The Horrors of Hell

I find it hard to believe in a supposedly loving God who would create imperfect beings and then punish them eternally for being imperfect.

The reason it is so hard to believe is because nothing could be farther than the truth.
Hell was created for fallen angels, not humans. And then to make sure that humans didn't end up there, God became man, suffered and died to take away anything that might send you to hell, then offered it to us as a gift of his love. What more do you require?

'died'. 'God' knew ahead of time he would resurrect Jesus and he wouldn't be dead at all. Not quite a real sacrifice is it? Yet he seems quite content with watching 6 million men women and children herded into gas chambers to die horrible real deaths.

There is just too much that no thinking person could square up. If 'god', any 'god', is all knowing then he/she knows before you are created whether you will go to hell or not. He already knows who is going to hell, and he creates them anyway.

'da fuq?

Well, for starters, let some one beat you nearly to death and then nail you to a tree for something that someone else did, and let me know if that attitude changes.
But you overlooked the most important part. He hung on that cross for 3 hours while man judged Him. The next three hours of judgment were at the hand of God. When He was done even the Roman officers realized that they had just killed the Son of God.
God, the Judge,carried out the sentence that was due us . It is what Christ volunteered to do and what stopped Satan from waltzing off with our souls. Justice was served. That allowed our Father to go back to his role as forgiving Father that loves us in spite of ourselves.

"Beware the Jabberwock, my son!
The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!
Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun
The frumious Bandersnatch!"

He took his vorpal sword in hand:
Long time the manxome foe he sought --
So rested he by the Tumtum tree,
And stood awhile in thought.

And, as in uffish thought he stood,
The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame,
Came whiffling through the tulgey wood,
And burbled as it came!

One, two! One, two! And through and through
The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!
He left it dead, and with its head
He went galumphing back.

"And, has thou slain the Jabberwock?
Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!'
He chortled in his joy.
those people had no clue how the natural world worked. They just knew it liked to kill them.

There is one that is not like the other. One that continually imparts grace < favor we don't deserve, on His children. He wrote 1/4 of His book in future predictions so you would understand His dimensions and the science behind them, and who He is. Myths are born after the fact. For instance, Ragnar Lothbrok lived. His legend came later.
What God told us thousands of years ago is relevant today. His "myths" continue to be a matter of fact. Case in point:
Bible readers already knew that there are unlimited dimensions from reading the Bible. Hawking relied on self, and just figured it out. Others are also starting to figure it out, piece by scientific piece.
Bible readers even know the properties of dimensions. Hawking doesn't yet. You don't. Because you have dismissed as myth, what others know know is fact. Yes, Christ COULD appear and disappear at will. That's because of dimension #6.

Ask the American Indians if there were nephilim. Giants with extra digits and nasty dispositions. Goliath is a myth to you. The Mayans were not a myth to the American Indians. When our Indians met a stranger, they would hold their hand up to show there were no extra digits.

We have a Father who will forgive us anything if we ask. So ask. Get to know Him one on one. He is the one who said He would get you through it and then reward you when it's done. Lean on Him.
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those people had no clue how the natural world worked. They just knew it liked to kill them.

There is one that is not like the other. One that continually imparts grace < favor we don't deserve, on His children. He wrote 1/4 of His book in future predictions so you would understand His dimensions and the science behind them, and who He is. Myths are born after the fact. For instance, Ragnar Lothbrok lived. His legend came later.
What God told us thousands of years ago is relevant today. His "myths" continue to be a matter of fact. Case in point:
Bible readers already knew that there are unlimited dimensions from reading the Bible. Hawking relied on self, and just figured it out. Others are also starting to figure it out, piece by scientific piece.
Bible readers even know the properties of dimensions. Hawking doesn't yet. You don't. Because you have dismissed as myth, what others know know is fact. Yes, Christ COULD appear and disappear at will. That's because of dimension #6.

Ask the American Indians if there were nephilim. Giants with extra digits and nasty dispositions. Goliath is a myth to you. The Mayans were not a myth to the American Indians. When our Indians met a stranger, they would hold their hand up to show there were no extra digits.

