The Horror!: Negro In Feral Mode Beats And Rapes 101 Year Old Woman

The level of violent crime by black perpetrators has become phenomenal. Including black on black murders at a genocidal level. All of it justified by some conflation of historical wrong.
However 87% of whites killing whites is no need for alarm or thread...right???.smh.
How about the epidemic of white rapists, no problem there...right???

We get your world, Black rapist bad, white rapist good.
He's a pothead. He is black so he has an expectation that white laws do not apply to him. His pot use damaged his brain. That's what's wrong with him.

Racist content.

If this old woman had a gun and shot this feral she would be just another racist who killed an unarmed black man.

Racist content.
The gist of any statement made by them.
She called "feral" I guess she thinks that gives her cool points.
Notice she tries to minimize the woman that was gang raped because it happened in the past???

I almost wish that she would suffer the same incident, but that would lower me to her level.
I would blow their heads off without hesitation. Then give a double tap. That would make me a racist killing an unarmed black man wouldn't it?

You cannot use a crime that happened in 1944 to justify a crime today which is just what you are doing and trying to crawl away.

That's the best you have to offer in way of argumentation?
Did you expert her to make sense???
Sick incident.

You are even sicker, because you are a vulgar, disgusting racist who wastes the oxygen on this beautiful planet of ours.
agreed....what the hell would make a guy want to rape a 101 year old woman?.....whats the attraction?....

It is truly sick and it makes me wonder if there should maybe be the death penalty for raping an elderly person. I just don't get what would make anyone in the world do this, Harry Dresden . My beef with little Adolph here is that he wants to make it about the perp being black in this case.
in Steves world no white guy has ever raped an elderly lady....
In this case it was about opportunity when the urge arose since the intent upon entering the dwelling was to rob.
No it was not about opportunity. It was still about violence and control, it had nothing to do with sex at all.
your probably right Sarah.....but he could have accomplished that just by beating her....myself if i aint turned on by the woman,there aint going to be no hard on to do the deed....and a 101 year old aint going to do it.....the guy had a perversion....

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