The IRS ***denies*** The House Request For DJT's Tax Returns

Obama released his tax returns, while under audit by the IRS.

Good for him...

Bad for you.

Because guess what, if he gets away with it the precedent is set.


Presidents before did not release them until Nixon started it.

It amazes me how you hate the GOP but love what Nixon started...

Also you will never see Trump returns even if Congress get them, so reality sucks again!

...Nixon was a crook, hiding crooked shit in his tax returns. That is WHY we descided it was a good idea to for candidates to show them.

Trump is undoing a lot of good governing conventions out of personal expediency and you are abetting him.

Nixon was a Liberal. Liberals are typically crooks. Nixon was a crook. Proof positive. better sit down for this one: Trump was a liberal.
Good for him...

Bad for you.

Because guess what, if he gets away with it the precedent is set.


Presidents before did not release them until Nixon started it.

It amazes me how you hate the GOP but love what Nixon started...

Also you will never see Trump returns even if Congress get them, so reality sucks again!

...Nixon was a crook, hiding crooked shit in his tax returns. That is WHY we descided it was a good idea to for candidates to show them.

Trump is undoing a lot of good governing conventions out of personal expediency and you are abetting him.

Nixon was a Liberal. Liberals are typically crooks. Nixon was a crook. Proof positive. better sit down for this one: Trump was a liberal.


Still is and just because he defeated his long time friend does not change the fact Trump has been a New York Conservative aka Liberal all this time...

You are just upset he did not help get Hillary elected like she thought he would...
Still refusing, why not simply agree that with which you ought to?

Because you are wrong!

You have no right to see his tax returns!!

Quote me saying I have a right to see his tax returns or retract.

Holy shit!

So why are you bitchinh about not seeing them if you do not believe you have the right to see his returns?


just because I don't have a legal right to them, does not mean that Trump shouldn't do the right thing in releasiing his tax returns. Duh.

Who the fuck said it is right or wrong to release or not to release them?

I did and so should you, but it seems that when it comes to Trump you are suspending the wrong-and-right valuation process in your thinking.
Trump promised to release his tax returns many many many times, he did not promise that because it was the truth, but because it was expedient. Why is it you feel it's ok to shamelessly lie to you and the rest of America like that?

Why do you not demand he keep his word, even if it's not ILLEGAL to shamelessly lie?

Because you are wrong!

You have no right to see his tax returns!!

Quote me saying I have a right to see his tax returns or retract.

Holy shit!

So why are you bitchinh about not seeing them if you do not believe you have the right to see his returns?


just because I don't have a legal right to them, does not mean that Trump shouldn't do the right thing in releasiing his tax returns. Duh.

Who the fuck said it is right or wrong to release or not to release them?

I did and so should you, but it seems that when it comes to Trump you are suspending the wrong-and-right valuation process in your head.


No, it is wrong to demand something when you have no legal right to do so. Until your political party changes the law to include tax returns you have no right to see them!

Now you implied again you have the right to see his returns and you have been told many times until the law is changed, well tough shit!
Damn soon they will be down to trying to defeat him with a democrat that acts normal and actually has an idea for running the government.

Lol can't help it I could not keep myself from almost laughing myself to death at the thought of a dem acting normal and with an idea.


“Crooked Hillary” released a decade of her tax returns when she ran. Trump is fighting tooth and nail to keep you from seeing his. Ever wonder why?

My guess is for the same reason Obama wouldn't release his college transcripts.


Obama released his tax returns, while under audit by the IRS.

Good for him...

Bad for you.

Because guess what, if he gets away with it the precedent is set. Just as the precedent will be set on obsructing justice if he gets away with that.

It's like you rightwingers WANT to be ruled by crooks.
They do. It fits with the whole conservitard world view.
Trump promised to release his tax returns many many many times, he did not promise that because it was the truth, but because it was expedient. Why is it you feel it's ok to shamelessly lie to you and the rest of America like that?

Why do you not demand he keep his word, even if it's not ILLEGAL to shamelessly lie?


Thats not why he won. He won because he is a showman who found enough dupes like you to buy his glitzy bullshit.

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Quote me saying I have a right to see his tax returns or retract.

Holy shit!

So why are you bitchinh about not seeing them if you do not believe you have the right to see his returns?


just because I don't have a legal right to them, does not mean that Trump shouldn't do the right thing in releasiing his tax returns. Duh.

Who the fuck said it is right or wrong to release or not to release them?

