The IRS ***denies*** The House Request For DJT's Tax Returns

Obama is gone.

Holder is gone.

Lynch is gone.

Rosenstein has a strong new boss.
Mueller filed his report.

The fact that Hillary was protected by Barry's DOJ & FBI has been exposed.

The Obama administration coup attempt has been revealed & failed.

There is no more 'top cover' for the traitors.
The tables have turned. The investigators are being investigated....

And Democrats / Liberals / snowflakes hate it....



Obama administration's track record: 0 indictemnts, 0 convictions.

You will wake up to that fact for the rest of your life.

And Yet Trump Will Never Be Impeached, and You Will Cry In Your Pillow Nightly Knowing This!

Thats a stupid ass prediction considering Trump is almost certain to be impeached in the House if he wins 2020.

If Trump win in 2020 what are the Chances the House Stays Blue?

What will he be impeached for?

Not showing his Tax Returns to you?

Collusion that Muller killed?

Obstruction is your only hope and that is fading soon...

Now those like you said he would be impeached all this time and as time marches on he has not been impeached...

Also let say Democrats retain the House do you believe Pelosi is that stupid?

No, she is smarter than you and has proven that many times.

Trump will never be impeached.
President Donald Trump has done nothing illegal.

His lawyer's guilty plea states otherwise.

Sorry, that's not true. If any of my attorneys or CPA do something illegal, that's on them, not on me.

It is 100% true. Trump is an un-indicted co-conspirator in the case Cohen pled guilty to and is headed to jail for.

Oh lard!

Alright, will Bush and Cheney be impeached at the same time and taken to the Hague?

My point??

Simple, those like you made the same claims about impeachment against Bush and claimed once Democrats had power Bush was good as gone, but as we all know Pelosi told those like you to shut up and sit down...
Holy shit!

Trump broke a damn promise!!


Did you know Trump has been married three times, has a child out of wedlock and has been sued many times!?!

No really, so would he lie?

Of course he does but still you have no right to see his damn returns and that is the fact!

Do you understand?

Of course not!

Still refusing, why not simply agree that with which you ought to?

Because you are wrong!

You have no right to see his tax returns!!

Quote me saying I have a right to see his tax returns or retract.

Holy shit!

So why are you bitchinh about not seeing them if you do not believe you have the right to see his returns?


Just because he is not legally required to publicise his tax-returns, does not mean that Trump shouldn't do the right thing in releasing them. Duh.

I don't understand why you seem to keep shutting down a part of your brain when it comes to Trump.

If it's not required, not releasing them is neither right or wrong. Just in you skewed political view is it wrong.

Obama is gone.

Holder is gone.

Lynch is gone.

Rosenstein has a strong new boss.
Mueller filed his report.

The fact that Hillary was protected by Barry's DOJ & FBI has been exposed.

The Obama administration coup attempt has been revealed & failed.

There is no more 'top cover' for the traitors.
The tables have turned. The investigators are being investigated....

And Democrats / Liberals / snowflakes hate it....



Obama administration's track record: 0 indictemnts, 0 convictions.

You will wake up to that fact for the rest of your life.

And Yet Trump Will Never Be Impeached, and You Will Cry In Your Pillow Nightly Knowing This!

Thats a stupid ass prediction considering Trump is almost certain to be impeached in the House if he wins 2020.

If Trump win in 2020 what are the Chances the House Stays Blue?

What will he be impeached for?

He can be impeached for just about anything Democrats will say he ought to be impeached for. The legal standard is wide open and with a pathological liar and anything-goes opportunist like Trump you don't have to look very far.
Theres a slim chance that congress can get his tax returns but it will end up taking the supreme court to make a decision in favor of congress after who knows how much litigation in lower courts and Appeals.
And even then they can only be viewed in a closed session .
This will all have democrats heads popping like the aliens in mars attacks as they cry and sob and suffer trump derangement syndrome erectile dysfunction and extreme butt hurt.
It could affect a entire generation of democrats resulting in no birth of new nut bar voter morons..

