The insanity of Trumpism and the insurrection explained

Ah, so the real reason for your post is simply an attack on religion. Religion had nothing to do with the attack in the capital. Space lasers? I don't believe greene actually uttered those words.

Swords, six headed snakes? Where is all that coming from?

Your real goal here is an attack on religion and to paint all Republicans as crazy. You should have just said "I hope this gun legislation passes so we can try and get all Republicans disqualified from owning firearms.
Most Republican evangelical Christians are crazy. 75 million Republicans voted for crazy. They also voted for a criminal. One can only conclude that these 75 million no longer, or never had any self respect.

I've thought about this hundreds times after discovering Trump stole charity money from children with cancer. How could any real Christian vote for someone who could do something like that to sick and dying children? The only logical answer is these people sold their souls to the devil, and use Christianity as a way to circumvent the evil they do.

It's not an attack on religion you idiot. It's the Right-wing crazies taking religion hostage.
No, most republican Christians are not crazy. For the most part, you choose to think of them that way because your left wing echo chambers program you tinting that way, and your hatred for anything that disagrees with you reinforces it.

I do love this guilt by association though. So, if you voted or supported trump, then you are crazy. OK, let's just take that a bit further, shall we. So, Clinton was a serial sex offender, and he was associated with epstein, a known pedophile. You guys supported and voted for Clinton, so I guess that makes all democrats pedophiles and serial set offenders.

See how that works?
Did I forget to mention evil? 've thought about this hundreds times after discovering Trump stole charity money from children with cancer. How could any real Christian vote for someone who could do something like that to sick and dying children? The only logical answer is these people sold their souls to the devil, and use Christianity as a way to circumvent the evil they do. No human being with a moral compass would ever vote for another human being who involves him or herself with activity like that, then label themselves Christians. They aren't Christians and they never were. It's used as a facade to hide who they are.

And I do love your false association comparisons, along with your lies. First off, we don't know if Clinton was a pedophile. Secondly, if he was, then we'll put Trump in that same camp, and you voted for him right? LOL! Your comparisons have nothing to do with the evil of stealing money from a cancer charity that went straight to children.

Your whataboutism /false association comparison, was meant for losers like you. Thanks for the heads up.
Nope, its not a false comparison, its an exact comparison. I'm not denying anything trump may or may not have done, im saying that, the left loves to play the guilt by association game, that if you support trump, then you are obviously supporting everything he does. So, if that's the case, then the left, as well, has a lot of problems in their own corner.

It doesn't matter if Clinton was ever proven to have done any of those things. There are plenty of unproven accusations the left have levied against trump, and even with lack of any evidence, they still are adamant that trump is guilty of them, and anyone who supported trump is also guilty of the same.

So, with that method, it doesn't matter if Clinton was proven guilty of anything. He was accused of it, so that means he is guilty of it, and leftists by association, are guilty of if too. There were plenty of allegations against Clinton, and one confirmed case of sexual impropriety with the Lewinsky scandal.
Dude, your distraction is not going to help you. Whatever Clinton did or didn't do, I don't support the bad. And those things have no equal footing to what Trump did. He incited an insurrection for God's sake. Are you friggin kidding me? You assume that everyone on the Left kneels at the alter of Bill Clinton. Think again.

"There are plenty of unproven accusations the left have levied against trump, and even with lack of any evidence, they still are adamant that trump is guilty of them, and anyone who supported trump is also guilty of the same." These are just examples of the blatant lies by you and your ilk. There are many proven accusations against Trump. Anytime you want to go over them, while I link the proof, I want you to provide counter information where I am wrong. And if you don't, then we all know you are full of it.
Wait, so you're saying that when a democratic president does atrocious acts, the left has the convenient privilege of being able to separate themselves from that person, but when trump does something, anyone who supports him is guilty of those things? How does that double standard work?

Trump didn't incite a riot. How many times does it have to be said. He said "peaceful and patriotically make your voices heard". How does that translate to incitement? I know your left wing echo chambers tell you to think that. Trust me, I know, I listen to a LOT of left wing talk radio. I know what they are saying.

[You assume that everyone on the left kneels ar the alter of Bill Clinton...

Did you read what you just wrote? Again, how does this double standard work? The left has been accusing the right of "kneeling at the feet of trump" for 4 years. Again, the left seems to have the unique privilege of being immune from the ills of their parties leadership.

You can link all the "proof" you want, and I'll say the same thing that you will say to my rebuttals to it "fake news, get a credible source".

Vox, salon, cnn, and MSNBC, etc.. are not going to be credible sources of information just like you'll say about fox, blaze, Newsmax etc.

For every accusation that was levied against trump, there has been an argument written to refute it. In the game.of partisan politics, there are no winners.

At the end of the day, my post had nothing to do with who did what wrong. My post was about the hypocrisy of the left in that they try to blanket associate the right with anything wrong with a single thing someone did, but refuse to even admit when their side does something wrong.
I could care less what you say and don't say. Too much evidence against Trump for inciting this insurrection plays against him.

And by the way, there are no arguments in Trump's favor. This one in particular; Neal Katyal puts the smack down on Trump's defense lawyer, just to show how stupid Trump's defense is.

What Trump did is not protected by the First Amendment;

Aaand again, you cite CNN. Should I pull a page out of the partisan playback and say "fake news, find a credible source, you're citing an obviously biased article".

Ok, there's some articles refuting your articles. Now, its time for you to say "your articles are fake news/biased/right wing conspiracy theory/etc...."

So, my whole point here is, there has never been any PROVEN fact that trump either colluded with Russia, or incited a riot. You have biased news sources whos main goal is to discredit, demonize, and make the right look bad. CNN is, from what I understand, in an active campaign to try and get fox news off the air, and you guys would cheer if that happened.

My point is, there is no such thing as factual reporting anymore. Nobody knows the news. We only know whatever echo chamber we listen to tells us. That should scare each and every one of us. If you listen to one side only, then you are going to know only what they tell you, including any implied bias they spin into their stories.

So, when CNN runs a story saying "trump is guilty!", you have to expect, given their obvious bias and agenda, that one would be a bit skeptical of what they are saying.
The Federalist and the Republican Gazette? Are you high on drugs? LOL! This is why you and your ilk have no credibility.

Just for shits and giggles; Legally speaking, incitement has an incredibly high bar that none of Trump’s actions since the election come close to meeting. These standards were set by the Supreme Court in its landmark Brandenburg v. Ohio case. Among other things, the decision held that in order to constitute incitement to violence, speech must include intent and specific, not abstract, instructions to act. It also required that the speech in question would likely produce “imminent lawless action,” which went a step further than the previous legal tests for incitement. According to the ruling: This is from your first article. But I said something is wrong here, something is really wrong, can’t have happened, and we fight. We fight like hell, and if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore. You want intent, that is intent with instructions. Trump is saying something is really wrong with the election, and he has no proof, while telling the crowd to fight like hell, and if you don't, you aren't going to have a country. Anyone who has a functioning brain knows exactly what Trump was saying. And for further proof, Trump runs the other way, does not walk to the Capitol, and proceeds to an undisclosed tent area, supplied with multiple TV's, his butt buddies, his family, and dancing bimbos, cheer leading to fight. That's all I need to see and hear. Sickening footage of Trump viewing party
About 93% of racial justice protests in the US have been peaceful, a new report finds Do you think people are that stupid to take your word about something? This coming from the one who said "there's news out there." :laughing0301:
About 93% of racial justice protests in the US have been peaceful, a new report finds

And yes, we know what your side means by “peaceful”, don't we?

