The Incompetence of an Apprentice President

They whined about the inexperience of a man who had been a state senator for 7 years and then a US Senator for one term.

Then they hired an apprentice with ZERO government experience. :lol:

They whined about a "community organizer".

Then they hired a game show host. :lol:

They whined about a health care reform for seven years.

Then came up with no replacement in all that time. :lol:

And they STILL haven't.

Take a look at this link: Donald Trump nominations list – New White House administration

Out of 559 positions requiring Senate confirmation, our fake leader has yet to name 427 of them.

Go ahead. Look.

The naked emperor tried to blame others for his own failings.
Somebody will have to come up with a plan, because obamacare is fixing to implode, and the great thing is. You liberals own this failure 100%. Just in time for the 2018 elections.

The entire Trump Cartel will implode long before Obamacare implodes.
Nope Obamacare will implode this year. The reports are out and it ain't good for democrats.
ObamaCare will survive this year, barely, because there is no repeal and there is no replacement.

As I said at the top, the GOP has passed a bill in the House to sabotage ObamaCare and make it even worse.

What kind of sick fucks would do that to our country for personal gain?
The only thing that was done to obamacare is to end the mandate.
he maybe firing Sessions soon or Sessions will resign. He's going through staff pretty rapidly

Trump was supposed to be good at picking the very best people for the job, apprentice style. With each replacement, it means Trump is putting second stringers on the field.[/QUOTE

the Apprentice was a show designed to kiss Trumps ass ... the shit the contestants did was as basic as it gets.

not one of the winners could have worked for me, NOT ONE.

Somebody will have to come up with a plan, because obamacare is fixing to implode, and the great thing is. You liberals own this failure 100%. Just in time for the 2018 elections.

NOPE, Trump promised one of the first things he would do was to 'unsign' obamacare. Then he promised to repeal and replace. Like the war on terror, Trump has inherited everything on the table. Trump promised to do something about obamacare.
He tried, republicans shot him down. He said he will come back to it.
This is how you know the Chumps didn't actually want a conservative President. They whined after both of Obama's elections, claiming we lost because we didn't nominate a real conservative.

But Trump never promised to reduced the debt, which is a bedrock core conservative goal. In fact, independent analysis said Trump will increase our debt by five to ten trillion dollars.

So the Chumps weren't looking for a conservative. That was all bullshit.

They were looking for a bigot.

And that's why Trump shot out of the gate attacking Mexicans and Muslims.

A skilled huckster knows what the rubes really want.
Trump hasn't done shit.
Go ahead and tell us what great things he has achieved and we'll see whose head is stuck in the ground.

How long has he been in office now? long have rump ranging fk-tards been obstructing him?

IN SPITE of all the rainbow assclowns constantly nipping his heels like zombie Chihuahuas he has accomplished a TON....

Got America out of the American taxpayer world bailout called the Paris Accord.

*The US Stock Markets are at record highs and millions of Americans are benefitting in their retirement savings accounts.
*President Trump decreased the US Debt in his first 100 days by $100 Billion. (President Obama increased the US debt in his first 100 days by more than $560 Billion.)

The US Manufacturing Index soared to a 33 year high in this period which were the best numbers since 1983 under President Reagan.

President Trump added 298,000 jobs in his first month alone (after President Obama said jobs were not coming back!).

Housing sales are red-hot. In 2011, houses for sale were on the market an average 84 days. This year, it’s just 45 days.

Illegal immigration is down 67% since President Trump’s Inauguration.

NATO announced Allied spending is up $10 Billion because of President Trump.

After being nominated by President Trump, Constitutionalist Judge Neil Gorsuch was confirmed and sworn in as Supreme Court Justice in early April.

The President has signed 66 executive orders, memoranda and proclamations as of April 19th, including:

* Notifying Congress of a strike on Syria after it was reported that the country used gas on its citizens.
* Dismantling Obama’s climate change initiatives.
* Travel bans for individuals from a select number of countries embroiled in terrorist atrocities.
* Enforcing regulatory reform.
* Protecting Law enforcement.
* Mandating for every new regulation to eliminate two.
* Defeating ISIS.
* Rebuilding the military.
* Building a border wall.
* Cutting funding for sanctuary cities.
* Approving pipelines.
* Reducing regulations on manufacturers.
* Placing a hiring freeze on federal employees.
* Exiting the US from the TPP.

In addition to all this, the President has met with many foreign leaders from across the globe including Xi from China, Abe from Japan, etc.

Now STFU ALL assclowns who keep regurgitation the horseshit that Trump has done nothing and GTF out of his way.

DOJ ends Holder-era ‘slush fund’ payouts to outside groups

Is THIS why you're so Butt hurt.....or was it last night?
One campaign promise Trump NEVER made was that he would reduce the debt.

