The Hastert Rule


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
Back in the olden times of the 1990s, a child molester created an abuse of power. It is not a formal rule, just something which Republican majority leaders have borrowed from the child molester to keep a death grip on their agenda.

This method will become important in the pending immigration reform movement which was launched yesterday.

You see, if the majority of the members of the majority party are not in favor of a particular bill, this unwritten rule holds that such legislation will not be brought to a vote by the Speaker.

For example, let's say the minority party likes a bill a lot, and it so happens that quite a few of the majority party members like that bill, too. In such a case, there would be enough minority members and majority members to add up to 218 or more votes.

But...the child molester's rule can stop that support dead in its tracks. It prevents that bill from ever coming to a vote, even though a majority of the House members support it.

Isn't that amazing?

This is how a minority has been hijacking the will of the American people.

For example, 80 percent of Americans support giving illegal immigrants a path to legal status or citizenship.


And yet somehow, the tiny, tiny minority which opposes the will of the American people has been able to stop legislation which would finally release the immigration reform deadlock which has gone on for quite some time.

And this was all invented by a child molester!
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So...Paul Ryan is now the House Speaker. He has the power to stop or allow a vote on immigration reform that has the support of a majority of the House but not a majority of the Republicans.

I wonder if he will use the child molester rule to allow a minority to hijack the will of the People, and I wonder if Trump will let him.
Here is Paul Ryan's official stance on the illegals:

To start, we need to find a way forward for the “DREAMers.” These are unauthorized immigrants whose parents brought them here as children. They didn’t break the law; their parents did. They grew up in our country, and now they are pursuing an advanced degree or serving in our military.

We also have to deal with the rest of the undocumented population. After discussing it with the constituents I serve and my colleagues, I believe that the undocumented immigrants should go through a lengthy period of legal probation—or “deferred adjudication”—with a one-strike policy. That means if they violate the terms of their probation, they are immediately deported. They must come forward, admit guilt, submit to a criminal-background check, pay back taxes and fines, and learn English and civics. They must prove they have a job, and they cannot receive any federal benefits.

Basically, amnesty with strings attached.

Back in the olden times of the 1990s, a child molester created an abuse of power. It is not a formal rule, just something which Republican majority leaders have borrowed from the child molester to keep a death grip on their agenda.

This pedophile method will become important in the pending immigration reform movement which was launched yesterday.

You see, if the majority of the members of the majority party are not in favor of a particular bill, the child molester rule states that such legislation will not be brought to a vote.

For example, let's say the minority party likes a bill a lot, and it so happens that quite a few of the majority party members like that bill, too. In such a case, there would be enough minority members and majority members to add up to 218 or more votes.

But...the child molester rule can stop that support dead in its tracks. It prevents that bill from ever coming to a vote, even though a majority of the House members support it.

Isn't that amazing?

This is how a minority has been hijacking the will of the American people.

For example, 80 percent of Americans support giving illegal immigrants a path to legal status or citizenship.


And yet somehow, the tiny, tiny minority which opposes the will of the American people has been able to stop legislation which would finally release the immigration reform deadlock which has gone on for quite some time.

And this was all invented by a child molester!

A post well worth bumping. Thank you!
A minority has been blocking the Will of the People for many years.

The GOP only bleevs in the Will of the People when it suits them. And they have been using the Hastert Rule to abuse the People.

Fox News Poll: 83 percent support pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants

Americans open to legal status, citizenship for illegal immigrants: Poll
Most Americans think the U.S. government should deport illegal immigrants living in the country who have been convicted of other crimes, but also say the government should develop plans to allow some to gain legal status or U.S. citizenship, according to a poll released Friday.

And 90 percent said they would support a bill allowing a path to U.S. citizenship for illegal immigrants who have been in the country for a number of years, hold a job, speak English, and are willing to pay back taxes.


65+14 = 79%

Poll Roundup: Majority of Americans Support Immigration Reform With Citizenship - America's Voice




Legal status or citizenship is 59 + 19 = 78 percent.

"Deport them" = 18 percent. They are on the losing side, big time.

Poll Roundup Majority of Americans Support Immigration Reform With Citizenship

June-July 2013

  • 88% of Americans support allowing immigrants to become citizens
  • 83% of conservatives support allowing immigrants to become citizens
Plenty more evidence in the link.

On immigration, Republicans favor path to legal status, but differ over citizenship


What Americans Want From Immigration Reform in 2014

62% of Americans favor providing a way for immigrants who are currently living in the United States illegally to become citizens provided they meet certain requirements, while 17% support allowing them to become permanent legal residents

The Republican response to the Will of the American People:

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Back in the olden times of the 1990s, a child molester created an abuse of power. It is not a formal rule, just something which Republican majority leaders have borrowed from the child molester to keep a death grip on their agenda.

This method will become important in the pending immigration reform movement which was launched yesterday.

You see, if the majority of the members of the majority party are not in favor of a particular bill, this unwritten rule holds that such legislation will not be brought to a vote.

For example, let's say the minority party likes a bill a lot, and it so happens that quite a few of the majority party members like that bill, too. In such a case, there would be enough minority members and majority members to add up to 218 or more votes.

But...the child molester's rule can stop that support dead in its tracks. It prevents that bill from ever coming to a vote, even though a majority of the House members support it.

Isn't that amazing?

This is how a minority has been hijacking the will of the American people.

For example, 80 percent of Americans support giving illegal immigrants a path to legal status or citizenship.


And yet somehow, the tiny, tiny minority which opposes the will of the American people has been able to stop legislation which would finally release the immigration reform deadlock which has gone on for quite some time.

And this was all invented by a child molester!

I'm confused...

