The House just voted 357-22 to bar President Trump from exiting NATO. all 22 against are Republicans

Ask them..
I've asked them as only I can, and this is where they went. hmmm so they don't care. I'm just letting you know that even our congress people don't give a shit about furloughed workers. How disinterested in american lives can one set of assholes be? Oh yeah, these fks.

Congress has already passed legislation to re-open the government.

I know that Trump is trying to use the shut down to stop the work of Congress, both in their oversight role and in their legislative agenda.

Democrats will pass legislation to strength and support the Republic and it’s people, and Republicans will continue to promote hate, racism and xenophobia.

It’s time for everyday Americans to walk the walk of liberty, equality and justice for all?
Congress has already passed legislation to re-open the government.

Where is it?

Democrats will pass legislation to strength and support the Republic and it’s people, and Republicans will continue to promote hate, racism and xenophobia.

how will they do that in the senate exactly?

It’s time for everyday Americans to walk the walk of liberty, equality and justice for all?

so you're coming on board for the 5.7Billion? finally.

I know that Trump is trying to use the shut down to stop the work of Congress, both in their oversight role and in their legislative agenda.

Which function of congress is shut down exactly?
Read up on what the FBI are saying about the AH's shutdown
what does that have to do with what you posted? you didn't answer one of the questions off your statements. why? someone cram something someplace uncomfortable?
You aked a question I answered Stop playing like dumbass trump does
I've asked them as only I can, and this is where they went. hmmm so they don't care. I'm just letting you know that even our congress people don't give a shit about furloughed workers. How disinterested in american lives can one set of assholes be? Oh yeah, these fks.

Congress has already passed legislation to re-open the government.

I know that Trump is trying to use the shut down to stop the work of Congress, both in their oversight role and in their legislative agenda.

Democrats will pass legislation to strength and support the Republic and it’s people, and Republicans will continue to promote hate, racism and xenophobia.

It’s time for everyday Americans to walk the walk of liberty, equality and justice for all?
Congress has already passed legislation to re-open the government.

Where is it?

Democrats will pass legislation to strength and support the Republic and it’s people, and Republicans will continue to promote hate, racism and xenophobia.

how will they do that in the senate exactly?

It’s time for everyday Americans to walk the walk of liberty, equality and justice for all?

so you're coming on board for the 5.7Billion? finally.

I know that Trump is trying to use the shut down to stop the work of Congress, both in their oversight role and in their legislative agenda.

Which function of congress is shut down exactly?
Read up on what the FBI are saying about the AH's shutdown
what does that have to do with what you posted? you didn't answer one of the questions off your statements. why? someone cram something someplace uncomfortable?
You aked a question I answered Stop playing like dumbass trump does
I don't do your work, so no, you didn't answer.
Congress has already passed legislation to re-open the government.

I know that Trump is trying to use the shut down to stop the work of Congress, both in their oversight role and in their legislative agenda.

Democrats will pass legislation to strength and support the Republic and it’s people, and Republicans will continue to promote hate, racism and xenophobia.

It’s time for everyday Americans to walk the walk of liberty, equality and justice for all?
Congress has already passed legislation to re-open the government.

Where is it?

Democrats will pass legislation to strength and support the Republic and it’s people, and Republicans will continue to promote hate, racism and xenophobia.

how will they do that in the senate exactly?

It’s time for everyday Americans to walk the walk of liberty, equality and justice for all?

so you're coming on board for the 5.7Billion? finally.

I know that Trump is trying to use the shut down to stop the work of Congress, both in their oversight role and in their legislative agenda.

Which function of congress is shut down exactly?
Read up on what the FBI are saying about the AH's shutdown
what does that have to do with what you posted? you didn't answer one of the questions off your statements. why? someone cram something someplace uncomfortable?
You aked a question I answered Stop playing like dumbass trump does
I don't do your work, so no, you didn't answer.
Oh but you want others to do your work?? You are a trumpette
What a useless bill. The government is shut down and this is what they're doing?!
Congress is working they are not shut down..
so they don't care about the furloughed workers then.
Ask them..
I've asked them as only I can, and this is where they went. hmmm so they don't care. I'm just letting you know that even our congress people don't give a shit about furloughed workers. How disinterested in american lives can one set of assholes be? Oh yeah, these fks.