I did and so should you, but it seems that when it comes to Trump you are suspending the wrong-and-right valuation process in your head.


No, it is wrong to demand something when you have no legal right to do so.

No it isn't dummy. We can demand that our leaders are truthful and not lie to our face, even if it's not illegal for them to do so.

Stop being conviniently retarded.

“Crooked Hillary” released a decade of her tax returns when she ran. Trump is fighting tooth and nail to keep you from seeing his. Ever wonder why?

My guess is for the same reason Obama wouldn't release his college transcripts.


Obama released his tax returns, while under audit by the IRS.

Good for him...

Bad for you.

Because guess what, if he gets away with it the precedent is set. Just as the precedent will be set on obsructing justice if he gets away with that.

It's like you rightwingers WANT to be ruled by crooks.
They do. It fits with the whole conservitard world view.


So it is my world view according to you I want this fine nation ran by people that lie?

Hmmm, is that why I voted for Johnson?

Tell me do you actually believe Hillary Clinton was or is more honest than Trump?

Before you answer was Trump being honest when he complimented his friend Hillary Clinton when she was the First Lady and now he is a pathetic liar when he defeated her in 2016?

Sew many of you want your cake and eat it but alas the reality is you love liars just as long as they stay on the Democratic Plantation...
Yes, Trump is a womanizer, liar, charlatan, mad tweeter, and does things that normal people usually do not do and will he apologize?

As soon as you apologize for calling me a Trump supporter, which is never...

President Donald Trump has done nothing illegal. Why are you angry about his getting things done and making America better than ever?

What did I write that gave you the idea I said he did something illegal and he has been found guilty in the past of breaking the law and paid fines when he was a private citizen.

That is the fact but did he colluded with the Russians?


Does he have to show his tax returns?


Has he cheated on his wives and broken the law before while as a private citizen?

Yes and to deny that is denying reality!
Congress is not asking him for tax returns. They are asking the IRS.
Obama is gone.

Holder is gone.

Lynch is gone.

Rosenstein has a strong new boss.
Mueller filed his report.

The fact that Hillary was protected by Barry's DOJ & FBI has been exposed.

The Obama administration coup attempt has been revealed & failed.

There is no more 'top cover' for the traitors.
The tables have turned. The investigators are being investigated....

And Democrats / Liberals / snowflakes hate it....


Clinton lied about a blowjob, he appologized for those lies and asked Americans for forgiveness.

You will NEVER see me say that this lying was "moot". It's never moot, never anything but wrong.

You're a hoot. I bet you believe that former President Bill Clinton never told a lie except about Monica Lewinsky.

William Jefferson Clinton, Former President of the United States and Democrat

Sexual Assault

Women have been charging Bill Clinton with sexual assault since his days as a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford 30 years ago.

Gennifer Flowers (Unknown settlement)

Paula Jones ($850,000 settlement)

Kathleen Willey (Unknown settlement)

Juanita Broaddrick (Unknown settlement)

Monica Lewinsky….(“I did not have sex with THAT woman”)


Loss of Law License

$50,000 fine


Arkansas Gov. Jim Guy Tucker - fraud felony convictions - 3 counts (Tucker resigned facing impeachment)

Jim McDougal - fraud and conspiracy felony convictions - 18 counts

Susan McDougal - felony - 4 counts (pardoned during Clinton's last minute pardongate payoffs)

William J. Marks Sr - conspiracy

Stephen Smith - conspiracy

Larry Kuca - Fraud

Neal Ainley - 2 misdemeanors for embezzlement

David Hale - guilty plea - conspiracy

Chris Wade - felony

Whitewater real-estate investor John Haley - recent!

1998 on fraud Robert Palmer - felony for conspiracy Charles Matthews - guilty plea for bribery Eugene Fitzhugh -

Whitewater - bribery Webster Hubbell - #2 ranking Justice Dept. Official - felony for embezzlement and fraud

John Latham - CEO of Madison Bank - bank fraud Campaign

Finance: Johnny Chung - Clinton cronie - felony guilty plea - funneling money from China

Gene Lum - convicted - felony for money laundering for the DNC

Nora Lum - convicted - felony for money laundering for the DNC

Howard Glicken - guilty plea - 2 misdemeanors - funneling foreign donations

Yah Lin "Charlie" Trie - guilty plea - illegal Clinton campaign donations

John Huang - Clinton cronie - felony guilty plea - funneling money from China

Paula Jonesgate: William Jefferson Clinton - found guilty - civil contempt of court - lying under oath about material facts. The Office of the Independent

Council further presented Clinton with an agreement that had him disbarred from practicing law for 5 years and made him sign a statement admitting to his deception.