We have a Father who will forgive us anything if we ask. So ask. Get to know Him one on one. He is the one who said He would get you through it. Lean on Him.

You sound as a witch doctor trying to explain the significance to how the bones fell on the last toss.

Psalms:82:6: I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.

Isa:41:23: Shew the things that are to come hereafter, that we may know that ye are gods: yea, do good, or do evil, that we may be dismayed, and behold it together.

Joh:10:34: Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?

1Co:6:19: What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?
You err concerning these scriptures Look !
Psalm 82King James Version (KJV)

82 God standeth in the congregation of the mighty; he judgeth among the gods.

2 How long will ye judge unjustly, and accept the persons of the wicked? Selah.

3 Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy.

4 Deliver the poor and needy: rid them out of the hand of the wicked.

5 They know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness: all the foundations of the earth are out of course.

6 I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.

7 But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes.

8 Arise, O God, judge the earth: for thou shalt inherit all nations.

King James Version (KJV)
Public Domain
those people had no clue how the natural world worked. They just knew it liked to kill them.

There is one that is not like the other. One that continually imparts grace < favor we don't deserve, on His children. He wrote 1/4 of His book in future predictions so you would understand His dimensions and the science behind them, and who He is. Myths are born after the fact. For instance, Ragnar Lothbrok lived. His legend came later.
What God told us thousands of years ago is relevant today. His "myths" continue to be a matter of fact. Case in point:
Bible readers already knew that there are unlimited dimensions from reading the Bible. Hawking relied on self, and just figured it out. Others are also starting to figure it out, piece by scientific piece.
Bible readers even know the properties of dimensions. Hawking doesn't yet. You don't. Because you have dismissed as myth, what others know know is fact. Yes, Christ COULD appear and disappear at will. That's because of dimension #6.

Ask the American Indians if there were nephilim. Giants with extra digits and nasty dispositions. Goliath is a myth to you. The Mayans were not a myth to the American Indians. When our Indians met a stranger, they would hold their hand up to show there were no extra digits.

We have a Father who will forgive us anything if we ask. So ask. Get to know Him one on one. He is the one who said He would get you through it. Lean on Him.

You sound as a witch doctor trying to explain the significance to how the bones fell on the last toss.

Your Isaac Newton moniker and avi irony isn't lost on me. I take it Newton's cerebral ability impresses you, as well it should.
Ironic because Newton, biblical scholar that he was, was one of the first to start unraveling the Bible Code. THAT was his life's work. The Bible. Science and chemistry were secondary to his Bible acumen. You should emulate him. He was a brilliant man.
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those people had no clue how the natural world worked. They just knew it liked to kill them.

There is one that is not like the other. One that continually imparts grace < favor we don't deserve, on His children. He wrote 1/4 of His book in future predictions so you would understand His dimensions and the science behind them, and who He is. Myths are born after the fact. For instance, Ragnar Lothbrok lived. His legend came later.
What God told us thousands of years ago is relevant today. His "myths" continue to be a matter of fact. Case in point:
Bible readers already knew that there are unlimited dimensions from reading the Bible. Hawking relied on self, and just figured it out. Others are also starting to figure it out, piece by scientific piece.
Bible readers even know the properties of dimensions. Hawking doesn't yet. You don't. Because you have dismissed as myth, what others know know is fact. Yes, Christ COULD appear and disappear at will. That's because of dimension #6.

Ask the American Indians if there were nephilim. Giants with extra digits and nasty dispositions. Goliath is a myth to you. The Mayans were not a myth to the American Indians. When our Indians met a stranger, they would hold their hand up to show there were no extra digits.

We have a Father who will forgive us anything if we ask. So ask. Get to know Him one on one. He is the one who said He would get you through it. Lean on Him.

You sound as a witch doctor trying to explain the significance to how the bones fell on the last toss.

