The Hamas Charter

You mean after their tanks rolled into Egypt? Ya know, I'd have more respect for you if ya just said, "Yeah, we attacked Egypt! So what!"

You mean after their tanks rolled into Egypt? Ya know, I'd have more respect for you if ya just said, "Yeah, we attacked Egypt! So what!"
Obviously reading comprehension isn't what you excel in. I'd have more respect for you if you admitted that Nasser deliberately blocked Israel's right to INTERNATIONAL WATERS and admitted his goal was Israel's destruction BEFORE the tanks rolled in
According to Israel, not the UN. You can't have it both ways. You're trying to burn the candle at both ends towards the m

According to Israel, not the UN. You can't have it both ways. You're trying to burn the candle at both ends towards the middle.

Wrong again...... ASSHOLE
Obviously reading comprehension isn't what you excel in. I'd have more respect for you if you admitted that Nasser deliberately blocked Israel's right to INTERNATIONAL WATERS and admitted his goal was Israel's destruction BEFORE the tanks rolled in
Even if I did that, it still does not justify Israeli tanks rolling into Egypt.
They weren't in Israel. Because the Israelis wouldn't let them in.

Even if I did that, it still does not justify Israeli tanks rolling into Egypt.
You’re right…. It was perfectly OK for Nasser to Block Israel’s right to International Waters and brag to the entire world his goal was Israel’s destruction. Another Pro Pal ASSHOLE

The MORON is still claiming it’s Israel’s fault because Israel wouldn’t “ let them in” They WEREN’T supposed to be in Israel 🇮🇱
And they were supposed to also be in Israel checking their water supply.
Thread please. You’re a LIAR 🤥 What does that have to do with Nasser closing Israel’s right to INTERNATIONAL WATERS and bragging his goal was Israel’s destruction??
You would rather lie to yourself, than deal with the truth. I will give you a $1000 if you can show me one post of mine where I said, "destroy Israel". Just one!

You have to CLICK THE LINK - USMB does a shitty job of linking posts.

Now, will you be using a credit card or PayPal to pay up?
Since Israel is the occupational force, the first move is theirs.
Nice try but the 67 War was not about “ Occupation “ Try educating yourself and tell us why Abbas rejected Olmert’s offer
BTW, when Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005 the Rocket 🚀 Fire intensified

You have to CLICK THE LINK - USMB does a shitty job of linking posts.

Now, will you be using a credit card or PayPal to pay up?
Do you have ADD? I said where did I say that? Do Palestinians have a right to exist without interference from Israel?
Nice try but the 67 War was not about “ Occupation “ Try educating yourself and tell us why Abbas rejected Olmert’s offer
BTW, when Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005 the Rocket 🚀 Fire intensified
Israel didn't withdraw. They still control 80% of everything that comes in and out of the area. That's not a withdrawal. Come talk to me when Gazans can fish without getting shot at.

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