To which Republican child molester are you referring?
Back in the olden times of the 1990s, a child molester created an abuse of power. It is not a formal rule, just something which Republican majority leaders have borrowed from the child molester to keep a death grip on their agenda.

This method will become important in the pending immigration reform movement which was launched yesterday.

You see, if the majority of the members of the majority party are not in favor of a particular bill, this unwritten rule holds that such legislation will not be brought to a vote.

For example, let's say the minority party likes a bill a lot, and it so happens that quite a few of the majority party members like that bill, too. In such a case, there would be enough minority members and majority members to add up to 218 or more votes.

But...the child molester's rule can stop that support dead in its tracks. It prevents that bill from ever coming to a vote, even though a majority of the House members support it.

Isn't that amazing?

This is how a minority has been hijacking the will of the American people.

For example, 80 percent of Americans support giving illegal immigrants a path to legal status or citizenship.


And yet somehow, the tiny, tiny minority which opposes the will of the American people has been able to stop legislation which would finally release the immigration reform deadlock which has gone on for quite some time.

And this was all invented by a child molester!

I'm confused...

To which Republican child molester are you referring?
See the topic title.

Back in the olden times of the 1990s, a child molester created an abuse of power. It is not a formal rule, just something which Republican majority leaders have borrowed from the child molester to keep a death grip on their agenda.

This method will become important in the pending immigration reform movement which was launched yesterday.

You see, if the majority of the members of the majority party are not in favor of a particular bill, this unwritten rule holds that such legislation will not be brought to a vote.

For example, let's say the minority party likes a bill a lot, and it so happens that quite a few of the majority party members like that bill, too. In such a case, there would be enough minority members and majority members to add up to 218 or more votes.

But...the child molester's rule can stop that support dead in its tracks. It prevents that bill from ever coming to a vote, even though a majority of the House members support it.

Isn't that amazing?

This is how a minority has been hijacking the will of the American people.

For example, 80 percent of Americans support giving illegal immigrants a path to legal status or citizenship.


And yet somehow, the tiny, tiny minority which opposes the will of the American people has been able to stop legislation which would finally release the immigration reform deadlock which has gone on for quite some time.

And this was all invented by a child molester!

I'm confused...

To which Republican child molester are you referring?
See the topic title.

Oh! That Republican Child molester. I thought you may have been referring to Roy Moore.

It's getting hard to keep up with all the Republican child molesters.....
Back in the olden times of the 1990s, a child molester created an abuse of power. It is not a formal rule, just something which Republican majority leaders have borrowed from the child molester to keep a death grip on their agenda.

This method will become important in the pending immigration reform movement which was launched yesterday.

You see, if the majority of the members of the majority party are not in favor of a particular bill, this unwritten rule holds that such legislation will not be brought to a vote.

For example, let's say the minority party likes a bill a lot, and it so happens that quite a few of the majority party members like that bill, too. In such a case, there would be enough minority members and majority members to add up to 218 or more votes.

But...the child molester's rule can stop that support dead in its tracks. It prevents that bill from ever coming to a vote, even though a majority of the House members support it.

Isn't that amazing?

This is how a minority has been hijacking the will of the American people.

For example, 80 percent of Americans support giving illegal immigrants a path to legal status or citizenship.


And yet somehow, the tiny, tiny minority which opposes the will of the American people has been able to stop legislation which would finally release the immigration reform deadlock which has gone on for quite some time.

And this was all invented by a child molester!

I'm confused...

To which Republican child molester are you referring?

Denny Hastert
Back in the olden times of the 1990s, a child molester created an abuse of power. It is not a formal rule, just something which Republican majority leaders have borrowed from the child molester to keep a death grip on their agenda.

This method will become important in the pending immigration reform movement which was launched yesterday.

You see, if the majority of the members of the majority party are not in favor of a particular bill, this unwritten rule holds that such legislation will not be brought to a vote.

For example, let's say the minority party likes a bill a lot, and it so happens that quite a few of the majority party members like that bill, too. In such a case, there would be enough minority members and majority members to add up to 218 or more votes.

But...the child molester's rule can stop that support dead in its tracks. It prevents that bill from ever coming to a vote, even though a majority of the House members support it.

Isn't that amazing?

This is how a minority has been hijacking the will of the American people.

For example, 80 percent of Americans support giving illegal immigrants a path to legal status or citizenship.


And yet somehow, the tiny, tiny minority which opposes the will of the American people has been able to stop legislation which would finally release the immigration reform deadlock which has gone on for quite some time.

And this was all invented by a child molester!

I'm confused...

To which Republican child molester are you referring?
See the topic title.

Oh! That Republican Child molester. I thought you may have been referring to Roy Moore.

It's getting hard to keep up with all the Republican child molesters.....
"B-b-b-b-but Clinton!" in 5...4...3...
So much time energy & money has been invested in turning these children into productive Americans, they should stay. focus on the small destructive group of illegals, if we narrow are attempt it becomes possible, 12 or 14 million never happen.
Remarks by President Trump in Meeting with Bipartisan Members of Congress on Immigration | The White House

"Chairman Goodlatte will be submitting a bill over the next two to three days that will cover many of the things. And, obviously, that will — if it gets passed, it will go to the Senate and we can negotiate and we’ll see how it turns out. But I feel having the Democrats in with us is absolutely vital because it should be a bipartisan bill. It should be a bill of love. Truly, it should be a bill of love, and we can do that."

Bob Goodlatte is the Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee. I'm not sure if that gives him jurisdiction over love.
Trump's three requirements for his big bill o' love:

1) We have tremendous numbers of people and drugs pouring into our country. So, in order to secure it, we need a wall. We need closing enforcement — we have to close enforcement loopholes.

2) Second, it has to be a bill to end chain migration.

3) And the other is — cancel the lottery program. They call it “visa lottery,” I just call it “lottery.”

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