The Hoax Crutch

Enemy democrats have to lie. It's their chief weapon. By now even they know that they have hoaxes this virus up out of all recognition. They can't put it down. With a bit more push they can bring the nation to its knees.
Every lefty on this forum is fully aware that Trump never called the virus a hoax,
No. He called the WARNINGS about it a "Dem Hoax" and clearly those warnings should have been heeded
And when caught in a Lie.............spin it to CLAIM ANOTHER LIE..........

But you still haven’t explained what he was talking about. What was the hoax exactly?
Go to the video and watch before and after......go to minute 11 and see what he says.....

I'm done with this BS for the moment.
Enemy democrats have to lie. It's their chief weapon. By now even they know that they have hoaxes this virus up out of all recognition. They can't put it down. With a bit more push they can bring the nation to its knees.
What was the Democrat hoax??

Why do you morons keep avoiding the question??
Every lefty on this forum is fully aware that Trump never called the virus a hoax,
No. He called the WARNINGS about it a "Dem Hoax" and clearly those warnings should have been heeded
And when caught in a Lie.............spin it to CLAIM ANOTHER LIE..........

But you still haven’t explained what he was talking about. What was the hoax exactly?
Go to the video and watch before and after......go to minute 11 and see what he says.....

I'm done with this BS for the moment.
I have. He references the existence of a hoax but never explains what he means by hoax. Can you explain what the hoax is?
Every lefty on this forum is fully aware that Trump never called the virus a hoax,
No. He called the WARNINGS about it a "Dem Hoax" and clearly those warnings should have been heeded
And when caught in a Lie.............spin it to CLAIM ANOTHER LIE..........

But you still haven’t explained what he was talking about. What was the hoax exactly?
Go to the video and watch before and after......go to minute 11 and see what he says.....

I'm done with this BS for the moment.
I have. He never explains what he means by hoax. Can you explain what the hoax is?
Sell your spin to someone else............That Snake Oil doesn't work on me..........In context you should know the meaning of it...............Pound sand bro.
Enemy democrats have to lie. It's their chief weapon. By now even they know that they have hoaxes this virus up out of all recognition. They can't put it down. With a bit more push they can bring the nation to its knees.
What was the Democrat hoax??

Why do you morons keep avoiding the question??
The ginned up hysteria. No one has avoided the question. You just don't like the answer. The corona virus is an ordinary flu virus. Not as deadly as any of the others. Everything else is democrat hoax.
Every lefty on this forum is fully aware that Trump never called the virus a hoax,
No. He called the WARNINGS about it a "Dem Hoax" and clearly those warnings should have been heeded
And when caught in a Lie.............spin it to CLAIM ANOTHER LIE..........

But you still haven’t explained what he was talking about. What was the hoax exactly?
Go to the video and watch before and after......go to minute 11 and see what he says.....

I'm done with this BS for the moment.
I have. He never explains what he means by hoax. Can you explain what the hoax is?
Sell your spin to someone else............That Snake Oil doesn't work on me..........In context you should know the meaning of it...............Pound sand bro.

You know what I think. I think you don’t actually know what he was talking about and don’t want to admit it.

If it’s so obvious, it should be trivial for you to explain it. Instead it triggers you.
Enemy democrats have to lie. It's their chief weapon. By now even they know that they have hoaxes this virus up out of all recognition. They can't put it down. With a bit more push they can bring the nation to its knees.
What was the Democrat hoax??

Why do you morons keep avoiding the question??
The ginned up hysteria. No one has avoided the question. You just don't like the answer. The corona virus is an ordinary flu virus. Not as deadly as any of the others. Everything else is democrat hoax.

Is Trump treating this like an ordinary flu virus? Obviously not. How do you explain that?
As Tucker Carlson says quite often, TDS folks "project," they claim others are who they are! For example, TDS victim berg80 alludes to truth and logic, yet he hates reality!
Since you can't factually refute a single word of this..................
What was "their hoax?" Answer, the coronavirus. Is the coronavirus anyone's hoax? No. Was Trump claiming at the time the Dems and the media were blowing the virus out of proportion? Yes. Were they? Obviously not.
Does anything kill a Trump cultist's thread like truth and logic? No. humble suggestion is you STFU.
My goodness, just toss a couple of facts out there, and the sheep melt down.


I've never seen an emotional attachment like this, for someone people have never even met.


Please stop pretending you care about facts. That ship sailed a long time ago. You still think Trump and David Duke are best friends. If you cared about facts, you would at least admit that Trump never called the actual virus a hoax. Are you willing to go that far?
Wow, there's one helluva lie. You bitch about me not caring about "facts", and then you say that I "still think Trump and David Duke are best friends."

What's wrong with you? You didn't even realize what you did.

My goodness.
The corona virus is an ordinary flu virus. Not as deadly as any of the others.
How many Americans typically die each year from the influenza flu and how many are projected by the Trump admin to die from COVID-19?
My goodness, just toss a couple of facts out there, and the sheep melt down.