GOP activists wake up and harass democrats in DC with US flags
They beat people with those flags. Smashed windows and broke down doors with those flags.

Stop trying to minimize what happened that day.
What really happened that day compared to the "peaceful" antifa/BLM riots, that the democrats encouraged. Lets compare:
View attachment 453846
Your meme is full of lies and misinformation.

Sorry for your luck.

What lies? What misinformation? Don't just throw out something like that? Tells us where its wrong.
Racial justice protests were condemned by republicans, riots were condemned by all. Capitol insurrection was condemned by republicans for all of two days, and is now being defended.

Racial justice protests were encouraged by Democrats, not riots.

Insurrection was encouraged by every republican from dOnald tRump on down.

That's just a couple of things. When your meme or post is composed of 100% lies and fake news do not expect me to take the time to dissect it piece by piece.
The problem is, you views are skewed by your bias.

For example, the left keeps saying that they were racial injustice protests, but continually completely ignore the violence and destruction that accompanied it. Each of those protests during the day, turned into riots at night.

Republicans were not condemning racial injustice protests, they were condemning riots. Again, you selectively choose to see one side and ignore the other.

As far as I'm aware, Republicans have always, and are still condemning the capitol riots. Sure, there are a few out there who may defend it, but they are few and far between and do not represent everyone in the republican party.

And yes, the democrats encouraged those riots. What would you say about city leaders who watched as their cities burned and did nothing about it. I'd say that's akin to condoning it....and leaders like Pelosi and Harris said there should be more uprisings.
"Each of those protests turn into a riot" is a lie. Only a few did. There were literally thousands of protests across the USA. They didn't make news, only then riots did. Republicans did indeed condemn the protests, when they were studiously pretending they weren't happening. They are still doing that right here on this board today.

Some, not all republicans condemned the insurrection. That lasted about a day and a half. Now most are defending it as a peaceful demonstration, and likening it to a bunch of rowdy frat boys.

tRump supporters must open their eyes to objective reality and rejoin the real world or this Nation is doomed.
So, where are they defending the riot? You have some that actually did protest and some that went to the capitol to cause havoc. Again, not everyone there went there to riot, though the left will continually fail to make that distinction. If you were at the presidents rally, the left will say you were part of a terrorist group and thus part of the riot.

Now, I admit, I don't read every thread on this forum, but of the ones I have read, I don't see people supporting what happened at the capitol. Now, yes, youll probably point me to a post or two of someone who did support it and say "see, conservatives support and defend the riot!", to which I'll reply, no, conservatives don't defend the riots, those two people you found did, thats not.representative of the group as a whole.
A vote for Trump is a vote against Democracy. 75 million voted for Trump. So yes, that is representative of the group as a whole. The group as a whole, kept mostly quiet about Trump trying to use Quid Pro Quo on Biden with Ukraine. Trump was found to have obstructed that investigation with threats to government officials. He fired those who spoke the truth under oath against him. And I could go on and on and on.
Ah, so you ARE saying that supporting a candidate means you support their alleged crimes and shortcomings. This is why I said, all you that supported and voted for Bill Clinton, by your own words, are all serial set offenders and pedophiles.

Hmm, you say that trump was guilty of all that. Interesting, because there are news article out there that say Biden and his son were guilty of criminal acts with ukraine and China. Hillary was guilty of selling uranium to Russia. Now, i know you'll say "fake news". What makes your news sources any more credible than anyone else's? Its all assumptions. There was never any conclusive evidence that trump colluded with Russia. Left wing media says there was, right wing media says there wasn't.

See what I mean? We can go around and round all day with this. Your media is just as biased as anyone else's.
How do you know I voted for Bill Clinton? See how easy it is to watch you set your own traps for yourself, while you continually run in the corner with your what about so and so.

"There are news articles out there?" LOl! Those aren't news articles chief. You are reading straight off the conspiracy page from Butbart.
I don't know if you voted for Clinton, and when I say "you" I don't mean specifically YOU, I mean democrats in general. Just like you don't know if I voted for, I didn't set any trap for myself.

As for your second response...did I call it or what? I figured you'd say anything I would come up with as "fake news" or something like that. That's why I said that you and I could both post links to our articles and we'd both say each others was fake news. Its how partisan politics works. Defend your own and deny the other.
Of course you called it, and so did I . You know good and well anyone with a functioning brain isn't going to take what a right-wing opinion source is going to say. They aren't real news. They are conspiracy outlets that deal in pedaling lies and misinformation. Fox news is not a real news station either.
Post #168 proves you wrong. Next?

Post #168 is bullshit, and it was bullshit when you repeated the same lie in Post #170, and it is bullshit again when you refer back to it, and it will be bullshit every time you repeat it, no matter how many times you repeat it.
It's only bs for you because you can't produce documentation to the contrary. You're just a loser with nothing as a come back. Can you imagine if you had actual real information to argue with? LOl! Sucks to be you.
Trumpism is a Christian Nationalist movement where the Republican party went to die. Actually, the party is already dead. With the invasion of Marjorie Taylor Green and her Jewish space lasers, while others pedal in pedophilia pizza parlors, seven headed dragons, Jesus shooting swords out of his mouth, Trump being the chosen one, and, should I go on? No, this is my thread, and I don't think I can think of another one of these illusions without puking my guts. This movement has no relationship with the Republican party at all. That's why it is dead. They've turned into a religious party because they lost. They simply couldn't handle the losing, so they masked their anxieties with illusions and make believe.

And here's the worst part, you and I aren't going to win the argument against these illusions from the religious Qanon nuts. We never will. Isn't going to happen. This is why we had an insurrection; "RELIGION." They believed their messiah Trump, when he said the election was rigged, go fight, then they went to the Capitol, got some people killed, threatened to kill more, and? We have people dead, Biden is president, and they still believe in six headed snakes, and the election was stolen. Those on the Left can say that they won, but the only thing they won formally was the election, and not even that really. Because the new religious party of illusion and make believe, are going to make it almost impossible for the country to govern. The only government is the government of Trump for them. A false illusion. But the cult party is here now, and Trump has gone nowhere. These nuts are still going to believe in Pedophile pizza parlors, Jewish lasers, stolen elections with no evidence, and a criminal messiah as their leader.

These folks aren't coming back from their religious Trumpism, insanity, lies, and make believe, so strap yourself in people. It's not going to get any better. This is going to be one hell of a nut fest dealing with these people from now on.

There was no "insurrection."

There was Antifa stirring up shit

No proof and all lies. What other lies do you need to tell?

3 buses were bussed in.

At least 3 BLM/Antifa were involved
Trumpism is a Christian Nationalist movement where the Republican party went to die. Actually, the party is already dead. With the invasion of Marjorie Taylor Green and her Jewish space lasers, while others pedal in pedophilia pizza parlors, seven headed dragons, Jesus shooting swords out of his mouth, Trump being the chosen one, and, should I go on? No, this is my thread, and I don't think I can think of another one of these illusions without puking my guts. This movement has no relationship with the Republican party at all. That's why it is dead. They've turned into a religious party because they lost. They simply couldn't handle the losing, so they masked their anxieties with illusions and make believe.

