The IRS ***denies*** The House Request For DJT's Tax Returns

It's really simple, the commies revealed their hand more than two years ago when they tried to get Kevin Brady, then Ways and Means chairman, to get Trumps taxes. Brady said at the time and is still saying there is no legitimate reason to make the request. He still sits on Ways and Means and would likely be the first witness in a court case.

Yes I forgave him. I could forgive Trump too if he had any sense of shame to ever appologise for his discusting behaviour.

Opinion | Billy Bush: Yes, Donald Trump, You Said That

Yes, Trump is a womanizer, liar, charlatan, mad tweeter, and does things that normal people usually do not do and will he apologize?

As soon as you apologize for calling me a Trump supporter, which is never...

never called you a supporter, I called you his abeiter, because you refuse to call him on his lies.


When someone calls him a charlatan as much as I have since his run in 2016 and you keep on making your asinine comments about me, fuck you have more in common with Trump than me!

Hey, don't ask me about the compartmentalization in your head.

You have no problem with calling him a charlatan but are refusing to agree that it's wrong for Trump to withhold his tax returns after many rounds of expedient promises to release them.

Holy shit!

Trump broke a damn promise!!


Did you know Trump has been married three times, has a child out of wedlock and has been sued many times!?!

No really, so would he lie?

Of course he does but still you have no right to see his damn returns and that is the fact!

Do you understand?

Of course not!

Still refusing, why not simply agree that with which you ought to?
Yes, Trump is a womanizer, liar, charlatan, mad tweeter, and does things that normal people usually do not do and will he apologize?

As soon as you apologize for calling me a Trump supporter, which is never...

never called you a supporter, I called you his abeiter, because you refuse to call him on his lies.


When someone calls him a charlatan as much as I have since his run in 2016 and you keep on making your asinine comments about me, fuck you have more in common with Trump than me!

Hey, don't ask me about the compartmentalization in your head.

You have no problem with calling him a charlatan but are refusing to agree that it's wrong for Trump to withhold his tax returns after many rounds of expedient promises to release them.

Holy shit!

Trump broke a damn promise!!


Did you know Trump has been married three times, has a child out of wedlock and has been sued many times!?!

No really, so would he lie?

Of course he does but still you have no right to see his damn returns and that is the fact!

Do you understand?

Of course not!

Still refusing, why not simply agree that with which you ought to?

Because you are wrong!

You have no right to see his tax returns!!

Show me the Federal Law requiring him to divulge that information to the public sector and if not then no you do not have the right to see them!

Why don't you admit that this has to do with him playing the birther game, so you are now a Taxer?
never called you a supporter, I called you his abeiter, because you refuse to call him on his lies.


When someone calls him a charlatan as much as I have since his run in 2016 and you keep on making your asinine comments about me, fuck you have more in common with Trump than me!

Hey, don't ask me about the compartmentalization in your head.

You have no problem with calling him a charlatan but are refusing to agree that it's wrong for Trump to withhold his tax returns after many rounds of expedient promises to release them.

Holy shit!

Trump broke a damn promise!!


Did you know Trump has been married three times, has a child out of wedlock and has been sued many times!?!

No really, so would he lie?

Of course he does but still you have no right to see his damn returns and that is the fact!

Do you understand?

Of course not!

Still refusing, why not simply agree that with which you ought to?

Because you are wrong!

You have no right to see his tax returns!!

Quote me saying I have a right to see his tax returns or retract.
And of course you forgave him and yet are more upset about Trump Tax Returns...

Trump is a known liar just like his buddy Bill and his other buddy Hillary...

Yes I forgave him. I could forgive Trump too if he had any sense of shame to ever appologise for his discusting behaviour.

Opinion | Billy Bush: Yes, Donald Trump, You Said That

Yes, Trump is a womanizer, liar, charlatan, mad tweeter, and does things that normal people usually do not do and will he apologize?

As soon as you apologize for calling me a Trump supporter, which is never...

never called you a supporter, I called you his abeiter, because you refuse to call him on his lies.


When someone calls him a charlatan as much as I have since his run in 2016 and you keep on making your asinine comments about me, fuck you have more in common with Trump than me!

Hey, don't ask me about the compartmentalization in your head.

You have no problem with calling him a charlatan but are refusing to agree that it's wrong for Trump to withhold his tax returns after many rounds of expedient promises to release them.

And release them for what reason, so that Democrats could try to destroy him on a financial level?

You still think that US government agencies should act as political activists to destroy an adversary. How un-American is that?

The Democrats have used the IRS, the FISA courts, the FBI as partners in destroying a political foe. It's just embarrassing already. Democrats are trying to turn the US into the USSR.
IRS had a choice to give Trumps tax returns now, or give them later.

So we’ll just get them later. Sometime towards second half of 2020 would be perfect.

