The Invention of the Land of Israel

That is true. Palestine has always been inhabited by many different people. There is no historic precedence for an exclusive Jewish state.

Why can't we get there from here. I mean it with all my heart.

Is this not stupid? Palestine gets X Israel gets X. Just do it. How crazy is this? I didn't understand it when he wouldn't give it under Clinton. I don't understand any of it now.

I don't get it.

THE problem is Israel will not end her Occupation of Palestine. INTL authorities tell us Occupied Palestine is East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza. Israel needs to remove her troops and illegal settlers and compensate refugees for their losses.

Fuck off. If you wanted to move on to have a fucking life you would not care about this.

Grow something. Have fun. Stop being pissed off all the time. And frankly I'm sick to death about hearing about you.

Palestinians are like the perpetual period. I'm sick of your cramps; I'm sick of every thing about you.

Do you have land? Can you grow something? Do you live in a place called Palestine?

If you do shut the fuck up.
P F Tinmore; toastman; et al,

An opposing view.

Well, what specific rights are you talking about ?

Certain communities formerly belonging to the Turkish Empire have reached a stage of development where their existence as independent nations can be provisionally recognized subject to the rendering of administrative advice and assistance by a Mandatory until such time as they are able to stand alone.

Britain made no effort to fulfill this obligation.

There is a grave unspoken set of terms missing here. When Article 22 speaks, it was not just speaking about the undefined Palestine. It was speaking about several tribal areas that were relinquished or placed under Mandate or Protection. While there were several Mandatories appointed in those years, four Empires having fell in rapid succession, the UK was just one such Mandatory with a lot on its plate.

  • BAHRAIN: Independence: 15 August 1971 from the UK protectorate status
  • EGYPT: Independence: 28 February 1922 from UK protectorate status;
  • IRAQ: Independence: 3 October 1932 from LoN British administration;
  • JORDAN: Independence: 25 May 1946 from LoN British administration;
  • KUWAIT: Independence: 19 June 1961 from the UK protectorate status;
  • QATAR: Independence: 3 September 1971 from the UK protectorate status;
  • SUDAN: Independent 1 January 1956 from Egypt and the UK protectorate status;
  • SOUTH YEMEN: Independent on 30 November 1967 from the UK protectorate status;

This does not include the French Mandates and Protectors [examples: Lebanon (Independence: 22 November 1943) and Syria (Independence: 17 April 1946) from LoN French administration)].

Yes, their can be provisional recognition. But it is all too clear that in much of the Middle East, independence was granted too soon to many of the countries; they simply were not ready to stand alone. No region in the world has been subject to as much turmoil for as long a period, in a continuous state of hostility since the close of WWII.

But to say that the British did not try or made no effort, flys in the face of reality. Just because the undefined Palestinians did not get everything they wanted, is not evidence that the UK didn't try to exercise due diligence. (Contrary to popular belief, there is more to the world and the region than just the undefined Palestinian.) At some point the people called Palestinians have to look at themselves in the mirror and give an honest assessment of their conduct and responsibilities in what has transpired; and leave their "self victimization baggage" at home.

What you say is not true. Britain did not work with the people. Britain shoved the people aside and pursued the agenda of foreigners.

The remainder of your post is out of context and based on false premise so there is no use to comment.

For more than six decades, what we call the Palestinian People have mimicked the symptoms of cultural anxiety - constantly demanding the unreasonable, depression and tantrums on a regional scale, conduct disorder through terrorism and open warfare, and learning disabilities that make good faith mediation and negotiations almost impossible. It is a culture, for which the world has come to understand, that is beyond normal behaviors. Anytime you have an entire culture that believes they have an inalienable right to conduct open terrorism, and warfare on their neighbors -- to write doctrine (like the Hamas Charter) that religiously supports that premise, you have a counterproductive culture; a detriment to humanity.

What we call the Palestinian People today, is a culture that acts like disruptive children. One takes a swing at another - and gets a bloody nose --- then immediately runs to the media, the UN, Humanitarian NGOs and cry foul; blaming everyone but themselves. They throw little temper tantrums because they look in every direction and see the others have something they don't have (a nation); yet they threw that opportunity away (because it wasn't good enough for them). They want the whole pie and don't want to share. And they pass that behavior down from generation to generation.

What do you do with such a culture? Independence! WOW... I'm not sure they would be satisfied with that. I'm not sure they are really ready to stand alone.

