day. Then to each hour and finally, to each minute. The streets would be more like a bloody video game each and every time you left your fortress. Turn off the Video Game, shut off the TV, and get outside more often. Enjoy real life. was the CDC that said 1.1 million, Kleck's research put it at close to 2.5 are an idiot.....

No, it was Kleck that said 2.3 million but his partner in crime said later one after the BS was called on Kleck that it was really 1.1 mil. Either one, the math doesn't add up. I went to the store and bought a steak and did an outdoor BBQ. I did it without taking a weapon of any kind. Not one single sidearm or long gun. In all that time not one defensive shooting, no robberies, no rapes, nothing but stupid drivers. Using the Kleck and his runni9ng mate, I would have had at least a shooting in the Safeway parking lot. Or two or three. I would have had to duck and dodge all the way in and all the way out. And maybe had to duck behind a counter or two inside the store. I already posted the number per minute using the 1.1 mil. And the CDC showed the total homicides and it was a fraction of the 1.1 million. They had no way of knowing the DGU rate. It's a made up figure in your case

I let you out of the box. But it looks like you are still a foul mouthed little kid so back in the box you go.
No you're the enemy because your ideology is ignorant we already have gun control laws we also have motor vehicle laws that make it illegal to drive under the influence how does that work out?
Also we have laws making it illegal to sell drugs on the street.

Unfortunately, the current gun control laws are not saving enough lives. What I propose will save thousands of lives a year eventually. Tighter Gun control laws have saved many lives in Europe, Canada, Australia, Japan, and New Zealand. The United States needs to reduce its death rate from firearms down to levels similar to Western Europe, Canada, and Japan. The United States is the wealthiest country in the world and its intolerable to have the firearm death rate we have, when so many other 1st world developed country's have a much lower rate.

I'm more interested in saving lives than protecting the so called "rights" of the minority gun owning nerds.

No, they haven't. The peaceful culture of European countries before World War 2 kept criminals from murdering people...that has will their violent crime rate, just ask the Swedes...

We have the gun murder rate because democrats keep letting repeat gun offenders out of jail, over and over.

You don't want to save want more victims of crime....Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives, stopping rapes, robberies and murders...that is according to research by the Centers for Disease Control....

I see you are back to using the Klek lie as a quote once more. Do you really want to go through this again? Do the friggin math. 1.1 million times each year. Break it down to each month, then to each day. Then to each hour and finally, to each minute. The streets would be more like a bloody video game each and every time you left your fortress. Turn off the Video Game, shut off the TV, and get outside more often. Enjoy real life. was the CDC that said 1.1 million, Kleck's research put it at close to 2.5 are an idiot.....

No, it was Kleck that said 2.3 million but his partner in crime said later one after the BS was called on Kleck that it was really 1.1 mil. Either one, the math doesn't add up. I went to the store and bought a steak and did an outdoor BBQ. I did it without taking a weapon of any kind. Not one single sidearm or long gun. In all that time not one defensive shooting, no robberies, no rapes, nothing but stupid drivers. Using the Kleck and his runni9ng mate, I would have had at least a shooting in the Safeway parking lot. Or two or three. I would have had to duck and dodge all the way in and all the way out. And maybe had to duck behind a counter or two inside the store. I already posted the number per minute using the 1.1 mil. And the CDC showed the total homicides and it was a fraction of the 1.1 million. They had no way of knowing the DGU rate. It's a made up figure in your case

I let you out of the box. But it looks like you are still a foul mouthed little kid so back in the box you go.

You just keep pulling things out of your ass.....

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