Your Isaac Newton moniker and avi irony isn't lost on me. I take it Newton's cerebral ability impresses you, as well it should.
Ironic because Newton, biblical scholar that he was, was one of the first to start unraveling the Bible Code. THAT was his life's work. The Bible. Science and chemistry were secondary to his Bible acumen. You should emulate him. He was a brilliant man.

Yeah I know religious people cling to false memes like this, just as they cling to the fake memes that the founders were all Christians.

Whatever makes you feel good.
Newton would be disappointed in your post. Ignorance is so unbecoming to the learned.

Observations Upon the Prophecies of Daniel and the Apocalypse of St. John
By Sir Isaac Newton (1733)

It is a book of his work, not a meme, and not surprised at all you didn't recognize it. Same pic you use and everything.... Anyway you should expand your knowledge by acquiring his. Oh, and don't overlook his work on Solomon's Temple. It is excellent.
Good thing he didn't limit his expertise. Stop limiting yours. Your own guy guts the hell out of your myth theory. You don't even know the man whose name you took.
So, let me ask you, you little Newton worshiper, was Newton way off base, or are you? :desk:

Stop rejecting education. If you value Newton's opinion, and it seems you do, then listen to what he is telling you. Science and the Bible are one. Newton never doubted it for a minute. What his mind did, was understand it.
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The horrors of hell surpass the imagination of man. Hollywood has attempted to depict hell but the real hell is far more devastating, graphic and frightening than what any Hollywood script writer could create in their most vivid, imaginative moment. The best sermons on hell have consistently come from those who walked closest with God, who knew the Scriptures and were enlightened by the Holy Spirit in explaining what hell will be like for all those whose names are not found written in the Lamb's Book of Life. With that, this thread is dedicated to sermons which will enlighten the reader as to what Jesus Christ taught about hell. Jesus taught more on the subject of hell than any other subject with good reason. The consequences of rejecting God's offer of salvation are eternal and without remedy. As Leonard Ravenhill used to say, "There are no exits in hell." We begin with this sermon entitled, "The Horrors of Hell," by Scott Coltrain. KJV Bible verses are quoted. It is broken into 4 parts. I chose Scott Coltrain's teaching because it is forthright, simple to understand and he gets to the point fast. Other sermons will be added later.

The Horrors Of Hell
Summary: Jesus taught more about Hell than He did about Heaven. In fact, for every mention of Heaven, He mentions Hell twice as often. I want to look at four things that Jesus reveals about the horrors of Hell.

Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
Mathew 7:13-14 KJV

King James Version (KJV)

I want to look at four things that Jesus reveals about the horrors of Hell -
One of the clearest pictures Jesus gave of hell was when he described it as a prison. He told a parable about the king’s servant who was sent to jail for wicked behavior (Matt.18:30-34, Rev 3:7) And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth;

Hell is a prison from which no one is released and from which no one can escape. It is a place without hope.
In times past, I have visited folks in prison and corresponded with a couple inmates. Every one of them talks about or writes about his or her hope of getting out soon. The hope of getting out is the only thing that keeps them going.

But for those who have been condemned to hell, they won’t get out. Once they are in, they are in for good. Once they are there, there are no other chances. Hell is a place without hope. When the Lord locks the doors of Hell, they are locked for all time.

Jesus said of himself in Revelation 3:7 ....he that is holy, he that is true..., he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth;

Hell is a prison from which no one is released and from which no one can escape. It is a place without hope.
(to be continued in Part 2 - keep reading)
On Judgement day, those who are heading to hell will have to be physically thrown into it. It is such a horrible place that they will go, kicking and screaming. Not sure what the original word for it is. But it involves the use of great physical force.
The horrors of hell surpass the imagination of man. Hollywood has attempted to depict hell but the real hell is far more devastating, graphic and frightening than what any Hollywood script writer could create in their most vivid, imaginative moment. The best sermons on hell have consistently come from those who walked closest with God, who knew the Scriptures and were enlightened by the Holy Spirit in explaining what hell will be like for all those whose names are not found written in the Lamb's Book of Life. With that, this thread is dedicated to sermons which will enlighten the reader as to what Jesus Christ taught about hell. Jesus taught more on the subject of hell than any other subject with good reason. The consequences of rejecting God's offer of salvation are eternal and without remedy. As Leonard Ravenhill used to say, "There are no exits in hell." We begin with this sermon entitled, "The Horrors of Hell," by Scott Coltrain. KJV Bible verses are quoted. It is broken into 4 parts. I chose Scott Coltrain's teaching because it is forthright, simple to understand and he gets to the point fast. Other sermons will be added later.