Not even Trump is crazy enough to think his Chumps wouldn't notice the debt going up on his watch. They are fucking stupid, but not THAT stupid.

Or at least I thought so until I saw miketx just say Trump has reduced the debt.
He has reduced debt
Every time I think the tards have hit rock bottom, they say something which forces me to reassess just how deep their tard goes!

Here's Obama on "Bush's" debt. Course Obama was unpatriotic times two. 236 years for the first 10 trillion, another 10 trillion added on Obama's watch. Perhaps you should re-evaluate your position?
mexico will pay for the wall

Looks like it will to me.


Wishful thinking.

he will reduce debt

He has reduced debt

Wow! Why do you so brazenly lie? What do you gain from it?
Not lying. All the lying is on the regressive stains.
You lied. Trump has not reduced the debt.

Why did you lie? What do you gain from it?

When will you tards learn not to lie when I'm around?
They whined about the inexperience of a man who had been a state senator for 7 years and then a US Senator for one term.

Then they hired an apprentice with ZERO government experience. :lol:

They whined about a "community organizer".

Then they hired a game show host. :lol:

They whined about a health care reform for seven years.

Then came up with no replacement in all that time. :lol:

And they STILL haven't.

Take a look at this link: Donald Trump nominations list – New White House administration

Out of 559 positions requiring Senate confirmation, our fake leader has yet to name 427 of them.

Go ahead. Look.

The naked emperor tried to blame others for his own failings.
Somebody will have to come up with a plan, because obamacare is fixing to implode, and the great thing is. You liberals own this failure 100%. Just in time for the 2018 elections.

The entire Trump Cartel will implode long before Obamacare implodes.
Nope Obamacare will implode this year. The reports are out and it ain't good for democrats.


Will Obamacare actually implode, probably not. Although, according to CNN:

For 2016, the benchmark plan's premium rose only 7.2%, on average, for the states that use (Looking only at states on the federal exchange, premiums are rising 25% for 2017.)

The average premium increase masks wide variation among the states. In Arizona, the benchmark plan's average premium will increase 116% in 2017. Arizona had the lowest rates of any state this year, said Kathryn Martin, an acting assistant secretary at the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.

So, if you want your Obamacare, you can keep your a much higher price. Oh no, your insurance carrier fled the state....guess you're out of luck.
They whined about the inexperience of a man who had been a state senator for 7 years and then a US Senator for one term.

Then they hired an apprentice with ZERO government experience. :lol:

They whined about a "community organizer".

Then they hired a game show host. :lol:

They whined about a health care reform for seven years.

Then came up with no replacement in all that time. :lol:

And they STILL haven't.

Take a look at this link: Donald Trump nominations list – New White House administration

Out of 559 positions requiring Senate confirmation, our fake leader has yet to name 427 of them.

Go ahead. Look.

The naked emperor tried to blame others for his own failings.
Somebody will have to come up with a plan, because obamacare is fixing to implode, and the great thing is. You liberals own this failure 100%. Just in time for the 2018 elections.

The entire Trump Cartel will implode long before Obamacare implodes.
Nope Obamacare will implode this year. The reports are out and it ain't good for democrats.
ObamaCare will survive this year, barely, because there is no repeal and there is no replacement.

As I said at the top, the GOP has passed a bill in the House to sabotage ObamaCare and make it even worse.

What kind of sick fucks would do that to our country for personal gain?
The only thing that was done to obamacare is to end the mandate.
Which was done by an EO.

Remember when the pseudocons would rent their clothes and rip out their hair whenever Obama "circumvented Congress"?

It's Okay When Trump Does It!™

The GOP House bill would do much more to damage ObamaCare. It is a giant sabotage of ObamaCare which neither repeals nor replaces ObamaCare.

Trump lied BIGLY when he claimed it was both.

Trump sold the rubes a repeal and replace, and he handed them a forgery. And his Chumps just sit there and take it.
One campaign promise Trump NEVER made was that he would reduce the debt.

Not even Trump is crazy enough to think his Chumps wouldn't notice the debt going up on his watch. They are fucking stupid, but not THAT stupid.

Actually early in the campaign Trump promised not only to reduce the debt, but to completely pay off the national debt in 8 years.

Can Donald Trump Pay Off the National Debt in 8 Years?
They whined about the inexperience of a man who had been a state senator for 7 years and then a US Senator for one term.

Then they hired an apprentice with ZERO government experience. :lol:

They whined about a "community organizer".

Then they hired a game show host. :lol:

They whined about a health care reform for seven years.

Then came up with no replacement in all that time. :lol:

And they STILL haven't.

