The Incontrovertible Science and Mathematics of God's Existence

No, you amateur. It's just that nobody wants to tangle up with you and go down the rabbit hole of your regressive, ontological pap. Maybe find you a youngin' that wants to spend 5 hours watching you move the goalposts and show him every turtle all the way down...

What are you talking about? The OP is free to read for yourself.

The reason why I ignored the OP itself is because I have seen all the religious pap for over 40 years now, there is little left for me not to know anymore.

Religion runs on faith, that is all you have.
Can you put that into a mathematical equation? Or at least quantify it?

0 + 0 =

Nothing + nothing should = nothing, but in the case of our universe it happened.

I think it's evidence that there was something before the big bang -- the creator God.

No evidence then, but faith got you conned deeply.
For example, time is circular.
It is? I am curious to hear this one.

You can look it up on Google plus the philosophy forum had it a few times too.

I am not a philosophy studeny, but it is also taught at philosophy classes.

If I remember correctly, it goes like this.

You determine your future as per your expectations in your past. But your past is only visible reality to you in terms of what you expect in the future.

For example if you are a chicken you run from the fox. Your past determines your future, even though you have not ever been eaten.

I am more interested in the mathematical aspects of this. Yes, every quantum mechanical equation, as well as the Maxwell electromagnetism equations function unchanged, no matter what function you put in for its time variable.

Furthermore, if you write out the equations of quantum electro dynamic in terms of relativistic factors, then the time variable falls out on both sides of the equation. So it all is really nothing but a bunch of competing and coexisting set of copies of the same thing.

In fact, modern mathematics proves that St Thomas Aquinas was right about the fundamental nature if all logic, most notably the idea of time. But that is not new either, Jesus and Pontius Pilate discuss this too.
Excellent, thank you. I have also read about quantum mechanical experiments that show the future affects the past. Mind blowing stuff.

Aquinas still understood that logic was a tool, but premises are more subjective than numbers in mathematics. 1+2=3 is objectively true, always. "Something cannot come from nothing" is not. Sonwhile Aquinas did love his arguments, even he acknowledged they were not "proof", even though he viewed them as emergent from the creation as he did mathematics. I would say he was right on both counts, right up to when he then insisted design.

Yes St Thomas Aquinas is absolutely amazing. 800 years before quantum mechanic, he could deduct that time is just a bunch of copies of an original, and that since we can tell copies away from each other, it all is just a measure of corruption. Absolutely amazing.

I do have to stand with him about the question of design too, because it is valid to ask about the first mover. In a world locked into an energy conservation principle, there can be no first mover, so no motion and no time, no corruption. Therefore A creator must exist which then can be corrupted.
Is it your belief that the Universe just popped into existence from an ontological nothingness?
I've already said I don't know.
Actually, you hadn't already said that, and that response is nonsensical. Did you fail to answer this yes/no question because you don't know what ontological nothingness means or because you don't know what you believe in this wise?
It's your OP, I'm asking you.
Are you asking me because you think I can read your mind, because you didn't read the OP, or because you're prevaricating?
You are running away as hard as you can. Oh well.
Are you making this ridiculous claim because you didn't read the OP or because you're prevaricating?
Here's another one to run from. Are gods part of the universe?
I didn't run away from anything in the first place. Are you making this ridiculous claim because you didn't read the OP or because you're prevaricating?

As a sane human being who observes the imperatives of logic, mathematics and science relative to sufficient reason and causation: I hold that such a thing is not possible, that such a thing is an absurdityi.e., inherently contradictory or self-negating. That's the whole point of the OP, so you shouldn't be asking your ridiculous question in the first place. In fact, if you didn't watch the videos or read the text in the OP, you shouldn't be commenting on this thread in the first place.

Moving on. . . .

An ontological nothingness, which is the absence of being, caused something to exist?!

Or, stated another way:

Something cased itself to exist before it existed?!

I ask you once again:

Is it your belief that the Universe just popped into existence from an ontological nothingness?

It's a yes/no question.

You still have nothing beyond the level of faith to offer.
Further, Creatio ex nihilo (Latin for creation out of nothing) is a theological term of art that means creation out of no priorly existing substance, not creation out of an ontological nothingness.

Edit post #73: the above should read creation out of no priorly existing material substance. . . .

creation out of nothing is still NOTHING!

Faith is all you have.....
No sooner did darkness fall on the primordial Sabbath and it became permissible to work but God came into existence to perform His almighty labors.

The evening went by and it was morning and the whole day was spent but God continued working six days straight, until the the morning dew began to fall on the Sabbath, when God perfected His work and rested.
No sooner did darkness fall on the primordial Sabbath and it became permissible to work but God came into existence to perform His almighty labors.