Congress has already passed legislation to re-open the government.

I know that Trump is trying to use the shut down to stop the work of Congress, both in their oversight role and in their legislative agenda.

Democrats will pass legislation to strength and support the Republic and it’s people, and Republicans will continue to promote hate, racism and xenophobia.

It’s time for everyday Americans to walk the walk of liberty, equality and justice for all?

We have liberty, equality and justice, just not what you want, and we are good with that. Thanks for the concern, however this is our country and not yours. Good luck on your boycott.
Congress is working they are not shut down..
so they don't care about the furloughed workers then.
Ask them..
I've asked them as only I can, and this is where they went. hmmm so they don't care. I'm just letting you know that even our congress people don't give a shit about furloughed workers. How disinterested in american lives can one set of assholes be? Oh yeah, these fks.

Congress has already passed legislation to re-open the government.

I know that Trump is trying to use the shut down to stop the work of Congress, both in their oversight role and in their legislative agenda.

Democrats will pass legislation to strength and support the Republic and it’s people, and Republicans will continue to promote hate, racism and xenophobia.

It’s time for everyday Americans to walk the walk of liberty, equality and justice for all?

We have liberty, equality and justice, just not what you want, and we are good with that. Thanks for the concern, however this is our country and not yours. Good luck on your boycott.
Remind us of those great words when some dummy wants trumps wall and blames Pelosi instead of the instigator of the whole mess
All but 22 Congressman have decided that your sons and daughters have to fight and die to protect the borders of Turkey and Montenegro.
House passes bill expressing support for NATO
What a useless bill. The government is shut down and this is what they're doing?!

That's not all. They also voted to keep Russian sanctions in place. 136 House Republicans Join Democrats in Vote Against Russia Sanctions Relief. They had a similar vote in the Senate, but there they actually voted to give billions to the oligarch who was directly responsible for the Russian interference in our elections. It was a vote that did not help a single American...unlike NATO.
so they don't care about the furloughed workers then.
Ask them..
I've asked them as only I can, and this is where they went. hmmm so they don't care. I'm just letting you know that even our congress people don't give a shit about furloughed workers. How disinterested in american lives can one set of assholes be? Oh yeah, these fks.

Congress has already passed legislation to re-open the government.

I know that Trump is trying to use the shut down to stop the work of Congress, both in their oversight role and in their legislative agenda.

Democrats will pass legislation to strength and support the Republic and it’s people, and Republicans will continue to promote hate, racism and xenophobia.

It’s time for everyday Americans to walk the walk of liberty, equality and justice for all?

We have liberty, equality and justice, just not what you want, and we are good with that. Thanks for the concern, however this is our country and not yours. Good luck on your boycott.
Remind us of those great words when some dummy wants trumps wall and blames Pelosi instead of the instigator of the whole mess

That has nothing to do with what I posted. If you ask actual Border Patrol Agents, you know the guys that actually do the work, they are all for the wall. I am not sure if it would really work or not however, to me the Border Patrol wanting it is good enough for me.

I blame both parties for the shutdown, it takes two to tangle and it seems neither one is working for the people.
Ask them..
I've asked them as only I can, and this is where they went. hmmm so they don't care. I'm just letting you know that even our congress people don't give a shit about furloughed workers. How disinterested in american lives can one set of assholes be? Oh yeah, these fks.

Congress has already passed legislation to re-open the government.

I know that Trump is trying to use the shut down to stop the work of Congress, both in their oversight role and in their legislative agenda.

Democrats will pass legislation to strength and support the Republic and it’s people, and Republicans will continue to promote hate, racism and xenophobia.

It’s time for everyday Americans to walk the walk of liberty, equality and justice for all?

