The infidel cuckoo in a gentile nest


Active Member
May 3, 2014
These species are obligate brood parasites, meaning that they only reproduce in this fashion. In addition to the above noted species, yet others sometimes engage in non-obligate brood parasitism, laying their eggs in the nests of members of their own species in addition to raising their own young. The best-known example is the European Common Cuckoo. The shells of the eggs of brood-parasites are usually thick.[16] They have two distinct layers with an outer chalky layer that is believed to provide resistance to cracking when the eggs are dropped in the host nest.[17] The cuckoo egg hatches earlier than the host's, and the cuckoo chick grows faster; in most cases the chick evicts the eggs or young of the host species.

Cuckoo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Palestine was Arab and predominately muslim, to whom Jews are infidels. Arabs are gentile. Palestine was a gentile land. Israel is the cuckoo, an infidel cuckoo in a gentile nest. A cuckoo has the right to life but all the other birds have a right to defend themselves from invading cuckoos. Analogy concluded.
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Historically Jews fared significantly better in muslim lands than Christian.

These species are obligate brood parasites, meaning that they only reproduce in this fashion. In addition to the above noted species, yet others sometimes engage in non-obligate brood parasitism, laying their eggs in the nests of members of their own species in addition to raising their own young. The best-known example is the European Common Cuckoo. The shells of the eggs of brood-parasites are usually thick.[16] They have two distinct layers with an outer chalky layer that is believed to provide resistance to cracking when the eggs are dropped in the host nest.[17] The cuckoo egg hatches earlier than the host's, and the cuckoo chick grows faster; in most cases the chick evicts the eggs or young of the host species.

Cuckoo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Palestine was Arab and predominately muslim, to whom Jews are infidels. Arabs are gentile. Palestine was a gentile land. Israel is the cuckoo, an infidel cuckoo in a gentile nest. A cuckoo has the right to life but all the other birds have a right to defend themselves from invading cuckoos. Analogy concluded.

Palestine was Jewish and the arab muslims used the term as a derogatory term for the Jews until Arafat decided to give the arab muslim land thieves credibility. So if there are any parasites they would be the blood sucking arab muslims who live on the toil and sweat of others. Look at the history under the ottomans and you will see that very few if any arab muslims lived in Palestine, they were too lazy to do the work. So the Ottomans invited Jews to make their home in Palestine with bribes of ownership of the land and equal rights with other inhabitants.
Historically Jews fared significantly better in muslim lands than Christian.


Only in the ISLAMONAZI history books, in reality they were nothing but slaves to be murdered on a whim. You go on about so called Israeli apartheid and racism, well under islam all non muslims were treated worse than the blacks in South Africa. They had to pass a muslim on the left or be murdered, could not let their shadow touch a muslim or be killed. Could not wear white or be killed, could not ride a horse or be killed. Could not show their religion openly or be killed, could not build new places of worship or be killed. Could not repair their places of worship or be killed, could not build any homes taller than the surrounding muslim ones or be killed. These rules/laws are still in place in many Islamic nations today, so who are the parasites and mindless murdering scum according to history
Historically Jews fared significantly better in muslim lands than Christian.


Only in the ISLAMONAZI history books, in reality they were nothing but slaves to be murdered on a whim. You go on about so called Israeli apartheid and racism, well under islam all non muslims were treated worse than the blacks in South Africa. They had to pass a muslim on the left or be murdered, could not let their shadow touch a muslim or be killed. Could not wear white or be killed, could not ride a horse or be killed. Could not show their religion openly or be killed, could not build new places of worship or be killed. Could not repair their places of worship or be killed, could not build any homes taller than the surrounding muslim ones or be killed. These rules/laws are still in place in many Islamic nations today, so who are the parasites and mindless murdering scum according to history

"Islamonazi" is an odd term. Are you suggesting that you think all Muslim's are Nazis?
That some of them are? I'd be interested to know, as you epithet seems a little to general to be clear.

As to your descriptions, of Islamic treatment of Jews, they are interesting, not least in the practical difficulty that would present in trying to implement them in a society, and to enforce them. Do you know where are when these things happened, and can you provide links?
They're just lying to keep their diminishing support amongst right wing US religious nutjobs.