Most Respectfully,
In 2009, Shlomo Sand published The Invention of the Jewish People, in which he claimed that Jews have little in common with each other. They had no common "ethnic" lineage owing to the high level of conversion in antiquity. They had no common language, since Hebrew was used only for prayer and was not even spoken at the time of Jesus. Yiddish was, at most, the language of Ashkenazi Jews. So what is left to unite them? Religion? But religion does not make a people – think of Muslims and Catholics. And most Jews are not religious. Zionism? But that is a political position: one can be a Scot and not a Scottish nationalist. Besides, the majority of Jews, including many Zionists, have not the slightest intention of going "back" to the Holy Land, much preferring, and who can blame them, to stay put in north London, or Brooklyn or wherever. In other words, "Jewish People" is a political construct, an invention. Now Sand tells us, in this second volume of what will be a trilogy, that even the "Land of Israel" was invented.
The Invention of the Land*of*Israel by Shlomo Sand ? review | Books | The Guardian

Older book says Israel existed. You know. That best selling book. The bible.

Fuck this asshole. Now back to just truth and not religion.

You have to be kidding me that Israel did not exist. Surely you can't argue this.

IN the Bible, which is not a historical document, I believe there was a kingdom called Israel that existed 70 years. YOU should read Shlomo Sands book, he tries to discuss real History , versus Mythology of a people.
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why can't we get there from here. I mean it with all my heart.

Is this not stupid? Palestine gets x israel gets x. Just do it. How crazy is this? I didn't understand it when he wouldn't give it under clinton. I don't understand any of it now.

I don't get it.

the problem is israel will not end her occupation of palestine. Intl authorities tell us occupied palestine is east jerusalem and the west bank and gaza. Israel needs to remove her troops and illegal settlers and compensate refugees for their losses.

fuck off. If you wanted to move on to have a fucking life you would not care about this.

Grow something. Have fun. Stop being pissed off all the time. And frankly i'm sick to death about hearing about you.

Palestinians are like the perpetual period. I'm sick of your cramps; i'm sick of every thing about you.

Do you have land? Can you grow something? Do you live in a place called palestine?

If you do shut the fuck up.

i could care less your thoughts about me, you are the world, the voice of the world , i am commanded to reject your voice!
the problem is israel will not end her occupation of palestine. Intl authorities tell us occupied palestine is east jerusalem and the west bank and gaza. Israel needs to remove her troops and illegal settlers and compensate refugees for their losses.

fuck off. If you wanted to move on to have a fucking life you would not care about this.

Grow something. Have fun. Stop being pissed off all the time. And frankly i'm sick to death about hearing about you.

Palestinians are like the perpetual period. I'm sick of your cramps; i'm sick of every thing about you.

Do you have land? Can you grow something? Do you live in a place called palestine?

If you do shut the fuck up.

i could care less your thoughts about me, you are the world, the voice of the world , i am commanded to reject your voice!

What do you have against "the world" sherrie? The words used as "world" are
a bit vague in both english and hebrew------what do YOU mean by "world"
in the context of your statement that you are getting messages to "reject" it?

Hindism includes what to me is a vague concept of striving to be
detached from tangibles---COMPLETELY similar concepts do exist
in both christian and jewish theology-----and even in islam albeit
to a much lesser extent-----sorta confined to sufism
However when YOU use the term---I am always reminded of your
concept of a "devil" ruling some place underground who is a person
with a red pitchfork
Why can't we get there from here. I mean it with all my heart.

Is this not stupid? Palestine gets X Israel gets X. Just do it. How crazy is this? I didn't understand it when he wouldn't give it under Clinton. I don't understand any of it now.

I don't get it.

THE problem is Israel will not end her Occupation of Palestine. INTL authorities tell us Occupied Palestine is East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza. Israel needs to remove her troops and illegal settlers and compensate refugees for their losses.

Fuck off. If you wanted to move on to have a fucking life you would not care about this.

Grow something. Have fun. Stop being pissed off all the time. And frankly I'm sick to death about hearing about you.

Palestinians are like the perpetual period. I'm sick of your cramps; I'm sick of every thing about you.

Do you have land? Can you grow something? Do you live in a place called Palestine?

If you do shut the fuck up.
Uh oh, TD, you don't even want to go there! Sherrie will put a curse on you.

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