The Incompetence of an Apprentice President

They whined about the inexperience of a man who had been a state senator for 7 years and then a US Senator for one term.

Then they hired an apprentice with ZERO government experience. :lol:

They whined about a "community organizer".

Then they hired a game show host. :lol:

They whined about a health care reform for seven years.

Then came up with no replacement in all that time. :lol:

And they STILL haven't.

Take a look at this link: Donald Trump nominations list – New White House administration

Out of 559 positions requiring Senate confirmation, our fake leader has yet to name 427 of them.

Go ahead. Look.

The naked emperor tried to blame others for his own failings.
First of all... excellent thread title.
Yeah what could go wrong when a guy with extremely questionable ethics and morals with zero experience is put in the most important job in the country?

The whiny little bitch will always blame others for things he's responsible for. He's never wrong in his mind. He's a malignant narcissus.

All those positions not filled. Shirking his responsibilities but never misses a round of golf or a weekend in Mar A Largo.

DEPLORABLES: This is what we voted for.
If you believe that the God-Emperor is so incompetent, why is he getting so much done in such a short period of time?

Why did he win against the most powerful and favored candidate in history?

He has done nothing. He is erasing his campaign promises from his web site as fast as he can. He has already caved on several of them.

His greatest achievement is getting Chumps to drink his piss.

Trump's done nothing?

Why is the board constantly populated by messages about how Trump accomplished this that and the other? Pull your head out of the ground please.
How's that wall going?
Do we have health care for all like Trump promised?
How's that Muslim ban going?
He ain't done shit.
They whined about the inexperience of a man who had been a state senator for 7 years and then a US Senator for one term.

Then they hired an apprentice with ZERO government experience. :lol:

They whined about a "community organizer".

Then they hired a game show host. :lol:

They whined about a health care reform for seven years.

Then came up with no replacement in all that time. :lol:

And they STILL haven't.

Take a look at this link: Donald Trump nominations list – New White House administration

Out of 559 positions requiring Senate confirmation, our fake leader has yet to name 427 of them.

Go ahead. Look.

The naked emperor tried to blame others for his own failings.

And yet the choice was either Him or Clinton according to many of you, so maybe next time for for a third party candidate and send a message to both parties to stop giving us pathetic candidates that are not worth voting for or don't and enjoy the garbage that is elected to office...
No, the choice was between Trump and at least four actual conservative Republicans. The tards chose the New York liberal Democrat huckster instead.

Alright, but still in the General Election it was either Him or his friend Hillary, and what a choice that was seeing many would have not voted for Stein or Johnson.

Rand Paul would have been the best choice of all that was fielded in 2016 and I hope he run on the Libertarian ticket in 2020 to give America a real third choice!
At least Rand Paul is sane. What an improvement for the Republican Party that would be!
I am pretty sure you have zero talent as a poet, or freestyle stream of consciouness. :p But since you are extremely butthurt and have apparently been posting nonsense for years here, what is your point, you sick freak?

The OP isn't trying to pass himself off as a poet laureate or saying his poetry is better than all other poetry, that only he can save poetry.

IOW, you know the OP is correct.

Why no address some of his points?



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he maybe firing Sessions soon or Sessions will resign. He's going through staff pretty rapidly

Since he still hang named most of his staff, it's gonna get even more lonely for trump.

I'm remembering when he couldn't even find light switches and had no one to ask because he has fired all the staff that was already there. And that was in spite of the fact that many were not President Obama's hires.

And then later,melamine President Obama's people for his own screw ups.

It's The Apprentice meets Amateur Hour. Seriously, this isn't even how a "successful" businessman would behave.


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Donald Trump has been President less than six months. Give him a few more months in office before you jump on him. Rand Paul didn't have a chance of beating Criminal Hillary and the Democratic Crime Family. Neither did Jeb Bush.
Trump is our president
He is accountable for his actions from day one
They whined about the inexperience of a man who had been a state senator for 7 years and then a US Senator for one term.

Then they hired an apprentice with ZERO government experience. :lol:

They whined about a "community organizer".

Then they hired a game show host. :lol:

They whined about a health care reform for seven years.

Then came up with no replacement in all that time. :lol:

And they STILL haven't.

Take a look at this link: Donald Trump nominations list – New White House administration

Out of 559 positions requiring Senate confirmation, our fake leader has yet to name 427 of them.

Go ahead. Look.

The naked emperor tried to blame others for his own failings.
Somebody will have to come up with a plan, because obamacare is fixing to implode, and the great thing is. You liberals own this failure 100%. Just in time for the 2018 elections.
I know you aren't talking to me, because I am a conservative and I have always opposed ObamaCare.

I have a topic about it: 7 Years In - Still No ObamaCare Replacement - Another Broken Promise

The poor pseudocons have grown deathly silent in the face of the fact they've been hoaxed.

The only reason ObamaCares is not a rousing success is that it's been consistently sabotaged by Repubs who hate President Obama a whole lot more than they ever cared about America and Americans.

There s no one who doesn't know this is true and it's very telling that the Repubs know that's not a problems to their constituents.


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The guys dumb enough to enact loserterianism on the poor and middle class. This will fucking kill our ability to compete with the rest of the world, our standards of living will go down and most sane people will regret ever voting for the piece of shit.

