The Horrors of Hell

Being sent back to earth to try again as a lower form of life, seems to make more sense.

The spirit guides I have listened to say we do not reincarnate as animals, nor do animals incarnate as humans.
Each species evolves to perfection in its own right over many incarnations.

Perhaps your spirit guides are demonic.

That is what most Christians believe, but I could feel some psychic energy myself and the feeling was good.
Positive energy feels warm, and negative energy feels cold. I could tell that the spirits I spoke to were not evil.
The 1st sermon (in OP and posts 2#, 3#, 4#) covered 4 points about hell. In this video we need to consider a 5th point about hell which is.........hell has no exits. There is no exit door in hell. You cannot leave when you want to leave. You're there for all eternity and there is no way out. There is no exit. With that, here is Leonard Ravenhill:

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Trouble always seems to follow those who mock Jesus Christ. Consider Kanye West who in 2013 went on stage mocking Jesus Christ and even had an actor appear with him on the stage dressed as a "white Jesus." It was at this point that I believe many people began earnestly praying for Mr. West's salvation (myself included). Since mocking Jesus publicly Mr. West's wife was the victim of a robbery in Paris. He has had trouble with his voice, canceling shows, and most recently was reported to be having a mental breakdown. Add to this the news that his wife announced they were getting a divorce. Things are not going so well for Kanye but when God brings him to his knees it may be yet that he will realize the price he has paid for selling his soul to the devil and repent. Can someone who has sold their soul to the devil repent and become a born again Christian? Yes. Most people who become involved in the occult do it in ignorance and do not realize that Satan doesn't have the right to own anyone's soul because God is the creator of man, not Satan. Satan is a defeated foe and cannot hold someone against their own will if they decide they want out of the occult and to serve Jesus Christ instead. It is a matter of sincere repentance, deciding to surrender completely to Jesus Christ believing on Him alone for salvation and trusting in Christ alone. If you are involved in the occult and have been mocking the name of Jesus Christ - repent today - call upon the LORD for forgiveness and mercy and ask Him to become your Lord and Savior. Don't send yourself to hell! Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved!
You need to watch this video to the very end because the testimony at the 31 minute mark will change some minds here today. The man in the story reminds me of some people on this thread. You better listen to this one.

Second video - A Warning to Mockers:

I don't consider what I've said as mocking God, rather I'm questioning dogma.
You need to watch this video to the very end because the testimony at the 31 minute mark will change some minds here today. The man in the story reminds me of some people on this thread. You better listen to this one.

Second video - A Warning to Mockers:

I don't consider what I've said as mocking God, rather I'm questioning dogma.

I was not suggesting that you did, Konradv. The motive for posting the warning video was to prove to the readers / listeners (of video) that there is ample evidence to prove that those who mock God fall under the judgment of God which often includes the death of someone. It's very serious and should be taken that way. As for Kanye, I want to be accurate in my words and I am not certain of the year in which I began to have a burden on my heart to pray for him but it seems to me that it was about 3-4 years ago and what prompted me was not his mocking Jesus but that every time I saw a photograph of him I saw a very unhappy man and it was heartbreaking to watch someone live in such a state. I still feel a great sorrow for him and pray that he will come to Christ and give his life to him. I have already pictured him as a powerful witness for Christ, full of joy and free in the LORD. I would love to see him experience that freedom and to come to know Christ as his personal Savior. I'm going to keep praying for him until it happens. His mother died years ago and it could be that no one in his own family is praying for him. You never know. I feel that way about many of you. You have no one crying out to God for you to pray for you which is why God put it on my heart to pray for you people years ago and I'm still praying for you. I prayed for you last night. I don't hate any of you. I love you with God's love. If I didn't I would not be here. That's the truth.
You need to watch this video to the very end because the testimony at the 31 minute mark will change some minds here today. The man in the story reminds me of some people on this thread. You better listen to this one.

Second video - A Warning to Mockers:

I don't consider what I've said as mocking God, rather I'm questioning dogma.

I was not suggesting that you did, Konradv. The motive for posting the warning video was to prove to the readers / listeners (of video) that there is ample evidence to prove that those who mock God fall under the judgment of God which often includes the death of someone. It's very serious and should be taken that way. As for Kanye, I want to be accurate in my words and I am not certain of the year in which I began to have a burden on my heart to pray for him but it seems to me that it was about 3-4 years ago and what prompted me was not his mocking Jesus but that every time I saw a photograph of him I saw a very unhappy man and it was heartbreaking to watch someone live in such a state. I still feel a great sorrow for him and pray that he will come to Christ and give his life to him. I have already pictured him as a powerful witness for Christ, full of joy and free in the LORD. I would love to see him experience that freedom and to come to know Christ as his personal Savior. I'm going to keep praying for him until it happens. His mother died years ago and it could be that no one in his own family is praying for him. You never know. I feel that way about many of you. You have no one crying out to God for you to pray for you which is why God put it on my heart to pray for you people years ago and I'm still praying for you. I prayed for you last night. I'm going to keep praying for you until your stiff necks bow down to Jesus Christ and repent! You're breaking my heavenly father's heart! It's motive enough for me to keep praying!
Hell does surpass human imagination.