Even if Congress gets them, you won't.

They’ll release what is in public interest to know.
President Donald Trump has done nothing illegal.

His lawyer's guilty plea states otherwise.

You mean the guy who lied to Congress repeatedly? Yeah, I trust that guy.

No one would trust that guy, and that's why the idea of the actually prosecuting President Trump is such a nonstarter.
Can you imagine Rudy grilling that loser Cohen on the stand?

In this case the laweyr's guilty plea is not based on his word, it's based on well proven EVIDENCE and the only reason "candidate 1" aka Trump is not headed for jail right along with his lawyer is due to the temporary fact that he is the slightly-above-the-law POTUS.
When someone calls him a charlatan as much as I have since his run in 2016 and you keep on making your asinine comments about me, fuck you have more in common with Trump than me!

Hey, don't ask me about the compartmentalization in your head.

You have no problem with calling him a charlatan but are refusing to agree that it's wrong for Trump to withhold his tax returns after many rounds of expedient promises to release them.

Holy shit!

Trump broke a damn promise!!


Did you know Trump has been married three times, has a child out of wedlock and has been sued many times!?!

No really, so would he lie?

Of course he does but still you have no right to see his damn returns and that is the fact!

Do you understand?

Of course not!

Still refusing, why not simply agree that with which you ought to?

Because you are wrong!

You have no right to see his tax returns!!

Quote me saying I have a right to see his tax returns or retract.

Holy shit!

So why are you bitching about not seeing them if you do not believe you have the right to see his returns?

You have been arguing all this time he should show them and I have stated you have no right to see them and Congress has the legal obligation to keep them private from you.

You have been screaming all night how he is lying and how Democrats will change the law, so yes you believe you have the right and now you are just playing games as usual.

You were busted and I pointed out all this has to do with is his birther game when Obama was President.

So you agree you have no right to his see his returns so why do you care so much?

Simple, you hope you can find that one thing of collusion and when that does not happen you will make something up!

So I will not retract anything when you have been implying you have the right to see his returns and if you want evidence read your responses all this time!
And whoever did that will be facing charges...the law is explicit about this...even to the point of describing the legal penalities for refusal.

Wrong. You cannot subpoena tax records for political activism. If Congress requests such records, it has to be for legislative purposes only. That request has to include empirical evidence why such records are needed for congressional investigation.

Democrats cannot request these records because their Mueller investigation went flop, and they need something else to defeat him in 2020.
...Nixon was a crook, hiding crooked shit in his tax returns. That is WHY we descided it was a good idea to for candidates to show them.

Trump is undoing a lot of good governing conventions out of personal expediency and you are abetting him.

There was nothing in tax returns of former President Richard Nixon that was illegal. That, as you should know, had nothing whatsoever to do with his resignation.

You have no reason, whatsoever, to demand to see his tax returns.

Democrats have already proven that they will try to use the IRS to illegally intimidate and deny services to citizens.
Hey, don't ask me about the compartmentalization in your head.

You have no problem with calling him a charlatan but are refusing to agree that it's wrong for Trump to withhold his tax returns after many rounds of expedient promises to release them.

Holy shit!

Trump broke a damn promise!!


Did you know Trump has been married three times, has a child out of wedlock and has been sued many times!?!

No really, so would he lie?

Of course he does but still you have no right to see his damn returns and that is the fact!

Do you understand?

Of course not!

Still refusing, why not simply agree that with which you ought to?

Because you are wrong!

You have no right to see his tax returns!!

Quote me saying I have a right to see his tax returns or retract.

Holy shit!

So why are you bitchinh about not seeing them if you do not believe you have the right to see his returns?


Just because he is not legally required to publicise his tax-returns, does not mean that Trump shouldn't do the right thing in releasing them. Duh.

I don't understand why you seem to keep shutting down a part of your brain when it comes to Trump.
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President Donald Trump has done nothing illegal.

His lawyer's guilty plea states otherwise.

You mean the guy who lied to Congress repeatedly? Yeah, I trust that guy.

No one would trust that guy, and that's why the idea of the actually prosecuting President Trump is such a nonstarter.
Can you imagine Rudy grilling that loser Cohen on the stand?

In this case the laweyr's guilty plea is not based on his word, it's based on well proven EVIDENCE and the only reason "candidate 1" aka Trump is not headed for jail right along with his lawyer is due to the temporary fact that he is the slightly-above-the-law POTUS.

Cohen agreed to plead guilty and tell a lot of lies about his President to get a reduced sentence. His lies are the only "proof" against Trump. In either event, if there was a Trump trial, Cohen would have to testify. The Constitution gives the accused the right to call witnesses, its in the bill of rights.
never called you a supporter, I called you his abeiter, because you refuse to call him on his lies.