The Horrors Of Hell
Summary: Jesus taught more about Hell than He did about Heaven. In fact, for every mention of Heaven, He mentions Hell twice as often. I want to look at four things that Jesus reveals about the horrors of Hell.

Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
Mathew 7:13-14 KJV

King James Version (KJV)

I want to look at four things that Jesus reveals about the horrors of Hell -
One of the clearest pictures Jesus gave of hell was when he described it as a prison. He told a parable about the king’s servant who was sent to jail for wicked behavior (Matt.18:30-34, Rev 3:7) And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth;

Hell is a prison from which no one is released and from which no one can escape. It is a place without hope.
In times past, I have visited folks in prison and corresponded with a couple inmates. Every one of them talks about or writes about his or her hope of getting out soon. The hope of getting out is the only thing that keeps them going.

But for those who have been condemned to hell, they won’t get out. Once they are in, they are in for good. Once they are there, there are no other chances. Hell is a place without hope. When the Lord locks the doors of Hell, they are locked for all time.

Jesus said of himself in Revelation 3:7 ....he that is holy, he that is true..., he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth;

Hell is a prison from which no one is released and from which no one can escape. It is a place without hope.
(to be continued in Part 2 - keep reading)
On Judgement day, those who are heading to hell will have to be physically thrown into it. It is such a horrible place that they will go, kicking and screaming. Not sure what the original word for it is. But it involves the use of great physical force.
The horrors of hell surpass the imagination of man. Hollywood has attempted to depict hell but the real hell is far more devastating, graphic and frightening than what any Hollywood script writer could create in their most vivid, imaginative moment. The best sermons on hell have consistently come from those who walked closest with God, who knew the Scriptures and were enlightened by the Holy Spirit in explaining what hell will be like for all those whose names are not found written in the Lamb's Book of Life. With that, this thread is dedicated to sermons which will enlighten the reader as to what Jesus Christ taught about hell. Jesus taught more on the subject of hell than any other subject with good reason. The consequences of rejecting God's offer of salvation are eternal and without remedy. As Leonard Ravenhill used to say, "There are no exits in hell." We begin with this sermon entitled, "The Horrors of Hell," by Scott Coltrain. KJV Bible verses are quoted. It is broken into 4 parts. I chose Scott Coltrain's teaching because it is forthright, simple to understand and he gets to the point fast. Other sermons will be added later.

The Horrors Of Hell
Summary: Jesus taught more about Hell than He did about Heaven. In fact, for every mention of Heaven, He mentions Hell twice as often. I want to look at four things that Jesus reveals about the horrors of Hell.

Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
Mathew 7:13-14 KJV

King James Version (KJV)

I want to look at four things that Jesus reveals about the horrors of Hell -
One of the clearest pictures Jesus gave of hell was when he described it as a prison. He told a parable about the king’s servant who was sent to jail for wicked behavior (Matt.18:30-34, Rev 3:7) And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth;

Hell is a prison from which no one is released and from which no one can escape. It is a place without hope.
In times past, I have visited folks in prison and corresponded with a couple inmates. Every one of them talks about or writes about his or her hope of getting out soon. The hope of getting out is the only thing that keeps them going.

But for those who have been condemned to hell, they won’t get out. Once they are in, they are in for good. Once they are there, there are no other chances. Hell is a place without hope. When the Lord locks the doors of Hell, they are locked for all time.

