The Horror!: Negro In Feral Mode Beats And Rapes 101 Year Old Woman

Using these rapes as a political football is pretty low even for Steve McGarrett. Tough to see these moronic postings day in and day out without seeing the lowlife racist that lives in McGarrett's soul. It isn't even sad, it's contemptible. He should seek help.
I think the whole back and forth posting of these stories is pointless.

Rape should be a capital crime, especially now with DNA to make most cases airtight.
DNA should be perfected and eventually work in tandem with finger prints. It's hard to hear about these women without feeling their pain and these men talking about it do have ulterior motives.
Again, why are you attacking me???
Because you're playing into McGarrett's sicko games. Just let him make the stupid posts. Rape, especially of these older Americans cannot be justified no matter how you try to explain it.
That's where you are wrong to attack me. It seems that as a woman, you are only seeing the rape aspect of the picture.
That's not even the premise of the thread, the premise is that Black people and in this case Black men are raping woman white women in some racial agenda.

Before anyone knows anything about me, they form opinions based on my appearance and color, whether good or bad.
I will not let ignorance go unchallenged when it may affect the treatment and opinion of people simply because of the color of their skin.
You are a feral apologist justifying the rape of a 101 year old woman today by something that happened in 1944.
You are a feral **** who is attempting to deny that white men rape more people in this country than anyone else and you still could not post a link to any action on my part justifying rape.

I on the other had proved that you attempted to justify the rape of a black woman.
Sick incident.

You are even sicker, because you are a vulgar, disgusting racist who wastes the oxygen on this beautiful planet of ours.

You think him calling him something vulgar, is sicker than the fucking dirty ape raping a 101 year old woman?

Just, just go find your favorite partner that you like to play butthidepenis with, and stop posting here.

And you think that calling the perpetrator, a black man, a "fucking dirty ape" (your words, not mine) is going to strengthen your argument? Really, are you that cognitively slow on the uptake?

And you have no right to tell me where to post or not, so, tough shit for you, Maynard.
He's a pothead. He is black so he has an expectation that white laws do not apply to him. His pot use damaged his brain. That's what's wrong with him.

Racist content.

If this old woman had a gun and shot this feral she would be just another racist who killed an unarmed black man.

Racist content.
If 1944 is all you have, you haven't got much. Especially since the ferals are beating raping and killing every day.

I posted two others, easy to try to minimize them too.
Yes. They are meaningless because you are using these incidents to justify a feral rape of a 101 year old woman as if she had it coming. That's probably what Jesse Matthew thought as he killed his white girl victims. They had it coming.

No. You lie. No one is justifying any form of rape.

Why are Righties so batshit crazy when it comes to honest debate? Where do you get that shit from? Are you sick in the head, or what?
He's a pothead. He is black so he has an expectation that white laws do not apply to him. His pot use damaged his brain. That's what's wrong with him.

Racist content.

If this old woman had a gun and shot this feral she would be just another racist who killed an unarmed black man.

Racist content.
The gist of any statement made by them.
She called "feral" I guess she thinks that gives her cool points.
He's a pothead. He is black so he has an expectation that white laws do not apply to him. His pot use damaged his brain. That's what's wrong with him.

Racist content.

If this old woman had a gun and shot this feral she would be just another racist who killed an unarmed black man.

Racist content.
The gist of any statement made by them.
She called "feral" I guess she thinks that gives her cool points.
Notice she tries to minimize the woman that was gang raped because it happened in the past???

I almost wish that she would suffer the same incident, but that would lower me to her level.
Using these rapes as a political football is pretty low even for Steve McGarrett. Tough to see these moronic postings day in and day out without seeing the lowlife racist that lives in McGarrett's soul. It isn't even sad, it's contemptible. He should seek help.
I think the whole back and forth posting of these stories is pointless.

Rape should be a capital crime, especially now with DNA to make most cases airtight.
DNA should be perfected and eventually work in tandem with finger prints. It's hard to hear about these women without feeling their pain and these men talking about it do have ulterior motives.
Again, why are you attacking me???
Because you're playing into McGarrett's sicko games. Just let him make the stupid posts. Rape, especially of these older Americans cannot be justified no matter how you try to explain it.
That's where you are wrong to attack me. It seems that as a woman, you are only seeing the rape aspect of the picture.
That's not even the premise of the thread, the premise is that Black people and in this case Black men are raping woman white women in some racial agenda.

Before anyone knows anything about me, they form opinions based on my appearance and color, whether good or bad.
I will not let ignorance go unchallenged when it may affect the treatment and opinion of people simply because of the color of their skin.
I do know that McGarrett is a fat old racist, btw.
You are a feral **** who is attempting to deny that white men rape more people in this country than anyone else...
As has been pointed out here THOUSANDS OF TIMES already, when you average out the population of whites to blacks, that's when the FACTS bear out that blacks rape, beat, kill, and commit violent crimes against others at a much HIGHER rate than any other race.

