The Infuriating Popularity of Donald Trump

Poor babies. 7 years of negative press, wild unfounded accusations, and even political weaponizing of the FBI and DOJ has done nothing to diminish Trumps support.

“One of the stunning facts of the age is the continued prominence of Donald Trump. His candidates did well in the G.O.P. primaries this year. He won more votes in 2020 than he did in 2016. His favorability ratings within his party have been high and basically unchanged since late 2016. In a range of polls, some have actually shown Trump leading President Biden in a race for re-election in 2024.”

His popularity speaks to the white nationalist, racist, Nazi, Fascist, anti-Democracy faction of his base of supporters. They want the others either gone or dead. Period!
His popularity speaks to the white nationalist, racist, Nazi, Fascist, anti-Democracy faction of his base of supporters. They want the others either gone or dead. Period!
biden is just a sick old demented tool of china....he was and is brain challenged in a big way...poor old racist relic
It's making the Left go truly insane.
I would bet it's the other way around. The Left isn't the party threatening bodily harm if they don't win elections. Trumps cultists are. That's the real insanity.
biden is just a sick old demented tool of china....he was and is brain challenged in a big way...poor old racist relic
If that were true, you would have attached a link to that claim. You didn't. You're a liar.
Easily could have????? Trump was the best US president of my lifetime.... and I don't care what you puke out of your pie hole... you are wrong about Trump..... its anti Trumper bushbots like you that gave us biden.....
He was the best criminal president of our lifetime.
Point of contention...

This is not an "American Establishment", these are globalists and their minions. There is nothing "American" about these sociopaths. They have not a shred of patriotic loyalty, they revile the COTUS and pretty much all Americans in general. They're elitist scum and probably fuck kids.

Let's pretend that anything or even EVERYTHING Trump's (and the republic's) enemies say about him is true. He would still not be as loathsome as hitlary, the meat puppet faggot and his wookie or the fuckin potato. Trump still is preferable to anyone the democrook criminal syndicate could run and if not for the covid hoax and mail in ballots the potato would still be in a basement somewhere and forgotten.

Let's face the facts also, Trump isn't all that charismatic or even "likeable". He's arrogant and says some goofy shit on occasion, whereas the fuckin potato can't even read a teleprompter and not sound like a jabbering buffoon. His press secretary is a circus shit show all on it's own. There's no contest there, Trump looks like Zeus or a Prophet of God compared to the entire collective of genetic garbage and criminal sociopaths the DNC has to offer. It's not that Trump is "that great" or he has some cult followers, it's because the democrooks suck harder than an intergalactic black hole.

Wow, what a rant, backed up by nothing.
When criminals are popular, one need not wonder about those who prop up that popularity.
The media props up career criminal Biden every day. And no one wonders why because the media is complicit. Everyone knows that too. It just does not bother some people. Those are the people I would worry about.
I would bet it's the other way around. The Left isn't the party threatening bodily harm if they don't win elections. Trumps cultists are. That's the real insanity.
The Left living in the slums don't need an election to be violent but at least thy murder each other.
The media props up career criminal Biden every day. And no one wonders why because the media is complicit. Everyone knows that too. It just does not bother some people. Those are the people I would worry about.
If that were true, you'd link the documented crimes. You lie every day.
If that were true, you'd link the documented crimes. You lie every day.
If it were true about Trump wouldn't you do the same, because you have not. Think before you post. You look very stupid.
Because they knew they were hopelessly outnumbered and out gunned. It could be the same thing for Americans if these fascists get their way.
That's not my question. Why were the Indians murdered, raped, and run out from their homes to begin with? They didn't go to Europe and do the same to the whites.

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