Take a look at this link: Donald Trump nominations list – New White House administration

Out of 559 positions requiring Senate confirmation, our fake leader has yet to name 427 of them.

Go ahead. Look.

The naked emperor tried to blame others for his own failings.
Somebody will have to come up with a plan, because obamacare is fixing to implode, and the great thing is. You liberals own this failure 100%. Just in time for the 2018 elections.

The entire Trump Cartel will implode long before Obamacare implodes.
Nope Obamacare will implode this year. The reports are out and it ain't good for democrats.


Will Obamacare actually implode, probably not. Although, according to CNN:

For 2016, the benchmark plan's premium rose only 7.2%, on average, for the states that use (Looking only at states on the federal exchange, premiums are rising 25% for 2017.)

The average premium increase masks wide variation among the states. In Arizona, the benchmark plan's average premium will increase 116% in 2017. Arizona had the lowest rates of any state this year, said Kathryn Martin, an acting assistant secretary at the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.

So, if you want your Obamacare, you can keep your a much higher price. Oh no, your insurance carrier fled the state....guess you're out of luck.
Yes, that's why from the get-go I called ObamaCare a bait and switch con.

What the goldfish forget is that health care costs were rising at a much faster pace during the Bush Administration. What the goldfish forget is that health care costs have been rising faster than GDP and inflation for DECADES. What the goldfish forget is that the Republicans have done NOTHING about it all that time.

The goldfish have been deliberately dumbed down by their propaganda outlets for the past 20 years so they will fall for the massive hoax being perpetrated on them, and so they will blindly parrot whatever talking points are fed to them without ever engaging a single brain cell of their dwindling supply in critical thinking.

All for the personal gain of their puppet masters at massive cost to the country.
mexico will pay for the wall

Looks like it will to me.


Wishful thinking.

he will reduce debt

He has reduced debt

Wow! Why do you so brazenly lie? What do you gain from it?
Not lying. All the lying is on the regressive stains.
You lied. Trump has not reduced the debt.

Why did you lie? What do you gain from it?

When will you tards learn not to lie when I'm around?
There was story on the MSM around a month ago saying how much the debt had been reduced. Something like 20 billion dollars. Can't wait for your twisting lie on that! Personally I know you are a liar. You like to pretend and claim others are what you are in some sick twisted hope of proving something to God knows who or what. That's why i rarely EVER provide any links or anything to you liars, all you do is twist cheat lie spin and smoke. Proven.
One campaign promise Trump NEVER made was that he would reduce the debt.

Not even Trump is crazy enough to think his Chumps wouldn't notice the debt going up on his watch. They are fucking stupid, but not THAT stupid.

Actually early in the campaign Trump promised not only to reduce the debt, but to completely pay off the national debt in 8 years.

Can Donald Trump Pay Off the National Debt in 8 Years?
He said he COULD do it, not that he would.

Trump was very careful to avoid talking about the debt. He did make ridiculous promises about the rate of growth his programs would create.

All fantasy stuff.
mexico will pay for the wall

Looks like it will to me.


Wishful thinking.

he will reduce debt

He has reduced debt

Wow! Why do you so brazenly lie? What do you gain from it?
Not lying. All the lying is on the regressive stains.
You lied. Trump has not reduced the debt.

Why did you lie? What do you gain from it?

When will you tards learn not to lie when I'm around?
There was story on the MSM around a month ago saying how much the debt had been reduced. Something like 20 billion dollars. Can't wait for your twisting lie on that! Personally I know you are a liar. You like to pretend and claim others are what you are in some sick twisted hope of proving something to God knows who or what. That's why i rarely EVER provide any links or anything to you liars, all you do is twist cheat lie spin and smoke. Proven.
I linked to the debt clock, tard. Do you need it again?

As usual, you have no proof to back up your lies.
Somebody will have to come up with a plan, because obamacare is fixing to implode, and the great thing is. You liberals own this failure 100%. Just in time for the 2018 elections.

The entire Trump Cartel will implode long before Obamacare implodes.
Nope Obamacare will implode this year. The reports are out and it ain't good for democrats.


Will Obamacare actually implode, probably not. Although, according to CNN:

For 2016, the benchmark plan's premium rose only 7.2%, on average, for the states that use (Looking only at states on the federal exchange, premiums are rising 25% for 2017.)

The average premium increase masks wide variation among the states. In Arizona, the benchmark plan's average premium will increase 116% in 2017. Arizona had the lowest rates of any state this year, said Kathryn Martin, an acting assistant secretary at the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.

So, if you want your Obamacare, you can keep your a much higher price. Oh no, your insurance carrier fled the state....guess you're out of luck.
Yes, that's why from the get-go I called ObamaCare a bait and switch con.

