The Hoax of Record Temperatures

Natural gas and nuclear are the only things that could save us if you green twats keep
overbuilding your unreliable wind and solar.
You’re funny. The left is all in favor of natural gas replacing fuel oil and coal and nuclear energy in general.
Your CCP pals build 2 new coal plant a week. Do they know about CO2?
“Currently playing in DC: the Delaware Hillbillies! Crooked, Coked up, trafficking kids, drugs and women on the Southern Border, having sex with family members and tried to hump the family dog”
geesus, Trump engaged in all those activities. But for some reason, Humpers like to preach and not practice.
Then why is the left trying to stop natural gas in new construction?
Wrong. Show the proof. The only thing the left is against is uncontrolled fracking and extracting nat gas from environmentally sensitive areas. I know you wouldn’t mind if your well is polluted, but some do.
Wrong. Show the proof. The only thing the left is against is uncontrolled fracking and extracting nat gas from environmentally sensitive areas. I know you wouldn’t mind if your well is polluted, but some do.

New York is the first state in the country to ban natural gas and other fossil fuels in most new buildings – a major win for climate advocates, but a move that could spark pushback from fossil fuel interests.

Lefties want more natural gas but no new fracking?

Damn, you're actually getting dumber.
Why don’t you do a little research to find out. You have to ask the question. You don’t seem to know shit about the issue do you ?
Hydro power At current, there are 228 hydro-power projects above 1 MW installed capacity that are under construction phase. How many new coal plants going on line Humper ?

Speaking of liberal idiocy.......

At current, there are 228 hydro-power projects above 1 MW installed capacity that are under construction phase

Did you post about Nepal when you were looking for US projects? DURR

Solar derived electricity is good for 24 hours a day.

Damn, you're a moron.
Speaking of liberal idiocy.......

At current, there are 228 hydro-power projects above 1 MW installed capacity that are under construction phase

Did you post about Nepal when you were looking for US projects? DURR

Solar derived electricity is good for 24 hours a day.

Damn, you're a moron.
Was it you or the other idiot who posted that Con Ed was using batteries to time shift the electric needs for their customers. And now you what, still deny that electricity can and is stored ? Do you guys even have half a brain ?
Maybe you think electricity from a solar cell is “ different” than electricity generated at a coal,plant. If so, You have my sympathy for being fking insane. I hope the drugs help.
Expert enough to know that the liberals who you claim are all in favor of natural gas.....

are a figment of your imagination.
You seem to be an idiot. You seem to be easily confused between fossil fuels and how and where it’s extracted. Maybe you would not mind if someone decided to frack your ass to extract the methane from your bowels, others might care.
Lefties want more natural gas but no new fracking?

Damn, you're actually getting dumber.
What part of the statement “ uncontrolled fracking “ and “drilling in environmentally sensitive areas” don’t you understand. Yo mama didn’t include English in your home schooling ?

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