The Horrors of Hell

But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. -Revelation 21:8


Christ asked two things of us. To love our father and each other. Nothing immoral about it.

The thread is about Hell. You leave out the good part. If you don't love your father he sends you to unimaginable torture, pain, and misery forever. But he loves you.

And I'm not picking on only Christianity, almost all religions have something absolutely backwards that makes no sense to anyone beyond 6th grade.
I find it hard to believe in a supposedly loving God who would create imperfect beings and then punish them eternally for being imperfect.
The reason it is so hard to believe is because nothing could be farther than the truth.
Hell was created for fallen angels, not humans. And then to make sure that humans didn't end up there, God became man, suffered and died to take away anything that might send you to hell, then offered it to us as a gift of his love. What more do you require?
We can supposedly end up there for eternity, despite being created imperfect. Sounds like a rigged game to me.

Christ asked two things of us. To love our father and each other. Nothing immoral about it.

The thread is about Hell. You leave out the good part. If you don't love your father he sends you to unimaginable torture, pain, and misery forever. But he loves you.

And I'm not picking on only Christianity, almost all religions have something absolutely backwards that makes no sense to anyone beyond 6th grade.

He doesn't send you anywhere. Your destination is your responsibility.
God's plan was a beautiful garden, no thorns, no death, no disease, no pain in childbirth. A veritable garden of Eden. Your beef is with Adam, not God. Adam handed the dominion of this earth and our eternal souls over to Satan.
So God counter punched. He devised a plan to rid mankind of the only thing that could separate us from Him, sin, and gifted that redemption to us. He paid our death sentence.

If a physician came to you and said, "You have a disease that is going to kill you, but I have the cure." and you refused the cure, is it the physicians fault that you died? Nor is it your Father's. He loves you enough to be tortured to death for you. He redeemed your soul for you. Satan is your enemy, not your Father. God will forgive anything you do. All you have to do is ask. Just ask.
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Christ asked two things of us. To love our father and each other. Nothing immoral about it.

The thread is about Hell. You leave out the good part. If you don't love your father he sends you to unimaginable torture, pain, and misery forever. But he loves you.

And I'm not picking on only Christianity, almost all religions have something absolutely backwards that makes no sense to anyone beyond 6th grade.

He doesn't send you anywhere. Your destination is your responsibility.
God's plan was a beautiful garden, no thorns, no death, no disease, no pain in childbirth. A veritable garden of Eden. Your beef is with Adam, not God. Adam handed the dominion of this earth and our eternal souls over to Satan.
So God counter punched. He devised a plan to rid mankind of the very thing that could separate us from Him, and gifted it to us free of charge.

If a physician came to you and said, "You have a disease that is going to kill you, but I have the cure". and you refused the cure, is it the physicians fault that you died? Nor is it Your Father's. He loves you enough to be tortured to death for you. He redeemed your soul for you. Satan is your enemy, not your Father. God will forgive anything you do. All you have to do is ask. Just ask.
My beef is with a mythical character? You do realize there were no Adam and Eve, don't you?

Christ asked two things of us. To love our father and each other. Nothing immoral about it.

The thread is about Hell. You leave out the good part. If you don't love your father he sends you to unimaginable torture, pain, and misery forever. But he loves you.

And I'm not picking on only Christianity, almost all religions have something absolutely backwards that makes no sense to anyone beyond 6th grade.

He doesn't send you anywhere. Your destination is your responsibility.
God's plan was a beautiful garden, no thorns, no death, no disease, no pain in childbirth. A veritable garden of Eden. Your beef is with Adam, not God. Adam handed the dominion of this earth and our eternal souls over to Satan.
So God counter punched. He devised a plan to rid mankind of the very thing that could separate us from Him, and gifted it to us free of charge.

If a physician came to you and said, "You have a disease that is going to kill you, but I have the cure". and you refused the cure, is it the physicians fault that you died? Nor is it Your Father's. He loves you enough to be tortured to death for you. He redeemed your soul for you. Satan is your enemy, not your Father. God will forgive anything you do. All you have to do is ask. Just ask.
My beef is with a mythical character? You do realize there were no Adam and Eve, don't you?

Mythical figures don't predict future events. Neither can humans unless directed by someone outside of our dimensions. A being from another dimension is capable of it though. And has.

Christ asked two things of us. To love our father and each other. Nothing immoral about it.

The thread is about Hell. You leave out the good part. If you don't love your father he sends you to unimaginable torture, pain, and misery forever. But he loves you.

And I'm not picking on only Christianity, almost all religions have something absolutely backwards that makes no sense to anyone beyond 6th grade.

He doesn't send you anywhere. Your destination is your responsibility.
God's plan was a beautiful garden, no thorns, no death, no disease, no pain in childbirth. A veritable garden of Eden. Your beef is with Adam, not God. Adam handed the dominion of this earth and our eternal souls over to Satan.
So God counter punched. He devised a plan to rid mankind of the only thing that could separate us from Him, sin, and gifted that redemption to us. He paid our death sentence.