What the goldfish forget is that health care costs were rising at a much faster pace during the Bush Administration. What the goldfish forget is that health care costs have been rising faster than GDP and inflation for DECADES. What the goldfish forget is that the Republicans have done NOTHING about it all that time.

The goldfish have been deliberately dumbed down by their propaganda outlets for the past 20 years so they will fall for the massive hoax being perpetrated on them, and so they will blindly parrot whatever talking points are fed to them without ever engaging a single brain cell of their dwindling supply in critical thinking.

All for the personal gain of their puppet masters at massive cost to the country.

Republicans have done mean have done nothing about the scam that Democrats shoved down our throats. Since it is/was a Democrat "scam", shouldn't they have done something to correct the problems, and what are they doing now...nada.
Somebody will have to come up with a plan, because obamacare is fixing to implode, and the great thing is. You liberals own this failure 100%. Just in time for the 2018 elections.

The entire Trump Cartel will implode long before Obamacare implodes.
Nope Obamacare will implode this year. The reports are out and it ain't good for democrats.
ObamaCare will survive this year, barely, because there is no repeal and there is no replacement.

As I said at the top, the GOP has passed a bill in the House to sabotage ObamaCare and make it even worse.

What kind of sick fucks would do that to our country for personal gain?
The only thing that was done to obamacare is to end the mandate.
Which was done by an EO.

Remember when the pseudocons would rent their clothes and rip out their hair whenever Obama "circumvented Congress"?

It's Okay When Trump Does It!™

The GOP House bill would do much more to damage ObamaCare. It is a giant sabotage of ObamaCare which neither repeals nor replaces ObamaCare.

Trump lied BIGLY when he claimed it was both.

Trump sold the rubes a repeal and replace, and he handed them a forgery. And his Chumps just sit there and take it.
Nope, but so Eo' s will need to be done to end Obama's legacy.
The entire Trump Cartel will implode long before Obamacare implodes.
Nope Obamacare will implode this year. The reports are out and it ain't good for democrats.


Will Obamacare actually implode, probably not. Although, according to CNN:

For 2016, the benchmark plan's premium rose only 7.2%, on average, for the states that use (Looking only at states on the federal exchange, premiums are rising 25% for 2017.)

The average premium increase masks wide variation among the states. In Arizona, the benchmark plan's average premium will increase 116% in 2017. Arizona had the lowest rates of any state this year, said Kathryn Martin, an acting assistant secretary at the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.

So, if you want your Obamacare, you can keep your a much higher price. Oh no, your insurance carrier fled the state....guess you're out of luck.
Yes, that's why from the get-go I called ObamaCare a bait and switch con.

What the goldfish forget is that health care costs were rising at a much faster pace during the Bush Administration. What the goldfish forget is that health care costs have been rising faster than GDP and inflation for DECADES. What the goldfish forget is that the Republicans have done NOTHING about it all that time.

The goldfish have been deliberately dumbed down by their propaganda outlets for the past 20 years so they will fall for the massive hoax being perpetrated on them, and so they will blindly parrot whatever talking points are fed to them without ever engaging a single brain cell of their dwindling supply in critical thinking.

All for the personal gain of their puppet masters at massive cost to the country.

Republicans have done mean have done nothing about the scam that Democrats shoved down our throats. Since it is/was a Democrat "scam", shouldn't they have done something to correct the problems, and what are they doing now...nada.
The Democrats have tried to implement fixes to ObamaCare, but have been blocked by the Republicans. The Republicans have a vested interest in ObamaCare being as disastrous as possible.

Example, the employer mandate. The business community asked for an extension, which the GOP denied in Congress. So Obama wrote an extension in an EO. The GOP then had a giant shit fit over that EO.

Ladies and gentlemen, I owe miketx an apology.

I documented where the federal debt stood on the day of Trumps inauguration. It was, in fact, higher then than it is at this moment.

We still have a $20 trillion debt.

We still have rising healthcare costs.

I'll be impressed when I see both go down.

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time


miketx, you have bragging rights now. Swing away!
They whined about the inexperience of a man who had been a state senator for 7 years and then a US Senator for one term.

Then they hired an apprentice with ZERO government experience. :lol:

They whined about a "community organizer".

Then they hired a game show host. :lol:

They whined about a health care reform for seven years.

Then came up with no replacement in all that time. :lol:

And they STILL haven't.

Take a look at this link: Donald Trump nominations list – New White House administration

Out of 559 positions requiring Senate confirmation, our fake leader has yet to name 427 of them.

Go ahead. Look.

The naked emperor tried to blame others for his own failings.
Yeah, 8 years of a community organizer. Will take decades to recover from.

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