And here's the worst part, you and I aren't going to win the argument against these illusions from the religious Qanon nuts. We never will. Isn't going to happen. This is why we had an insurrection; "RELIGION." They believed their messiah Trump, when he said the election was rigged, go fight, then they went to the Capitol, got some people killed, threatened to kill more, and? We have people dead, Biden is president, and they still believe in six headed snakes, and the election was stolen. Those on the Left can say that they won, but the only thing they won formally was the election, and not even that really. Because the new religious party of illusion and make believe, are going to make it almost impossible for the country to govern. The only government is the government of Trump for them. A false illusion. But the cult party is here now, and Trump has gone nowhere. These nuts are still going to believe in Pedophile pizza parlors, Jewish lasers, stolen elections with no evidence, and a criminal messiah as their leader.

These folks aren't coming back from their religious Trumpism, insanity, lies, and make believe, so strap yourself in people. It's not going to get any better. This is going to be one hell of a nut fest dealing with these people from now on.

There was no "insurrection."

There was Antifa stirring up shit

No proof and all lies. What other lies do you need to tell?

3 buses were bussed in.

At least 3 BLM/Antifa were involved

Are you that goddamn stupid that anyone with a functioning brain is going to take your word for it, without linking the proof? You telling us that, is the same thing as telling us nothing. Who told you that? Your neighbor?
Are you that goddamn stupid that anyone with a functioning brain is going to take your word for it, without linking the proof?
Already provided it in other posts. Try to keep up.

Confederate flag boy is a registered DEMOCRAT and BIDEN voter

Troublemaking black boy is a VIOLENT BLM member
Are you that goddamn stupid that anyone with a functioning brain is going to take your word for it, without linking the proof? You telling us that, is the same thing as telling us nothing. Who told you that? Your neighbor?
Proof is not required today, just look at the current impeachment circus.
Ah, so the real reason for your post is simply an attack on religion. Religion had nothing to do with the attack in the capital. Space lasers? I don't believe greene actually uttered those words.

Swords, six headed snakes? Where is all that coming from?

Your real goal here is an attack on religion and to paint all Republicans as crazy. You should have just said "I hope this gun legislation passes so we can try and get all Republicans disqualified from owning firearms.
Most Republican evangelical Christians are crazy. 75 million Republicans voted for crazy. They also voted for a criminal. One can only conclude that these 75 million no longer, or never had any self respect.

I've thought about this hundreds times after discovering Trump stole charity money from children with cancer. How could any real Christian vote for someone who could do something like that to sick and dying children? The only logical answer is these people sold their souls to the devil, and use Christianity as a way to circumvent the evil they do.

It's not an attack on religion you idiot. It's the Right-wing crazies taking religion hostage.
No, most republican Christians are not crazy. For the most part, you choose to think of them that way because your left wing echo chambers program you tinting that way, and your hatred for anything that disagrees with you reinforces it.

I do love this guilt by association though. So, if you voted or supported trump, then you are crazy. OK, let's just take that a bit further, shall we. So, Clinton was a serial sex offender, and he was associated with epstein, a known pedophile. You guys supported and voted for Clinton, so I guess that makes all democrats pedophiles and serial set offenders.

See how that works?
Did I forget to mention evil? 've thought about this hundreds times after discovering Trump stole charity money from children with cancer. How could any real Christian vote for someone who could do something like that to sick and dying children? The only logical answer is these people sold their souls to the devil, and use Christianity as a way to circumvent the evil they do. No human being with a moral compass would ever vote for another human being who involves him or herself with activity like that, then label themselves Christians. They aren't Christians and they never were. It's used as a facade to hide who they are.

And I do love your false association comparisons, along with your lies. First off, we don't know if Clinton was a pedophile. Secondly, if he was, then we'll put Trump in that same camp, and you voted for him right? LOL! Your comparisons have nothing to do with the evil of stealing money from a cancer charity that went straight to children.

Your whataboutism /false association comparison, was meant for losers like you. Thanks for the heads up.
Nope, its not a false comparison, its an exact comparison. I'm not denying anything trump may or may not have done, im saying that, the left loves to play the guilt by association game, that if you support trump, then you are obviously supporting everything he does. So, if that's the case, then the left, as well, has a lot of problems in their own corner.

It doesn't matter if Clinton was ever proven to have done any of those things. There are plenty of unproven accusations the left have levied against trump, and even with lack of any evidence, they still are adamant that trump is guilty of them, and anyone who supported trump is also guilty of the same.

So, with that method, it doesn't matter if Clinton was proven guilty of anything. He was accused of it, so that means he is guilty of it, and leftists by association, are guilty of if too. There were plenty of allegations against Clinton, and one confirmed case of sexual impropriety with the Lewinsky scandal.
Dude, your distraction is not going to help you. Whatever Clinton did or didn't do, I don't support the bad. And those things have no equal footing to what Trump did. He incited an insurrection for God's sake. Are you friggin kidding me? You assume that everyone on the Left kneels at the alter of Bill Clinton. Think again.

"There are plenty of unproven accusations the left have levied against trump, and even with lack of any evidence, they still are adamant that trump is guilty of them, and anyone who supported trump is also guilty of the same." These are just examples of the blatant lies by you and your ilk. There are many proven accusations against Trump. Anytime you want to go over them, while I link the proof, I want you to provide counter information where I am wrong. And if you don't, then we all know you are full of it.
Wait, so you're saying that when a democratic president does atrocious acts, the left has the convenient privilege of being able to separate themselves from that person, but when trump does something, anyone who supports him is guilty of those things? How does that double standard work?

Trump didn't incite a riot. How many times does it have to be said. He said "peaceful and patriotically make your voices heard". How does that translate to incitement? I know your left wing echo chambers tell you to think that. Trust me, I know, I listen to a LOT of left wing talk radio. I know what they are saying.

[You assume that everyone on the left kneels ar the alter of Bill Clinton...

Did you read what you just wrote? Again, how does this double standard work? The left has been accusing the right of "kneeling at the feet of trump" for 4 years. Again, the left seems to have the unique privilege of being immune from the ills of their parties leadership.

You can link all the "proof" you want, and I'll say the same thing that you will say to my rebuttals to it "fake news, get a credible source".

Vox, salon, cnn, and MSNBC, etc.. are not going to be credible sources of information just like you'll say about fox, blaze, Newsmax etc.

For every accusation that was levied against trump, there has been an argument written to refute it. In the game.of partisan politics, there are no winners.

At the end of the day, my post had nothing to do with who did what wrong. My post was about the hypocrisy of the left in that they try to blanket associate the right with anything wrong with a single thing someone did, but refuse to even admit when their side does something wrong.
I could care less what you say and don't say. Too much evidence against Trump for inciting this insurrection plays against him.

And by the way, there are no arguments in Trump's favor. This one in particular; Neal Katyal puts the smack down on Trump's defense lawyer, just to show how stupid Trump's defense is.

What Trump did is not protected by the First Amendment;

Aaand again, you cite CNN. Should I pull a page out of the partisan playback and say "fake news, find a credible source, you're citing an obviously biased article".

Ok, there's some articles refuting your articles. Now, its time for you to say "your articles are fake news/biased/right wing conspiracy theory/etc...."

So, my whole point here is, there has never been any PROVEN fact that trump either colluded with Russia, or incited a riot. You have biased news sources whos main goal is to discredit, demonize, and make the right look bad. CNN is, from what I understand, in an active campaign to try and get fox news off the air, and you guys would cheer if that happened.