Jesus said of himself in Revelation 3:7 ....he that is holy, he that is true..., he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth;

Hell is a prison from which no one is released and from which no one can escape. It is a place without hope.
(to be continued in Part 2 - keep reading)
On Judgement day, those who are heading to hell will have to be physically thrown into it. It is such a horrible place that they will go, kicking and screaming. Not sure what the original word for it is. But it involves the use of great physical force.

Thats silly. Gods judgments have been revealed from the beginning. Do this and you will live, do that and you will surely die.

What you think of as some future judgement day is a time of revelation, an awakening to and a reckoning with that which already is.. That is what is meant by the verse that says that judgement day will come upon the world like a trap.

Some will awaken to eternal life, some will awaken to the shame of eternal abhorrence.

When Jesus appeared the first time many people were freed from the captivity of hell, healed, and rejoiced upon hearing his teaching, his revelation, while others were insulted, enraged, and plunged into confusion, (kicking and screaming) exactly like many dedicated believers here react when confronted with truth...

Conscience, not something physical, is that great inescapable force. Like tefillin, whatever you think you wear like an ornament on your forehead that binds whatever you do like a strap leaving an indelible mark on your hand.

"Many shall be purified and refined, making their robes shining white, but the wicked will continue in wickedness and none of them shall understand."
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The horrors of hell surpass the imagination of man. Hollywood has attempted to depict hell but the real hell is far more devastating, graphic and frightening than what any Hollywood script writer could create in their most vivid, imaginative moment. The best sermons on hell have consistently come from those who walked closest with God, who knew the Scriptures and were enlightened by the Holy Spirit in explaining what hell will be like for all those whose names are not found written in the Lamb's Book of Life. With that, this thread is dedicated to sermons which will enlighten the reader as to what Jesus Christ taught about hell. Jesus taught more on the subject of hell than any other subject with good reason. The consequences of rejecting God's offer of salvation are eternal and without remedy. As Leonard Ravenhill used to say, "There are no exits in hell." We begin with this sermon entitled, "The Horrors of Hell," by Scott Coltrain. KJV Bible verses are quoted. It is broken into 4 parts. I chose Scott Coltrain's teaching because it is forthright, simple to understand and he gets to the point fast. Other sermons will be added later.

The Horrors Of Hell
Summary: Jesus taught more about Hell than He did about Heaven. In fact, for every mention of Heaven, He mentions Hell twice as often. I want to look at four things that Jesus reveals about the horrors of Hell.

Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
Mathew 7:13-14 KJV

King James Version (KJV)

I want to look at four things that Jesus reveals about the horrors of Hell -
One of the clearest pictures Jesus gave of hell was when he described it as a prison. He told a parable about the king’s servant who was sent to jail for wicked behavior (Matt.18:30-34, Rev 3:7) And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth;

Hell is a prison from which no one is released and from which no one can escape. It is a place without hope.
In times past, I have visited folks in prison and corresponded with a couple inmates. Every one of them talks about or writes about his or her hope of getting out soon. The hope of getting out is the only thing that keeps them going.

But for those who have been condemned to hell, they won’t get out. Once they are in, they are in for good. Once they are there, there are no other chances. Hell is a place without hope. When the Lord locks the doors of Hell, they are locked for all time.

Jesus said of himself in Revelation 3:7 ....he that is holy, he that is true..., he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth;

Hell is a prison from which no one is released and from which no one can escape. It is a place without hope.
(to be continued in Part 2 - keep reading)
On Judgement day, those who are heading to hell will have to be physically thrown into it. It is such a horrible place that they will go, kicking and screaming. Not sure what the original word for it is. But it involves the use of great physical force.

Sounds like you have been there.
those people had no clue how the natural world worked. They just knew it liked to kill them.