Society wants everyone to widen his imagination. TV too.

The wider your imagination, the worse hell goes for you.

The higher price we put on life, the more hell we invite.
Hell does surpass human imagination.

Society wants everyone to widen his imagination. TV too.

The wider your imagination, the worse hell goes for you.

The higher price we put on life, the more hell we invite.
Are you really afraid now? Because that's how they want you, so they can manipulate you some more.
The horrors of hell surpass the imagination of man. Hollywood has attempted to depict hell but the real hell is far more devastating, graphic and frightening than what any Hollywood script writer could create in their most vivid, imaginative moment. The best sermons on hell have consistently come from those who walked closest with God, who knew the Scriptures and were enlightened by the Holy Spirit in explaining what hell will be like for all those whose names are not found written in the Lamb's Book of Life. With that, this thread is dedicated to sermons which will enlighten the reader as to what Jesus Christ taught about hell. Jesus taught more on the subject of hell than any other subject with good reason. The consequences of rejecting God's offer of salvation are eternal and without remedy. As Leonard Ravenhill used to say, "There are no exits in hell." We begin with this sermon entitled, "The Horrors of Hell," by Scott Coltrain. KJV Bible verses are quoted. It is broken into 4 parts. I chose Scott Coltrain's teaching because it is forthright, simple to understand and he gets to the point fast. Other sermons will be added later.

The Horrors Of Hell
Summary: Jesus taught more about Hell than He did about Heaven. In fact, for every mention of Heaven, He mentions Hell twice as often. I want to look at four things that Jesus reveals about the horrors of Hell.

Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
Mathew 7:13-14 KJV

King James Version (KJV)

I want to look at four things that Jesus reveals about the horrors of Hell -
One of the clearest pictures Jesus gave of hell was when he described it as a prison. He told a parable about the king’s servant who was sent to jail for wicked behavior (Matt.18:30-34, Rev 3:7) And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth;

Hell is a prison from which no one is released and from which no one can escape. It is a place without hope.
In times past, I have visited folks in prison and corresponded with a couple inmates. Every one of them talks about or writes about his or her hope of getting out soon. The hope of getting out is the only thing that keeps them going.

But for those who have been condemned to hell, they won’t get out. Once they are in, they are in for good. Once they are there, there are no other chances. Hell is a place without hope. When the Lord locks the doors of Hell, they are locked for all time.

Jesus said of himself in Revelation 3:7 ....he that is holy, he that is true..., he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth;

Hell is a prison from which no one is released and from which no one can escape. It is a place without hope.
(to be continued in Part 2 - keep reading)
Sounds nice, see you there.
Hell does surpass human imagination.

Society wants everyone to widen his imagination. TV too.

The wider your imagination, the worse hell goes for you.

The higher price we put on life, the more hell we invite.
Are you really afraid now? Because that's how they want you, so they can manipulate you some more.

No, the manipulation to walk into hell is different. There are many ways of it, here is the most popular.

Step 1: a bully breaks up your spirit which results in you projecting evil.

Step 2: you project your evil onto innocents.

Step 3: those innocents end up in hell because of the evil you projected on them.

Step 4: these innocents in hell cause the world to slip you into hell.

Biography complete.
Hell does surpass human imagination.

Society wants everyone to widen his imagination. TV too.

The wider your imagination, the worse hell goes for you.

The higher price we put on life, the more hell we invite.
Are you really afraid now? Because that's how they want you, so they can manipulate you some more.

No, the manipulation to walk into hell is different. There are many ways of it, here is the most popular.

Step 1: a bully breaks up your spirit which results in you projecting evil.

Step 2: you project your evil onto innocents.

Step 3: those innocents end up in hell because of the evil you projected on them.

Step 4: these innocents in hell cause the world to slip you into hell.

Biography complete.
You're being manipulated to believe that nonsense. Time to wake up.
Hell does surpass human imagination.

Society wants everyone to widen his imagination. TV too.

The wider your imagination, the worse hell goes for you.

The higher price we put on life, the more hell we invite.
Are you really afraid now? Because that's how they want you, so they can manipulate you some more.

No, the manipulation to walk into hell is different. There are many ways of it, here is the most popular.

Step 1: a bully breaks up your spirit which results in you projecting evil.

Step 2: you project your evil onto innocents.

Step 3: those innocents end up in hell because of the evil you projected on them.

Step 4: these innocents in hell cause the world to slip you into hell.

Biography complete.
You're being manipulated to believe that nonsense. Time to wake up.

The eternity part of the hell would indicate that this is not manipulation, I think. This is because during eternity, everything adds up to a 100 % chance to happen.

So the only way to avoid that is to not meet those people ever. But that is not possible.

It works like the force of gravity. To want to check the horrors of he'll causes you to drift to it. To not want and avoid the horrors of hell causes you to drift to it the same way. Avoidance causes rebounce.
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If you are involved in the occult and have been mocking the name of Jesus Christ - repent today -

The occult does not involve the mocking of Jesus. It is the practical use of psychic powers to learn the real truth about the afterlife. For myself I am not even sure Jesus existed, but the spirit guides say he did, and he is a great master soul. They also say this of the Buddha.
Cool scary pictures!