My point is, there is no such thing as factual reporting anymore. Nobody knows the news. We only know whatever echo chamber we listen to tells us. That should scare each and every one of us. If you listen to one side only, then you are going to know only what they tell you, including any implied bias they spin into their stories.

So, when CNN runs a story saying "trump is guilty!", you have to expect, given their obvious bias and agenda, that one would be a bit skeptical of what they are saying.

The Federalist and the Republican Gazette? Are you high on drugs? LOL! This is why you and your ilk have no credibility.

Just for shits and giggles; Legally speaking, incitement has an incredibly high bar that none of Trump’s actions since the election come close to meeting. These standards were set by the Supreme Court in its landmark Brandenburg v. Ohio case. Among other things, the decision held that in order to constitute incitement to violence, speech must include intent and specific, not abstract, instructions to act. It also required that the speech in question would likely produce “imminent lawless action,” which went a step further than the previous legal tests for incitement. According to the ruling: This is from your first article. But I said something is wrong here, something is really wrong, can’t have happened, and we fight. We fight like hell, and if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore. You want intent, that is intent with instructions. Trump is saying something is really wrong with the election, and he has no proof, while telling the crowd to fight like hell, and if you don't, you aren't going to have a country. Anyone who has a functioning brain knows exactly what Trump was saying. And for further proof, Trump runs the other way, does not walk to the Capitol, and proceeds to an undisclosed tent area, supplied with multiple TV's, his butt buddies, his family, and dancing bimbos, cheer leading to fight. That's all I need to see and hear. Sickening footage of Trump viewing party
The Federalist and the Republican Gazette? Are you high on drugs? LOL! This is why you and your ilk have no credibility.

Yup, called it. How about this:

CNN and vox? Are you high on drugs? LOL! This is why you and your ilk have no credibility.

You have failed to see what I was trying to say, which is, what gives your sources any more credibility than any others? Your sources employ as much bias as any right wing site does.

Fight? Really? You're using that as "intent"? You realize he was using that figuratively. I mean, if were going to say the word "fight" is an incitement to violence, then every sports team who says they are going to fight to win should be charged with a crime. Every politician who used that word to describe the urgency of their campaign should be brought up on criminal charges. How is it that every Democrat misses the "peaceful and patriotically" part of his speech?

That video you posted doesn't show any rioting. The tvs they are watching don't show any rioting. I'm not sure where that footage came from but it appears it wasn't of the riots.

Butt buddies? Where did you get that from? Trump has a butt buddy? Thats interesting, point him or them out. I've not seen this yet. Also, you say that as if its a bad thing? Butt buddies is a derogatory term for gay people. Are you, a liberal, here disparaging gay people? Are you really sitting here engaging in hate speech against gay people? This is interesting. You accuse the right of these horrible things....and you're sitting here doing it yourself.
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GOP activists wake up and harass democrats in DC with US flags
They beat people with those flags. Smashed windows and broke down doors with those flags.

Stop trying to minimize what happened that day.
What really happened that day compared to the "peaceful" antifa/BLM riots, that the democrats encouraged. Lets compare:
View attachment 453846
Your meme is full of lies and misinformation.

Sorry for your luck.

What lies? What misinformation? Don't just throw out something like that? Tells us where its wrong.
Racial justice protests were condemned by republicans, riots were condemned by all. Capitol insurrection was condemned by republicans for all of two days, and is now being defended.

Racial justice protests were encouraged by Democrats, not riots.

Insurrection was encouraged by every republican from dOnald tRump on down.

That's just a couple of things. When your meme or post is composed of 100% lies and fake news do not expect me to take the time to dissect it piece by piece.
The problem is, you views are skewed by your bias.

For example, the left keeps saying that they were racial injustice protests, but continually completely ignore the violence and destruction that accompanied it. Each of those protests during the day, turned into riots at night.

Republicans were not condemning racial injustice protests, they were condemning riots. Again, you selectively choose to see one side and ignore the other.

As far as I'm aware, Republicans have always, and are still condemning the capitol riots. Sure, there are a few out there who may defend it, but they are few and far between and do not represent everyone in the republican party.

And yes, the democrats encouraged those riots. What would you say about city leaders who watched as their cities burned and did nothing about it. I'd say that's akin to condoning it....and leaders like Pelosi and Harris said there should be more uprisings.
"Each of those protests turn into a riot" is a lie. Only a few did. There were literally thousands of protests across the USA. They didn't make news, only then riots did. Republicans did indeed condemn the protests, when they were studiously pretending they weren't happening. They are still doing that right here on this board today.

Some, not all republicans condemned the insurrection. That lasted about a day and a half. Now most are defending it as a peaceful demonstration, and likening it to a bunch of rowdy frat boys.

tRump supporters must open their eyes to objective reality and rejoin the real world or this Nation is doomed.
So, where are they defending the riot? You have some that actually did protest and some that went to the capitol to cause havoc. Again, not everyone there went there to riot, though the left will continually fail to make that distinction. If you were at the presidents rally, the left will say you were part of a terrorist group and thus part of the riot.

Now, I admit, I don't read every thread on this forum, but of the ones I have read, I don't see people supporting what happened at the capitol. Now, yes, youll probably point me to a post or two of someone who did support it and say "see, conservatives support and defend the riot!", to which I'll reply, no, conservatives don't defend the riots, those two people you found did, thats not.representative of the group as a whole.
A vote for Trump is a vote against Democracy. 75 million voted for Trump. So yes, that is representative of the group as a whole. The group as a whole, kept mostly quiet about Trump trying to use Quid Pro Quo on Biden with Ukraine. Trump was found to have obstructed that investigation with threats to government officials. He fired those who spoke the truth under oath against him. And I could go on and on and on.
Ah, so you ARE saying that supporting a candidate means you support their alleged crimes and shortcomings. This is why I said, all you that supported and voted for Bill Clinton, by your own words, are all serial set offenders and pedophiles.

Hmm, you say that trump was guilty of all that. Interesting, because there are news article out there that say Biden and his son were guilty of criminal acts with ukraine and China. Hillary was guilty of selling uranium to Russia. Now, i know you'll say "fake news". What makes your news sources any more credible than anyone else's? Its all assumptions. There was never any conclusive evidence that trump colluded with Russia. Left wing media says there was, right wing media says there wasn't.

See what I mean? We can go around and round all day with this. Your media is just as biased as anyone else's.
How do you know I voted for Bill Clinton? See how easy it is to watch you set your own traps for yourself, while you continually run in the corner with your what about so and so.

"There are news articles out there?" LOl! Those aren't news articles chief. You are reading straight off the conspiracy page from Butbart.
I don't know if you voted for Clinton, and when I say "you" I don't mean specifically YOU, I mean democrats in general. Just like you don't know if I voted for, I didn't set any trap for myself.

As for your second response...did I call it or what? I figured you'd say anything I would come up with as "fake news" or something like that. That's why I said that you and I could both post links to our articles and we'd both say each others was fake news. Its how partisan politics works. Defend your own and deny the other.
Of course you called it, and so did I . You know good and well anyone with a functioning brain isn't going to take what a right-wing opinion source is going to say. They aren't real news. They are conspiracy outlets that deal in pedaling lies and misinformation. Fox news is not a real news station either.
wow, again, you miss my point. Everything you just said can be applied to cnn and msnbc. They are not real news sources either.
Ah, so the real reason for your post is simply an attack on religion. Religion had nothing to do with the attack in the capital. Space lasers? I don't believe greene actually uttered those words.