However in the times leading up to that we will have numerous delusional theroys as the form circular firing squads across the nation and cry 8m butt hurt dam it and its trumps fault
His lawyer's guilty plea states otherwise.

You mean the guy who lied to Congress repeatedly? Yeah, I trust that guy.

No one would trust that guy, and that's why the idea of the actually prosecuting President Trump is such a nonstarter.
Can you imagine Rudy grilling that loser Cohen on the stand?

In this case the laweyr's guilty plea is not based on his word, it's based on well proven EVIDENCE and the only reason "candidate 1" aka Trump is not headed for jail right along with his lawyer is due to the temporary fact that he is the slightly-above-the-law POTUS.

Cohen agreed to plead guilty and tell a lot of lies about his President to get a reduced sentence. His lies are the only "proof" against Trump. In either event, if there was a Trump trial, Cohen would have to testify. The Constitution gives the accused the right to call witnesses, its in the bill of rights.


Nothing illegal about executing an NDA, congress critters did it on the taxpayers dime to hide their shit.

Obama is gone.

Holder is gone.

Lynch is gone.

Rosenstein has a strong new boss.
Mueller filed his report.

The fact that Hillary was protected by Barry's DOJ & FBI has been exposed.

The Obama administration coup attempt has been revealed & failed.

There is no more 'top cover' for the traitors.
The tables have turned. The investigators are being investigated....

And Democrats / Liberals / snowflakes hate it....



Obama administration's track record: 0 indictemnts, 0 convictions.

You will wake up to that fact for the rest of your life.

And Yet Trump Will Never Be Impeached, and You Will Cry In Your Pillow Nightly Knowing This!

Thats a stupid ass prediction considering Trump is almost certain to be impeached in the House if he wins 2020.

If Trump win in 2020 what are the Chances the House Stays Blue?

What will he be impeached for?

He can be impeached for just about anything Democrats will say he ought to be impeached for. The legal standard is wide open and with a pathological liar and anything-goes opportunist like Trump you don't have to look very far.

So him hurting your feelings is all they need...

So I am correct Pelosi is smarter than you...
Still refusing, why not simply agree that with which you ought to?

Why should he "ought too"? Is he accused of tax evasion? NO. Given all the times he has been audited, don't you think he'd have been charged with tax evasion before now?

Now why did you have to write that?

You know very well the left does not care if Trump has never been found guilty of Tax Evasion before they now believe he is guilty and will prove Obama IRS was negligent of their duties back then...
Obama is gone.

Holder is gone.

Lynch is gone.

Rosenstein has a strong new boss.
Mueller filed his report.

The fact that Hillary was protected by Barry's DOJ & FBI has been exposed.

The Obama administration coup attempt has been revealed & failed.

There is no more 'top cover' for the traitors.
The tables have turned. The investigators are being investigated....

And Democrats / Liberals / snowflakes hate it....



Obama administration's track record: 0 indictemnts, 0 convictions.

You will wake up to that fact for the rest of your life.

And Yet Trump Will Never Be Impeached, and You Will Cry In Your Pillow Nightly Knowing This!

Thats a stupid ass prediction considering Trump is almost certain to be impeached in the House if he wins 2020.

It literaly takes just a vote by the Democrat majority to happen.

What makes you think you'll still have a majority in 2021?

Holy shit!

Trump broke a damn promise!!


Did you know Trump has been married three times, has a child out of wedlock and has been sued many times!?!

No really, so would he lie?

Of course he does but still you have no right to see his damn returns and that is the fact!

Do you understand?

Of course not!

Still refusing, why not simply agree that with which you ought to?

Because you are wrong!

You have no right to see his tax returns!!

Quote me saying I have a right to see his tax returns or retract.

Holy shit!

So why are you bitchinh about not seeing them if you do not believe you have the right to see his returns?


Just because he is not legally required to publicise his tax-returns, does not mean that Trump shouldn't do the right thing in releasing them. Duh.