Post Administration
Sandy Bergergate Sandy Berger – Clinton National Security Adviser -- found guilty of stealing highly classified documents from the National Archive and destroying them.
Obama is gone.

Holder is gone.

Lynch is gone.

Rosenstein has a strong new boss.
Mueller filed his report.

The fact that Hillary was protected by Barry's DOJ & FBI has been exposed.

The Obama administration coup attempt has been revealed & failed.

There is no more 'top cover' for the traitors.
The tables have turned. The investigators are being investigated....

And Democrats / Liberals / snowflakes hate it....



Obama administration's track record: 0 indictments, 0 convictions.

Your nutter ass will wake up to that fact for the rest of your life.
Holy shit!

So why are you bitchinh about not seeing them if you do not believe you have the right to see his returns?


just because I don't have a legal right to them, does not mean that Trump shouldn't do the right thing in releasiing his tax returns. Duh.

Who the fuck said it is right or wrong to release or not to release them?

I did and so should you, but it seems that when it comes to Trump you are suspending the wrong-and-right valuation process in your head.


No, it is wrong to demand something when you have no legal right to do so.

No it isn't dummy. We can demand that our leaders are truthful and not lie to our face, even if it's not illegal for them to do so.

Stop being conviniently retarded.

Well let get something straight you love liars as long as they are Democrats and you forgive them easily just as long as they say sorry.

The fact is you have no right to see Trump Tax Returns and Congress will never release them and now you are just upset as can be as usual!

So cry little all you want but because you claim it is the right thing to do is just your opinion and your opinion is like mine and meaningless as can be...
Obama is gone.

Holder is gone.

Lynch is gone.

Rosenstein has a strong new boss.
Mueller filed his report.

The fact that Hillary was protected by Barry's DOJ & FBI has been exposed.

The Obama administration coup attempt has been revealed & failed.

There is no more 'top cover' for the traitors.
The tables have turned. The investigators are being investigated....

And Democrats / Liberals / snowflakes hate it....



Obama administration's track record: 0 indictemnts, 0 convictions.

You will wake up to that fact for the rest of your life.

And Yet Trump Will Never Be Impeached, and You Will Cry In Your Pillow Nightly Knowing This!
Yes, Trump is a womanizer, liar, charlatan, mad tweeter, and does things that normal people usually do not do and will he apologize?

As soon as you apologize for calling me a Trump supporter, which is never...

President Donald Trump has done nothing illegal. Why are you angry about his getting things done and making America better than ever?

What did I write that gave you the idea I said he did something illegal and he has been found guilty in the past of breaking the law and paid fines when he was a private citizen.

That is the fact but did he colluded with the Russians?


Does he have to show his tax returns?


Has he cheated on his wives and broken the law before while as a private citizen?

Yes and to deny that is denying reality!
Congress is not asking him for tax returns. They are asking the IRS.

That is true and even if the IRS hands them over most of his return information will be protected and the left will never see them.
Really man, where does this personal meddling stop? Especially in light of the fact that, granting this definitely shows political bias, why would anyone submit to this? We should never be subject to tax inquiries based on party or political preferences, or any number of other things.
Obama is gone.

Holder is gone.

Lynch is gone.

Rosenstein has a strong new boss.
Mueller filed his report.

The fact that Hillary was protected by Barry's DOJ & FBI has been exposed.

The Obama administration coup attempt has been revealed & failed.

There is no more 'top cover' for the traitors.
The tables have turned. The investigators are being investigated....

And Democrats / Liberals / snowflakes hate it....



Obama administration's track record: 0 indictemnts, 0 convictions.

You will wake up to that fact for the rest of your life.

And Yet Trump Will Never Be Impeached, and You Will Cry In Your Pillow Nightly Knowing This!

Thats a stupid ass prediction considering Trump is almost certain to be impeached in the House if he wins 2020.

It literaly takes just a vote by the Democrat majority to happen.
Thats a stupid ass prediction considering Trump is almost certain to be impeached in the House if he wins 2020. It litteraly takes just a single vote by the Democrats.
Pelosi has already said she won't allow it And that she trusts Mueller. No collusion = no Impeachment.

INNOCENT until PROVEN guilty....none proven. You FAILED.

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