Swords, six headed snakes? Where is all that coming from?

Your real goal here is an attack on religion and to paint all Republicans as crazy. You should have just said "I hope this gun legislation passes so we can try and get all Republicans disqualified from owning firearms.
Most Republican evangelical Christians are crazy. 75 million Republicans voted for crazy. They also voted for a criminal. One can only conclude that these 75 million no longer, or never had any self respect.

I've thought about this hundreds times after discovering Trump stole charity money from children with cancer. How could any real Christian vote for someone who could do something like that to sick and dying children? The only logical answer is these people sold their souls to the devil, and use Christianity as a way to circumvent the evil they do.

It's not an attack on religion you idiot. It's the Right-wing crazies taking religion hostage.
No, most republican Christians are not crazy. For the most part, you choose to think of them that way because your left wing echo chambers program you tinting that way, and your hatred for anything that disagrees with you reinforces it.

I do love this guilt by association though. So, if you voted or supported trump, then you are crazy. OK, let's just take that a bit further, shall we. So, Clinton was a serial sex offender, and he was associated with epstein, a known pedophile. You guys supported and voted for Clinton, so I guess that makes all democrats pedophiles and serial set offenders.

See how that works?
Did I forget to mention evil? 've thought about this hundreds times after discovering Trump stole charity money from children with cancer. How could any real Christian vote for someone who could do something like that to sick and dying children? The only logical answer is these people sold their souls to the devil, and use Christianity as a way to circumvent the evil they do. No human being with a moral compass would ever vote for another human being who involves him or herself with activity like that, then label themselves Christians. They aren't Christians and they never were. It's used as a facade to hide who they are.

And I do love your false association comparisons, along with your lies. First off, we don't know if Clinton was a pedophile. Secondly, if he was, then we'll put Trump in that same camp, and you voted for him right? LOL! Your comparisons have nothing to do with the evil of stealing money from a cancer charity that went straight to children.

Your whataboutism /false association comparison, was meant for losers like you. Thanks for the heads up.
Nope, its not a false comparison, its an exact comparison. I'm not denying anything trump may or may not have done, im saying that, the left loves to play the guilt by association game, that if you support trump, then you are obviously supporting everything he does. So, if that's the case, then the left, as well, has a lot of problems in their own corner.

It doesn't matter if Clinton was ever proven to have done any of those things. There are plenty of unproven accusations the left have levied against trump, and even with lack of any evidence, they still are adamant that trump is guilty of them, and anyone who supported trump is also guilty of the same.

So, with that method, it doesn't matter if Clinton was proven guilty of anything. He was accused of it, so that means he is guilty of it, and leftists by association, are guilty of if too. There were plenty of allegations against Clinton, and one confirmed case of sexual impropriety with the Lewinsky scandal.
Dude, your distraction is not going to help you. Whatever Clinton did or didn't do, I don't support the bad. And those things have no equal footing to what Trump did. He incited an insurrection for God's sake. Are you friggin kidding me? You assume that everyone on the Left kneels at the alter of Bill Clinton. Think again.

"There are plenty of unproven accusations the left have levied against trump, and even with lack of any evidence, they still are adamant that trump is guilty of them, and anyone who supported trump is also guilty of the same." These are just examples of the blatant lies by you and your ilk. There are many proven accusations against Trump. Anytime you want to go over them, while I link the proof, I want you to provide counter information where I am wrong. And if you don't, then we all know you are full of it.
Wait, so you're saying that when a democratic president does atrocious acts, the left has the convenient privilege of being able to separate themselves from that person, but when trump does something, anyone who supports him is guilty of those things? How does that double standard work?

Trump didn't incite a riot. How many times does it have to be said. He said "peaceful and patriotically make your voices heard". How does that translate to incitement? I know your left wing echo chambers tell you to think that. Trust me, I know, I listen to a LOT of left wing talk radio. I know what they are saying.

[You assume that everyone on the left kneels ar the alter of Bill Clinton...

Did you read what you just wrote? Again, how does this double standard work? The left has been accusing the right of "kneeling at the feet of trump" for 4 years. Again, the left seems to have the unique privilege of being immune from the ills of their parties leadership.

You can link all the "proof" you want, and I'll say the same thing that you will say to my rebuttals to it "fake news, get a credible source".

Vox, salon, cnn, and MSNBC, etc.. are not going to be credible sources of information just like you'll say about fox, blaze, Newsmax etc.

For every accusation that was levied against trump, there has been an argument written to refute it. In the game.of partisan politics, there are no winners.

At the end of the day, my post had nothing to do with who did what wrong. My post was about the hypocrisy of the left in that they try to blanket associate the right with anything wrong with a single thing someone did, but refuse to even admit when their side does something wrong.
I could care less what you say and don't say. Too much evidence against Trump for inciting this insurrection plays against him.

And by the way, there are no arguments in Trump's favor. This one in particular; Neal Katyal puts the smack down on Trump's defense lawyer, just to show how stupid Trump's defense is.

What Trump did is not protected by the First Amendment;

Aaand again, you cite CNN. Should I pull a page out of the partisan playback and say "fake news, find a credible source, you're citing an obviously biased article".

Ok, there's some articles refuting your articles. Now, its time for you to say "your articles are fake news/biased/right wing conspiracy theory/etc...."

So, my whole point here is, there has never been any PROVEN fact that trump either colluded with Russia, or incited a riot. You have biased news sources whos main goal is to discredit, demonize, and make the right look bad. CNN is, from what I understand, in an active campaign to try and get fox news off the air, and you guys would cheer if that happened.

My point is, there is no such thing as factual reporting anymore. Nobody knows the news. We only know whatever echo chamber we listen to tells us. That should scare each and every one of us. If you listen to one side only, then you are going to know only what they tell you, including any implied bias they spin into their stories.

So, when CNN runs a story saying "trump is guilty!", you have to expect, given their obvious bias and agenda, that one would be a bit skeptical of what they are saying.

The Federalist and the Republican Gazette? Are you high on drugs? LOL! This is why you and your ilk have no credibility.

Just for shits and giggles; Legally speaking, incitement has an incredibly high bar that none of Trump’s actions since the election come close to meeting. These standards were set by the Supreme Court in its landmark Brandenburg v. Ohio case. Among other things, the decision held that in order to constitute incitement to violence, speech must include intent and specific, not abstract, instructions to act. It also required that the speech in question would likely produce “imminent lawless action,” which went a step further than the previous legal tests for incitement. According to the ruling: This is from your first article. But I said something is wrong here, something is really wrong, can’t have happened, and we fight. We fight like hell, and if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore. You want intent, that is intent with instructions. Trump is saying something is really wrong with the election, and he has no proof, while telling the crowd to fight like hell, and if you don't, you aren't going to have a country. Anyone who has a functioning brain knows exactly what Trump was saying. And for further proof, Trump runs the other way, does not walk to the Capitol, and proceeds to an undisclosed tent area, supplied with multiple TV's, his butt buddies, his family, and dancing bimbos, cheer leading to fight. That's all I need to see and hear. Sickening footage of Trump viewing party

The Federalist and the Republican Gazette? Are you high on drugs? LOL! This is why you and your ilk have no credibility.