We have liberty, equality and justice, just not what you want, and we are good with that. Thanks for the concern, however this is our country and not yours. Good luck on your boycott.
Remind us of those great words when some dummy wants trumps wall and blames Pelosi instead of the instigator of the whole mess

That has nothing to do with what I posted. If you ask actual Border Patrol Agents, you know the guys that actually do the work, they are all for the wall. I am not sure if it would really work or not however, to me the Border Patrol wanting it is good enough for me.

I blame both parties for the shutdown, it takes two to tangle and it seems neither one is working for the people.

Weird that when asked to describe gaps in their security, a wall or fence was only mentioned 4% of the time...

What Border Agents Say They Want (It’s Not a Wall)

Democrats are not opposed to border security. They are opposed to stupid solutions to real problems.
All but 22 Congressman have decided that your sons and daughters have to fight and die to protect the borders of Turkey and Montenegro.
House passes bill expressing support for NATO
What a useless bill. The government is shut down and this is what they're doing?!

That's not all. They also voted to keep Russian sanctions in place. 136 House Republicans Join Democrats in Vote Against Russia Sanctions Relief. They had a similar vote in the Senate, but there they actually voted to give billions to the oligarch who was directly responsible for the Russian interference in our elections. It was a vote that did not help a single American...unlike NATO.

Trump's issue with NATO is that it costs the US too much and the EU too little.
Member states of NATO - Wikipedia

NATO countries spend $969b a year on defense, of that the US spends $686b, so the rest of NATO spends $280b a year. Take out the non-EU countries (Canada $21b) so the EU countries only spend $259b a year on their defense. The US spends $24b a year just to keep US troops in the EU. Why are we spending so much to defend the EU when they refuse to fund their militaries adequately? Germany even buys gas from Russia to help fund the Russian military?! Trump wants the EU to get busy or the US will remove troops to save $$$ and defend our own borders.
Ask them..
I've asked them as only I can, and this is where they went. hmmm so they don't care. I'm just letting you know that even our congress people don't give a shit about furloughed workers. How disinterested in american lives can one set of assholes be? Oh yeah, these fks.

Congress has already passed legislation to re-open the government.

I know that Trump is trying to use the shut down to stop the work of Congress, both in their oversight role and in their legislative agenda.

Democrats will pass legislation to strength and support the Republic and it’s people, and Republicans will continue to promote hate, racism and xenophobia.

It’s time for everyday Americans to walk the walk of liberty, equality and justice for all?

We have liberty, equality and justice, just not what you want, and we are good with that. Thanks for the concern, however this is our country and not yours. Good luck on your boycott.
Remind us of those great words when some dummy wants trumps wall and blames Pelosi instead of the instigator of the whole mess

That has nothing to do with what I posted. If you ask actual Border Patrol Agents, you know the guys that actually do the work, they are all for the wall. I am not sure if it would really work or not however, to me the Border Patrol wanting it is good enough for me.

I blame both parties for the shutdown, it takes two to tangle and it seems neither one is working for the people.
I must agree Hate seeing the art of the dealer is FOS,,,and btw I've seen border guards on TV saying they need more men more equipment not more wall,,,,,,,,,,And El Chapo says 90% of drugs coming into America come in from LEGAL points of entry Who you gonna believe El Chapo or Trump???lol
Weird that when asked to describe gaps in their security, a wall or fence was only mentioned 4% of the time...

What Border Agents Say They Want (It’s Not a Wall)

Democrats are not opposed to border security. They are opposed to stupid solutions to real problems.
Well, instead of blasting out complete bullshit like "walls are immoral" why didn't Pelosi call for some hearings on the matter to get evidence of how to best deal with border security. She COMPLETELY fucked that up by playing politics and showing her inability to lead.

Weird that when asked to describe gaps in their security, a wall or fence was only mentioned 4% of the time...