There is one that is not like the other. One that continually imparts grace < favor we don't deserve, on His children. He wrote 1/4 of His book in future predictions so you would understand His dimensions and the science behind them, and who He is. Myths are born after the fact. For instance, Ragnar Lothbrok lived. His legend came later.
What God told us thousands of years ago is relevant today. His "myths" continue to be a matter of fact. Case in point:
Bible readers already knew that there are unlimited dimensions from reading the Bible. Hawking relied on self, and just figured it out. Others are also starting to figure it out, piece by scientific piece.
Bible readers even know the properties of dimensions. Hawking doesn't yet. You don't. Because you have dismissed as myth, what others know know is fact. Yes, Christ COULD appear and disappear at will. That's because of dimension #6.

Ask the American Indians if there were nephilim. Giants with extra digits and nasty dispositions. Goliath is a myth to you. The Mayans were not a myth to the American Indians. When our Indians met a stranger, they would hold their hand up to show there were no extra digits.

We have a Father who will forgive us anything if we ask. So ask. Get to know Him one on one. He is the one who said He would get you through it and then reward you when it's done. Lean on Him.

those people had no clue how the natural world worked. They just knew it liked to kill them.

There is one that is not like the other. One that continually imparts grace < favor we don't deserve, on His children. He wrote 1/4 of His book in future predictions so you would understand His dimensions and the science behind them, and who He is. Myths are born after the fact. For instance, Ragnar Lothbrok lived. His legend came later.
What God told us thousands of years ago is relevant today. His "myths" continue to be a matter of fact. Case in point:
Bible readers already knew that there are unlimited dimensions from reading the Bible. Hawking relied on self, and just figured it out. Others are also starting to figure it out, piece by scientific piece.
Bible readers even know the properties of dimensions. Hawking doesn't yet. You don't. Because you have dismissed as myth, what others know know is fact. Yes, Christ COULD appear and disappear at will. That's because of dimension #6.

Ask the American Indians if there were nephilim. Giants with extra digits and nasty dispositions. Goliath is a myth to you. The Mayans were not a myth to the American Indians. When our Indians met a stranger, they would hold their hand up to show there were no extra digits.

We have a Father who will forgive us anything if we ask. So ask. Get to know Him one on one. He is the one who said He would get you through it and then reward you when it's done. Lean on Him.

Let your unsaved friends know they don’t need self-esteem to be Christians. In fact, self-esteem is a barrier to salvation. Christians don’t think positively about ourselves, for our faith teaches that we are miserable beings, born into sin. Every one of us is so despicable that we deserve to burn in flames forever. It is only by the grace of God that we will wind up in Heaven—we have certainly done nothing to deserve to be there. Christians take no pride in anything we accomplish on Earth, for worldly accomplishments are evil (1 John 2:16; 1 Timothy 3:6). True Christians®, like many psychiatric outpatients, think of ourselves as totally undeserving, wretched beings, who are lucky God has decided to spare us. In other words, one needn’t seek psychiatric help and eliminate feelings of self-doubt and worthlessness to be a Christian. Those emotions are the essence of our faith and a key to our salvation.

Let your unsaved friends know, as Christians, they won’t have to worry about or deal with their problems. Are they poverty-stricken? Illiterate? In ill health? In an abusive relationship? Secular thought would have them seek education, job training, a healthier lifestyle and divorce to overcome these problems. But True Christians® know better. We tell them they shouldn’t be ashamed of their plight at all. In fact, they should be proud to be disenfranchised. After all, the meek, the poor, the hungry and the persecuted are blessed (Matthew 5:3-6). They will be rewarded in Heaven for their suffering on Earth. Become a Christian and you will no longer feel compelled to cope or deal with your mortal problems.

Finally, let your unsaved friends know they needn’t be good people to become Christians. Our faith teaches that we all come up short—we all sin. But by accepting Jesus, all our sins are forgiven – both our sins of the past and the ones we will inevitably commit in the future! In fact, even those committing the most evil acts imaginable will still go to Heaven, so long as they are saved.

The bottom line is that being a Christian is the easiest lifestyle one could ever adopt. You need no courage, no self-esteem and no motivation. In fact, those lacking anything other than the abject desire for something better than what they now have are prime candidates for salvation. Typically, these people turn to alcohol, drugs, sex, food or some other vice. Those crutches cause liver cirrhosis, heart attacks, venereal disease and obesity. Christianity has none of those ill side effects. It’s sugar-free, fat-free and Satan-free.