Yup, called it. How about this:

CNN and vox? Are you high on drugs? LOL! This is why you and your ilk have no credibility.

You have failed to see what I was trying to say, which is, what gives your sources any more credibility than any others? Your sources employ as much bias as any right wing site does.

Fight? Really? You're using that as "intent"? You realize he was using that figuratively. I mean, if were going to say the word "fight" is an incitement to violence, then every sports team who says they are going to fight to win should be charged with a crime. Every politician who used that word to describe the urgency of their campaign should be brought up on criminal charges. How is it that every Democrat misses the "peaceful and patriotically" part of his speech?

That video you posted doesn't show any rioting. The tvs they are watching don't show any rioting. I'm not sure where that footage came from but it appears it wasn't of the riots.

Butt buddies? Where did you get that from? Trump has a butt buddy? Thats interesting, point him or them out. I've not seen this yet. Also, you say that as if its a bad thing? Butt buddies is a derogatory term for gay people. Are you, a liberal, here disparaging gay people? Are you really sitting here engaging in hate speech against gay people? This is interesting. You accuse the right of these horrible things....and you're sitting here doing it yourself.
After that 13 minute video I watched today by Jamie Raskin, I don't need any more confirmation of Trump's guilt. Case closed.

And speaking of figuratively, I suppose it was just figuratively that Trump was lying about the election being stolen, when Trump himself exposed his own admission that the election was not stolen, when he asked the Georgia election official for 11,780 votes? He even pedaled that lie again numerous times in front of his own angry terrorist mob.

The guy admitted the election wasn't stolen, and he didn't even know it. Trump himself called on Georgia election officials to steal 11,780 votes.
Last edited:
Everything you just said can be applied to cnn and msnbc
False. While they may lean left in story choice and commentary they don't just make shit up like breitbart newsmaxx and OANN.

They told America that Trump said that nazis were very fine people, when he explicitly stated that they were not.

CNN and MSNBC are partisan hack sites.
Everything you just said can be applied to cnn and msnbc
False. While they may lean left in story choice and commentary they don't just make shit up like breitbart newsmaxx and OANN.

They told America that Trump said that nazis were very fine people, when he explicitly stated that they were not.

CNN and MSNBC are partisan hack sites.
I listened to him say it live. Your spin cannot change reality.
Everything you just said can be applied to cnn and msnbc
False. While they may lean left in story choice and commentary they don't just make shit up like breitbart newsmaxx and OANN.

They told America that Trump said that nazis were very fine people, when he explicitly stated that they were not.

CNN and MSNBC are partisan hack sites.
I listened to him say it live. Your spin cannot change reality.

" You had people and i'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists. They should be condemned totally. You had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. "

Your listening skills are those of a deaf person.
Ah, so the real reason for your post is simply an attack on religion. Religion had nothing to do with the attack in the capital. Space lasers? I don't believe greene actually uttered those words.

Swords, six headed snakes? Where is all that coming from?

Your real goal here is an attack on religion and to paint all Republicans as crazy. You should have just said "I hope this gun legislation passes so we can try and get all Republicans disqualified from owning firearms.
Most Republican evangelical Christians are crazy. 75 million Republicans voted for crazy. They also voted for a criminal. One can only conclude that these 75 million no longer, or never had any self respect.

I've thought about this hundreds times after discovering Trump stole charity money from children with cancer. How could any real Christian vote for someone who could do something like that to sick and dying children? The only logical answer is these people sold their souls to the devil, and use Christianity as a way to circumvent the evil they do.

It's not an attack on religion you idiot. It's the Right-wing crazies taking religion hostage.
No, most republican Christians are not crazy. For the most part, you choose to think of them that way because your left wing echo chambers program you tinting that way, and your hatred for anything that disagrees with you reinforces it.

I do love this guilt by association though. So, if you voted or supported trump, then you are crazy. OK, let's just take that a bit further, shall we. So, Clinton was a serial sex offender, and he was associated with epstein, a known pedophile. You guys supported and voted for Clinton, so I guess that makes all democrats pedophiles and serial set offenders.

See how that works?
Did I forget to mention evil? 've thought about this hundreds times after discovering Trump stole charity money from children with cancer. How could any real Christian vote for someone who could do something like that to sick and dying children? The only logical answer is these people sold their souls to the devil, and use Christianity as a way to circumvent the evil they do. No human being with a moral compass would ever vote for another human being who involves him or herself with activity like that, then label themselves Christians. They aren't Christians and they never were. It's used as a facade to hide who they are.

And I do love your false association comparisons, along with your lies. First off, we don't know if Clinton was a pedophile. Secondly, if he was, then we'll put Trump in that same camp, and you voted for him right? LOL! Your comparisons have nothing to do with the evil of stealing money from a cancer charity that went straight to children.

Your whataboutism /false association comparison, was meant for losers like you. Thanks for the heads up.
Nope, its not a false comparison, its an exact comparison. I'm not denying anything trump may or may not have done, im saying that, the left loves to play the guilt by association game, that if you support trump, then you are obviously supporting everything he does. So, if that's the case, then the left, as well, has a lot of problems in their own corner.

It doesn't matter if Clinton was ever proven to have done any of those things. There are plenty of unproven accusations the left have levied against trump, and even with lack of any evidence, they still are adamant that trump is guilty of them, and anyone who supported trump is also guilty of the same.

So, with that method, it doesn't matter if Clinton was proven guilty of anything. He was accused of it, so that means he is guilty of it, and leftists by association, are guilty of if too. There were plenty of allegations against Clinton, and one confirmed case of sexual impropriety with the Lewinsky scandal.
Dude, your distraction is not going to help you. Whatever Clinton did or didn't do, I don't support the bad. And those things have no equal footing to what Trump did. He incited an insurrection for God's sake. Are you friggin kidding me? You assume that everyone on the Left kneels at the alter of Bill Clinton. Think again.

"There are plenty of unproven accusations the left have levied against trump, and even with lack of any evidence, they still are adamant that trump is guilty of them, and anyone who supported trump is also guilty of the same." These are just examples of the blatant lies by you and your ilk. There are many proven accusations against Trump. Anytime you want to go over them, while I link the proof, I want you to provide counter information where I am wrong. And if you don't, then we all know you are full of it.
Wait, so you're saying that when a democratic president does atrocious acts, the left has the convenient privilege of being able to separate themselves from that person, but when trump does something, anyone who supports him is guilty of those things? How does that double standard work?

Trump didn't incite a riot. How many times does it have to be said. He said "peaceful and patriotically make your voices heard". How does that translate to incitement? I know your left wing echo chambers tell you to think that. Trust me, I know, I listen to a LOT of left wing talk radio. I know what they are saying.

[You assume that everyone on the left kneels ar the alter of Bill Clinton...

Did you read what you just wrote? Again, how does this double standard work? The left has been accusing the right of "kneeling at the feet of trump" for 4 years. Again, the left seems to have the unique privilege of being immune from the ills of their parties leadership.

You can link all the "proof" you want, and I'll say the same thing that you will say to my rebuttals to it "fake news, get a credible source".

Vox, salon, cnn, and MSNBC, etc.. are not going to be credible sources of information just like you'll say about fox, blaze, Newsmax etc.

