The history in Poland invalidates claim that women suffer when elective abortion is illegal

Don't know about Poland but history here supports that claim. Outlawing abortion increases infanticide, child abuse, and crime.
Nope. Quite the opposite.


You see where RvW happened? Right before the steep increase in infanticide. See where it is as of 2010?

Where did you get your graph?
From your

History of Infanticide link:

"Morally right or wrong - a case of murder or manifestation of a woman's right to choose - the fact remains that the frequent use of abortion has eased the necessity for killing an infant after its birth"

which is the opposite of what your graph reflects.

Don't know about Poland but history here supports that claim. Outlawing abortion increases infanticide, child abuse, and crime.
Nope. Quite the opposite.


You see where RvW happened? Right before the steep increase in infanticide. See where it is as of 2010?

Where did you get your graph?
From your

History of Infanticide link:

"Morally right or wrong - a case of murder or manifestation of a woman's right to choose - the fact remains that the frequent use of abortion has eased the necessity for killing an infant after its birth"

which is the opposite of what your graph reflects.

Words are funny things....regardless of the necessity, the frequency has still increased.
So I stand behind my earlier statement; outlawing abortion increases infanticide, child abuse and crime.
Criminalizing women by denying them their rights and charging doctors with murder.
Prior to Roe v. Wade, women were not prosecuted for getting an abortion. Abortionists were.

The same is true in Poland today.

So I would stop building straw men and putting words in koshergrl's mouth.

I was speaking about the net effect of KG's position on the Law of the Land, not her actual words.

Yes, it is easier to prosecute the providers than those who "willingly aided and abetted them". (Legal terminology only.)

But if KG's will did become the Law of the Land a lawyer is going to bring in a destitute mother with 3 children and no ability to support another to portray the provider as someone who was helping the poor and downtrodden and ask the jury if they are willing to try her as the accused's accomplice?

Hence what KG wants is never going to happen.
I did not see where koshergrl called for the prosecution of the mother. Was that in another topic somewhere, or are you making an assumption?

How can you not prosecute a woman for having an abortion if abortion is murder?

The two cannot be rationally reconciled.
So you made an assumption. You put words in her mouth.

Jesus, my question is the only thing I said in this string. You are putting words in my mouth, idiot.
Polish abortion law is generally in accordance with the will of the People, as are abortion rights in the US.
So I stand behind my earlier statement; outlawing abortion increases infanticide, child abuse and crime.
Nope. Exactly the opposite. You're just a liar, how tedious. There's nothing to do with you but to ignore you, since lying is your only strength....which makes you valueless in the arena of ideas.
Polish abortion law is generally in accordance with the will of the People, as are abortion rights in the US.
Nope, abortion "rights" were forced upon the ppl who continue to object to the bad law that created them. You're also a liar, but everybody knows that.
I guess for NY Gallup is a far right, extremist right wing nut job. Maybe he just missed this.Guy Benson - Gallup: 58 Percent of Americans Oppose All or Most Abortions

Yes, your extremist rightwing source was distorting what the Gallup poll actually reported!


Americans were still equally divided on the subject back in 2013 when that poll was taken. The difference is less than the MoE.

But let's use the current 2015 data available from Gallup instead.

Americans Choose "Pro-Choice" for First Time in Seven Years


Americans Choose "Pro-Choice" for First Time in Seven Years

PRINCETON, N.J. -- Half of Americans consider themselves "pro-choice" on abortion, surpassing the 44% who identify as "pro-life." This is the first time since 2008 that the pro-choice position has had a statistically significant lead in Americans' abortion views.​

That might change now after the lying videos about PP but Gallup hasn't done any polling on that yet.

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