The evening went by and it was morning and the whole day was spent but God continued working six days straight, until the the morning dew began to fall on the Sabbath, when God perfected His work and rested.

That isn't evidence, just origin words to soothe the crowd.

1. Whatever begins to exist has a cause.​

What was the 'Cause" of 'gods' existence?
The following is my own syllogistic formulation regarding the only possible cause of the physical world:
3. The universe has a cause of its existence.
3.1. If the cause of the universe's existence were impersonal, it would be operationally mechanical.
3.2. An operationally mechanical cause would be a material existent.....[/B]​
Your damn right it's your own formulation..
The universe is 'impersonal.' 99.999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% impersonal and it's material existence governed by the property's of physics, not the Gospels.
Just an accident or two we don't understand ... YET... but not proof of god.
OH NO, It's couched in philosophical trash, but still 'God of the Gaps' you beaten clown.
You're a transparent Religious FREAK parading around with the IDENTICAL argument in every thread/OP.
An illogical god-BORE rationalizing/Philosophizing is Not Evidence of god. (In your case Haysoos), like most of the FREAKS here.
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In terms of defining what the gods can and cannot do, you need to take the first step and make a rational case for the existence of your gods.

If by gods you mean God the Creator, see OP. Thanks. As for your notion that God should be able to do the impossible, that's crazy talk.
It is your contention that there are some creator gods but you fail to indicate which of the various claims to gods you refer to.

As to your gods being limited in some ways, can you describe their limits and are there other, competing gods who do not share the limits of your gods.
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No, you amateur. It's just that nobody wants to tangle up with you and go down the rabbit hole of your regressive, ontological pap. Maybe find you a youngin' that wants to spend 5 hours watching you move the goalposts and show him every turtle all the way down...

What are you talking about? The OP is free to read for yourself.

The reason why I ignored the OP itself is because I have seen all the religious pap for over 40 years now, there is little left for me not to know anymore.

Religion runs on faith, that is all you have.
Its a tactic of the ID creationists such as the OP to put their religious propaganda in Science and Technology forums in the hope of giving their propaganda credibility as something other than faith based apologetics.

The ''Kalam'' theological Cul de sac gave William Lane Craig his 15 minutes of fame but like all the versions of religious arguments, supernatural cosmology cannot survive the challenge of scientific review.
That isn't evidence, just origin words to soothe the crowd.

Volumes have been written contradicting your atheist faith. Thousands of volumes.

I refer you to:

The Case for Faith by Lee Strobel
The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel
The New Evidence that Demands a Verdict by Josh McDowell
The Devil's Delusion by David Berlinski
Rare Earth by Ward and Brownlee
Illogical Atheism by Bo Jinn (Former militant atheist)
There is that same putrid stench of militarist propaganda which reeks from the pages of New Atheist script, and is immediately familiar to anyone who has read the work of Herr Josef Goebbels, constituting little more than a host of lavishly morbid anecdotes and caricatures of religion punctuated here and there with traces of puerile logic.

Put simply, scientists will tell you that “science works.” If science works, then the universe works. If the universe works then it means that it was made; because what is not made cannot possibly “work.”

Professor Andrew Simms, former President of the Royal Institute of Psychiatry in Britain… concludes that religious faith is one of medicine’s best kept secrets. Particularly among Christian adherents in western society, religious practice seems to result in lower levels of stress and depression, better physical health, better interpersonal relationship and family life and a much lower inclination to substance addiction, among other behavioral and mental disorders. The psychiatric data for atheism and agnosticism, on the other hand, appears to run quite in the opposite direction. A number of studies performed by members of the American psychiatric association determine a strong correlation between a “lack of faith” (i.e. atheism) and depression and suicide.

The Irrational Atheist by Vox Day (Former militant atheist)

The idea that he is a devotee of reason seeing through the outdated superstitions believed by less intelligent beings is the foremost conceit of the atheist.

Studies have shown that those without religion have life expectancies seven years shorter than the average churchgoer, are more likely to smoke, abuse alcohol and be depressed or obese, and they are much less likely to marry or have children.


Your atheist beliefs are demonstrably unhealthy, physically and mentally, and yet you insist otherwise, to your own eternal detriment. Pride is the original sin. It is your downfall. I am nothing. It's not about me, but you atheists always try to make it about the individual(s) trying to teach you what you refuse to consider much less learn. You're smarter, you're better, you're more moral, you're more scientific. You're better than God and so you don't need God (you think, you preach).- ChemEngineer
That isn't evidence, just origin words to soothe the crowd.