For every accusation that was levied against trump, there has been an argument written to refute it. In the game.of partisan politics, there are no winners.

At the end of the day, my post had nothing to do with who did what wrong. My post was about the hypocrisy of the left in that they try to blanket associate the right with anything wrong with a single thing someone did, but refuse to even admit when their side does something wrong.
I could care less what you say and don't say. Too much evidence against Trump for inciting this insurrection plays against him.

And by the way, there are no arguments in Trump's favor. This one in particular; Neal Katyal puts the smack down on Trump's defense lawyer, just to show how stupid Trump's defense is.

What Trump did is not protected by the First Amendment;

Aaand again, you cite CNN. Should I pull a page out of the partisan playback and say "fake news, find a credible source, you're citing an obviously biased article".

Ok, there's some articles refuting your articles. Now, its time for you to say "your articles are fake news/biased/right wing conspiracy theory/etc...."

So, my whole point here is, there has never been any PROVEN fact that trump either colluded with Russia, or incited a riot. You have biased news sources whos main goal is to discredit, demonize, and make the right look bad. CNN is, from what I understand, in an active campaign to try and get fox news off the air, and you guys would cheer if that happened.

My point is, there is no such thing as factual reporting anymore. Nobody knows the news. We only know whatever echo chamber we listen to tells us. That should scare each and every one of us. If you listen to one side only, then you are going to know only what they tell you, including any implied bias they spin into their stories.

So, when CNN runs a story saying "trump is guilty!", you have to expect, given their obvious bias and agenda, that one would be a bit skeptical of what they are saying.

The Federalist and the Republican Gazette? Are you high on drugs? LOL! This is why you and your ilk have no credibility.

Just for shits and giggles; Legally speaking, incitement has an incredibly high bar that none of Trump’s actions since the election come close to meeting. These standards were set by the Supreme Court in its landmark Brandenburg v. Ohio case. Among other things, the decision held that in order to constitute incitement to violence, speech must include intent and specific, not abstract, instructions to act. It also required that the speech in question would likely produce “imminent lawless action,” which went a step further than the previous legal tests for incitement. According to the ruling: This is from your first article. But I said something is wrong here, something is really wrong, can’t have happened, and we fight. We fight like hell, and if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore. You want intent, that is intent with instructions. Trump is saying something is really wrong with the election, and he has no proof, while telling the crowd to fight like hell, and if you don't, you aren't going to have a country. Anyone who has a functioning brain knows exactly what Trump was saying. And for further proof, Trump runs the other way, does not walk to the Capitol, and proceeds to an undisclosed tent area, supplied with multiple TV's, his butt buddies, his family, and dancing bimbos, cheer leading to fight. That's all I need to see and hear. Sickening footage of Trump viewing party

The Federalist and the Republican Gazette? Are you high on drugs? LOL! This is why you and your ilk have no credibility.

Yup, called it. How about this:

CNN and vox? Are you high on drugs? LOL! This is why you and your ilk have no credibility.

You have failed to see what I was trying to say, which is, what gives your sources any more credibility than any others? Your sources employ as much bias as any right wing site does.

Fight? Really? You're using that as "intent"? You realize he was using that figuratively. I mean, if were going to say the word "fight" is an incitement to violence, then every sports team who says they are going to fight to win should be charged with a crime. Every politician who used that word to describe the urgency of their campaign should be brought up on criminal charges. How is it that every Democrat misses the "peaceful and patriotically" part of his speech?

That video you posted doesn't show any rioting. The tvs they are watching don't show any rioting. I'm not sure where that footage came from but it appears it wasn't of the riots.

Butt buddies? Where did you get that from? Trump has a butt buddy? Thats interesting, point him or them out. I've not seen this yet. Also, you say that as if its a bad thing? Butt buddies is a derogatory term for gay people. Are you, a liberal, here disparaging gay people? Are you really sitting here engaging in hate speech against gay people? This is interesting. You accuse the right of these horrible things....and you're sitting here doing it yourself.

After that 13 minute video I watched today by Jamie Raskin, I don't need any more confirmation of Trump's guilt. Case closed.

And speaking of figuratively, I suppose it was just figuratively that Trump was lying about the election being stolen, when Trump himself exposed his own admission that the election was not stolen, when he asked the Georgia election official for 11,780 votes? He even pedaled that lie again numerous times in front of his own angry terrorist mob.

The guy admitted the election wasn't stolen, and he didn't even know it. Trump himself called on Georgia election officials to steal 11,780 votes.
Come on didn't need to watch a 13 minute video to solidify your opinion on trumps guilt, you had that locked away months ago.
Everything you just said can be applied to cnn and msnbc
False. While they may lean left in story choice and commentary they don't just make shit up like breitbart newsmaxx and OANN.
What makes them not credible is the bias they spin into their stories, the omission of facts, and one sided reporting, to achieve a desired narrative which is to further a leftist agenda.

While I've not watched enough of newsmax or oann to come to MY OWN conclusion of there factuality, I'd say breitbart is as reputable as cnn would be. And I capitalized "MY OWN" in that part of the statement, because, before I condemn them for any lies and conspiracy, I would want to watch it for myself before drawing that conclusion rather than listening to someone else give me their spin on it.

I'm pretty sure you've probably not spent a lot of time watching Newsmax or oann, and just got your opinion of them from whatever left leaning talk show host you listen to. I could be wrong, but that's my hunch.
Ah, so the real reason for your post is simply an attack on religion. Religion had nothing to do with the attack in the capital. Space lasers? I don't believe greene actually uttered those words.

Swords, six headed snakes? Where is all that coming from?

Your real goal here is an attack on religion and to paint all Republicans as crazy. You should have just said "I hope this gun legislation passes so we can try and get all Republicans disqualified from owning firearms.
Most Republican evangelical Christians are crazy. 75 million Republicans voted for crazy. They also voted for a criminal. One can only conclude that these 75 million no longer, or never had any self respect.

I've thought about this hundreds times after discovering Trump stole charity money from children with cancer. How could any real Christian vote for someone who could do something like that to sick and dying children? The only logical answer is these people sold their souls to the devil, and use Christianity as a way to circumvent the evil they do.

It's not an attack on religion you idiot. It's the Right-wing crazies taking religion hostage.
No, most republican Christians are not crazy. For the most part, you choose to think of them that way because your left wing echo chambers program you tinting that way, and your hatred for anything that disagrees with you reinforces it.

I do love this guilt by association though. So, if you voted or supported trump, then you are crazy. OK, let's just take that a bit further, shall we. So, Clinton was a serial sex offender, and he was associated with epstein, a known pedophile. You guys supported and voted for Clinton, so I guess that makes all democrats pedophiles and serial set offenders.

See how that works?
Did I forget to mention evil? 've thought about this hundreds times after discovering Trump stole charity money from children with cancer. How could any real Christian vote for someone who could do something like that to sick and dying children? The only logical answer is these people sold their souls to the devil, and use Christianity as a way to circumvent the evil they do. No human being with a moral compass would ever vote for another human being who involves him or herself with activity like that, then label themselves Christians. They aren't Christians and they never were. It's used as a facade to hide who they are.

And I do love your false association comparisons, along with your lies. First off, we don't know if Clinton was a pedophile. Secondly, if he was, then we'll put Trump in that same camp, and you voted for him right? LOL! Your comparisons have nothing to do with the evil of stealing money from a cancer charity that went straight to children.

