The Incompetence of an Apprentice President


We had at least four real conservative Republicans to choose from. The tards picked a New York Democratic liberal as the GOP nominee instead.
ESTABLISHMENT conservative Repubs. Career pols. Thats your problem right there.
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ESTABLISHMENT conservative Repubs. Career pols. Thats your problem right there.

Thank you!
Most of the so-called Republicans are nothing but liberals, Progressives and Communists who willfully deceived by claiming to be Republican when they are FAR from it.

They are "Establishment" controlled and loyal.

We had at least four real conservative Republicans to choose from. The tards picked a New York Democratic liberal as the GOP nominee instead.
ESTABLISHMENT conservative Repubs. Career pols. Thats your problem right there.
Yeah, because experience sucks now, right? We don't want people who know what works and what doesn't. We don't want a guy who actually was a key figure in balancing the federal budget, and who has taken his state from a debt to a surplus.

We want an inexperienced game show host who was a cut and run Democrat and doesn't even understand how our government works. Yeah. Much better.
ESTABLISHMENT conservative Repubs. Career pols. Thats your problem right there.

Thank you!
Most of the so-called Republicans are nothing but liberals, Progressives and Communists who willfully deceived by claiming to be Republican when they are FAR from it.

They are "Establishment" controlled and loyal.
You tards sound more and more like old timey hippies every day, what with your whining about "The Establishment" and sucking up to Russia and shit.

Who ARE you people?
ESTABLISHMENT conservative Repubs. Career pols. Thats your problem right there.

Thank you!
Most of the so-called Republicans are nothing but liberals, Progressives and Communists who willfully deceived by claiming to be Republican when they are FAR from it.

They are "Establishment" controlled and loyal.
You tards sound more and more like old timey hippies every day, what with your whining about "The Establishment" and sucking up to Russia and shit.

Who ARE you people?
They are the lowest of the low ,those who place party above country those who can lie to your face ,those who can call you friend and then stab you in the back I call them republicans, scum of the earth
that he is going to make american great

mexico will pay for the wall

he will reduce debt

he will provide health care for everyone and it will be better and more affordable

he will drain the swamp

he will lock up hillary

A work in progress. Remain patient. You're also going to see an indictment of Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, Susan Rice, Bill Clinton, Loretta Lynch and who knows, the former President himself.

Be careful what you wish for. By that I mean you demanded an independent prosecutor which opens up the whole can of worms with regard to who he investigates including Hillary, the Clinton Slush Fund, and many others.

Tighten up your seatbelt, it's going to be a rough ride!
that he is going to make american great

mexico will pay for the wall

he will reduce debt

he will provide health care for everyone and it will be better and more affordable

he will drain the swamp

he will lock up hillary

A work in progress. Remain patient. You're also going to see an indictment of Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, Susan Rice, Bill Clinton, Loretta Lynch and who knows, the former President himself.

Be careful what you wish for. By that I mean you demanded an independent prosecutor which opens up the whole can of worms with regard to who he investigates including Hillary, the Clinton Slush Fund, and many others.

Tighten up your seatbelt, it's going to be a rough ride!
Lock her up

Yea...I will believe that once Trump balances the budget and builds a wall
Hillary won't be locked up, Trump won't be impeached, and the Beatles will not be getting back together.
that he is going to make american great
mexico will pay for the wall
he will reduce debt
he will provide health care for everyone and it will be better and more affordable
he will drain the swamp
he will lock up hillary

A work in progress. Remain patient.

Trump promised to do all that in his first 100 days. It was his contract with america. And everybody with a brain knew Trump couldn't do even 1/10th what he promised in the time limit he set.

You're also going to see an indictment of Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, Susan Rice, Bill Clinton, Loretta Lynch and who knows, the former President himself.

Trump couldn't get what he promised done. Any extras are just a republican dream.
that he is going to make american great

mexico will pay for the wall

he will reduce debt

he will provide health care for everyone and it will be better and more affordable

he will drain the swamp

he will lock up hillary

A work in progress. Remain patient. You're also going to see an indictment of Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, Susan Rice, Bill Clinton, Loretta Lynch and who knows, the former President himself.

Be careful what you wish for. By that I mean you demanded an independent prosecutor which opens up the whole can of worms with regard to who he investigates including Hillary, the Clinton Slush Fund, and many others.

Tighten up your seatbelt, it's going to be a rough ride!
...honestly, do you REALLY believe all those indictments sited by you are truly going to happen?? :rofl:


The special prosecutor is specifically and solely for the Investigation on the Russians/Kremlin influencing our election and if any at all, coordination or criminal activity with the Trump team and the Russians/Kremlin, and even the illegal leaking done regarding the Russians and Trump team members...

He's not been given any authority over other possible investigations, that would be Jeff Sessions...
Donald Trump has been President less than six months. Give him a few more months in office before you jump on him. Rand Paul didn't have a chance of beating Criminal Hillary and the Democratic Crime Family. Neither did Jeb Bush.
Donald Trump has been President less than six months. Give him a few more months in office before you jump on him. .

Looks like I was right that Trump couldn't do the things he promised to get done within the first 100 days. And his supporters answer to Trump missing his own deadline, is to ignore it, and give him more time. If Trumps agenda was a term paper, he would be on his third extention, and still nowhere close to finishing.

We had at least four real conservative Republicans to choose from. The tards picked a New York Democratic liberal as the GOP nominee instead.
ESTABLISHMENT conservative Repubs. Career pols. Thats your problem right there.
Yeah, because experience sucks now, right? We don't want people who know what works and what doesn't. We don't want a guy who actually was a key figure in balancing the federal budget, and who has taken his state from a debt to a surplus.

We want an inexperienced game show host who was a cut and run Democrat and doesn't even understand how our government works. Yeah. Much better.
Didn't dottie com want Bernie...with decades of Washington DC/Capital Hill ESTABLISHMENT experience which he now claims to hate???
I am pretty sure you have zero talent as a poet, or freestyle stream of consciouness. :p But since you are extremely butthurt and have apparently been posting nonsense for years here, what is your point, you sick freak?
He made his point with a knockout punch right to your glass jaw.
That's why you're pissed..

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