What Border Agents Say They Want (It’s Not a Wall)

Democrats are not opposed to border security. They are opposed to stupid solutions to real problems.
Well, instead of blasting out complete bullshit like "walls are immoral" why didn't Pelosi call for some hearings on the matter to get evidence of how to best deal with border security. She COMPLETELY fucked that up by playing politics and showing her inability to lead.

JUST read He can have his 5.7 but not for a wall
All but 22 Congressman have decided that your sons and daughters have to fight and die to protect the borders of Turkey and Montenegro.
House passes bill expressing support for NATO
What a useless bill. The government is shut down and this is what they're doing?!

That's not all. They also voted to keep Russian sanctions in place. 136 House Republicans Join Democrats in Vote Against Russia Sanctions Relief. They had a similar vote in the Senate, but there they actually voted to give billions to the oligarch who was directly responsible for the Russian interference in our elections. It was a vote that did not help a single American...unlike NATO.

Trump's issue with NATO is that it costs the US too much and the EU too little.
Member states of NATO - Wikipedia

NATO countries spend $969b a year on defense, of that the US spends $686b, so the rest of NATO spends $280b a year. Take out the non-EU countries (Canada $21b) so the EU countries only spend $259b a year on their defense. The US spends $24b a year just to keep US troops in the EU. Why are we spending so much to defend the EU when they refuse to fund their militaries adequately? Germany even buys gas from Russia to help fund the Russian military?! Trump wants the EU to get busy or the US will remove troops to save $$$ and defend our own borders.

It's not a mob like protection racket.

I'm pretty sure we are the only country that has ever invoked the mutual self defense clause...
Weird that when asked to describe gaps in their security, a wall or fence was only mentioned 4% of the time...

What Border Agents Say They Want (It’s Not a Wall)

Democrats are not opposed to border security. They are opposed to stupid solutions to real problems.
Well, instead of blasting out complete bullshit like "walls are immoral" why didn't Pelosi call for some hearings on the matter to get evidence of how to best deal with border security. She COMPLETELY fucked that up by playing politics and showing her inability to lead.


She DID say that. Right from the beginning. Re-open the government and we'll negotiate border security - based on the needs.
Weird that when asked to describe gaps in their security, a wall or fence was only mentioned 4% of the time...

What Border Agents Say They Want (It’s Not a Wall)

Democrats are not opposed to border security. They are opposed to stupid solutions to real problems.
Well, instead of blasting out complete bullshit like "walls are immoral" why didn't Pelosi call for some hearings on the matter to get evidence of how to best deal with border security. She COMPLETELY fucked that up by playing politics and showing her inability to lead.


She DID say that. Right from the beginning. Re-open the government and we'll negotiate border security - based on the needs.
They only hear what they want to hear or what coulter or limpaw tell them
Weird that when asked to describe gaps in their security, a wall or fence was only mentioned 4% of the time...

What Border Agents Say They Want (It’s Not a Wall)

Democrats are not opposed to border security. They are opposed to stupid solutions to real problems.
Well, instead of blasting out complete bullshit like "walls are immoral" why didn't Pelosi call for some hearings on the matter to get evidence of how to best deal with border security. She COMPLETELY fucked that up by playing politics and showing her inability to lead.


She DID say that. Right from the beginning. Re-open the government and we'll negotiate border security - based on the needs.
They only hear what they want to hear or what coulter or limpaw tell them
Here's the actual quote:

"“Last night, President Trump yet again threatened to cause chaos in the lives of millions of Americans if he doesn’t get his way. Make no mistake: the President said he will purposefully hurt American communities to force American taxpayers to fund an immoral, ineffective and expensive border wall."

"Ineffective" and "expensive" are matters of fact that can be determined by committee investigations and research. That is exactly what Pelosi DID NOT DO!!!

Thus, the "immoral" part stands out as her only true reasoning.

Why is it "immoral" to build a wall?
I've asked them as only I can, and this is where they went. hmmm so they don't care. I'm just letting you know that even our congress people don't give a shit about furloughed workers. How disinterested in american lives can one set of assholes be? Oh yeah, these fks.