If a physician came to you and said, "You have a disease that is going to kill you, but I have the cure." and you refused the cure, is it the physicians fault that you died? Nor is it your Father's. He loves you enough to be tortured to death for you. He redeemed your soul for you. Satan is your enemy, not your Father. God will forgive anything you do. All you have to do is ask. Just ask.

You aren't responsible if your neighbor steals a loaf of bread but all of humanity is forever responsible for one dumbass that was hungry? Where were the loaves and fishes then?

The whole thing is so ludicrous as are all religions. Stories and myths that served a real purpose before humans understood where floods, volcanoes, and lightning came from that killed them on a regular basis. We don't need these myths anymore, that's all.
You need to watch this video to the very end because the testimony at the 31 minute mark will change some minds here today. The man in the story reminds me of some people on this thread. You better listen to this one.

Second video - A Warning to Mockers:

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The horrors of hell surpass the imagination of man. Hollywood has attempted to depict hell but the real hell is far more devastating, graphic and frightening than what any Hollywood script writer could create in their most vivid, imaginative moment. The best sermons on hell have consistently come from those who walked closest with God, who knew the Scriptures and were enlightened by the Holy Spirit in explaining what hell will be like for all those whose names are not found written in the Lamb's Book of Life. With that, this thread is dedicated to sermons which will enlighten the reader as to what Jesus Christ taught about hell. Jesus taught more on the subject of hell than any other subject with good reason. The consequences of rejecting God's offer of salvation are eternal and without remedy. As Leonard Ravenhill used to say, "There are no exits in hell." We begin with this sermon entitled, "The Horrors of Hell," by Scott Coltrain. KJV Bible verses are quoted. It is broken into 4 parts. I chose Scott Coltrain's teaching because it is forthright, simple to understand and he gets to the point fast. Other sermons will be added later.

The Horrors Of Hell
Summary: Jesus taught more about Hell than He did about Heaven. In fact, for every mention of Heaven, He mentions Hell twice as often. I want to look at four things that Jesus reveals about the horrors of Hell.

Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
Mathew 7:13-14 KJV

King James Version (KJV)

I want to look at four things that Jesus reveals about the horrors of Hell -
One of the clearest pictures Jesus gave of hell was when he described it as a prison. He told a parable about the king’s servant who was sent to jail for wicked behavior (Matt.18:30-34, Rev 3:7) And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth;

Hell is a prison from which no one is released and from which no one can escape. It is a place without hope.
In times past, I have visited folks in prison and corresponded with a couple inmates. Every one of them talks about or writes about his or her hope of getting out soon. The hope of getting out is the only thing that keeps them going.

But for those who have been condemned to hell, they won’t get out. Once they are in, they are in for good. Once they are there, there are no other chances. Hell is a place without hope. When the Lord locks the doors of Hell, they are locked for all time.

Jesus said of himself in Revelation 3:7 ....he that is holy, he that is true..., he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth;

Hell is a prison from which no one is released and from which no one can escape. It is a place without hope.
(to be continued in Part 2 - keep reading)
The movie with Keanu Reeves called "Constantine" had pretty good scenes of Hell in it with demons lurking everywhere like giant ants.
I find it hard to believe in a supposedly loving God who would create imperfect beings and then punish them eternally for being imperfect.

I walked out of a bible class when I was sixteen, because I discovered everyone there believed in hellfire.
I then spent several decades looking for the truth elsewhere. The occult teaches there is no lasting hell.
Being sent back to earth to try again as a lower form of life, seems to make more sense.

The spirit guides I have listened to say we do not reincarnate as animals, nor do animals incarnate as humans.
Each species evolves to perfection in its own right over many incarnations.
I am with Robert Ingersoll on hell..

I cannot believe that there is any being in this universe who has created a human soul for eternal pain. I would rather that every god would destroy himself; I would rather that we all should go to eternal chaos, to black and starless night, than that just one soul should suffer eternal agony.
Robert G. Ingersoll (1833-99):
I find it hard to believe in a supposedly loving God who would create imperfect beings and then punish them eternally for being imperfect.

I'm a Christian and I am skeptical that anyone goes to Hell and stays there.
Being sent back to earth to try again as a lower form of life, seems to make more sense.

The spirit guides I have listened to say we do not reincarnate as animals, nor do animals incarnate as humans.
Each species evolves to perfection in its own right over many incarnations.

Perhaps your spirit guides are demonic.
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It won't take one hour, Erwin. Less than 1 minute is more like it.

Nobody could endure burning even for a minute, let alone for eternity. But after a few years of screaming you would probably realize its better to keep your mouth shut to stop the fire burning your throat. Then one day you would probably find yourself thinking about something other than burning, and in that moment you would realize you could mentally overcome burning by concentrating on other things.
After doing this for a while you would develop such mental powers so that hell had no more fear for you.
Then you would join the devils army to fight the evil monster that is God. Ultimately God may create so many enemies for himself that it would be impossible to contain them and they would overrun heaven and drag all the self righteous saved souls down into the fire to give them a taste of it. So don't get too comfortable in heaven, it may not last.

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