The heart of the Trump-Russia propaganda


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
Have you noticed that until this Trump-Russia crap started it was becoming commonplace to call the Democrats "socialists" and "communists"?

With this single piece of propaganda the Socialists repatriated the Democrat party in the minds of many Americans,


Sometimes the conspiring left comes up with some brilliant BS
Well, we had to get Trump to kiss Russia's ass in Macy's front window to really get it to work, but that wasn't too hard.
Have you noticed that until this Trump-Russia crap started it was becoming commonplace to call the Democrats "socialists" and "communists"?

With this single piece of propaganda the Socialists repatriated the Democrat party in the minds of many Americans,


Sometimes the conspiring left comes up with some brilliant BS

Yes they ignore that Obama let Russia become a world power again and did nothing to stop it!
"Yes they ignore that Obama let Russia become a world power again and did nothing to stop it!"
Just what should BHO have done to cripple Russia?
I know the Orange Clown would probably launch a few nukes to slow them down, but that's not Barry's style.
Have you noticed that until this Trump-Russia crap started it was becoming commonplace to call the Democrats "socialists" and "communists"?

With this single piece of propaganda the Socialists repatriated the Democrat party in the minds of many Americans,


Sometimes the conspiring left comes up with some brilliant BS

Yes they ignore that Obama let Russia become a world power again and did nothing to stop it!

And ignored Red Chinese intimidation of Asian countries, gave Iran $600 billion dollars for nothing and kissed their asses from the first two weeks of his Residency, alienated long time allies, etc., etc., etc. Total disaster all over the planet. Democrats like that, for some reason ... oh, now I remember the reason: they're loony insane gimps and neurotic deviants.
"Yes they ignore that Obama let Russia become a world power again and did nothing to stop it!"
Just what should BHO have done to cripple Russia?
I know the Orange Clown would probably launch a few nukes to slow them down, but that's not Barry's style.

More far left religious dogma not connected to reality..

After all the far left did look the other way during the illegal wars of Obama/Clinton!
More far left religious dogma not connected to reality..

After all the far left did look the other way during the illegal wars of Obama/Clinton!
You looked the other way during the illegal wars of Bush/Cheney. I'll even bet you looked the other way a month ago during the illegal sorties in Syria and Afghanistan.
They're trying to spin Hillary's criminality and illegal server being hacked and the info given to Wikileaks originating with her own crimes as something Trump is responsible for, that's all. They're stupid, just like their base. No mystery here, and no Russians hacking voting machines or other gibberish.
They're trying to spin Hillary's criminality and illegal server being hacked and the info given to Wikileaks originating with her own crimes as something Trump is responsible for, that's all. They're stupid, just like their base. No mystery here, and no Russians hacking voting machines or other gibberish.
You're trying to shift the public's attention to nonsense.
They're trying to spin Hillary's criminality and illegal server being hacked and the info given to Wikileaks originating with her own crimes as something Trump is responsible for, that's all. They're stupid, just like their base. No mystery here, and no Russians hacking voting machines or other gibberish.
You're trying to shift the public's attention to nonsense.

Backwards, just like your silly hat.
It originally came from pure projection. Hillary sold off US uranium to Russia and the campaign chose to project that.

Leftists always project and SJWs always lie.
Trump supporters are chanting in the streets during a protest "Russia is our friend" and like a disease, treason has become a common trait amongst the trumpbots.
They're trying to spin Hillary's criminality and illegal server being hacked and the info given to Wikileaks originating with her own crimes as something Trump is responsible for, that's all. They're stupid, just like their base. No mystery here, and no Russians hacking voting machines or other gibberish.

The only ones guilty of fraud and it is a FACT were the democrats. AFTER all of the FACTS that came out about Hillary and the level of corruption of the emails, it was far more important to HYPE Trump and Russians through their pets in the media.

The parrots on the left follow right along.

If there was ANTHING you ever needed to know just what pathetic fucking goddamn morons the left are, look no further than Colbert announcing to his pathetic crowd that Comey was fired. They all cheered loudly and then after telling them they were supposed to be booing, they booed.

Within 30 seconds, their media gods redirected their minds from months of saying Comey and Trump conspired with the Russians to commit fraud and calling for comey's firing, to being united in saying Trump fired him to cover up the fraud that he committed with Comey and Russians. (yes that is confusing, but that is also left wing parrot logic)

That is precisely why the democrat pets (the media) hype. Trust me, the left wing media are pathetic morons. Oh, they all think they are all just so smart and educated. They truly believe they are all part of that elite club. They are nothing but babbling baboons. That is about it.
"Yes they ignore that Obama let Russia become a world power again and did nothing to stop it!"
Just what should BHO have done to cripple Russia?
I know the Orange Clown would probably launch a few nukes to slow them down, but that's not Barry's style.

I haven't seen Trump launch any nukes at anyone, but Hillery did give them 20% if our uranium, wasn't she part of Barry's administration, aren't you outraged?

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If there was ANTHING you ever needed to know just what pathetic fucking goddamn morons the left are, look no further than Colbert announcing to his pathetic crowd that Comey was fired. They all cheered loudly and then after telling them they were supposed to be booing, they booed.

Within 30 seconds, their media gods redirected their minds from months of saying Comey and Trump conspired with the Russians to commit fraud and calling for comey's firing, to being united in saying Trump fired him to cover up the fraud that he committed with Comey and Russians. (yes that is confusing, but that is also left wing parrot logic)

That is precisely why the democrat pets (the media) hype. Trust me, the left wing media are pathetic morons. Oh, they all think they are all just so smart and educated. They truly believe they are all part of that elite club. They are nothing but babbling baboons. That is about it.

lol of course; they're tools, and ignorant looney ones at that.

And yes, these so-called 'media' are indeed too stupid to know they're stupid; most are ignorant and lack real educations.
I haven't seen Trump launch any nukes at anyone, but Hillery did give them 20% if our uranium, wasn't she part of Barry's administration, aren't you outraged?

Yes, and a very nice 'donation' from Russians suddenly appeared on her 'foundation' accounts. Pay for play, all day for Hillary's 'public service'.

The only ones guilty of fraud and it is a FACT were the democrats. AFTER all of the FACTS that came out about Hillary and the level of corruption of the emails, it was far more important to HYPE Trump and Russians through their pets in the media.

The parrots on the left follow right along.

If there was ANTHING you ever needed to know just what pathetic fucking goddamn morons the left are, look no further than Colbert announcing to his pathetic crowd that Comey was fired. They all cheered loudly and then after telling them they were supposed to be booing, they booed.

Within 30 seconds, their media gods redirected their minds from months of saying Comey and Trump conspired with the Russians to commit fraud and calling for comey's firing, to being united in saying Trump fired him to cover up the fraud that he committed with Comey and Russians. (yes that is confusing, but that is also left wing parrot logic)

That is precisely why the democrat pets (the media) hype. Trust me, the left wing media are pathetic morons. Oh, they all think they are all just so smart and educated. They truly believe they are all part of that elite club. They are nothing but babbling baboons. That is about it.
Earth to Theowl32, there are no home schooled Einstein's walking around the planet.

Have a nice day.
Well, we had to get Trump to kiss Russia's ass in Macy's front window to really get it to work, but that wasn't too hard.

i'm really surprised people noticed that at all after the flood of pics we had of obama bowing before every other nations leader as he first came into office.

how soon people forget.

at least i've not *seen* trump do this - just hear about it from people who don't like him.

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