It is all fine and good when you can rave about the democrats and the government, but now you're getting the idiocy that you whined for. It will bad for all...Won't do shit to stop the super rich from fucking you over either,,,hell, just the opposite.
that he is going to make american great

Takes time to ferret out all the traitors

mexico will pay for the wall

Looks like it will to me.

he will reduce debt

He has reduced debt

he will provide health care for everyone and it will be better and more affordable

Gotta get rid of all the traitors

he will drain the swamp

He's gotten rid of a boat load of useless workers and pols.

he will lock up hillary

maybe, maybe not.

Not one word of your post is true. You always post really outrageous stuff like this but can never back it up.

How about you start a new thread with documentation of all that?

I say that because I know you won't because you can't.

Basically, trump has yet to do much of anything.


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They whined about the inexperience of a man who had been a state senator for 7 years and then a US Senator for one term.

Then they hired an apprentice with ZERO government experience. :lol:

They whined about a "community organizer".

Then they hired a game show host. :lol:

They whined about a health care reform for seven years.

Then came up with no replacement in all that time. :lol:

And they STILL haven't.

Take a look at this link: Donald Trump nominations list – New White House administration

Out of 559 positions requiring Senate confirmation, our fake leader has yet to name 427 of them.

Go ahead. Look.

The naked emperor tried to blame others for his own failings.
Somebody will have to come up with a plan, because obamacare is fixing to implode, and the great thing is. You liberals own this failure 100%. Just in time for the 2018 elections.

The entire Trump Cartel will implode long before Obamacare implodes.
Nope Obamacare will implode this year. The reports are out and it ain't good for democrats.

This year one health care provider in Ohio.

The Repubs have done a good job of screwing over their constituents. Make no mistake - they are taking us to a two tier system. When they're done, no one will be able to afford care.


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We had at least four real conservative Republicans to choose from. The tards picked a New York Democratic liberal as the GOP nominee instead.
ESTABLISHMENT conservative Repubs. Career pols. Thats your problem right there.
Yeah, because experience sucks now, right? We don't want people who know what works and what doesn't. We don't want a guy who actually was a key figure in balancing the federal budget, and who has taken his state from a debt to a surplus.

We want an inexperienced game show host who was a cut and run Democrat and doesn't even understand how our government works. Yeah. Much better.
are you talking about Lehman John (Kasich)?
I am pretty sure you have zero talent as a poet, or freestyle stream of consciouness. :p But since you are extremely butthurt and have apparently been posting nonsense for years here, what is your point, you sick freak?
The point is the President is constantly lying to you Chumps, and you just sit there and take it. :lol:

The point is, we stopped listening to or believing democrats long ago, Really long ago.

We had at least four real conservative Republicans to choose from. The tards picked a New York Democratic liberal as the GOP nominee instead.
ESTABLISHMENT conservative Repubs. Career pols. Thats your problem right there.
Yeah, because experience sucks now, right? We don't want people who know what works and what doesn't. We don't want a guy who actually was a key figure in balancing the federal budget, and who has taken his state from a debt to a surplus.

We want an inexperienced game show host who was a cut and run Democrat and doesn't even understand how our government works. Yeah. Much better.
Didn't dottie com want Bernie...with decades of Washington DC/Capital Hill ESTABLISHMENT experience which he now claims to hate???
he's a socialist as opposed to a crony dem. Let me guess, you supported Goldman hiLIARy :laugh:
I am pretty sure you have zero talent as a poet, or freestyle stream of consciouness. :p But since you are extremely butthurt and have apparently been posting nonsense for years here, what is your point, you sick freak?
The point is the President is constantly lying to you Chumps, and you just sit there and take it. :lol:

So, what exactly are the constant lies?

I really feel sorry for you.
They whined about the inexperience of a man who had been a state senator for 7 years and then a US Senator for one term.

Then they hired an apprentice with ZERO government experience. :lol:

They whined about a "community organizer".

Then they hired a game show host. :lol:

They whined about a health care reform for seven years.

Then came up with no replacement in all that time. :lol:

And they STILL haven't.

Take a look at this link: Donald Trump nominations list – New White House administration

Out of 559 positions requiring Senate confirmation, our fake leader has yet to name 427 of them.

Go ahead. Look.

The naked emperor tried to blame others for his own failings.
Somebody will have to come up with a plan, because obamacare is fixing to implode, and the great thing is. You liberals own this failure 100%. Just in time for the 2018 elections.
I know you aren't talking to me, because I am a conservative and I have always opposed ObamaCare.

I have a topic about it: 7 Years In - Still No ObamaCare Replacement - Another Broken Promise

The poor pseudocons have grown deathly silent in the face of the fact they've been hoaxed.

The only reason ObamaCares is not a rousing success is that it's been consistently sabotaged by Repubs who hate President Obama a whole lot more than they ever cared about America and Americans.

There s no one who doesn't know this is true and it's very telling that the Repubs know that's not a problems to their constituents.


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Please tell me specifically what they did. Besides not one republican voting for it. The democrats own this failure 100%.
Somebody will have to come up with a plan, because obamacare is fixing to implode, and the great thing is. You liberals own this failure 100%. Just in time for the 2018 elections.

The entire Trump Cartel will implode long before Obamacare implodes.
Nope Obamacare will implode this year. The reports are out and it ain't good for democrats.

This year one health care provider in Ohio.

The Repubs have done a good job of screwing over their constituents. Make no mistake - they are taking us to a two tier system. When they're done, no one will be able to afford care.


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Not one republican voted for obamacare. Democrats own this failure. It will be remembered in the 2018 elections.

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