Volumes have been written contradicting your atheist faith. Thousands of volumes.

I refer you to:

The Case for Faith by Lee Strobel
The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel
The New Evidence that Demands a Verdict by Josh McDowell
The Devil's Delusion by David Berlinski
Rare Earth by Ward and Brownlee
Illogical Atheism by Bo Jinn (Former militant atheist)
There is that same putrid stench of militarist propaganda which reeks from the pages of New Atheist script, and is immediately familiar to anyone who has read the work of Herr Josef Goebbels, constituting little more than a host of lavishly morbid anecdotes and caricatures of religion punctuated here and there with traces of puerile logic.

Put simply, scientists will tell you that “science works.” If science works, then the universe works. If the universe works then it means that it was made; because what is not made cannot possibly “work.”

Professor Andrew Simms, former President of the Royal Institute of Psychiatry in Britain… concludes that religious faith is one of medicine’s best kept secrets. Particularly among Christian adherents in western society, religious practice seems to result in lower levels of stress and depression, better physical health, better interpersonal relationship and family life and a much lower inclination to substance addiction, among other behavioral and mental disorders. The psychiatric data for atheism and agnosticism, on the other hand, appears to run quite in the opposite direction. A number of studies performed by members of the American psychiatric association determine a strong correlation between a “lack of faith” (i.e. atheism) and depression and suicide.

The Irrational Atheist by Vox Day (Former militant atheist)

The idea that he is a devotee of reason seeing through the outdated superstitions believed by less intelligent beings is the foremost conceit of the atheist.

Studies have shown that those without religion have life expectancies seven years shorter than the average churchgoer, are more likely to smoke, abuse alcohol and be depressed or obese, and they are much less likely to marry or have children.


Your atheist beliefs are demonstrably unhealthy, physically and mentally, and yet you insist otherwise, to your own eternal detriment. Pride is the original sin. It is your downfall. I am nothing. It's not about me, but you atheists always try to make it about the individual(s) trying to teach you what you refuse to consider much less learn. You're smarter, you're better, you're more moral, you're more scientific. You're better than God and so you don't need God (you think, you preach).- ChemEngineer

"You're smarter, you're better, you're more moral, you're more scientific.''


In the categories of enraged, self-hating, defeatist and slovenly, you religious extremists have a definite advantage.
That isn't evidence, just origin words to soothe the crowd.

Volumes have been written contradicting your atheist faith. Thousands of volumes.

I refer you to:

The Case for Faith by Lee Strobel
The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel
The New Evidence that Demands a Verdict by Josh McDowell
The Devil's Delusion by David Berlinski
Rare Earth by Ward and Brownlee
Illogical Atheism by Bo Jinn (Former militant atheist)
There is that same putrid stench of militarist propaganda which reeks from the pages of New Atheist script, and is immediately familiar to anyone who has read the work of Herr Josef Goebbels, constituting little more than a host of lavishly morbid anecdotes and caricatures of religion punctuated here and there with traces of puerile logic.

Put simply, scientists will tell you that “science works.” If science works, then the universe works. If the universe works then it means that it was made; because what is not made cannot possibly “work.”

Professor Andrew Simms, former President of the Royal Institute of Psychiatry in Britain… concludes that religious faith is one of medicine’s best kept secrets. Particularly among Christian adherents in western society, religious practice seems to result in lower levels of stress and depression, better physical health, better interpersonal relationship and family life and a much lower inclination to substance addiction, among other behavioral and mental disorders. The psychiatric data for atheism and agnosticism, on the other hand, appears to run quite in the opposite direction. A number of studies performed by members of the American psychiatric association determine a strong correlation between a “lack of faith” (i.e. atheism) and depression and suicide.

The Irrational Atheist by Vox Day (Former militant atheist)

The idea that he is a devotee of reason seeing through the outdated superstitions believed by less intelligent beings is the foremost conceit of the atheist.

Studies have shown that those without religion have life expectancies seven years shorter than the average churchgoer, are more likely to smoke, abuse alcohol and be depressed or obese, and they are much less likely to marry or have children.