Your whataboutism /false association comparison, was meant for losers like you. Thanks for the heads up.
Nope, its not a false comparison, its an exact comparison. I'm not denying anything trump may or may not have done, im saying that, the left loves to play the guilt by association game, that if you support trump, then you are obviously supporting everything he does. So, if that's the case, then the left, as well, has a lot of problems in their own corner.

It doesn't matter if Clinton was ever proven to have done any of those things. There are plenty of unproven accusations the left have levied against trump, and even with lack of any evidence, they still are adamant that trump is guilty of them, and anyone who supported trump is also guilty of the same.

So, with that method, it doesn't matter if Clinton was proven guilty of anything. He was accused of it, so that means he is guilty of it, and leftists by association, are guilty of if too. There were plenty of allegations against Clinton, and one confirmed case of sexual impropriety with the Lewinsky scandal.
Dude, your distraction is not going to help you. Whatever Clinton did or didn't do, I don't support the bad. And those things have no equal footing to what Trump did. He incited an insurrection for God's sake. Are you friggin kidding me? You assume that everyone on the Left kneels at the alter of Bill Clinton. Think again.

"There are plenty of unproven accusations the left have levied against trump, and even with lack of any evidence, they still are adamant that trump is guilty of them, and anyone who supported trump is also guilty of the same." These are just examples of the blatant lies by you and your ilk. There are many proven accusations against Trump. Anytime you want to go over them, while I link the proof, I want you to provide counter information where I am wrong. And if you don't, then we all know you are full of it.
Wait, so you're saying that when a democratic president does atrocious acts, the left has the convenient privilege of being able to separate themselves from that person, but when trump does something, anyone who supports him is guilty of those things? How does that double standard work?

Trump didn't incite a riot. How many times does it have to be said. He said "peaceful and patriotically make your voices heard". How does that translate to incitement? I know your left wing echo chambers tell you to think that. Trust me, I know, I listen to a LOT of left wing talk radio. I know what they are saying.

[You assume that everyone on the left kneels ar the alter of Bill Clinton...

Did you read what you just wrote? Again, how does this double standard work? The left has been accusing the right of "kneeling at the feet of trump" for 4 years. Again, the left seems to have the unique privilege of being immune from the ills of their parties leadership.

You can link all the "proof" you want, and I'll say the same thing that you will say to my rebuttals to it "fake news, get a credible source".

Vox, salon, cnn, and MSNBC, etc.. are not going to be credible sources of information just like you'll say about fox, blaze, Newsmax etc.

For every accusation that was levied against trump, there has been an argument written to refute it. In the game.of partisan politics, there are no winners.

At the end of the day, my post had nothing to do with who did what wrong. My post was about the hypocrisy of the left in that they try to blanket associate the right with anything wrong with a single thing someone did, but refuse to even admit when their side does something wrong.
I could care less what you say and don't say. Too much evidence against Trump for inciting this insurrection plays against him.

And by the way, there are no arguments in Trump's favor. This one in particular; Neal Katyal puts the smack down on Trump's defense lawyer, just to show how stupid Trump's defense is.

What Trump did is not protected by the First Amendment;

Aaand again, you cite CNN. Should I pull a page out of the partisan playback and say "fake news, find a credible source, you're citing an obviously biased article".

Ok, there's some articles refuting your articles. Now, its time for you to say "your articles are fake news/biased/right wing conspiracy theory/etc...."

So, my whole point here is, there has never been any PROVEN fact that trump either colluded with Russia, or incited a riot. You have biased news sources whos main goal is to discredit, demonize, and make the right look bad. CNN is, from what I understand, in an active campaign to try and get fox news off the air, and you guys would cheer if that happened.

My point is, there is no such thing as factual reporting anymore. Nobody knows the news. We only know whatever echo chamber we listen to tells us. That should scare each and every one of us. If you listen to one side only, then you are going to know only what they tell you, including any implied bias they spin into their stories.

So, when CNN runs a story saying "trump is guilty!", you have to expect, given their obvious bias and agenda, that one would be a bit skeptical of what they are saying.

The Federalist and the Republican Gazette? Are you high on drugs? LOL! This is why you and your ilk have no credibility.

Just for shits and giggles; Legally speaking, incitement has an incredibly high bar that none of Trump’s actions since the election come close to meeting. These standards were set by the Supreme Court in its landmark Brandenburg v. Ohio case. Among other things, the decision held that in order to constitute incitement to violence, speech must include intent and specific, not abstract, instructions to act. It also required that the speech in question would likely produce “imminent lawless action,” which went a step further than the previous legal tests for incitement. According to the ruling: This is from your first article. But I said something is wrong here, something is really wrong, can’t have happened, and we fight. We fight like hell, and if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore. You want intent, that is intent with instructions. Trump is saying something is really wrong with the election, and he has no proof, while telling the crowd to fight like hell, and if you don't, you aren't going to have a country. Anyone who has a functioning brain knows exactly what Trump was saying. And for further proof, Trump runs the other way, does not walk to the Capitol, and proceeds to an undisclosed tent area, supplied with multiple TV's, his butt buddies, his family, and dancing bimbos, cheer leading to fight. That's all I need to see and hear. Sickening footage of Trump viewing party

The Federalist and the Republican Gazette? Are you high on drugs? LOL! This is why you and your ilk have no credibility.

Yup, called it. How about this:

CNN and vox? Are you high on drugs? LOL! This is why you and your ilk have no credibility.

You have failed to see what I was trying to say, which is, what gives your sources any more credibility than any others? Your sources employ as much bias as any right wing site does.

Fight? Really? You're using that as "intent"? You realize he was using that figuratively. I mean, if were going to say the word "fight" is an incitement to violence, then every sports team who says they are going to fight to win should be charged with a crime. Every politician who used that word to describe the urgency of their campaign should be brought up on criminal charges. How is it that every Democrat misses the "peaceful and patriotically" part of his speech?

That video you posted doesn't show any rioting. The tvs they are watching don't show any rioting. I'm not sure where that footage came from but it appears it wasn't of the riots.

Butt buddies? Where did you get that from? Trump has a butt buddy? Thats interesting, point him or them out. I've not seen this yet. Also, you say that as if its a bad thing? Butt buddies is a derogatory term for gay people. Are you, a liberal, here disparaging gay people? Are you really sitting here engaging in hate speech against gay people? This is interesting. You accuse the right of these horrible things....and you're sitting here doing it yourself.

After that 13 minute video I watched today by Jamie Raskin, I don't need any more confirmation of Trump's guilt. Case closed.

And speaking of figuratively, I suppose it was just figuratively that Trump was lying about the election being stolen, when Trump himself exposed his own admission that the election was not stolen, when he asked the Georgia election official for 11,780 votes? He even pedaled that lie again numerous times in front of his own angry terrorist mob.

The guy admitted the election wasn't stolen, and he didn't even know it. Trump himself called on Georgia election officials to steal 11,780 votes.

Come on didn't need to watch a 13 minute video to solidify your opinion on trumps guilt, you had that locked away months ago.
You're right, I did. The very minute he was asking to steal votes for an election he claimed was stolen, was all I needed to hear. He sunk his own battleship with no help from anyone but himself. The fact that he took it a step further to lie to his base repeatedly about how the election was stolen, with exaggerated rants to go with those lies, only solidifies the guilt of the insurrection.

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