Now quit playing stupid.
They commit these crimes at such phenomenal rates because they believe they have a right to. If they don't have such a right they should.
He's a pothead. He is black so he has an expectation that white laws do not apply to him. His pot use damaged his brain. That's what's wrong with him.

Racist content.

If this old woman had a gun and shot this feral she would be just another racist who killed an unarmed black man.

Racist content.
The gist of any statement made by them.
She called "feral" I guess she thinks that gives her cool points.
Notice she tries to minimize the woman that was gang raped because it happened in the past???

I almost wish that she would suffer the same incident, but that would lower me to her level.
I would blow their heads off without hesitation. Then give a double tap. That would make me a racist killing an unarmed black man wouldn't it?

You cannot use a crime that happened in 1944 to justify a crime today which is just what you are doing and trying to crawl away.
You are a feral **** who is attempting to deny that white men rape more people in this country than anyone else...
As has been pointed out here THOUSANDS OF TIMES already, when you average out the population of whites to blacks, that's when the FACTS bear out that blacks rape, beat, kill, and commit violent crimes against others at a much HIGHER rate than any other race.

Now quit playing stupid.
Well, they're accused of committing these crimes more often anyway..
Sick incident.

You are even sicker, because you are a vulgar, disgusting racist who wastes the oxygen on this beautiful planet of ours.
ALINSKY TACTIC #2.... Attack the messenger --- ^

Fuck off.

The animal that did this should be publicly tortured, castrated and hung by the neck until dead. See how many of them pull that kind of shit after that. And that would be humane compared to what I'd do to him had that been my mother and I caught him before the law did.

Sure, the person who did this should receive his fair punishment. But it has nothing to do with his race at all. That is the point that racist turds like you miss all the time, over and over and over again.

And you don't control my fucking. Please, I'm not into you. Thank you.
You are a feral **** who is attempting to deny that white men rape more people in this country than anyone else...
As has been pointed out here THOUSANDS OF TIMES already, when you average out the population of whites to blacks, that's when the FACTS bear out that blacks rape, beat, kill, and commit violent crimes against others at a much HIGHER rate than any other race.

Now quit playing stupid.
Well, they're accused of committing these crimes more often anyway..
That's not what gets into the facts, Sarah. The facts are about CONVICTIONS.

You know that, but just couldn't resist throwing in a little bull.
He's a pothead. He is black so he has an expectation that white laws do not apply to him. His pot use damaged his brain. That's what's wrong with him.

Racist content.

If this old woman had a gun and shot this feral she would be just another racist who killed an unarmed black man.

Racist content.
The gist of any statement made by them.
She called "feral" I guess she thinks that gives her cool points.
Notice she tries to minimize the woman that was gang raped because it happened in the past???

I almost wish that she would suffer the same incident, but that would lower me to her level.
I would blow their heads off without hesitation. Then give a double tap. That would make me a racist killing an unarmed black man wouldn't it?

You cannot use a crime that happened in 1944 to justify a crime today which is just what you are doing and trying to crawl away.

That's the best you have to offer in way of argumentation?
Sick incident.

You are even sicker, because you are a vulgar, disgusting racist who wastes the oxygen on this beautiful planet of ours.

You think him calling him something vulgar, is sicker than the fucking dirty ape raping a 101 year old woman?

Just, just go find your favorite partner that you like to play butthidepenis with, and stop posting here.

And you think that calling the perpetrator, a black man, a "fucking dirty ape" (your words, not mine) is going to strengthen your argument? Really, are you that cognitively slow on the uptake?

And you have no right to tell me where to post or not, so, tough shit for you, Maynard.

Sure, the person who did this should receive his fair punishment.
Then just admit that and spare us all your disgusting gas, you American traitor.

And spare us the RACIST bull shit, ADOLF, you progtards have OVERDRAWN your RACE CARDS, idiot.

You are very angry. And you love to show your ass.

I write the one sane thing here and you go ballistic, because that is all you can do.

It destroys every argument you try, even in your half-assed form, to bring up.

What I wrote is exactly in accordance with the laws of our land:

The person who did this (who raped that 101 year old woman) should receive his just punishment. That is what law enforcement and the courts are for. This is why they exist.

There is still hope that one day, you will be sane, welcher, but that hope is very, very small.
The level of violent crime by black perpetrators has become phenomenal. Including black on black murders at a genocidal level. All of it justified by some conflation of historical wrong.

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