Not only have Jews suffered countless pogroms and expulsions from Christian lands the holocaust was perpetrated by "Christians" and in some cases with the conivance of Zionism if their destination was not to be Palestine not to mention the Stern Gangs's offer to fight on the Nazi side.

Until the arrival in the ME of zionists Jews lived in muslim lands and were respected, along with Christians, as "peoples of the book". Even today Persian Jews prefer being Persian to being Israeli and are protected & represented far better than muslims (or Christians) are in Israel.

It's almost like Phoenall doesn't know what google is that he expects to be believed. i'm embarassed for him, more to be pitied than scolded perhaps with the right degree of condescension.
I disagree with your opinion, Auldhippy. The Jews have not suffered countless pogroms and expulsions from Christian lands in recent history. That would be Islamic lands. Not Christian.
"more to be pitied than scolded perhaps with the right degree of condescension".

That and encouraged.

Everytime someone with education reads the nonsense, unprincipled, historically unbelievable, genocidal view of most Zionists, there is one more person who will think twice about buying a Sodastream.
I disagree with your opinion, Auldhippy. The Jews have not suffered countless pogroms and expulsions from Christian lands in recent history. That would be Islamic lands. Not Christian.

Do you exclude that of Germany in the 1930's Jeremiah?
Or do you see that as Zionism encouraging migration from Europe, because they were having it "too good"?
I disagree with your opinion, Auldhippy. The Jews have not suffered countless pogroms and expulsions from Christian lands in recent history. That would be Islamic lands. Not Christian.

I made it clear that I was referring to the period prior to when Zionists ruined the ME. Jews lived in Arab lands as respected "people of the book".
I disagree with your opinion, Auldhippy. The Jews have not suffered countless pogroms and expulsions from Christian lands in recent history. That would be Islamic lands. Not Christian.

I made it clear that I was referring to the period prior to when Zionists ruined the ME. Jews lived in Arab lands as respected "people of the book".

Zionists ruined the ME??

What kind of bullshit is that??
European Jews with no genetic or familial connection to the land of Palestine intent on land theft betraying their religion.

Palestinians are the descendents of biblical Israel
European Jews with no genetic or familial connection to the land of Palestine intent on land theft betraying their religion.

Palestinians are the descendents of biblical Israel

How does that answer my question?? I asked you how Zionists ruined the ME..
I disagree with your opinion, Auldhippy. The Jews have not suffered countless pogroms and expulsions from Christian lands in recent history. That would be Islamic lands. Not Christian.

What do you mean by recent history. Christian states expelled millions of Jews, Arab states relatively few. In fact, Jews are still living in Arab states with relatively few problems and are free to leave should there be problems. Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria etc. and the Jews that did leave left as French citizens along with the Christian French citizens, they were not expelled because they were Jews.
European Jews with no genetic or familial connection to the land of Palestine intent on land theft betraying their religion.

Palestinians are the descendents of biblical Israel

How does that answer my question?? I asked you how Zionists ruined the ME..

Massacres, ethnic cleansing, land theft, constant warmongering, apartheid, that sort of thing. All in the name of a religion they betray. Odious folk really.
European Jews with no genetic or familial connection to the land of Palestine intent on land theft betraying their religion.

Palestinians are the descendents of biblical Israel

How does that answer my question?? I asked you how Zionists ruined the ME..

Massacres, ethnic cleansing, land theft, constant warmongering, apartheid, that sort of thing. All in the name of a religion they betray. Odious folk really.


You're another clueless one. Prove the above if you can.
If I may, Caroline,

Do you want a link to a:
Ethnic Cleansing
Land theft

If so - well I mean, you are asking for five links when all you have done is write 10 words.
Are you being - a little lazy? A little demanding?

Anyway, if you want to see those things, its easy. Type in (to Google, that is) each of those phrases in turn, followed by "Israel". You will see, for example 32,800 million links on the "Apartheid Israel" one. :)
I disagree with your opinion, Auldhippy. The Jews have not suffered countless pogroms and expulsions from Christian lands in recent history. That would be Islamic lands. Not Christian.

It depends what you call recent, my Grandparents lived though the pogroms by the filthy goyim and it is still in Jewish memory

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