Your atheist beliefs are demonstrably unhealthy, physically and mentally, and yet you insist otherwise, to your own eternal detriment. Pride is the original sin. It is your downfall. I am nothing. It's not about me, but you atheists always try to make it about the individual(s) trying to teach you what you refuse to consider much less learn. You're smarter, you're better, you're more moral, you're more scientific. You're better than God and so you don't need God (you think, you preach).- ChemEngineer

Encyclopedia of American Loons: Search results for Strobel

Lee Strobel is a popular Christian apologetics speaker, creationist, newspaper writer, intelligent design panderer, former legal editor at the Chicago Tribune television host (“Faith under Fire”), and author of several books, all with titles starting with “The case for …”. In his publications and interviews Strobel’s approach is to claim to assume the role of an investigative reporter but take anything that agrees with his position at face value (regardless of how vague, foggy, or unsupported it is; examples here and here). His tactic against people he disagrees with is to take a quote out of context and use it to erect a strawman. Note that his point is not to argue that faith is compatible with science - he does indeed perceive a conflict between science and religion; fortunately, his armchair arguments for God are supposedly good enough to refute the parts of science he doesn't fancy.

So for instance his collection “The Case for A Creator” (mild critique of some of it here), which was supposed to have an unbiased, critical approach to the question of whether there is, you know, a designer, contained one rant against evolution by Discotute fellow Jonathan Wells, a discussion of the relationship between science and religion (and abiogenesis) by Discotute fellow Stephen Meyer, a discussion of the Big Bang and the cosmological argument by William Lane Craig, Robin Collins using the anthropic principle to argue for design, Guillermo Gonzalez & Jay Richards using Rare Earth to argue for design, Michael Behe discussing irreducible complexity, and J.P. Moreland arguing that out-of-body experiences near death is good evidence for dualism (seriously). You see where this is going – to make the scientific case for the Creator, use the hardcore science denialists. Some of the “The case for …” books also exist in kids’ versions (“The case for a Creator for kids”), which is also entirely expectable for these people, whose goal is not truth but converting as many people as possible.

You can find balanced assessment of The Case for Christ here; of The Case for Easter here; of The Case for Faith here; and of the Case for a Creator here.

Strobel’s own arguments against evolutionary theory are mostly based on ignorance and distortion, for instance “Evolution is defined as a random, undirected process” [no, it isn’t], and “Darwinism offers no explanation for human consciousness. The gaps in science point to a creator.” It is followed by “700 scientists of impeccable credentials signed the Dissent from Darwinism statement. Believing in evolution requires a leap of fatih. This isn't faith versus science it's science versus science.” Right.

As with so many of these people, Strobel claims to be a former atheist who was converted by the gaps in and failures of science.

Diagnosis: One of the central figures of the Dishonest Apologists movement. He is enormously influential (example: Oklahoma legislator Josh Brecheen used Strobel’s rant in defense of introducing creationism in Oklahoma schools), and one of the most dangerous threats to science alive in the US.
I do have to stand with him about the question of design too, because it is valid to ask about the first mover.
Sure, but that is philosophy. It is not a testable, scientific idea. And don't trick yourself into thinking you have found some sort of objective, forcing argument for a god. Really you have subjectively chosen a long form way of authoritatively saying, "There is a god." You agree to subjective premises from the start which are, themselves, carefully chosen specifically for the success of the argument.. So the first mover argument is no more compelling than saying, "I think strawberries taste good." Well...good for you. Let's not try to turn "strawberries taste good" into a philosophical treatise in order to try to sneak it by as some sort of forcing argument or objective truth.
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I say it is possible that something CAN come from nothing without help from magical gods.

I also say it is possible the universe has no beginning.

Good luck ruling out any of that. In a universe wher either of these statements are true, these ontological and regressive arguments become unsound and worthless, as their premises are false.
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1. Whatever begins to exist has a cause.
What caused gods to begin to exist?

So you barely regarded the contents of the OP, eh? Just like a dog "you went all squirrel!" when you saw the term sufficient cause and went off into la-la land where things just pop into existence from an ontological nothingness. Magic!

Then you can't answer his simple question.


The question is absurd. God did not begin to exist. Read the OP.
Ok, who created the creator then? You want me to accept that your god character gets to defy all logic, fact, science and reason. And gets to break all the rules.

If what you are telling me doesn't pass the scientific method then I throw it out.
Baby talk. Something exists rather than nothing, dummy. The imperatives of logic, mathematics and science tell us that something has always existed.

The first premise: That which begins to exist must have a cause of its existence.

Are you really that stupid or are you prevaricating?
I guarantee you the answer to the things you believe we know Is we don’t know.

Has your theory made it through consensus among the scientific community yet?
To question whether the Gods could create a rock so heavy that even they couldn't lift it seems preposterous. More important is the ramification of the first principle of whether or not the Gods could microwave a burrito so hot they couldn't eat it.

What, precisely, are you saying here, Hollie, and why is cnm giving you a thumbs up for this incoherency? Are you saying that God should be able to do the absurd or impossible?
Why not? You claim god can do the absurd and impossible.

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