I've never seen an emotional attachment like this, for someone people have never even met.

It truly is a cult, following their leader's order to drink the kool aid....

Feel sorry for them.... :(
I've never seen emotional attachment like this. Maybe a pope. They have lowered their standards into the toilet for this man, to the point where they deny he said something when there is a video of him saying it.

Crazy stuff.

This. Every time I think the bar can't be set any lower, Trump and his supporters jackhammer the concrete, dig the hole deeper and place the bar down in it. :)
I've seen nothing like this in my lifetime. I've attempted to try and figure the devotion and the love for a guy that's been a media packaged fraud for almost all of his adult life. But mostly given up because most Trump supporters (not all, but most) can't cogently explain to me why they support him. They can tell me why they like him, but not why they support him.
Well, they say love is blind.

This is a group pathology, enabling itself, supporting itself, feeding on itself.

Obviously it will pass, and no doubt will be the subject of endless psychological study in the future.
Sure, Democrats criticize the incompetent Trumpybear over the virus and he called their concerns a new hoax. He tee'd that segment up at each of the political rallies he held in January thru early March to attack Democrats, liberals and the Free Press.

The effects of the virus is not a hoax, the numbers did not magical drop to zero. He's was just incompetent to say that it would. His presidency has been a hoax.

He didn't call the virus a hoax, he called the Democrats' response to it a hoax.

At about :30, "this is their new hoax." It's right there, on your screen. Coming from your speakers.

And talk radio -- Trump's and the Trumpsters' brain -- is spending a majority of its time downplaying pretty much everything about this virus. Limbaugh is non-stop on it, constantly saying, "well, I'd better stop myself, or I'll get in trouble."

There's no way to know if you guys are lying or just completely and utterly conned, like children, by this guy. It's fascinating as hell to watch, though.

IM2 is fully aware that Trump did not call the virus a hoax. This is all he could post, it is a crutch.

He didn't call the virus a hoax, he called the Democrats' response to it a hoax.

At about :30, "this is their new hoax." It's right there, on your screen. Coming from your speakers.

And talk radio -- Trump's and the Trumpsters' brain -- is spending a majority of its time downplaying pretty much everything about this virus. Limbaugh is non-stop on it, constantly saying, "well, I'd better stop myself, or I'll get in trouble."

There's no way to know if you guys are lying or just completely and utterly conned, like children, by this guy. It's fascinating as hell to watch, though.

IM2 is fully aware that Trump did not call the virus a hoax. This is all he could post, it is a crutch.

So what specifically was the hoax?

Enlighten us.

He didn't call the virus a hoax, he called the Democrats' response to it a hoax.

At about :30, "this is their new hoax." It's right there, on your screen. Coming from your speakers.

And talk radio -- Trump's and the Trumpsters' brain -- is spending a majority of its time downplaying pretty much everything about this virus. Limbaugh is non-stop on it, constantly saying, "well, I'd better stop myself, or I'll get in trouble."

There's no way to know if you guys are lying or just completely and utterly conned, like children, by this guy. It's fascinating as hell to watch, though.

IM2 is fully aware that Trump did not call the virus a hoax. This is all he could post, it is a crutch.


Trump didn't call the virus a hoax, he said that the Democrats' alarm was a hoax. Just as talk radio instructs him to say.

Either way, he clearly used the term, and either way, he clearly politicized the situation.

He didn't call the virus a hoax, he called the Democrats' response to it a hoax.

At about :30, "this is their new hoax." It's right there, on your screen. Coming from your speakers.

And talk radio -- Trump's and the Trumpsters' brain -- is spending a majority of its time downplaying pretty much everything about this virus. Limbaugh is non-stop on it, constantly saying, "well, I'd better stop myself, or I'll get in trouble."

There's no way to know if you guys are lying or just completely and utterly conned, like children, by this guy. It's fascinating as hell to watch, though.

IM2 is fully aware that Trump did not call the virus a hoax. This is all he could post, it is a crutch.

What is the new hoax he is referring to then?

He didn't call the virus a hoax, he called the Democrats' response to it a hoax.

At about :30, "this is their new hoax." It's right there, on your screen. Coming from your speakers.

And talk radio -- Trump's and the Trumpsters' brain -- is spending a majority of its time downplaying pretty much everything about this virus. Limbaugh is non-stop on it, constantly saying, "well, I'd better stop myself, or I'll get in trouble."

There's no way to know if you guys are lying or just completely and utterly conned, like children, by this guy. It's fascinating as hell to watch, though.

1. He called it "their hoax". Do you know what that means ? And given the current context of the morons in the house, it would be clear to anyone else. BTW: If it were not for NY and NJ nobody would be giving a flying fuck about this and our economy would be fine.

That is the only "fact" (and it really isn't one) in your post.

You out of toilet paper ? I hope not because you are full of shit.

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