I don't understand why you seem to keep shutting down a part of your brain when it comes to Trump.
Trump does not do the right thing. He does what he wants to do as long as his lawyers tell him he can get away with it. He refuses to pay contractors if there's a defect in the contract. The work is immaterial. In his early days he bought run down apartment buildings, forced owners out and rebuilt the building and sold the units as luxury apartments, all perfectly legal.

As his old buddy and lawyer Harry Cohn told him, "Donald use the law to fuck'em" and that is exactly what he has done for years. When residents around his exclusive golf course in Scotland refused to sell him their homes, he build a wall blocking their view of the ocean which destroyed their property value. Then he sent them a bill for the wall and took them to court to force them to pay for it. The owners sold out to Trump's at his price since the water view of the property was gone. Later after he had their property he tore the top of wall off restoring the water view and was able to sell the property for top dollar, all perfectly legal. This is the real Donald Trump.

In Scotland, Trump Built a Wall. Then He Sent Residents the Bill.
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Good for him...

Bad for you.

Because guess what, if he gets away with it the precedent is set.


Presidents before did not release them until Nixon started it.

It amazes me how you hate the GOP but love what Nixon started...

Also you will never see Trump returns even if Congress get them, so reality sucks again!

...Nixon was a crook, hiding crooked shit in his tax returns. That is WHY we descided it was a good idea to for candidates to show them.

Trump is undoing a lot of good governing conventions out of personal expediency and you are abetting him.

Nixon was a Liberal. Liberals are typically crooks. Nixon was a crook. Proof positive. better sit down for this one: Trump was a liberal.
Trump was never liberal or conservative. Trump will be whatever he has to be, say whatever he has to say, and do whatever he has to do to get what wants. In this case, it was the presidency.

“There's a sucker born every minute.”
― P.T. Barnum
Nobody is surprised. The request had to be made and denied before it could go to court. It's no where near over.

Have you considered that if he is forced to have them released that the House cannot use them as evidence in any impeachment case?

Maybe the smart thing to do if there were something nefarious in those returns to drop them in Nadler's lap, so he can fondle them for his pleasure and then they will be useless as they cannot be used as evidence.
Still refusing, why not simply agree that with which you ought to?

Because you are wrong!

You have no right to see his tax returns!!

Quote me saying I have a right to see his tax returns or retract.

Holy shit!

So why are you bitchinh about not seeing them if you do not believe you have the right to see his returns?


Just because he is not legally required to publicise his tax-returns, does not mean that Trump shouldn't do the right thing in releasing them. Duh.

I don't understand why you seem to keep shutting down a part of your brain when it comes to Trump.
Trump does not do the right thing. He does what he wants to do as long as his lawyers tell him he can get away with it. He refuses to pay contractors if there's a defect in the contract. The work is immaterial. In his early days he bought run down apartment buildings, force owners out and rebuilt the building and sold the units as luxury apartments, all perfectly legal.

As his old buddy and lawyer Harry Cohn told him, "Donald use the law to fuck'em" and that is exactly what he has done for years. When residents around his exclusive golf course in Scotland refused to sell him their homes, he build a wall blocking their view of the ocean which destroyed their property value. Then he sent them a bill for the wall and took them to court to force them to pay for it. The owners sold out to Trump's at his price since the water view of the property was gone. Later after he had their property he tore the top of wall off restoring the water view and was able to sell the property for top dollar, all perfectly legal. This is the real Donald Trump.

In Scotland, Trump Built a Wall. Then He Sent Residents the Bill.

Welcome to the world of the hardball real estate/development business. It is a blood sport and not for the feint of heart. An expensive lesson I learned decades ago and probably why I never got into commercial real estate in a big way.

Did Donald Trump do anything illegal?

Aren't you glad he is negotiating on our side?
Trump was never liberal or conservative. Trump will be whatever he has to be, say whatever he has to say, and do whatever he has to do to get what wants. In this case, it was the presidency.

“There's a sucker born every minute.”
― P.T. Barnum



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