The Inexorable Rising Seas

I visited my childhood beach a few years ago ... it's at least 20 feet to the base of the sea wall, another 30 feet to the top of the Great Highway ... and even if topped, the ocean will only cover 45th through 48th Avenue ... only the soccer fields on the west end of the Park ...

Science says 2 feet in 100 years ... for this little girls soil their knickers ...
Were you under the impression that those sea walls extend worldwide? They don't even extend to the next town.
You’d think he’d learn after the first hundred predictions all failed to occur. Lol.
The predictions of mainstream science were that CO2, temperature and sea level would continue to increase while the world's ice melts, its seas become more acidic and rising ocean temperatures intensify storms. Those have all come true.

The Inexorable Rising Seas​

The world's oceans are rising and the rate is accelerating. The best case scenario will give us 28-55 cm by 2100. The worst case scenario is over 2 meters. A 2 meter sea level rise would displace 1/10th of the entire world's population.

What a stupid, useless climate jockstrap you are.

I think that if I wanted most of the folks here to follow me, I would diss Biden, liberals, scientists, academics, democrats and women and praise Trump, Joe Rogan, Ted Cruz and wax romantic about MTG and Lauren B. I would verify nothing I posted and would assume all my enemies had formed an enormous conspiracy whose only goal was the destruction of life on Earth because they're just that evil.
Your cult is 0-167 in doomsdayer predictions.

Your a fool.
The predictions of mainstream science were that CO2, temperature and sea level would continue to increase while the world's ice melts, its seas become more acidic and rising ocean temperatures intensify storms. Those have all come true.
Why’d the glacier bay glacier recede 60 miles in 90 years?
19th century BTW.
We are in an interglacial period of the current ice age. And yes, we are currently still in an ice age. Hallmarks of interglacial periods is the retreating of glaciers, and the thawing of polar caps.
Prior to the onset of AGW, global temperatures had been falling for 5,000 years whizbrain.
Sea level rise is absolutely guaranteed!


Meanwhile all the rich screaming about the manmade rising temperatures are buying beachfront mansions.

If you’re really believing your cult, then demand that all beachfront owners pay huge taxes to fight your cause.
Why? It's not their fault. It's YOURS.
It would be great for me if Crick was right for the first time in his life.

I live on The Ridge in Central Florida. High ground running down the middle of Peninsula Florida. If Crick is right I'll soon have beach front property.

By the time you had beachfront property, you will have to have fought off the 20 million people living seaward of you looking for high ground.
Humans can change sex on a whim.
No. Doctors make quite certain its a great deal more than a whim.
Humans can control the weather.
No. Humans, pouring CO2 into the air for 150 years can affect the climate.
Humans appeared naturally out of the Periodic Table of Elements.
No. Life appeared spontaneously. Humans were the result of a billion years of evolution.
What can we NOT do!?
Well, if we go by you, we are a LOUSY source of accurate information.
Hey guys. We shouldn't ridicule Crick for being an Environmental Wacko. After all this silly AGW scam is his/her/its religion. It is not cool to ridicule somebody's religion, is it?
I guess not. I've been an atheist for 57 years and I haven't taken too many opportunities to ridicule all you silly Christians have I.

But if you want to call me an "Environmental Wacko" (don't know why that's capitalized) feel free, but prepare to occasionally get some response that will likely have nothing to do with your religion and more to do with your knowledge of basic science.
Prophet Al won the Nobel Prize for his climate work.
Is he going to return it if we can’t even quote him now?
Quote away. Whether or not he keeps his Nobel, I'm afraid, is not one of your responsibilities.
Are we ready to discuss SB? ...
Do you not remember that I said you ought to stay away from math and science? I'm sorry but you just don't have what it takes. But, if you'd really like to discuss SB, let me have it. Show us what it is the world's scientists all missed about basic thermodynamics.
are we ready to discuss what a single degree of temperature over 140 years means to weather? ...
SB isn't going to tell you that.
I gave you the scientific citation ... sea levels will rise less than two feet by Year 2100 ...
You gave me a "simple extrapolation of the quadratic" as I quoted from your source.
that leaves Miami International Airport still FIVE FEET above sea level ... go look at the Everglades Parkway ... tell me two feet will destroy that sucker ...
Did I ever even suggest that it would? It will dramatically increase the frequency and severity of tidal flooding and storm surges, though. Or do you disagree with that?
ETA: For those in The West ... LAX will still be THIRTY-THREE FEET above sea level ...
How about the sherpas at the top of Mt Everest? Will they be safe? Now how about Bangkok, Thailand? Amsterdam, Netherlands? Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam? Cardiff, UK? New Orleans, La? Manila, Philippines? London, UK? Shenzhen, China? Hamburg, Germany? Dubai, UAE?
The world's oceans are rising and the rate is accelerating. The best case scenario will give us 28-55 cm by 2100. The worst case scenario is over 2 meters. A 2 meter sea level rise would displace 1/10th of the entire world's population.

Whatever's left of it by then.

2100 is a long, long way from now.

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