Being A Christian Is Easy As Pie! (Sermon By Brother Harry Hardwick)
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"But by accepting Jesus, all our sins are forgiven – both our sins of the past and the ones we will inevitably commit in the future! In fact, even those committing the most evil acts imaginable will still go to Heaven, so long as they are saved."

The most dangerous belief that comes from religion. It doesn't matter what one does, if you just say you believe in your god all your 'sins' are forgiven. Past, present, and future. I see this in action every day, people that claim to be Christian but live in direct opposition to what Jesus Christ's life was and what he said. They lie against their neighbors/coworkers, form conspiracies to enrich themselves and their small group of 'christian' friends, and work to alienate and harm others who they believe are 'not equals' in the eye of 'god'. Their excuse at the end of the day? 'Jesus, forgive me I have sinned'. And in their minds they always are for anything they've done.

THE slippery slope for people wearing greased glass shoes.
"But by accepting Jesus, all our sins are forgiven – both our sins of the past and the ones we will inevitably commit in the future! In fact, even those committing the most evil acts imaginable will still go to Heaven, so long as they are saved."

The most dangerous belief that comes from religion. It doesn't matter what one does, if you just say you believe in your god all your 'sins' are forgiven. Past, present, and future. I see this in action every day, people that claim to be Christian but live in direct opposition to what Jesus Christ's life was and what he said. They lie against their neighbors/coworkers, form conspiracies to enrich themselves and their small group of 'christian' friends, and work to alienate and harm others who they believe are 'not equals' in the eye of 'god'. Their excuse at the end of the day? 'Jesus, forgive me I have sinned'. And in their minds they always are for anything they've done.

THE slippery slope for people wearing greased glass shoes.
crimes on credit
Samson and Delilah

The thing I find fascinating about the Biblical story of Samson and Delilah (star-crossed lovers for whom love intersects with betrayal) is that we find a very Earthly rendition of purgatory.

Delilah betrays Samson, but we feel the tinge of unrequited love and even remorse for a love that could have been. This is a very different betrayal story than other Biblical ones in which villainy is much more basic (and/or dispassionate).

That's why I like comparing Delilah to the whore of Babylon who is much more overtly 'unloved' by a 'witness' of faith (like Samson!).

So should we reference Delilah as a 'diplomat' of the 'pangs' on Earth (as a contrast to the meditation waiting for sinners in hell)?

I like contouring Delilah and the whore of Babylon in meditative conversations about the 'philosophical imaginings' of conflict itself...


DELILAH: There is sufficient complexity in the world of man to avoid the 'complications' of hell...
WHORE OF BABYLON: Hell is from within and therefore is not isolated from the thoughts of humans on Earth!
DELILAH: When I betrayed Samson, I thought about the 'tangibility' of corruption which is pervasive...
WHORE OF BABYLON: Hell is an image just as is heaven, and Earthly woes/tribulations are signs for witnesses!
DELILAH: Samson was indeed a witness of tribulation but perhaps (therefore) also a 'witness' of eternity...
WHORE OF BABYLON: There is nothing noble about 'absolute tribulation' be it in hell, heaven, or on Earth!
DELILAH: There was a war in heaven as there is yearning in hell as there is regret on Earth, so why brood on troubles?
WHORE OF BABYLON: We make troubles and are therefore 'witnesses' to the pervasiveness of tribulations.
DELILAH: We make boundaries between heaven, hell, and Earth so we may more comfortably design 'governance.'
WHORE OF BABYLON: Do you not regret betraying Samson?
DELILAH: As much as I dare say you regret bringing hell to the Earth!
WHORE OF BABYLON: Maybe we can agree that men seek to rule everywhere...


Always keep in mind that Satan is a defeated foe. God is the One who is in full control!
The spirits of the dead say there is no supreme devil, and there is no lasting hell, and they should know.

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