When someone calls him a charlatan as much as I have since his run in 2016 and you keep on making your asinine comments about me, fuck you have more in common with Trump than me!

Hey, don't ask me about the compartmentalization in your head.

You have no problem with calling him a charlatan but are refusing to agree that it's wrong for Trump to withhold his tax returns after many rounds of expedient promises to release them.

Holy shit!

Trump broke a damn promise!!


Did you know Trump has been married three times, has a child out of wedlock and has been sued many times!?!

No really, so would he lie?

Of course he does but still you have no right to see his damn returns and that is the fact!

Do you understand?

Of course not!

Still refusing, why not simply agree that with which you ought to?

Because you are wrong!

You have no right to see his tax returns!!

Show me the Federal Law requiring him to divulge that information to the public sector and if not then no you do not have the right to see them!

Why don't you admit that this has to do with him playing the birther game, so you are now a Taxer?

Exactly. The criteria to run for the President of the United States is outlined in the US Constitution. If anybody on the left has a problem with that, then the only way to resolve it is an amendment process that then would require all presidents to submit their tax returns.
President Donald Trump has done nothing illegal.

His lawyer's guilty plea states otherwise.

You mean the guy who lied to Congress repeatedly? Yeah, I trust that guy.

No one would trust that guy, and that's why the idea of the actually prosecuting President Trump is such a nonstarter.
Can you imagine Rudy grilling that loser Cohen on the stand?

In this case the laweyr's guilty plea is not based on his word, it's based on well proven EVIDENCE and the only reason "candidate 1" aka Trump is not headed for jail right along with his lawyer is due to the temporary fact that he is the slightly-above-the-law POTUS.

Cohen agreed to plead guilty and tell a lot of lies about his President to get a reduced sentence. His lies are the only "proof" against Trump. In either event, if there was a Trump trial, Cohen would have to testify. The Constitution gives the accused the right to call witnesses, its in the bill of rights.

Holy shit!

Trump broke a damn promise!!


Did you know Trump has been married three times, has a child out of wedlock and has been sued many times!?!

No really, so would he lie?

Of course he does but still you have no right to see his damn returns and that is the fact!

Do you understand?

Of course not!

Still refusing, why not simply agree that with which you ought to?

Because you are wrong!

You have no right to see his tax returns!!

Quote me saying I have a right to see his tax returns or retract.

Holy shit!

So why are you bitchinh about not seeing them if you do not believe you have the right to see his returns?


just because I don't have a legal right to them, does not mean that Trump shouldn't do the right thing in releasiing his tax returns. Duh.

Who the fuck said it is right or wrong to release or not to release them?

You keep on acting like it is Federal Law which it is not, so no he does not have to show you them!

Why is it so hard for those like you to understand you have no right to see them?

Just because every candidate since Nixon did it does not mean Trump has to!

Change the law and require a candidate to show his tax returns then I will agree he must but until then no!

Now you just implied you have the right to see his Tax Returns once again...
Holy shit!

Trump broke a damn promise!!


Did you know Trump has been married three times, has a child out of wedlock and has been sued many times!?!

No really, so would he lie?

Of course he does but still you have no right to see his damn returns and that is the fact!

Do you understand?

Of course not!

Still refusing, why not simply agree that with which you ought to?

Because you are wrong!

You have no right to see his tax returns!!

Quote me saying I have a right to see his tax returns or retract.

Holy shit!

So why are you bitchinh about not seeing them if you do not believe you have the right to see his returns?


Just because he is not legally required to publicise his tax-returns, does not mean that Trump shouldn't do the right thing in releasiing his tax returns. Duh.

I don't understand why you seem to keep shutting down a part of your brain when it comes to Trump.

Why is submitting his tax returns considered the "right thing" and by who other than you leftists?
My guess is for the same reason Obama wouldn't release his college transcripts.


Obama released his tax returns, while under audit by the IRS.

Good for him...

Bad for you.

Because guess what, if he gets away with it the precedent is set.


Presidents before did not release them until Nixon started it.

It amazes me how you hate the GOP but love what Nixon started...

Also you will never see Trump returns even if Congress get them, so reality sucks again!

...Nixon was a crook, hiding crooked shit in his tax returns. That is WHY we descided it was a good idea to for candidates to show them.

Trump is undoing a lot of good governing conventions out of personal expediency and you are abetting him.

Nixon was a Liberal. Liberals are typically crooks. Nixon was a crook. Proof positive.
Moot point? To 3/4 of Americans its not moot point. We want to see why he so desperately doesn't want to us to see them.

And there will be a law like that as soon as Democrats will get in power, you better belive it.

It is illegal for the IRS to disclose anyone's tax returns. If Democrats were to pass such a law, it would be struck down by the courts. Otherwise, both parties would be using the IRS as a weapon.

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