Congress has already passed legislation to re-open the government.

I know that Trump is trying to use the shut down to stop the work of Congress, both in their oversight role and in their legislative agenda.

Democrats will pass legislation to strength and support the Republic and it’s people, and Republicans will continue to promote hate, racism and xenophobia.

It’s time for everyday Americans to walk the walk of liberty, equality and justice for all?

We have liberty, equality and justice, just not what you want, and we are good with that. Thanks for the concern, however this is our country and not yours. Good luck on your boycott.
Remind us of those great words when some dummy wants trumps wall and blames Pelosi instead of the instigator of the whole mess

That has nothing to do with what I posted. If you ask actual Border Patrol Agents, you know the guys that actually do the work, they are all for the wall. I am not sure if it would really work or not however, to me the Border Patrol wanting it is good enough for me.

I blame both parties for the shutdown, it takes two to tangle and it seems neither one is working for the people.

Weird that when asked to describe gaps in their security, a wall or fence was only mentioned 4% of the time...

What Border Agents Say They Want (It’s Not a Wall)

Democrats are not opposed to border security. They are opposed to stupid solutions to real problems.

Weird when not cherry picking the Google results I find these as compared to your one story near the lower middle of the page.

Border Patrol agents back Trump wall, survey finds

Border Patrol Chief: 'We Certainly Need a Wall, Any Agent Will Tell You That'

Head Of Border Patrol Union Weighs In On Trump's Wall Plans

Analysis | Obama Border Patrol chief to Trump: ‘Stay the course’ on the border wall

Border patrol chief says the wall is 'not just a dumb barrier'

Democrats ignore the wall wishes of the people who know the border best: Border agents

So I am inclined to go with the several stories that a comprehensive plan that the Times suggested however it would be coupled with the wall. I live in a town with a border patrol office and I deal with Border Patrol very regularly and each one has said a wall would help, of course, along with other tools. Just give them the wall and the rest of the tools.
Congress has already passed legislation to re-open the government.

I know that Trump is trying to use the shut down to stop the work of Congress, both in their oversight role and in their legislative agenda.

Democrats will pass legislation to strength and support the Republic and it’s people, and Republicans will continue to promote hate, racism and xenophobia.

It’s time for everyday Americans to walk the walk of liberty, equality and justice for all?

We have liberty, equality and justice, just not what you want, and we are good with that. Thanks for the concern, however this is our country and not yours. Good luck on your boycott.
Remind us of those great words when some dummy wants trumps wall and blames Pelosi instead of the instigator of the whole mess

That has nothing to do with what I posted. If you ask actual Border Patrol Agents, you know the guys that actually do the work, they are all for the wall. I am not sure if it would really work or not however, to me the Border Patrol wanting it is good enough for me.

I blame both parties for the shutdown, it takes two to tangle and it seems neither one is working for the people.

Weird that when asked to describe gaps in their security, a wall or fence was only mentioned 4% of the time...

What Border Agents Say They Want (It’s Not a Wall)

Democrats are not opposed to border security. They are opposed to stupid solutions to real problems.

Weird when not cherry picking the Google results I find these as compared to your one story near the lower middle of the page.

Border Patrol agents back Trump wall, survey finds

Border Patrol Chief: 'We Certainly Need a Wall, Any Agent Will Tell You That'

Head Of Border Patrol Union Weighs In On Trump's Wall Plans

Analysis | Obama Border Patrol chief to Trump: ‘Stay the course’ on the border wall

Border patrol chief says the wall is 'not just a dumb barrier'

Democrats ignore the wall wishes of the people who know the border best: Border agents

So I am inclined to go with the several stories that a comprehensive plan that the Times suggested however it would be coupled with the wall. I live in a town with a border patrol office and I deal with Border Patrol very regularly and each one has said a wall would help, of course, along with other tools. Just give them the wall and the rest of the tools.
pelosi said have the 5,6 just not for wall

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