Didn't 'god' flood the entire Earth and kill all living things a while back, saving only one family who then had to have sex with each other one would guess, a while back? And soon after it all went back to being just as it was before the flood?

You'd think a 'god' would have seen this coming and not murdered all those men, women, and children in the first place.

Ah but scary pictures!

Yeah, that's very confusing. We're supposedly all descendent from Adam, Eve and Eve's activities with her two sons. But, god's tantrum caused the entire plant to drown - well, except for Asians, who didn't believe in that particular god and so just kept on making discoveries and inventions.

Does anyone know why did god pick a lazy drunk to repopulate the world?

And about the scary pics of hell ... Are blacks the only ones who get beds in a dorm setting?

Sent from my iPad using
Hell does surpass human imagination.

Society wants everyone to widen his imagination. TV too.

The wider your imagination, the worse hell goes for you.

The higher price we put on life, the more hell we invite.
Are you really afraid now? Because that's how they want you, so they can manipulate you some more.

No, the manipulation to walk into hell is different. There are many ways of it, here is the most popular.

Step 1: a bully breaks up your spirit which results in you projecting evil.

Step 2: you project your evil onto innocents.

Step 3: those innocents end up in hell because of the evil you projected on them.

Step 4: these innocents in hell cause the world to slip you into hell.

Biography complete.
You're being manipulated to believe that nonsense. Time to wake up.

The eternity part of the hell would indicate that this is not manipulation, I think. This is because during eternity, everything adds up to a 100 % chance to happen.

So the only way to avoid that is to not meet those people ever. But that is not possible.

It works like the force of gravity. To want to check the horrors of he'll causes you to drift to it. To not want and avoid the horrors of hell causes you to drift to it the same way. Avoidance causes rebounce.
Did you make all this shit up?
Hell does surpass human imagination.

Society wants everyone to widen his imagination. TV too.

The wider your imagination, the worse hell goes for you.

The higher price we put on life, the more hell we invite.
Are you really afraid now? Because that's how they want you, so they can manipulate you some more.

No, the manipulation to walk into hell is different. There are many ways of it, here is the most popular.

Step 1: a bully breaks up your spirit which results in you projecting evil.

Step 2: you project your evil onto innocents.

Step 3: those innocents end up in hell because of the evil you projected on them.

Step 4: these innocents in hell cause the world to slip you into hell.

Biography complete.
You're being manipulated to believe that nonsense. Time to wake up.

The eternity part of the hell would indicate that this is not manipulation, I think. This is because during eternity, everything adds up to a 100 % chance to happen.

So the only way to avoid that is to not meet those people ever. But that is not possible.

It works like the force of gravity. To want to check the horrors of he'll causes you to drift to it. To not want and avoid the horrors of hell causes you to drift to it the same way. Avoidance causes rebounce.
Did you make all this shit up?

Did you use the word shit? It is satans favorite word. I try to avoid it. It makes us all shitty.
Are you really afraid now? Because that's how they want you, so they can manipulate you some more.

No, the manipulation to walk into hell is different. There are many ways of it, here is the most popular.

Step 1: a bully breaks up your spirit which results in you projecting evil.

Step 2: you project your evil onto innocents.

Step 3: those innocents end up in hell because of the evil you projected on them.

Step 4: these innocents in hell cause the world to slip you into hell.

Biography complete.
You're being manipulated to believe that nonsense. Time to wake up.

The eternity part of the hell would indicate that this is not manipulation, I think. This is because during eternity, everything adds up to a 100 % chance to happen.

So the only way to avoid that is to not meet those people ever. But that is not possible.

It works like the force of gravity. To want to check the horrors of he'll causes you to drift to it. To not want and avoid the horrors of hell causes you to drift to it the same way. Avoidance causes rebounce.
Did you make all this shit up?

Did you use the word shit? It is satans favorite word. I try to avoid it. It makes us all shitty.
The devil is a made up dude. Relax.
No, the manipulation to walk into hell is different. There are many ways of it, here is the most popular.

Step 1: a bully breaks up your spirit which results in you projecting evil.

Step 2: you project your evil onto innocents.

Step 3: those innocents end up in hell because of the evil you projected on them.

Step 4: these innocents in hell cause the world to slip you into hell.

Biography complete.
You're being manipulated to believe that nonsense. Time to wake up.

The eternity part of the hell would indicate that this is not manipulation, I think. This is because during eternity, everything adds up to a 100 % chance to happen.

So the only way to avoid that is to not meet those people ever. But that is not possible.

It works like the force of gravity. To want to check the horrors of he'll causes you to drift to it. To not want and avoid the horrors of hell causes you to drift to it the same way. Avoidance causes rebounce.
Did you make all this shit up?

Did you use the word shit? It is satans favorite word. I try to avoid it. It makes us all shitty.
The devil is a made up dude. Relax.

If the devil is a made up, then there is no time dimension in the universe because there is no decay.

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